Dating Agency

By grandphajunmyeonnie

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She found her love on her own job... (c) Csette for the cover <3 More

Chapter 1: First Request
Chapter 2 : Ideal choice?
Chapter 4: From DIRTY to CLEAN

Chapter 3: Tomomi's date ending

157 12 14
By grandphajunmyeonnie

Chapter 3

The steam flew through the air. Fortunately no one died, it was justa car accident. Mami's car was smashed in the front only. It wasn't a huge disaster at all.  The steam was moving in the air fast.

-Hey! Look where are you driving! -yelled Mami, but she actually knew that it was only her fault that this happened.

-I'm sorry... I didn't want to spoil your car.. give me your phone number and I'll fix it as soon as it's possible.. -he smiled. Suddenly Mami stared at him with an opened mouth, -You..!! -She exclaimed happily and started dancing around the boy. 

-What's wrong?

-hmmm.. I know you're alone now.. aren't you? -Mami started winking and hitting her shoulder softly at his. She was winking her eye like it was burning or something fell in it.

-What are you doing?

-"Is he dumb?!" -Actually I was winking.. hahaha..

-Do I know you?

-No, but I know you from a faaaar! -Mami started giggling.

-From a far?

-It doesn't matter! Come on and host me in the resturant, actually it's your fault that my car is spoiler now! -She dragged boy's arm and threw him in his own car in front of the wheel. 

-Where are we going?

-In the best resturant! -exclaimed Mami and hang the trap on her belly.

Half of the way they were silent, but the boy abolished this silence. He was amazed that Mami wasn't talking anymore. 

-So, what's your name? 

-Why do you care? -Mami's temper has changed suddenly,

-Just, I have to know who I am sitting with in my own car, right? -he smiled and looked at Mami's eyes for aminute.



-Not important for you to know!

-Okay, then I'll introduce my self. I'm Hiro Nakamura, 25 years old.

-"You're in a trap baby! Yay!" -Mami whispered suddenly and started waving her hands like a crazy in the air.


-Nothing, nothing.. Why did we stop? ride!

-We're on the palce already..- he laughed and went out from the car. Then he came to Mami's door and opened it too. -You're welcome..-said Hiro, when Mami went out of the car and didn't say anything.

-Let's sit here! -Mami pointed at the table in the corner of the room. 

-Why there? Let's sit in the centre.

-Nope, it's more romantic and when I say that I want there it means we're going to sit there. -yelled Mami and ran to the table and put the bag on it. 

-Okay.. -said Hiro and sat down at the table.

-Umm.. I have to go to the toilet, don't wait for me,, order some cookies. -said Mami and prepared to run.


"cookies? To order cookies when you are in a huge resturant?! Weird..I'm in a cavil..gosh..."

Mami ran to the main door and took out the phone from her pocket.

-"Where is that number!!" -She was typing like a mad on the keyboard of the mobile. "Finally!!" -Tomomi, quickly ran here!

-Wha..Whaat? -Tomomi had a voice of a person, who was in the middle of sweet sleep. -Who's calling?

-It's Mami! Come here quickly! 

-Where here?

-In the resturant "Love & Peace", it's near your magazine building.


-I found him! I crashed into him on the road with a car! 

-Really? Oh my.. I'm coming! Wait for me! I'll be there in 10 minutes!! -Tomomi shouted in the phone and Mami dropped it with a pride face. -I'm genius! haha!

She was standing near the door, outside for 20 minutes or more, by the time she was looking through the window on the Hiro, who was staring at his watches. 

-Mami! Mami! -she finally heard a voice of Tomomi. She was running across the street.


Tomomi ran to Mami and started staring her own clothes.

-You look amazing! brilliant! now just go inside! 

-Firstable show me him.. -whispered Tomomi while she was searching for him in the huge room.

-That's him.. -Mami pointed at Hiro, sitting in the corner. He had brown big eyes and short black hair, he was tall, with a beautiful straight nose and bigger than normal lips.

-And you woke up me for THIS? You call him a prince? He has to have minimum a car and I'm not talking about the white horse! 

-Well, actually he has a car.. there! -she pointed at a white car on the parking.

-This jogged tinned?

-That's not a tinned! -Mami's nerves were getting mad.

-And did he has a botox on his lips or what?

