Ebony. (GirlxGirl.)

By angelicliterature

40.5K 1.7K 168

Ebony Jean and Honey Alvarez come from two different backgrounds, but one of them keep it a deep dark secret... More

Chapter one.
Chapter two.
Chapter three.
Chapter four.
Chapter six.
Chapter seven.
Chapter eight.
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter five.

3.3K 132 12
By angelicliterature


"Oh Honey, I had such a wonderful night.'' Ebony breathed as we walked out of the gym. Homecoming was fantastic. We danced and had fun all night, although I noticed Ebony's hesitation with showing affection to me in public.

It's okay, though.

I'll wait as long as she needs.

I stared into her brown eyes, breaking my gaze when someone called my name.

''Honey!'' Tasha exclaimed, running toward Ebony and I. She glared down at Ebony, before looking up at me.

''I didn't see you at all night!'' Tasha breathed, biting her lip. I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes, instead smiling down at Ebony.

''I've been with Ebony all night. We were here, why didn't you come say hi?'' I asked. She looked between us, the flirtatious grin dropping off her face.

''I wasn't aware you two were a thing..?'' She breathed, her voice rising slightly at the end of her statement.

''I wasn't aware it was any of your business.'' I snapped. She stepped back in shock. I gave her a daring look, waiting for her to say something else. Tasha obviously had a thing for me, and she somehow convinced everyone that we were a thing. But we aren't.


I looked at Ebony who seemed to pull away from me slightly, her tired eyes indicating it was time to head home.


"Oh baby, you look exhausted. Let's get you home." I breathed, kissing her forehead. I watched as her eyes fluttered closed and she nodded, shooting Tasha a sympathetic smile, before getting inside the uber I've ordered for us.

I watched as she drifted to sleep on my shoulder, gripping the end of my shirt for dear life as she snores lowly. My thoughts were racing as I watched her eyelids jump.

There's just something about her that makes me never want to lose her. I want her with me all the time. But I'm scared of hurting her. I don't want to hurt her. I never want to see her cry. Ever. Especially because of me.

We reached her house and I lifted her up, carrying her upstairs.

"Baby?" I asked.

"Hm?" She hummed, sleepily, her eyes closed as she sat on the bed, trying not to lay down.

"I know you're tired, but stay sitting up for a second so I can take care of you." I breathed. She nodded, yawning, her small chocolate face so innocent. Like a tired child who had the time of her life. My heart fluttered and the butterflies in my stomach were crazy as I analyzed her beautiful face.

God, what is she doing to me?

I tried pushing away the strong emotions I felt, swallowing the ball in my throat as I bent down to take her shoes off. I unzipped her heels and pulled them off, caressing her ankles. I heard soft snoring and looked up to see her sleeping while sitting up and I giggled lowly, covering my mouth. I stood and unzipped her dress, pulling it off her body.

"Mommy?" She asked, drowsily. I chuckled and kissed her forehead.

"No baby, its honey."

Her eyes fluttered open and she blushed, covering her face.

"Just stay there." I stated, scurrying to the bathroom. I grabbed a washcloth, and her hair bonnet. I wet the washcloth with warm water and grabbed her makeup remover wipes before walking back into the bedroom. She was curled up in a ball on the bed in her underwear, her soft breathing indicating she fell asleep again.

"Ebony, sit up for a second." I breathed. She groaned and sat up, yawning again. I wiped her makeup off her face, before running the wet washcloth on her face and neck to make sure all the makeup was off. Her bare face was beautiful and it made my heart swell. I wrapped her hair in a ponytail and put her bonnet over her head, before leaning down to kiss her, softly.

"Go to sleep now, my love. I'll be here with you in the morning." I breathed. She nodded, cuddling into her bed. I pushed her duvet over her body and she moaned, touching my hand.

"What is It?" I asked. She leaned up slightly and puckered her lips, causing me to chuckle. I leaned over and kissed her sweetly, kissing her once more, before pulling away.

