Pretty Boy || Niall Horan

By JeanChanty

83.2K 1.6K 915

It was junior year and Ashley Johnson was moving to London. She was used to being the new girl since she move... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two || (1/2)
Chapter Twenty-Two || (2/2)
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Fourteen

2.2K 51 36
By JeanChanty


My eyes shot open as I felt my food coming up. I quickly run to the bathroom and threw up. I brush away the disgusting taste in my mouth and walk downstairs, where I found Josh sitting down on the counter while eating pancakes.

"Hey, is your head okay?" Josh asked.

"It's pounding, but it's not so bad." I shrug.

"I knew the boys would have it bad so I brought these," Josh says, holding up a bottle of pills that I assumed helped with hangovers. "Can you make sure they are fine? I have to go in like 5 minutes."

I nod "Yeah, sure." I get a cup of water and take a pill myself.

"Well, I'm off!" Josh says, taking a step out of the house "Make sure they eat and get their things packed, you guys' flight back is in midnight."

"You sound like my mum!" I shout after him after he closed his door. I get my phone and order some pizza since I'm too lazy to cook and Harry would probably brag about how much his cooking is better than mine. I grabbed the bottle of pills and a couple glasses of water and walked upstairs.

"Niall." I say as I entered my own room. He grunted in response.

"5 Seconds of Summer asked you to be in their band," I say. Niall sat up quickly, then he realized I was lying and glared at me.

I laughed and handed him a cup and a pill "Here's a pill for your headache and I ordered some pizza so we can eat later."

He nods, taking the pill "What happened last night?" Niall asks.

"Um," I gulped "You crashed in my bed because you were so drunk, that's all." I lie.

Niall nods and run his hand on his face. He looks at his hand with a puzzled face.

"What?" I ask.

"There's lipstick on me." Niall murmurs.

My eyes widen and I quickly rub off the excess lipstick on my lips so he wouldn't think it was me.

"You were playing around with my make up last night asking me 'Do I look like a pretty princess?'" I lie, whoa that's a really good last seconds lie.

Niall's cheeks flush bright pink "Was I really?"

"Yes." I nod quickly.


I giggle and smile "It's fine, I'll go give the rest of the boys some pills."

Niall nods and hides back under the covers. I left the room and gave pills to everyone who was hungover and the bell rang. I scurry over to the door and opened it, expecting the pizza delivery guys, but instead of getting hit by the delicious aroma of cheese and pepperoni, I was hit by a camouflage shirt.


Wait, is that..

"Dad!" I hear Nathaniel shout behind me, joining along with the hug and squishing me. After our little moment we kinda just looked at each other to make sure this was actually real, I haven't seen my dad since I was 15; things like this doesn't always happen.

"How did you know we were here?" I ask.

"Your mother told me." He explains.

"Hey, Ashle-" I turn around and see Niall in the middle of the stairs, dead in his tracks right in the middle of rubbing his forehead "I swear we weren't doing anything illegal." Niall says quickly. I laugh at how panicked Niall looked.

"Niall, this is my Dad," I say "And if you're going to ask me where's the pizza, I have no clue."

"Oh, hey." Niall waves at my dad and continued walking downstairs.

"Who's this bloke? Is this your boyfriend?" My dad asks.

"No!" I squeak, clearing my throat at how high pitched it came out "No!" I repeat in a lower tone.

"Can you not be loud," Niall groans "My head is pounding against my skull."

"That's what she said." Ally says as she walks down the stairs. "Good morning." Ally was one of the people that didn't actually get drunk last night.

"That's Ally," I say to my dad "Nate's girlfriend."

"Oi!" Nathaniel yells "Don't be making up lies!"

"Well you guys are basically together." I shrug. "I mean you snogged her many times before."

"So?" Nathaniel says.

"No, we didn't." Ally lies.

"Don't you lie to me, Ally," I say "And you two both now that you like each other."

"And?" Nathaniel asks.

My Dad then pushes Nathaniel towards Ally. "And that's your cue."

"To do what?" Nathaniel asks, confused.

"To kiss." I say, shoving him towards Ally and he tries not to run into Ally.

There was a knock on the door and turned around, there stood the pizza delivery guy. I quickly payed him and Niall runs over and grabs the boxes of pizza and bottles of soda. Niall was fast to grab a piece and just shove it in his mouth.

"I knew I was hungry, I didn't know I was this hungry." Niall says through a mouth full of pizza. I laugh and grabbed a piece myself.

"Hey, kiddo," My Dad says "I really have to go, I just wanted to swing by and see at how you were doing."

"But," I pout.

"Dad stop killing the happiness and at least stay for pizza." Nathaniel says.

"I really wish I could, but-"

"No buts!" I cut my dad off.

"I'm really sorry." My dad sighs "Maybe I'll swing by at Norwich to see you guys sometime."

