
De SasuNaru20

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Ranking Naruto's looking forward for college with Sasuke by his side but something happens. SasuNaru, ItaNar... Mai multe

Chapter 1 : Dude Looks like a Lady
Chapter 2: No Stranger to the Rain
Chapter 3: Raining on our Love
Chapter 4: Land of Confusion
Chapter 5: Seventeen Forever
Chapter 6: Speechless
Chapter 7: The Beaches of Cheyenne
Chapter 8: Melt the Sugar
Chapter 9: Your Betrayal
Chapter: 10 Pain
chapter 11: Bittersweet Memories
Chapter 12: How to Deal
Chapter 13: Counting the Days
Chapter 14: All I ever wanted
Chapter 15: Hopeless
Chapter 16: Love Again
Chapter 18: So Happy I could Die Graduation everyone
Chapter 19: Summertime
Chapter 20: Scared of Lonely
Chapter 21: Heartbroken Out of My Mind
Chapter 22: Lovin' you Against my Will
Chapter 23: A Beautiful Lie
Chapter 24: The Man Who can't be moved
Chapter 25: Home is Where the Heart Is
Chapter 26: One More Night
Chapter 27: Love and Pain
Chapter 28: Come on Get Higher
Chapter 29: The Change
Chapter 30: It's Up to You
Chapter 31: Where'd you Go
Chapter 32: Gossip
Chapter 33: Boston
Chapter 34: Must be Dreaming
Chapter 35: Feel Your Love
Chapter 36: Always Together
Chapter 37: Worlds Apart
Chapter 38: Daisuki Dayo
Chapter 39: What Hurts the Most
Chapter 40: Last Goodbye
Chapter 41: Bad Romance
Chapter 42: Livin' Our Love Song
Chapter 43: My Old Friend
Chapter 44: In Color
Chapter 45: My Baby
Chapter 46: Love your Love the Most
Chapter 47: Listen to your Heart
Chapter 48: You'll Always be My Baby
Chapter 49: I'm So Happy
Chapter 50: Dirty Desire
Chapter 51: Happy
Chapter 52: What's Left of Me
Chapter 53: Beauty from Pain
Chapter 54: Broken
Chapter 55: Everything is Fine
Chapter 56: Freedom
Chapter 57: Omeke 1

Chapter 17: Vulnerable

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De SasuNaru20

When school came back in session for Naruto, he was walking to the building when his phone vibrated in his hoodie pocket. Pulling it out, the blond stared at the text message that Itachi sent him.

Have fun!

Yeah sure, Naruto thought with a sigh as he thanked the Uchiha for the text. All he could think about was Chemistry class with his ex lover. Hopefully Hinata was about to talk to some of the people in his class. Hopefully.

As he drew closer to the high school building, he noticed the familiar classic challenger that was parked in the lot with all the other cars. So Madara gave the car to Sasuke for giving him up and getting together with a girl that he didn't even know. Shaking his head, feeling some of the blond locks hitting his forehead, he tried to get rid of the thoughts of his past love. He had Itachi so he didn't have to worry about Sasuke anymore.

Walking into the lunchroom, he noticed Hinata and Gaara with Sai right away since Sai was paler then Itachi and the Uchiha's. Strolling up to them, the Uzumaki noticed his ex standing with them and from the way Hinata and Gaara were holding each other back, they were ready to go off on him.

"Hinata-chan! Gaara-kun!" Naruto called as he waved, picking up the pace to get to his friends. Once he was, the sapphire eyed senior stood next to Hinata who was leaning on Gaara. Hopefully they didn't bring up anything that mentioned Itachi and their date. He posted something about it on the social network he stumbled upon – all his friends were also on it.

"Good morning Uzumaki. Hope you had a good two days." Gaara greeted as Hinata smiled at him.

"I did. It was fun, let's just leave it at that." Naruto said, noticing the clock was close to the time they were suppose to head to first period classes.

When the bell rang, Naruto followed everyone else to their lockers but noticed a few stares on him. Shrugging them off, he stopped at his locker to get his things for his government class.

By the time lunch came around, Naruto was kinda grateful for it. He ate a light breakfast and he was regretting it by the time art came around. He had no energy to argue with Akasuna-sensei but he did fall asleep, earning water to be dumped on him.

