Double Down Demons (A Ghost A...

By Ghostmeerkat78

61.2K 1.8K 360

Tracy, a huge Ghost Adventures fan finds herself thrown in the thick of it. Both a passionate relationship an... More

Chapter One: Fangirl special.
Chapter 2: Video call to arms
Chapter 3: The ghostbusters have landed.
Chapter 4: Getting to know you
Chapter 5: Sensitive sleepover
Chapter 6: Breakfast of champions
Chapter 7: Nervous beginnings
Chapter 8: Only choking
Chapter 9: Silent chill
Chapter 10: Revelations and invitations
Chapter 11: Bedtime story
Chapter 12: Day dream believer
Chapter 13: Flick a switch
Chapter 14: Cool beginnings
Chapter 15: Gaol house shock
Chapter 16: Communication station
Chapter 17: Getting comfortable
Chapter 18: Big brother Billy
Chapter 19: Flirtation station
Chapter 20: Plane flying, plain speaking
Chapter 21: Woo the girl
Chapter 22: Date done good
Chapter 23: Electric premonition
Chapter 24: Calm before the electric storm
Chapter 25: Setting the trap
Chapter 26: Cross hatch
Chapter 27: Aftershocks and coming down
Chapter 28: Band aid Bagans
Chapter 29: Nightmare in Room 395
Chapter 30: Come undone.
Chapter 31: Support
Chapter 32: Watching as it all goes down
Chapter 33: Time for reflection
Chapter 34: The voice of a demon
Chapter 35: Lap dogs and bitches
Chapter 36: The Wise words of Aaron Goodwin
Chapter 37: Making up is hard to do
Chapter 38: Celebrate good times
Chapter 39: Taking control
Chapter 40: The morning after
Chapter 41: Simply meant to be
Chapter 42: Casper encounters
Chapter 43: Beneath the surface
Chapter 44: Its twins!
Chapter 45: Living the dream
Chapter 46: Roots and branches
Chapter 47: A pain in Zak's arse
Chapter 48: Promises, patience and self control
Chapter 49: Pre party primping
Chapter 50: Fantastic Phantasm
Chapter 51: Sir starts his lesson
Chapter 52: All of me
Chapter 53: Super fantastic awesome day
Chapter 54: Uneasy welcome
Chapter 55: Internal struggle
Chapter 56: Pushing him
Chapter 57: Breaking point
Chapter 58: Tunnel of terror
Chapter 59: Apologies and explanations
Chapter 60: Feelings
Chapter 61: Beware the bite of the wolfman
Chapter 62: Possession
Chapter 63: Bringing faith
Chapter 64: Battle of wills
Chapter 65: Sweet release of a deep connection
Chapter 66: Pleasing teasing
Chapter 67:Home coming
Chapter 68: Dessert
Chapter 69: Hatchi ups the ante
Chapter 70: Mood swings
Chapter 71: Fighting fear
Chapter 72: The big reveal
Chapter 73: Reasons to believe
Chapter 74: You're so vain, I bet you think this story is about you
Chapter 75: Jay Wasley's wisdom
Chapter 76: Jokes and jealousy
Chapter 77: Welcoming witch
Chapter 78: You're a witch Tracy
Chapter 79: Darkness and light
Chapter 80: A demon's motives
Chapter 81: The obsidian blade
Chapter 82: Where are the Winchesters when you need them?
Chapter 83: Fight the good fight
Chapter 84: Severed
Chapter 85: Awakening
Chapter 86: No secrets
Chapter 87: Life's too short to keep a secret.
Chapter 89: Kiss the waves
Chapter 90: Take off at Appollo Bay
Chapter 91: You get what you give
Chapter 92: From dusk til dawn
Chapter 93: Creature feature
Chapter 94: The pleasure of the prey
Chapter 95: Last night come down
Chapter 96: Boys do cry
Chapter 97: Beautiful goodbye
Author's note

Chapter 88: Bare naked laddies

468 12 10
By Ghostmeerkat78

I had crashed early, before Aaron had even returned from his beach stroll with Rufus. Zak had stayed up just long enough to make sure Aaron had all he needed and was comfortable then joined me in bed. Both of us were wiped out after the day's events, we'd been on one hell of a ride and though neither of us had admitted it, the whole experience had been harrowing. In sleep we drew comfort from each other, entwined so closely it was difficult to decipher whose limbs was whose. Yet we slept deeply and soundly, free from demonic nightmares and oppression. I woke slowly as the room lightened with the breaking of dawn. I'm not usually an early riser but with 10 hours of solid sleep I was feeling refreshed and relaxed for the first time in weeks. I wasn't in any rush to move however as I was content in enjoying the view in front of me. Zak was still fast asleep, his arm flung over my waist, his leg resting on my hip and thigh and his face turned towards me. He looked so peaceful as a small sigh left his full lips and his long dark eyelashes fluttered against his cheek as he dreamed. I couldn't stop myself from running my fingers through his mussed hair, he didn't wake but the smile that played on his lips mimicked my own. I continued to watch him for a while until he shifted and I was able to shuffle out of bed without waking him.