"Dad we moved away from Norwich over a year ago," I laugh.

"Oh, where do you guys live now?" My dad asks.

"London." I shrug.

"Ooh!" My dad perks "Fancy."

I smile and my dad gets a call, he answers it and frowns.

"I'll be there." My dad says "Sorry, princess. Got to go."

I sigh "Fine." I say quietly.

He gives Nathaniel and I a quick hug before walking off, like it wasn't the first time in years that I've seen him.

"Ally would've flipped shit if she heard dad calling you princess," Nathaniel says "She hates it when people call other people 'princess' I don't know why though."

"I smell pizza!" Emily says running down the stairs and grabbing a piece.

Soon almost everybody was downstairs eating pizza. Almost. We were missing Zayn, Louis, Dean, And Harry. Who I suspected were too hungover to even stand up to get food and not die of hunger.

"Emily can you bring Louis and Harry some food to their room? poor little things are probably starving." I say.

"Sure," Emily shrugs, grabbing plates and placing pizza on them.

"I'll go bring Dean some." Lizzy says.

"I got Zayn," I say. Placing two slices on a plate, I see Niall eyeing me in the corner of my eye.

"You and Zayn, huh?" Niall says.

My cheeks flush bright pink and I try my best to hide it "Of course not!" I say quickly "I mean him and Perrie are like inseparable."

I start to panic, did Niall see me and Zayn kiss last night? No. He couldn't. He was asleep in bed. Or was he?

Perrie looks up from her phone, a slice of pizza in her hand "What?" she says.

"Then why doesn't Perrie just bring Zayn the food?" Niall asks.

"Fine." I say, shoving the plate of food towards Perrie.

"I am so confused." Perrie says, but she grabs the plate anyway and walked upstairs.

Niall continues to stare at me blankly and I stared right back, crossing my arms. And I don't know how or why, but it quickly turned into an undeclared staring contest.

"Who's going to win?" Emily asks with a horrible narrator voice "Niall from Ireland or Ashley from who-knows where-she-could-be-from-mars-for-all-I-care? Stay tuned."

"Ashley did you drink the water from Mars?!" Harry asks abruptly. "Please don't tell me your going to turn into some weird thing with crusty skin and start pouring water from everywhere."

I laughed at how scared Harry sounded like. He was probably just doing it sarcastically, but he did it so well he sounded like an actual scared civilian who just saw Godzilla.

"What was that all about?" I ask between laughs.

"Doctor Who thing," Emily shrugs.

"I win!" Niall says, throwing his hands up in victory. He laughs and stuck his tongue out at me.

"Put that tongue back in your mouth where it's suppose to be!" I say.

"That's not the first time I heard that," Niall says, winking.

"Ugh!" I groan "You're gross."

"Can't help it."


"Emily keep moving!" I groan. We procrastinated all the way to 8 P.M. to pack our stuff by watching movies all day and eating pizza, maybe even swam a little. Emily was always the procrastinator, and so was Venus. But Venus was a bit more organized than her.

"Mhmm." Emily hums while she kept her eyes glued to her phone.

"I will take that phone away if you don't move." I say "I am not packing up for you. Again."

Before we went to San Fransisco, Emily waited up to the last minute to pack up and she still procrastinated so I ended up doing it for her.

"You sound like a mother." Liam says from the hallway.

"Go away, Liam." I say back.

I turn back my attention to Emily who has shifted to a more comfortable position on her bed while she kept watching stuff from her phone. I snatched her phone from her hand and started to run outside her room, knowing that she would wrestle me to get her phone back.

"Ally!" Emily shouted after me and I laugh, shutting my bedroom door and locking it.

"You aren't getting this back until you finish packing!" I shout.

"You can't just take my phone away! It's not yours!" Emily shouts. "Louis!"

"Just pack your stuff!" I hear Louis shout from a distance. Whoa, Louis being responsible. That's a first.

"I hate you guys." Emily groans, stomping away.

"Love you too." I say.

I had already finished packing and there wasn't really much for me to do. I jump onto my bed and take my own phone out of my pocket. I was half way reading a chapter off of a book on my phone when I heard a knock coming from my door.

"I said you're not getting it back." I groan, expecting it to be Emily.

"What back?" I jump, startled that it was a guys voice. "A kiss?"

I realize it was Nathaniel and I blush. I stand up from my bed and straighten my hair before opening the door and peaking my head out to make sure Emily wasn't around.

"What are you doing?" Nathaniel asks, chuckling.

"Watching out for the predator, I have it's pray." I say, referring to Emily and her phone.

"What?" Nathaniel asks, laughing harder.

"Shh!" I say "You'll attract it's attention. Come hide quick."

I grab his shirt and pull him behind me into my room. I close the door and lock it, smiling at Nathaniel.

"Sorry about that," I laugh "I have Emily's phone because she's not packing up. I'm just weird."