"What happened to you Naruto-kun?" Hinata asked, the first people to notice the wet blond who flopped down, inching his chair closer to Hinata since Sasuke was still sitting with them.

"Akasuna-sensei dumped water on me since I fell asleep in class. I knew I should have grabbed a pop tart or something else." Naruto mumbled to himself toward the end as he put his things on the table.

"So what did you do for your vacation?" Sai asked, his question directed toward Naruto who jumped slightly at the question.

"I went with Hinata and Gaara to a beach house, well I can't forget Itachi being there." Naruto answered.

"For how long?" Sai replied with another question as he shifted in his seat to get comfortable.

Everyone but Naruto noticed the glare that was coming from the Uchiha at the table. Gaara was tense, ready to grab the Uchiha that was about ready to pounce on his ex lover.

"Five days then I stayed home for a day. The last day I went on a date to the zoo." Naruto answered, seeing the shifty gaze that was coming from the ink artist.

"With chicken butt?" He asked.

"Nope. I went with Itachi. It was fun; I enjoyed myself." Naruto answered, feeling something push on his cheek harshly, pushing him out of his chair. Collecting himself off the ground and holding his cheek, he stared at the ebony eyed teen who was glaring at him.

"So you fucking moved on with my brother! What are you planning on doing? Sleep with him too?" Sasuke asked, almost as if he was hysterical at the moment.

"Maybe I already have. It's none of your concern since we're not together." Naruto bit at the soreness in both their hearts as he got off the ground and stood in front of the Uchiha. Going for his seat, it disappeared from his sight with it clattering against the tiled floor, catching everyone's attention.

"What happened?" Sai asked, looking at both of them.

"Sasuke cheated on . . . him." Hinata answered. She knew she shouldn't answer the question but from the look of things it was going to have to be answered anyway.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Naruto questioned loudly as he stood up straight, seeing the chair tossed behind Sasuke. Taking a breath, the blond stared at the glaring dark eyes of his ex lover.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? Where both of you waiting for us to break up so you guys can get together? Maybe you were cheating on me the entire time!" Sasuke accused, even if they were false. He knew Naruto would never do that but he couldn't really think straight. He was having a hard time even thinking about the blond he still cherished with his brother.

"You fucking wish!"

"Do you know what could happen! He's been with tons of guys! He could have a STD but you're not afraid of that! You could catch it; it could kill you but you don't give a shit do you!" Sasuke yelled as he rushed at the blond with his fist pulled back.

Naruto knew he had to defend himself. Pulling his own fist back, he hit the black-haired teen in the chest, pushing him back but not far enough to get hit himself.

It continued like that as Gai rushed in to get Tsunade for assistance. Everyone in the room stared in wonder at what happened to them. Gai grabbed a hold of Sasuke while Tsunade grabbed Naruto but it wasn't enough to pull them apart. The blond haired woman turned her attention to Hinata. "Go get Kakuzu-san and Kisame-san for me. Tell them it's urgent."

Nodding, Hinata ran off into the gym to get the tanned PE teacher then to the Biology room where the azure haired man was having his lunch. She rushed back with him to see Kakuzu struggling with Tsunade to get Naruto away from the Uchiha. She felt a wind rush pass her where Kisame rushed forward and grabbed Sasuke, pulling him away with Gai.

"You can stay in the office. I want to see you in my office now!" Tsunade yelled, first pointing at Sasuke then Naruto.

"Damn man whore!" Sasuke yelled before he had his mouth covered by Gai as he struggled to go after Naruto again.

When Naruto was seated in the room with his obaa-chan, he sighed. He couldn't believe that it actually happened. They actually threw fists when he thought Sasuke would just yell at him. His ex lover changed a lot since he last saw him. Too much for his liking.

"What happened Naruto?" Tsunade asked, sitting down with a huff.

"Sai asked me how my break was and what I did. I answered him and the next thing I know Sasuke threw a punch at me." Naruto replied as he felt the tears well up into his eyes. He didn't want it to be like that between his childhood friend. He hated this feeling that he should have kept his mouth shut and this wouldn't have happened.

