Pretty Boy || Niall Horan

By JeanChanty

83.2K 1.6K 915

It was junior year and Ashley Johnson was moving to London. She was used to being the new girl since she move... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two || (1/2)
Chapter Twenty-Two || (2/2)
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Fifteen

1.9K 48 39
By JeanChanty


We all rush into Dean and Venus' apartment and searched everywhere. No sign of Venus or her stuff. Dean and Harry seemed to be having the worst of it, Dean was pacing around and occasionally screaming and hitting something, Harry was sat down on the couch fidgeting around. Ally and I were trying to get a hold of Venus, constantly texting and calling her. But with no luck, she didn't answer. After about being quiet for an hour Harry speaks up.

"Is anyone hungry?" He asks.

"I kind of am." Liam says.

"Me too." Zayn says.

"I'll go cook something," Harry says, walking into the kitchen.

"I'll help." Ally says, following Harry.

We all just kind of sat there, not knowing what to do. At least Ally and Harry was doing something productive.

"Guys!" Ally yells "You might wanna see this!"

Dean was the first one to stand up and scurry over the kitchen.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Venus left a note for Dean in the microwave."

Dean quickly runs over to the microwave and opens it, pulling it out and reading it. He lets out a loud shout before crumpling it up and throwing it on the floor, he then stomps into his bedroom and locks it. I pick the note up and read it myself.

Dear Dean,

By the time you see this you have already came back from your spring break vacation. Did you guys have fun? Sorry if I'm ruining it. And you're probably wondering why I hid this in the microwave, well I figured you would probably use the microwave since I'm not there to cook for you.

You're probably wondering where I am, but you don't have to worry about that. I'm perfectly fine.

I'm sorry I didn't give you a heads up that I was leaving. I just didn't want you to panic or get mad.

Please tell the gang that I'm sorry, they thought I was rude anyways so I guess this is a win for them.

I'm sorry, but this is all I can say. I can't tell you why I left or where I went to. Please don't try finding me, you won't anyways. I love you.

Venus xx

Then it all made sense; Venus getting drunk that one night, how she didn't want to go to San Francisco with us, why she was crying when I called her that one day I needed her to find us a restaurant, how she said "I'm actually going.." then trails off when we were asking what she would do over spring break without us, how it looked like she re-decorated her house. It all adds up to this. The only thing I was wondering was how I didn't notice the lies in her eyes.

Lizzy runs towards Dean's room and knocks on the door.

"Dean." Lizzy says.

No answer.

"Dean!" She said louder.

No answer.

"Dean!" She screamed.

"Leave me alone!" Dean shouts back.

"Just open the god damn door!" Lizzy groans.




"You sound like a married couple." I say quietly.

"Shut up, Emily." Lizzy whips around to glare at me.

"We don't have time for this." Liam says "I'm going to the police station."

"I'll come with." Ally says, following Liam out the door.

Nobody else followed them, I guess were all just going to stay here and sulk as if that's going to help with anything.


Liam and I arrived at the police station about 30 minutes later. We rush inside and talked to a woman who looked like she was in her mid 30's, I squint to look at her name tag that read 'Sheril'.

"Hello," I say "I'd like to report a person missing."

"What are your names?" She asked.

"I'm Liam Payne and this is Allison Aldridge." Liam says.

"If you're looking for Miss Venus Rivera she has sent a list of names that she strictly said not to give information to." Sheril said, typing up something on her computer "And both of you are in it. Along with Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Emily Williams, Nathaniel Johnson, Ashley Johnson, Zayn Malik, Perrie Edwards, Elizabeth Chase, Louis Tomlinson, & Dean Tolman."

"She can do that?!" Liam asked.

"That bitch." I say under my breath.

A girl with curly hair and brown eyes who looks only a couple of years older than us exits a room and looks at us.

"What brings you two here?" She asked. Her name tag read 'Danielle'.

"They're looking for Venus." Sheril answered.

"Oh," Danielle says. "Why?"

"She left without telling us and she didn't tell us where she left off to!" I groan.

"If she chooses not to tell you then that's it." Danielle nods.

Liam's runs his hand through his hair, frustrated.

"Her boyfriend is worried sick." Liam says.