"So I've known." Nathaniel says.

I jump back into my bed and pat the space beside me, ushering him to lay next to me.

"Cuddle?" I ask.

"No." Nathaniel says.




"No." He says, laughing.

"Please?" I pout.

"Fine." Nathaniel groans, slipping next to me and wrapped his arm around me. We lay on my bed silently, my head on his chest and his arm around my waist. He starts to play with my hair and my eyes started to drop and I yawn.

"Ally?" Nathaniel speaks up after about a minute of silence.


"What are we?"

"I don't know," I say quietly "I never really thought about it."

Nathaniel's chest rose and fell back flat as he let out a loud and long sigh.

"I love you," He says.

We've been saying 'I love you.' to each other for a long time, but it has always been in a friendly way. But with everything that has been happening between us, it felt like it had a different meaning now.

"I love you too." I say back.

I loved him, yes, at least that's what I think. I mean I am just turning 17, love could be anything for all I know. I loved him, yes, but I'm scared. I'm scared of getting too attached to him and he'll just leave me broken. But it's too late, I'm already completely wrapped around his finger and there's nothing I can do to detach myself.


"Niall!" I shout as I exited the front door "Hurry up, we're going to miss the plane!"

"Just a second!" Niall shouts back.

"You've been saying that the past 30 minutes!" I groan.

It was currently 10:30 P.M. And if we're to drive to the airport, go through all the security checks, check in our bags, and get inside the plane at midnight before it takes off we have to leave now. This isn't a short airplane trip from state to state, this is from country to country. Meaning way more security checks.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" Niall yells "Jesus fucking Christ."

Niall stomps down the stairs with bags and luggages. We were only here for less than a week, what did this boy need?!

"Give it 'ere." I groan, grabbing some of his bags and running outside to put it in the trunk of a taxi.

We were already in two different taxis and Josh's car. The seats were all filled with luggages and the rest of the gang. I hop in one of the taxis and Niall slips next to me.

"We're such a big group we need three different cars." I say, laughing.

"Yeah." Niall chuckles, the taxi then starts to drive towards the airport.

"I'm so tired." I yawn, leaning on Niall and resting my head in his shoulder.

"So am I." Niall yawns, laying his head in too if mine.

We arrive to the airport shortly and we quickly grabbed our stuff and run inside.

"We're so late." Perrie groans.

"I blame Niall." Emily says.

"What?!" Niall exclaims, a hint of innocence in his voice.

"We all know it's Niall's lazy ass' fault." Zayn says, rolling his eyes.

"Well, sorry." Niall says, frowning and dragging his words out.

"Let's just get this over with." I say, ushering them to keep walking forward.

After checking in our bags and about five billion security checks, we finally boarded our plane 5 minutes before it took off. We all settled in our seats and then the plane took off. After a couple of minutes I noticed the clouds we tinted red.

"Hello, everybody, this is your captain speaking. If you look outside you will notice the clouds look red," The speakers projected. "We are having a red moon eclipse."

"That is so cool." Emily gasps.

"I feel like we're swimming in-" Harry stops mid sentence.

"In period blood." Louis continues "I know."

Louis laughs and earns a couple of hits on the chest and arm.

"Louis has a mind of a 3 year old," I yawn "I swear, somehow him and a 3 year old switches bodies."

"Agreed." Emily says.


We all talked a little and caught up with our sleep on the-11-hour flight. We drove back to Ally's and Emily's apartment and hung out there like always, except for Dean who left to go to his apartment.

"London weather is gay." Louis says, grabbing something out of the fridge.

"Venus would kill you for saying that," Emily says, giggling "Speaking of Venus, we should go to her and Dean's apartment. I miss her."

We all walk outside and walk towards Venus' and Dean's apartment. We were only a couple of yards away when Dean opened the door abruptly and looked at us bewildered and panicked.

"What's up Dean?" Lizzy asked.

"Is Venus in you guys' apartment?" Dean asks, turning towards Ally and Emily, completely ignoring Lizzy's question.

"No," Ally says "Why? I thought she was with you."

Dean gulped "Venus left, all her stuff is gone and I don't know where she is."

Author's Note[4/16/14]:


If you understood the cuddle part in Allison's P.O.V. you are my BFF.

I was talking to my friend and I asked her how I should end this fan fic and she panicked and was like "DOES THAT MEAN IT'S ENDING SOON?!" No, it is not ending soon. Obviously, this is just the 14th bloody chapter. I only have just gotten it started! I have a lot of big things in store so yeah, watch out for that. Yet I don't know how to end this because in the actual true story the girl and the boy(Ashley & Niall) get into an argument and don't talk to each other ever again.

And yes, this is actually based on a true story and real people.

Are you mind blown yet?

And I know I said I was 'going to update less' but lately I've been having inspiration and no writers block so yeah cx

Love you guys,

Jean Chanty xx

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