He would have had a chance to patch things up with who used to be his. He would have another chance but it would also break Itachi's heart at the same time. He was confused over the matter that he loved both brothers and couldn't choose between them. He wanted to cry out and confide to his grandmother.

"I see. I want you to serve detention today." Tsunade concluded as she dismissed the blond teen.

When he left the room, Naruto could feel the hateful gaze that was coming from the dark-haired teen. He also noticed that Gai-sensei, Hoshigaki-sensei, and Kakuzu-sensei were standing in the room, ready to grab if Sasuke or Naruto tried anything. Lowering his gaze to the tiled floor, he left the room to the lunchroom where he felt stares on him.

Out of all of them, he noticed Sakura's on him. Now she had a chance to have him; he didn't give a shit anymore. All Naruto wanted to do was cry and wish that he could erase what happened. He wished he didn't let Sasuke go that day. He wanted to work things out but it wasn't going to happen.

"What did Tsunade-sensei say?" Hinata asked softly as she stared at her friend who grabbed his chair and sat down.

"I have a detention today." Naruto answered emotionlessly. He couldn't believe that he just got into a fight at school when it was suppose to be a haven for him. He hated this. He wanted to go back in time and fix what was broken.

Grabbing his phone, he saw a text from Itachi saying welcome but his vision blurred as he saw a water droplet fall on the screen. Wiping it away with his thumb, Naruto couldn't hold it back anymore. Flinging his phone into the pile of stuff, he brought his hands to his face, feeling them become wet from his tears.

"Damn it." He sobbed, feeling a touch on his shoulder. He swatted it away and cried into his arms. He hated this. He was supposed to be looking forward to college with Sasuke. He was looking forward to getting an apartment with Sasuke but this all happened.

"Naruto-kun." Hinata whispered before getting out of her seat and enfolded the crying blond into a hug. Seeing the person that caused the problem, she glared at him. She wasn't a person that would be hateful but then again, this was a matter that was different. Sasuke hurt her best friend – who was like a brother and a crush – and she wouldn't forgive him for that.

Sasuke sat down in the chair he had before the drama happened, feeling the glares that he received from the three people at the table besides the blond that was hiding his face. Taking in a slow breath, he saw Sakura come up to him, blocking his view of the hurting senior that he still cared about.

"So Sasuke are you single?" Sakura inquired with a smile.

Looking into the verde eyes that the young woman had, he smirked to himself. He never realized he was that good looking. "That depends. I have a girlfriend whose pregnant but I can put you in there somewhere."

Naruto felt shock race through his body when he heard what his ex said. He was expecting a child with that bitch? A new wave of tears crashed when he heard the news.

"I think that's enough Uchiha." Gaara hissed. "If you want to talk to her, get the hell out of here."

"Touchy Gaara." Sasuke said with sarcasm. He didn't care what everyone was thinking of him. Looking back to Sakura, she was pushed away with Hinata replacing her. He noticed the determination in the lavender eyes which kinda surprised him. She was never the person to be determined unless it was something she really cared about.

"You're such a horrible bastard and I hope you know that. I hope you rot in hell for what you caused my brother!" Hinata screamed as she slapped his cheek, hearing some gasps escape people that were nearby. Glaring at the man that had his head turned, she wasn't afraid to hurt him. All the things that her cousin and father taught her were wanting to come out and hurt him for what he did to Naruto.

"Like you're not." Sasuke said turning his head back to look at the dark purple haired teen.

"I'm not! You're the sick bastard that likes to toy with people! I rather have Itachi have Naruto instead of you! He treats him better! He does things with him that you won't! He'll give him presents for his birthday where you just take him out! You're the pathetic bastard that doesn't know love!"

Staring at the senior that was lecturing him, he got up and grabbed a hold of Sakura's wrist while his other hand grabbed his things and left them. He couldn't take it anymore. She was being annoying which wasn't what he wanted. He did regret doing that to the blond but it had to be done. He knew that. Now he had a detention with the guy.

"Hinat-Hinata." Naruto whispered as he looked up at the lavender eyed woman as she turned around and hugged him. Feeling the tears roll down his scarred cheeks, the blond hugged her back, burying his face in her shoulder. "Thank you so much."