"Come to bed with me." She breathed.

"I'll be with you soon. I was going to go smoke."

"Smoke in here. I don't want you outside by yourself at this time. Please." She pleaded, her voice so gentle and sweet I couldn't say no. My heart melted and I nodded, taking off my clothes until I was in my boxers and sports bra. I rolled up and opened up a window, before sitting back down on the bed.

As I lit my spliff, I thought about Ebony. Although she's sleeping right next to me, I couldn't stop thinking about her. Everything she does, everything she says, even when she breathes just takes me in. Is this what it feels like to fall in love with someone?

I hope it does.


I woke up to the feeling of someone crushing me. I groaned and opened my eyes to see honey snoring on top of my chest, her hair covering my body. I touched her head softly, running my fingers through her beautiful curls.

Last night was amazing. I've never had so much fun with someone, before. We danced and laughed and messed around and it was such a nice experience. Though, I knew she detected my hesitation about showing her affection in public. I hope she understands why. I'm just not ready to be exclusive. I still have an eternal battle to deal with, as well as my mom whenever she comes back.

But I don't even care at this moment as I stared at the sleeping girl. She looked so beautiful and peaceful and I never wanted that to end. She's been through too much and I want her to be able to feel okay around me. I want to be her sanctuary.

She twisted around, inhaling deeply before stretching her body. Her eyes fluttered open, her deep emeralds staring up at me. I smiled, caressing her cheek.

"Good morning, honey." I grinned. She smiled, kissing my stomach.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." She chuckled. I blushed, remembering how exhausted I was last night.

"Breakfast?" I asked her.

"I can order something."

"No..I'll make something it's okay." I breathed. She looked up at me, her eyes filled with adoration and..love?

I've never been in love, before, but I do know that I feel something for Honey. But is it love?

"Okay. I'll assist you." She grinned. I shrugged, sinking back into my covers and closing my eyes.

I needed time to think about this. Is she good for me? Am I good for her? Am I willing to risk it all for Honey?

"I'm going to go take a shower." I breathed, sitting up. She smirked, looking at me from between her lashes.

"May I join you?" She asked, licking her lips. I felt my body react to the thought of her being in the shower with me, my breathing becoming heavier.

"Okay." I whispered, standing up. I put my hand out for hers and she took it, pulling me into the bathroom causing me to giggle.

"Mm..friends take showers together?" I asked her as she kissed my neck, pulling my underwear off my body.

"Friends that do this, yeah." She breathed against my skin, kissing down my cleavage. I moaned, squealing as she lifted me up, pinning me against the shower wall.

The water ran down on our skin as we kissed, my leg hitched against her naked thigh. Her fingers caressed my skin slowly, traveling down to the place I needed her most.

"Honey, please.." I begged, biting on my bottom lip. She smirked, her fingers finding my bundle of nerves. I moaned, gasping as her fingers moved in circles.

"You are so beautiful, babygirl. So so beautiful." She breathed, leaning in to kiss me. I kissed her back, gasping against her mouth as her fingers slipped inside me, pressing down on the spot that makes me want to cry.

"Oh, oh.." I moaned loudly, my legs shaking as I started to cum, my orgasm hitting me like a truck. Soft kisses travelled around my body as I came back down to earth. I opened my eyes and saw green ones filled with love staring down at me. I leaned in and kissed her softly. Lovingly.

My hands travelled around her body, exploring. She allowed me, my hands grazing over her breasts.

"You're beautiful too. Very beautiful. Too beautiful." I breathed, kissing her chin. I heard her sniff and I looked up and saw that she was crying and it broke my heart.

"Don't lie to me." She cried, her nose red and her green eyes sad. I grabbed her hand, pulling her close to me.

"I'm not a liar. And I sure as hell won't become one, now, and Honey when I tell you that you are beautiful.. that's just an understatement. Your skin, it's so clear and gorgeous. Your eyes, they're like the greenest grass I've ever seen, and your hair, oh your hair is so beautiful. Everything about you is beautiful."

