Lie Again

By imacharacter98

19.6K 580 56

Ray Cruz returns from yet another business trip. Tony is forced to watch from the background as Ray attempts... More

Return of the Boyfriend
The Goldfish Question
Table for Two
The Morning After
Heart to Heart
Little Green Men
Breaking the News
The Aftermath
Ziva's Flower Preference
Hallway Conversations
The Revelation
Noodles Fix All
The Storm
Baby Steps
Yellow is for Friendship
The Bar Scene
Chin Up
Picking at the Wound
Class Clown
Empty Chairs
The Truth Comes Out
Loose Ends
Standing in the Way
All the Questions
The Pebble
Another Proposal
Secret's Safe With Me
Boys' Night Out
Girls' Night Out
My Girl
Important Note
A Night on the Couch
The Benjamin
The Past in the Present
Packing Up
Big Step
Dance With Me
The Other Option
Rule #12
Hell Hath No Fury
Talk to Me
Abby the Investigator
Where Do We Go From Here?
New Story!!!
Another New Story!!!
Wow, Another New Story!!!
New Story

Doormat DiNozzo

331 12 0
By imacharacter98

I am procrastinating so bad today. I've had this open for almost an hour and a half and I'm only now starting to type. Pinterest is so distracting sometimes. And I also don't know what to write.

Warning: I didn't go back and reread any of this before posting, so there might be some boo-boo's.


"Wow. That is absolutely gorgeous."

Okay, she had totally been expecting Ziva to come walking out in something kinda plain, but she was flat-out impressed.

Ziva gave her a small smile. "It is very nice."

"It's more than nice. You need to buy that right now. As your maid of honor, I am advising you to buy that dress right this second." Abby smiled so widely she thought her face was going to fall off.

"Right this second?"

"Well, okay, you can change clothes first. That would actually be best."

Ziva started to head back to the dressing room, but Abby leaped from her seat and grabbed her arm.

"Not yet!" she said, pulling her back to the platform. "I need pictures."


"Memories. You'll thank me later."

Ziva shrugged.

Abby took a few steps back so she could get the entire dress in the picture. "You look amazing. Ray is going to lose it when he sees you."

Ziva didn't say anything, but the look on her face said, 'I hope so.'

Someone's cell phone started ringing, and one glance told Abby it wasn't hers. "Is that your ringtone?" she asked.

"Oh. Yes."

"Stay there. I'll get it." She swooped into Ziva's bag and pulled out her phone. "It's Tony."

"You can answer it."

"Okay." Abby took the call before it could jump to voicemail. "Hey, Tony, what's up?"

"Why are you answering Ziva's phone? Don't you have your own?" Tony asked.

"She asked me to. She's a little busy at the moment." Abby squeezed the phone between her ear and her shoulder while she took a few more pictures. She wanted to capture every single angle. "Turn."


"Not you. Ziva. Turn."

Ziva hefted a sigh and then slowly turned as Abby asked.

"What are you two up to?"

"Ziva is showing me the wedding dress she's getting. It looks amazing."

"I'm sure it does."

"Aw." Maybe she hadn't said anything since, but Abby definitely remembered Tony's drunken confession. And she certainly didn't miss the unfairness about it. "You can take it off now, if you want," she said to Ziva.

"Am I allowed to?" Ziva teased.

"Yes. But go quick, before I change my mind."

"Send me a picture," Tony said.

"I'll have to ask Ziva."

"Why do you have to ask? The pictures are on your phone."

"Maybe she wants it to be a surprise."

"It's not like I'm the groom." There was an obvious thread of bitterness in his response.

"I'm sure she'll let me. Just give us a couple minutes. Wedding dresses are a pain to get in and out of."

"I'm aware."

"Right." The guy pined after so many women, it was a struggle to not accidentally mention one. "Why'd you call in the first place?"

"No particular reason."

"Oh, please! You didn't know that Ziva and I were looking at her dress today, so you obviously had a reason to call her."

"Fine. I wanted to ask her something. I guess I'll just ask her later."

"Like what?"

"That's between me and Ziva."

"As long as you don't ask her to leave Ray and run away with you." She meant it as a joke, but she knew even as she said it that she was toeing a line.

"I wasn't going to."


"I'm going to hang up."

"Okay. Bye, Tony."

"Bye, Abs."


Tony sighed and sank back into his couch.

Ziva was trying on her wedding dress.

Every single new detail he heard just further confirmed the wedding, further deepened his resentment.

His phone dinged, but he didn't think he could stand to look at the picture.

Even if he had asked for Abby to send it.

The message dinged another nine times (he counted) before he got annoyed and opened it.

His breath was immediately taken away.

She didn't have the makeup or the veil or the flowers, but Ziva looked stunning. He couldn't take his eyes off her bashful smile.

Ray was a lucky guy.

And Tony was very unlucky.

Seriously, where had he gone wrong?

He was just a doormat. Doormat DiNozzo. Letting himself get stepped on.

But Ziva... He'd let her step on him anytime, and that was the problem. He wanted her to be happy.

Even at the cost of his own happiness.


"How was your day?" Ray asked. He eased Ziva's coat off and hung it up.

"It was good."

"Did you find a dress?"

"I got the one I tried on last week."

"That's great. I can't wait to see you in it."

"Abby took some pictures..." She started to reach for her phone but he stopped her.

"No, I want it to be a surprise. I like that tradition of not seeing the bride before the wedding."

Ziva shrugged.

"I made dinner."

"You did not have to."

"I wanted to." He pulled out a chair for her and waited until she sat so he could push her chair closer to the table. "It's nothing fancy, but I didn't know when you were coming home."


"Don't apologize." He watched her closely during dinner, noting that she was quieter than usual. "Is something on your mind?"

"No," she said, but her eyes avoided his.

He knew that she wouldn't keep secrets from him, but it sure seemed that she was hiding something from him.

"If you say so."

"It is nothing," she said hotly, standing up. "I am going for a walk. Alone."

"Don't go too far. It's going to be dark soon."

"I can handle myself."

What had he done to upset her? he wondered as she stormed out.

He had half a mind to call after her, but he heard the door slam and knew she was gone.


Short today, but I don't know where to go next. I'm making this all up on the fly. Also, sorry if Tony's part seemed a little repetitive.

What do you think Tony wanted to ask Ziva?

Do you think Ziva's bad mood towards Ray has something to do with Tony?

If you like, please vote and comment. I love reading comments.

Also, I don't know when I'll update next (maybe Saturday) because I am going on a last-minute vacation.

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