"You're welcome Naruto-kun." She whispered, hugging him tighter as she stared at the Uchiha. She was going to get her revenge for her brother figure whether that back stabbing bastard likes it or not. "Get a hold of Itachi. I'm sure you want to tell him something."

Naruto nodded, grabbing his phone and sent a text to his new love.

Can u pick me up 4:30?

He closed his phone and waited for a reply. Feeling it vibrate in his hand, Naruto opened it, seeing the question the long-haired college student asked.

Y? I thought u guys got out at 2:30

He sighed as his thumb pushed the reply button.

If u get a hold of Hoshigaki-sensei ull understand. I have a detention 2day wit Sasuke.

He wondered what his love thought of that when he was going to read it. Probably be surprised at the words that his boyfriend texted him.

The bell rang with him heading off to his Chemistry class where Deidara was waiting patiently instead of eating his lunch. He must have heard the news from Kakuzu-sensei or Hoshigaki-sensei. When the tardy bell rang, Deidara-sensei stood in front of the room with his hands behind his back.

"Well I thought I should mix up the groups a bit. On the smart board you'll see your new lab partners for the rest of the year hm." Deidara said, pointing to the board that was attached to the wall.

There were complaining. Naruto was paired up with Choji who he used to hang out with when they were in grade school and when he didn't know Sasuke. They still talked but not like they use to. When they went off to work on the labs, Naruto smiled at Choji.

"How have you been Naruto?" Choji asked even if he could see some stray tears fall from the sapphire eyes. Grabbing a lab coat, he handed it to the tanned blond before getting his own.

"Good. Ready for college. How about you Choji?" Naruto asked in return as he put on the coat and grabbed two safety glasses. He should stay behind and thank his teacher for doing this; he had that feeling that Itachi had a part of it.

"I won't be going to college. I'm going to be taking over my parent's restaurant. You remember it right?" Choji answered.

"Yeah. I miss that place. I should come over and eat there some time." Naruto replied as he handed a pair of glasses to his friend. Looking around the room, Sasuke was teamed up with some kid that he didn't know. It was probably the new junior that came the other day. He wasn't sure but he shouldn't worry about it.

As Choji got the beakers and everything else needed, Naruto went for the chemicals that would be needed. Glancing at the clock, he had a feeling this class would go by slower then normal.

When the bell finally rang, Naruto waited for everyone else to put their coats and glasses back before putting his away. Grabbing his things from the table, he walked up to his sensei and bowed. "Thank you Deidara-sensei."

"For changing the groups? Oh yeah I forgot. It's pretty annoying when you got two students that I don't even have in my class ask me to do it. Then get a call from an old classmate of mine asking the same thing hm." Deidara complained but smiled anyway. "You're welcome anyway Uzumaki-san. I enjoyed having you in my class whether you know it or not."

Bowing again, Naruto rushed out of the classroom to his locker. After putting his things away and grabbing his government worksheet he had to finish for homework, he ran into the library just as the bell rang. "Safe."

Settling down on the sofa like he always does, he saw Shikamaru sleeping in his usual chair. Shaking his head, he turned on his ipod to listen to music. He knew what he was going to be doing during detention: clean all the windows or something that dealt with cleaning. That's all the detentions were.

Finishing his homework, he put it in the folder it belonged in and looked out the window. With his music still going, he messed with some of the apps he had on the music player before going onto the internet, cancelling his music. Going through his e-mail, he found nothing interesting except one from Sasuke.

You need to get your sulking ass and move on. There's nothing you can do to get me back. Simple as that and you also started seeing my brother so who gives a shit. You just hit a new low.

Shaking his head, he exited the window. Sasuke was going to harass him now because of how weak he felt. That wasn't the Sasuke that he knew. His uncle changed him by having him doing a three sixty. He didn't like it. Grabbing his phone, he texted Itachi about it, telling him he'll show him later. Yeah, he was strong and could handle himself but he didn't want to see the Uchiha again. Itachi could take care of him.