"Well, he will have to deal with it." Sheril says.


"Come on, Liam." I cut him off, grabbing his arm and tugging on him "Let's just go, it's no use."

We left the police station and drove back. We walked through the doors and everyone looks at us anxiously.

"Well?" Emily asks.

"Venus made sure we have no way to contact her alright." Liam says "The police wouldn't tell us where she was because Venus sent a list of people who to not give any information to and we're all in it."

Harry groans and claws on his face.

"What's happening?!" Harry shouts "Why did she suddenly just leave without telling us?!"

"Maybe because she doesn't want us finding her?" Louis asks.

"And why wouldn't she?" Emily asks.

"I don't know!" Louis throws his hands up "Do I look like I know, Em?!"

"Who has a computer?" Niall asks, everyone turns to look at him.

"Now is not the time to update twitter, Niall." Emily rolls her eyes.

"No, not for twitter," Niall says "I know top of the line hacking, I can easily find Venus."

"Well, why didn't you tell us that in the first place?" I groan.

"Never really came to mind, sorry." Niall nervously says.

"I have a laptop." Emily says.

"Windows or Mac?" Niall asks.

"MacBook Pro?" Emily says, but it came out more like a question "Why?"

"PC's are better for hacking than Mac's." Niall says. "At least, that's what I think, I've been studying how to hack on the PC since middle school."

"Well, Mac's don't get viruses." Emily defended.

"Emily," Niall says, smugly. "I'm a hacker and pretty good at computer programming. I laugh at viruses. Plus, PC's are way better for gaming."

"Mac's can be used for gaming too." Emily says.

"Ever heard of the saying 'Give a gamer a Mac, he'll sell it and buy a Razer blade laptop.' Razer blade laptops are every PC gamers dream." Niall laughs "Even Michael tweeted about wanting to marry his Razer blade laptop."

"How do you eve-" Emily starts.

"Guys!" I shout "We don't have time for this!"

"Sorry," Emily and Niall say in unison.


"Listen, Ashley, I have to tell you something." Niall says as he drove to his house.

He tried using Emily's laptop to do whatever he needed to but he said he was too unfamiliar with Macs so here we are, going to his house just to pick up his laptop with me tagging along.

"Hmm?" I look away from the window and look at him.

"My family is a bit.. rude. So, don't worry if we randomly burst into a fight. Just grab my laptop for me in my room, it's the second door to your right when you go up the stairs." Niall laughs nervously.



"Ar-.. Never mind."

I glance back at him and he looked extremely uneasy. He parks his car in the front yard and I follow him out. He opens the door a little and glances left to right before taking a step inside.

"Come on, let's get my laptop before my sister notices I'm here." He says to me.

"Why does it matter if she knows your here or not?" I ask.

"She's ki-"

"Niall James Horan!"

I look up the stairs and there stood a pretty looking girl. She had her brown hair tied up in a ponytail and blue eyes. She seemed a couple of years older and she scared me.

"Oh, Hey! Eva!" Niall says, overly enthusiastic "I just have to get something and I'm leaving."

"No, you're not. You're staying here. And who's this girl?" She asks, pointing at me.

"My name is As-"

"I was asking Niall," She snapped "Not you."


"She's Ashley," Niall sighs "A friend of mine."

"Girlfriend?" She asks.

"No, just a friend." Niall says.

"Don't you lie to me Niall," She rolls her eyes.

"I'm not!" Niall defends.

"I said don't lie to me!"

"I'm not fucking lying to you!"

"Don't raise your voice on me and stop lying!"

I shift uncomfortably and twiddle my thumbs, I felt like I should leave. She walks down the stairs so she was standing right in front of Niall. Niall gestured me to go upstairs, so I do. The hall reeked, I don't know what it was but the smell was horrid. I walked into Niall's room and closed the door behind me, the sounds of Niall and his sister screaming got louder and louder. A loud whipping sound came from downstairs, causing me to get extremely worried. I quickly gathered Niall's stuff and shove it in a bag I found in his closet. When I walked downstairs he was still having an argument with his sister. I quietly made my way to the front door and left, sitting in Niall's car all by myself.

About half an hour passed and Niall finally got in the car. He shoved his keys in and started the car without uttering a single word to me

"Niall." I say softly.

