Love Lost In Time (GrUvia) [C...

By abigailstewart0314

10.4K 346 117

When Juvia gets injured and forgets joining Fairytail and even who Gray is, she finally leaves Gray alone. Bu... More

Chapter 1: Stargazing
Chapter 2: The day IT happened
Chapter 4: Up Early
Chapter 5: Making Juvia Mad
Chapter 6: FIGHT!!
Chapter 7: Working With Lyon
Chapter 8: Guarding the Mansion
Chapter 9: I Fight Lyon
Chapter 10: The Truth Revealed

Chapter 3: Amnesia

1.3K 44 21
By abigailstewart0314

Hey dudes! Sorry for the late update! I was feeling really discouraged about this book because no one was really reading it. I figured that no one wanted me to update so why waste my time, you know!? But I'd like to give a special shout out to @Maddiecute247 for commenting! That made me want to update! You really encouraged me so..THANKS!!

"What!?" I said in shock, s-she didn't remember me!?!?

"Who's Gray and where am I?" Juvia asked, looking really confused.

"You're in the Fairytail infirmary, Juvia." Mira said compassionately.

"FAIRYTAIL!? I'm a member of the Phantom Lord guild!! I'm part of the Element 4!" Juvia replied in anger. My jaw dropped, she didn't remember me or joining Fairytail.

"We defeated the Phantom Lord guild and you joined Fairytail! Y-you loved me!" I said in disbelief. She looked even more confused then ever.

"How about I explain what happened and you go process. You're too upset to worry about this." Mira said, not really giving me a choice. I exited the room and sat at the bar.

"Well, how is she?" Loke asked, wait...Loke!?

"Why are you here!? Shouldn't you be in the spirit world?" I asked.

"When I heard what happened to Juvia I knew you would be upset, so I decided to come and support you!" Loke answered patting me on the shoulder.

"Well..she..uh.." I stuttered, I couldn't bring myself to say the words. "She doesn't remember me, anyone!" I managed to spit out.

"What!? You mean she doesn't love you anymore?!" Loke said, shocked to hear that.

"Yep, doesn't even know who I am." I replied looking down.

"THAT'S GREAT!" Loke said excitedly.

"What?" I asked in disbelief. how could my best friend think this is a good thing!?

"Now she won't stalk you anymore! This is exactly what you wanted! Right!?" He answered. It's exactly what I thought I wanted..but..

"Y-yeah! I guess you're right." I said with a fake smile. It's weird! I should be relieved and happy but..I'm not.

"You don't seem happy." He said with a confused look.

"It's just...I-I.." I started to choke up at the end of my sentence. "I feel responsible." I admitted, as I looked at the ground. Loke put his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm coming over tonight, I can help you get through this!" He replied, looking sympathetic.

"Thank you!" I said, slightly smiling a little.


"Juvia, hey!" I yelled, trying to catch up with her. She was having an afternoon walk through Magnolia.

"Sorry, who are you again?" Juvia replied. My heart sank.

"Oh, I'm Gray." I said with a grin.

"Cool. Why did you interrupt my walk?" She said with a slightly annoyed tone.

"Oh..uh..I don't know. I just..uh..wanted to see how you were doing?" I asked.

"Oh, fine..I guess." She said looking down. "Mira told me everything...about me and you." She answered.

"Oh, heh..that." I remarked with a blush.

"I don't remember that," she replied sadly. "I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry!?" I asked.

"I was not myself around you. I'm not normally like that. You don't have to worry, I don't feel that way anymore." My spirits dropped. "Uh..I'd like to be alone." She said looking at the ground, she was kicking her foot back and forth nervously.

"Oh! Yeah! Sorry, I'll leave you." I said, as she smiled at me looking relieved.

"Well, bye!" She said as she ran away waving at me.


"Hey, feeling any better?" Loke asked as he walked through my door. I was sitting on my bed looking out the window. Thinking.

"I guess." I said, looking down. How could I have let her down? How could I have let her get hurt? These questions were plaguing my mind when Loke came over.

"Man! You have got a HUGE case of the dumps!" Loke exclaimed as I glared at him with a sarcastic 'you think!?' look. "Okay!" Loke said, raising his eyebrows. He put his hands up in a defensive position.

"Loke, you're going to think I'm crazy," I said hesitantly. "But--I think I'm in love with Juvia." I reluctantly stated as I looked down. Loke's eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

"YOU FINALLY ADMITTED IT!" He yelled, happily pumping his fist in the air.

"Y-you knew!?" I asked, looking at him confused.

"Of course I knew! It was completely obvious! Even before she forgot." He said, still smiling like a complete idiot. I looked down.

"But now she doesn't love me! She doesn't even remember who I am." I remarked sadly.

"Well, you know," Loke said, smiling mischievously. "She fell in love with you once..she can do it again." He said with an evil smirk.

"But how!?" I remarked in confusion.

"Exactly the same way she did before." He said, giving me that look that Mira sometimes gave me when she was planning something crazy.

"What are you trying to say!?"

"We get her mad at you. Then, she'll fight you and fall in love with you again." He exclaimed.

"You're joking...right!?" I said, in disbelief. "That is the CRAZIEST plan I have ever just might work!"

"I'm positive that it will! We just need a little bit of help.." he said, an evil smile curled across his face as he wiggled both of his eyebrows up and down. I knew exactly what he meant.

"No. You don't mean--" He cut me off.

"--oh, oh yes I do!"



"OF COURSE I'LL HELP YOU!!" Mira yelled, in excitement.

(Waterfall😉) "Shhhhhhh!" I exclaimed while waving my arms around in fear. "Someone could hear you." I whispered sharply.

"Sorry!" She whispered back.

"I don't think we need to whisper! We are in private." Loke said in an annoyed tone.

"Okay, so what's the plan!?" I asked curiously.

"Well..." She said, winking at me as she handed me a piece of paper. It looked as if it was drawn by a 7 year old and had the words: 'Spicy Plan' written on the top. It said: 'Step 1: make Juvia mad' with an illustration of Juvia with an angry, red face. 'Step 2: Fight!!' with an illustration of Juvia and I fighting. 'Step 3: BABIES!!' with a drawing of Juvia holding a baby and me hugging them from behind.

"What kind of idiot came up with this horrible plan!?" I remarked, holding the piece of paper in confusion. Mira's smile quickly faded and she started crying. At that moment, I knew I had made a mistake. "M-mira, I didn't know it was you! I'm sorry!" She sniffled and wiped away her tears.

"I made this when Juvia forgot you." She said, a smile slowly creeping back to her face. "So, what are we waiting for?! Let's send this plan into action!!"

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