-I'll show you botox! -yelled Mami and punched Tomomi's shoulders so hard that she straightly flew into the room.

-Wha.. Wha.,..Wait!! -she was shouting but it was too late, she crashed Hiro's table. -I'm okay, I'm okay...-she started cleaning her skirt. At that time Hiro was staring at her and smiling. 

-Why are you smiling like an idiot?

-Just so.. I have a smile like this..

-Than you're idiot.. -answered Tomomi and sat down in front of him.

-By the way, where's Mami?


-Really? Did she leave her car outside? 

-Yes, why do you care?

-hahaha, you're talking exactly like Mami.

-Don't compare me to her! -Tomomi was going to leave, when the waiter brought a huge plate of cookies.

-CO...CO..COO..COOKIES!! ! ! -She  attacked a waiter and the plate of cookies witha huge sticks.

-haha.. you love them so much?

-LOVE? I would marry them if they were humans! -she was talking and eating at the same time. Her mouth was full of "food". She swallowed a huge cooki and than started picking her teeth. She thought that, this kind of actions would make Hiro leave and dislike her.  -You know, I love reading stories for kids.. -she said while she was picking her teeth.

-Really? Me too. I also write them.. -he smiled.

-WHUT?! -Tomomi threw a piece of the cookie on Hiro's forehead accidently.

-Oh my gosh! -Mami hit her forehead hard. -What the hell is she doing?! I'm leaving! I don't mind! -she yelled at herself, pulled out the microphone from the ear and left.

Tomomi's heart got milder. She smiled..:

-I think we can understand each other.. -she whispered and stared at Hiro's huge and beautiful eyes.

-Me too..-he smiled back and stared at Tomomi's beautiful face. -I like how you ate all the cookies, you were eating like a beaver.. -laughed Hiro.

-Stop talking about that! I'm ashamed! 

-Okay, Okay.

Tomomi stared at Hiro's forehead. She wasn't winking at all:

-What's wrong? -Tomomi pointed with her finger on his head.

-Do I have something in my hair?

-Not in the hair... -Timo stood up and cleaned Hiro's forehead with a handkerchief.

-Thanks, but anyway what was that?

-Nevermind.. nothing... -Tomomi breathed out.. "Phew...I'm safe..." - She smiled to Hiro and he did the same.

That evening, Mami did't get any message from Tomomi or Hiro.

-Probably, Tomomi slapped his face and left or just pulled the cookies on his head... -she thought. But after three days, when Mami was in the bathroom, brushing her teeth, a mobile phone rang, that was on the next side of the waash-stand.

-What? who can it be? -she mumbled while her brush with a teeth jelly inside. She took her mobile. It was a message from Tomomi:

"Dear Mami!

I'm inviting you in my and Hiro's wedding . I really hope that you'll find time to come.

Today at 5PM in the main Wedding Hall.. You can find it with an enormous garden outside with white roses.

With love, Tomomi"

-WHUT?! - Mami's teeth brush stuck in her mouth and she swallowed the jelly too. -What the.. They're going to marry?! 

She ran into her bedroom, opened a woredroab and stared at the clothes.  Finally when she spent more than 20 minutes in watching at the clothes she finally chose short black dress and red shoes with high heels. She put them on and stand in front of the mirror:

-Mami, you're brilliant! Tomomi has to get marry and you have to walk alone? Not fair!! -she laughed and left the house. 

The wedding hall was very easy to find, but even it was so, she was late on the ceremony. When she entered  the ceremony hall, Tomomi was standing at the alter alone, everyone was worrying. 

"Where is he? He "threw" her?" thought Mami, when a white horse ran into the building.

-Oh my! -exlcaimed Mami and stared at Hiro on the top of the horse. Tomomi was jumping from maddness and amazement. Her beautiful white dress was waving on the floor, she even threw her bunch of flowers strightly to Mami. 

Hiro jumped off of the horse and put the ring on Tomomi's finger. Timo did the same and before the priest allowed them to kiss, Hiro did it before these words. Then he took Tomomi in his hands and they both sat on the horse and left. The crowd in the hall was clapping and laughing, but Mami was staring at the opened gates like a statue. 

Suddenly a message on her phone woke her up. 

"Aoyama. Boss"

-What does he needs now?

"You have  a new job."

-YAY!!! -exclaimed Mami and hardly ran out of the building on her red shoes with high heels.


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