She stared at me intensely, as if she wanted to say something, but she stopped herself. She took my hand and kissed it, before grabbing my face and kissing my lips. I kissed her back, wrapping my arms around her as I hugged her, tightly.

Honey doesn't seem to realize how breathtaking she is. From the moment I saw her in that classroom on the first day, she stayed on my mind. Her personality is just as perfect and I'm willing to show her how beautiful she is.

After our shower, we got dressed and went down to the kitchen. Honey fidgeted with the radio while I started to prepare breakfast.

"Do you want to go to Roosevelt island? Maybe have lunch there?" Honey asked.

"Sure. I've never been there, though."

She let out a dramatic gasp, holding her chest and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, I am so taking you there later today. The weather's perfect and all."

"Okay.." I breathed. The song started, making me jump and she started giggling.

"It's your anthem. Lil Haiti baby."

"You're really annoying."

"But you love me."

"I do.." I whispered. She was rapping to the song and I couldn't help but laugh at her silly dance moves.

"What does Haitian music sound like? Is it like reggae music?" Honey asked. I shook my head.

"No. It has its own tropical taste to it. I'll play something once I'm done." I smiled.

It makes me happy how open she is. She doesn't judge based off culture. Usually when I tell people I'm Haitian, they distance themselves because of the stigma people have about Haitians and how we're "wicked" or "dirt-eaters." They make fun of our skin, whether we're light or dark, our music, and our food.

"I see some of your moms CDs. Who's Alan.. cave? How do you pronounce that? Kavey? Cave, like the mummy caves?" She asked. I giggled loudly, covering my mouth.

"You're so silly. It's Alan Cavè. Like cave but with an accent." I chuckled.

"I'm gonna play his song. I see there's a song named Chocolate. But without the E."

"Oui, honey."

"Did you just say yes in French?"

"And if I did?" I asked. She bit her lip, looking me up and down, before making a noise. I snorted, giggling again.

"You're so nasty, stop!" I chuckled.

"Only for you, chocolate chip."

I rolled my eyes and continued to cook when the song started, the guitar in the beginning reminding me of my childhood when I went to family parties back in Haiti. My uncle would play the guitar, and sing the song to my aunt, who was dark skin like me.

"Ooooooo,. This is fancy!" Honey shouted, dancing to the song. I laughed loudly, watching as she moved her hips and hands with the song.

"What is he saying?" She asked as she walked toward me.

"He's talking about a dark skin woman, and how she reminds him of chocolate and that he wants to eat her." I blushed.

"Sounds very familiar.." She breathed. I looked down, my cheeks hot, when I felt her wrap her arms around me.

"Dance with me."

"No!" I blushed harder, covering my face.

"Please! Teach me how to dance Haitian."

I laughed at her terminology and grabbed her hands, pressing my body against hers. I started to move with the music, singing along as we danced. I was a giggling mess and she smiled at me with adoration as she twisted me around, pushing my back to her front. I moved my hips against her and she groaned, her hands shifting down my body.

"Okay, enough!" I giggled, pushing her away from me. She took my hand and pulled me back, kissing me softly.

"You are such a good dancer, Ebony."

"I only know how to dance to Haitian music."

"Okay, well it was amazing, you're amazing. Thank you for dancing with me." She breathed, kissing my shoulder. I smiled, hugging her.

I finished making breakfast and plated out food, before placing it on the table. We ate and she talked my ears off and I listened to her, smiling and laughing at the little jokes she made.

"Hey, Ebony?" Honey asked as I cleaned the kitchen.

"Yes, Honey?" I asked.

"How would you feel if we just stayed in today, and chilled?" She asked me. I turned and smiled at her as I leaned against the counter.

"I think that would be just fine."

Hello! I know it's been a while, I've been working and going to school. But I promise to start updating on a regular schedule. Thank you for all the comments and votes I appreciate it greatly! Tell me what you think so far! ❤️

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