Bounded by the grey thread of...

By Jasmine_The_Fox

132 0 0

Jas was in a coma, Donnie was broken from the news as he doesn't want her to die, Leo and Nova's relationship... More

The fear
A light
New power awakened
The planned call
The plan begins
His return
The search
Resting and Epilogue


20 0 0
By Jasmine_The_Fox

Mikey's point of view.

It was hard, Jas was still in that coma and none of us knew what to do, Leatherhead comes in trying to reason with Don in letting Jas go but even I knew that wasn't the answer since he wanted her to see there daughter Riko who tried to wake her own mother up with her cries but failed as Kat came over to me with Riko in her arms "She tried to crawl to the lab where Donnie was working" she said making me nod, Kat was worried for Jas like I was at the moment for everyone but we couldn't do everything even if we tried to do so as she tried to make Riko take her baby formula "Do you think she'll wake up soon?" she asked me as I smile "I bet she's gonna wake up at any minute from now" I claimed making her smile softly as Raph came in as Riko fussed "I'll get her to eat, I need to give her a bath anyways" he said making Kat nod as he takes her and halfway from us "You might be right little brother" I heard him say before leaving us be.

"WHERE IS SHE!?" the sound of Jimmy walking into the lair with Mila right behind him in anger and worry for Jas as he must have been told by Leatherhead about her condition, the sound of my buddy telling Jimmy of the options and then Donnie and Jim fighting made me know that Jim decided to let Jas die and Donnie was refusing as Mila pushed them all out of the lab to try and talk things out, Leo and Nova came in with worry as Raph held a sobbing Riko as Jim turned and stomped over to her and Raph "This is this things fault! Jas wouldn't be put to rest if it weren't for her being born!" he claimed as Raph stomped to the lab with Riko as Kat moved closer to my side, she was three weeks pregnant of my child as we started to date about a month after she and the girls came to our world and she was happy for this but we never told anyone because of everything that happened up to now.

"GUYS!!" Raph's yells made us all go into the lab to see Jas waking up slowly making Don yell to us all to get out so he could examine her, we did so as Kat felt joy for this while Jim kept claiming that Riko should have never been born in the first place as we all decided he should never come back making Mila sigh in despair to what Jim caused, they left with Leatherhead as me and Kat turned to the others as Donnie slowly walked out with a slightly trembling Jas as she tried to keep standing as she tried to walk around and towards the kitchen counter where she would be able to feed Riko on her own making Jas smile as Raph helped her a bit as Donnie went with Nova to cook diner as Jas turned to Kat with a raised brow "Kat are you alright?" she asked as she blushed and had a hard time to say her words making Jas giggle a bit "She's three weeks pregnant actually" I said making Kat blush even more to my action as everyone cheered for us while Raph simply smiled at me but I knew it was because he still wasn't with anyone.

Jas still was a bit weak, but she tried her best to keep on moving until Don took her in his arms to get her to there room and then came back for Riko "What about her precure charm? It's broken" I said making Donnie look down as even he didn't know what to do about it all right now, even so we all agreed to get some rest for now and I felt like someone was watching us making me keep close to Kat for now as my worries weren't settled because even in bed I felt like we were watched as I wondered why and all it was me and Kat, even so we all went to sleep as the sound of Angelica's laughter woke me up in fear of something bad was to happen as then the sudden sound of Jas screaming all of a sudden made everyone wake up and go see her to understand what was wrong.

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