Throwing Zak's hoodie on over my pjs I padded quietly past Aaron who was sound asleep on the couch. I found Rufus curled up with him, he was going to miss his new friends as much as I was. I quietly picked up my laptop and poured myself some juice and take it out to the back deck. Setting my glass down I booted up my computer and quickly found what I was looking for, after a few clicks it was all set. I took a long hot shower, dressed and took Rufus for a walk to the deli to get some breakfast for us all. Walking through the door with fresh coffee was enough to rouse Aaron from the couch.

"Good morning sasquatch!" I grin at him as he stretches and groans under the comforter.

"You have the most comfortable couch ever!" He greets me with his hands still stretched above his head.

"Well you're always welcome to it as long as you don't mind sharing." I chortle as Rufus climbs up on top of him to say hello. "Any sign of sleeping beauty?" I set his coffee down for him.

"Nup, still snoring away as far as I know."

"Ok, well I'll go wake him while you make yourself decent." I go to walk away but quickly give the hair on his exposed leg a quick tug as I walk by, I couldn't resist, it was ripe for the picking! He squealed in a high pitch that I never thought possible from Mr gruff voice himself. This caused Rufus to jump all over him in excitement and he hid under the duvet trying to fend off Rufus' kisses. Cackling I left them to wrestle , I deposited the breakfast goodies on the kitchen counter and went to raise Zak.

I find Zak still asleep, cocooned in the covers with just his face poking out he looked like the most adorable caterpillar I had ever seen. After taking a sneaky photo I knelt down next to the bed and stroke his cheek with my fingertips.

"Get out of bed sleepyhead." I sang softly. His eyes blinked slowly as he got accustomed to the morning glow. The vibrancy and variation in their colour still caught me unawares and took my breath away. This morning they were particularly beautiful, predominantly a shade of deep blue grey with the thinnest halo of golden hazel around the large pupils. I lost track of time as I lost myself in them until Zak spoke.

"Good morning beautiful." He greeted me in his husky morning voice that had the heat stirring in my belly. Trying to ignore it I lean forward and lay my lips on his moulding my mouth to him, enjoying his warmth in the chill of the morning.

"Hello you, I hope you slept well, its time to get up." I smile at him.

"I slept amazingly!" He marvelled as he sat up, the covers falling from his body revealing his sculpted torso. My eyes betrayed me and followed the path the covers took and enjoyed every line and contour of his defined muscles. I remembered myself and tore my gaze quickly back to his to find him grinning at me bringing a flush to my face.

"Oh shut up!" I throw the small stuffed giraffe that sat on my dresser at him but he was quick and snatched it out of the air before it hit him and he grinned even wider. "Go take a shower and get your sinfully sexy arse ready, there's breakfast to be eaten and then we have places to be." Before he had the chance to ask any questions or before I got distracted by his sexy butt I was out of the door.

I went back to the kitchen to grab my coffee to find Aaron stood there in just his jeans. Now under his geeky t-shirts Mr Goodwin is hiding a well kept secret. I tried my hardest not to stare but I couldn't help noticing that he was worth noticing if you catch my drift, and I did take notice of his lithe frame stood before me. I covered my eyes with my hand and turned away.

"Oh my god! What is it with the half naked sexy men around here?!" I pretend to complain but turn to wink at him. Aaron takes the opportunity to throw some comedy body building poses which have me in fits of laughter. I didn't even hear Zak come out of the bedroom and not until he slipped his arms around my waist from behind did I realise he was there.

"You better not be trying to steal my woman!" He joked with Aaron.

"I just don't know how she can resist this fine specimen of manhood." Aaron countered as he pulls another pose with silly face to match. "Phew! I've worked up a sweat! Mind if I take a shower?"

"Towels are in the cupboard." I splutter as he struts past us. Zak nuzzles into my neck quickly turning my laughter into a soft moan.

"Quit distracting me Bagans and get eating, we have places to be." I admonish him.

"Oh yeah like where?"

"Its a surprise, but pack for two nights, we're going on a road trip!"

Yep that was a totally gratuitous picture of Zak and Aaron half're welcome! :D

Thank you as always for all the comments and votes, i love hearing what you have to say and seeing that you're still enjoying the tale! I never thought it would be this long or so well received. 

Just as a heads up the next few chapters are going to be pure unadulterated fluff and filth so if that's not your thing you may wanna give them a miss. For the rest of you smoosh and smut lovers, enjoy!   ;P  *GM*

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