Once the bell rang, Naruto put away his stuff, feeling something push him into his locker. Getting his face out of the binding of his chemistry and algebra 2 books, Naruto saw Sasuke walking to Tsunade's office to get what he was suppose to do. Feeling the prick of tears, Naruto rubbed at his eyes, making them sore in the process but it stopped him from crying.

Closing the locker door, he walked to the office and waited for everyone else to disappear. He noticed Hoshigaki-sensei, Gai-sensei, Kakuzu-sensei and a few others in the room just in case one of them decided to go after the other again. He heard Tsunade open her office door and walk out.

"Good afternoon. Sasuke I would like you to go with Danzo and help clean the rooms by sweeping. Naruto, you go with Kakuzu then Kisame and clean up the gym and his room. Dismissed." Tsunade gave her punishments and walked to Shizune-sensei – the secretary – and started to talk to her.

Nodding, Naruto followed the PE teacher into the gym where Hoshigaki-sensei followed them. It was stuffy in the large room with balls and scuff marks all over the wooden floor. Grabbing balls, he put them into the bin they were suppose to be in since 8th period rush out the door to get home. He was in that class for his sophomore year and he didn't mind helping out his teacher.

"So how do you know Itachi-kun?" Naruto asked as he put the last ball in the bin. Grabbing the metal bars that made it up, he looked at the dark teacher.

"I was his baseball coach. He was a good player then he graduated and the team sucked. Of course they decided to blame it on the coach and got a new one, sticking me with this job." Kakuzu complained as he opened the door to the room where all the equipment was stored in.

When Naruto got out of the room, his superior handed him a tennis ball on a stick, making him get rid of all the scuff marks on the floor but Kakuzu was helping him. Glancing over, Hoshigaki-sensei was leaning against the wall since the bleachers were put away much to everyone's dismay. He just hoped that Itachi could pick him up.

Once they were done, Naruto bowed to his teacher and followed the azure haired one to his classroom. He hadn't been in the room since his freshman year and he enjoyed the class. Hoshigaki-sensei tried to make things interesting and fun so it would stick. When he entered the room, it didn't change a bit to him.

"You can change the bedding for the garter snake then erase the board." Kisame said as he sat at his desk and started to grade the latest test he gave out.

Naruto grabbed a hold of the nonpoisonous snake, letting it slither across his arm, onto his shoulders before going into the extra cage he had. Grabbing the trash can, he dumped the wood chips in the can. "Where do you keep the bedding?"

"Backroom. It should be on the counter in there." Hoshigaki-sensei said as he looked up from the test he had in his hands.

Nodding, Naruto walked into the room and grabbed the bag that had wood chips in it. Dumping some in it, he moved it around until it was equal to him. Grabbing a hold of the reptile again, he pet its head. When he had this class, he would always stare at the class pet after and before the bell rang.

Putting the bag back, he walked up to the chalkboard and erased the days notes that his teacher had up. Once done, he opened a window and clapped the erasers together, cleaning them even if he wasn't told too. Setting those done, his teacher looked up with a smile. "You're done. But you have a few minutes left since Tsunade-san told me you had to be home because of your parents."

"Then will you answer this. How did you know Itachi?" Naruto inquired with his body leaning against a desk.

"I had him in school, I was an intern at the time so it was hard. He didn't cause any trouble like kids his age but he would talk. Kinda reminds me of you when I had you for class." Kisame chuckled as he flipped a page of the test he was grading.

Nodding, Naruto looked around the room, remembering his year in the room. He'll miss high school but was kinda glad that he was almost out. He'll look forward to college but it wouldn't be the same as high school.

"You can go Naruto. I'm sure he's done also. See you tomorrow in the halls." Kisame dismissed with a smile and a wave as the blond ran the room and building.

Naruto noticed the old Toyota that was in the parking lot and ran toward it. Opening the door, he hopped in, hugging the ebony haired man he missed. Pressing his lips again his, he smiled.

"I missed you too Naruto-kun." Itachi gasped once the blond let him catch his breath.

Grabbing his ipod, Naruto brought up the e-mail, letting his boyfriend read it.

"Okay. I'll try to take care of it but he won't listen but I'll try." Itachi replied as he started the old car and put it in gear. He glanced at the challenger that had Sasuke in it, feeling the glare his younger brother was giving him

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