He turns to me. "I'm fine, really."

I reach my hand over to his cheek and I circle my thumb on the forming bruise. He winced and grabs my wrist, pushing my hand away.

"Did she hit you?" I ask.

"Yeah." He sighs, nodding.

"Was this the first time."


"Does she abuse you?"


"You have to-"

"No, Ashley. I'm not telling anyone, it will only cause a scene. Just, don't tell the others. Please." He pleaded.

I sigh and frown. I unbuckle my seat belt and lean over, kissing Niall's cheek gently. Niall then blushes and looks away, trying to hide it. I giggle and he smiles at me, pulling out of the driveway and drives back towards Ally and Emily's apartment.

"It's amazing, isn't it?" I ask

"What is?" Niall asks.

"How much a smile and a pretty face can hide." I turn towards Niall.

"Yeah." Niall laughs nervously.

"I know I should let it go, but how long has your sister been doing this?"

"Middle school, I guess." Niall shrugs "Yet, she treats my brother like some fragile thing. All he does is do drugs for heavens sake! His grades are rock bottom low! He should be the one my sister should be bitching on! Not me, him! I just don't know why she treats me like this, you know."

"Just let it out." I say, I feel like Niall has never shown anyone this part of him and all he needs is a good vent.


"Can you get me something to drink?" Niall asks, looking up at me.

We had gone back to Ally and Emily's apartment, though the rest stayed at Dean's apartment. I've been watching Niall do his technical computer stuff for about an hour now, but he's having troubles finding information.

"Sure." I say, strolling into the kitchen. I open the fridge and look at the contents inside "Let's see, we have root beer, root beer, root beer, and some more root beer."

"I'll have some root beer please." Niall says, chuckling.

"Good choice." I say, grabbing a can and throwing one at him and I grab one for myself. I open it and taking a sip, I take a seat next to Niall and look at his laptop screen.

"Any luck?" I ask.

"No, it's like that chick made sure we can't find her. At all." Niall groans.

I grab Niall's chin between my thumb and point finger, making him face me.
His bruise has gotten evidently worse.

"What are you doing, Ashley?" Niall asks.

"Your bruise is getting worse." I frown.

"I'm fine, don't worry." Niall flashes me a smile, placing his hand on top of mine.

I let go of his chin and stand up, I walk over to the fridge and I place some ice in a plastic bag I found laying around. I walk back over to Niall and place it on his cheek, he place his hand on top of mine and smiles.

"Whatever happened to not being into pretty boys and players?" Niall laughs.

"You're different." I shrug "And I'm not into you."

"Not even just a little bit?" Niall pouts.

I laugh and place Niall's hand on the ice so he can hold it himself.

"Did you hear? 5 Seconds of Summer is going to have a new single." I say.

"Really?!" Niall jumps.

"Yup, it's called Don't Stop." I nod.

"I'm so happy I can kiss you." Niall drops the ice on the floor.

"Okay, Niall." I laugh.

"No, seriously. Can I kiss you?"

I raise an eyebrow "Never, in my 17 years on earth, has anyone asked to kiss me. They just did it." I giggle.

"Well, okay." He shrugs

Niall wraps his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. He kisses me and I kiss back, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him closer to me. I didn't feel anything, of course, I mean, we were just friends.

The door opens abruptly and Niall and I separated immediately.

"Have you found anything yet?" Emily asks, poking her head in the kitchen.

"N-No." Niall stammers, still recovering from the kiss.

"That sucks." Emily sighs "Hey! Did you steal my root beer?!"

"Maybe." I say, spinning the can in my hands.

"What's up with your face?" Emily asks, pointing at Niall's bruised cheek.

"I ran into the wall." Niall laughs.

"Stupid." Emily says, walking away.

"I almost got fooled by your lie." I say quietly.

"I specialize in lying." Niall says, winking at me.

This boy.

Author's Note[4/27/14]: I was going over the first few chapters and I'm literally yanking at my hair at how horrible it started. I'm going to start to not-so-major-major-edit.

I started a Luke Hemmings fanfic, you should check it out c: It's called Delicate c:

Leave a [nice] comment or vote maybe? they make me happy c:

Jean Chanty xx

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