Kabuto's Little Imouto (A Nar...

By Noe-chan

24.9K 1.1K 100

Nao was raised in an orphanage, without knowing who her parents are she grew close with a young boy a few yea... More

Kabuto's Little Imouto (A Naruto Fan Fiction)
Paying off Debt
The Plan
The Proposition
Meeting the Rookie 9
Overprotective Brother
Spending a Month
She Never Knew
Momentarily Blind
Off White Bandages
Southern Hideout
Mission Complete
Time of the Week
The Pursue Team

Unanswerable Questions

1.4K 61 2
By Noe-chan

Me: Yo, peoples! How ya doing? ...yeah I know I am that bored... well anyways, if you guys are able to answer any of the questions that will be presented later in the chapter you will earn a dedication for the next chapter! *insert evil laugh* I hope you gusy have fun answering the gibberish- err, I mean.... problems... that make no sense... Yeah... I'll just stop talking.

Naruto: Finally! I thought that Tuga-chan would not stop talking! She talks for forever, Believe it!

Me: Naruto!? What are you talking about? You talk more than me!

Naruto: No!

Me: Yeah!

Naruto: No! Believe it!

Me: You know what this is like fighting with a five year old!

Naruto: Huh!? What do you mean?

Me: Hope you like it! :)


Chapter Five; Unanswerable Questions

Nao stares at the test blankly, not really knowing what to do. She knew the point of the test was to cheat because it was obvious that any old genin would not be able to answer the questions. Nao grumbles under her breath, annoyed... sure she was smart for her age... but seriously, how does anyone expect a Jounin to be able to answer them, let alone a mere genin. It would be difficult for the Hokage to answer them.

'Okay, let's try this one more time... if I don't somehow pass this test, Orochimaru-sensei will be extremely disappointed' Nao thought to herself, forcing her eyes to the paper of death in front of her.

1. ) A tree stands between two ninja. The two ninja are ten yards apart. From ninja 'A', the angle of elevation to the top of the tree is five degrees. From ninja 'B', the angle of elevation is two degrees. What is the height of the tree to the nearest foot?

'What. The. Hell. Is. This!?' Nao thought in horror, staring at the first question blankly, shaking her head she skips it and goes to the next question.

2. ) Three men went to a hotel to rent a room, the cost of the room was thirty ryo. Each man paid ten ryo to the bellboy and proceeded to their room. After a little while the bellboy realized that there was a special on rooms that night and the price for the men's room should have been twenty-five ryo. On his way to the men's room to give them back five ryo, he was puzzled how he was going to split the five ryo as he had no change. He decided he would give them each one ryo and keep the remaining two ryo for himself. So each man originally paid ten ryo, but after the bellboy gave each man one ryo back, each man paid nine ryo. Nine times three equals twenty-seven plus the two ryo the bellboy put in his pocket equals twenty-nine. The original price for the room was thirty ryo. Where did the last dollar go?

Nao just skips the question and goes to the next one... and the next one... and the next one...

She skips through all of the questions until she gets to the last one it confuses Nao, she has read through all of the other questions, not being able to answer it... but the last one- question number nine, confuses her.... it was different from the other ones...

9. ) How does one obtain true peace?

How does someone- or anyone at that matter obtain peace? 'As long as one lives in this ninja world of hate... there will never be any peace....' Nao thought, slightly depressed just thinking about never being able to reach peace...

She shakes her head, forcing herself to the first question- already knowing that she could not possibly answer it... Nao furrows her brow, glaring at the test, until she remembers the time when she was a spy, when she was about ten years old she created her own jutsu that, amazingly enough was that only she can use perfectly... something that has to do with her vast chakra and endurance.




Both Kabuto and Nao were on a mission- this mission was to spy on Iwagakure,  and if possible to take some highly valuable documents on the war strategy. Nao was ten by that time, making Kabuto fourteen- it was before Orochimaru had found and recruited them.

Nao was sitting in a tree, in perfect veiw of the Tsuchikage's office, where an extremely important meeting was being held. She and Kabuto had successfully infiltrated into the village a day ago and they had already started their detective work.

Kabuto was somewhere else, probably at the opposite side of the village, watching- or stalking, in Nao's opinion one of the village's elders. He was the most important one and the most bloodlust filled one too... which was odd to find in an elder but it was Iwagakure....

Nao sighs, and shifts from her position in the tree trying to get a better veiw of the metting, she could see everyone in it okay, but the thing was... she couldn't hear them. That left two options- get closer to somehow hear the people or just try to read everyone's lips. Nao frowns, knowing that really she had only one option, considering that most of the people in the meeting was facing the opposite direction of her, making it difficult for Nao to see their face, let alone mouths.

Nao frowns, her brow furrowed thinking deeply, planning out her next move. But then, as if by instinct Nao forms four unfamiliar handsigns with her hands. She suddenly dissapears from veiw, invisible. Not really knowing what had happened, Nao stares in awe at her arms.




Nao makes up her mind of what she is planning on doing... but the problem was how would she be able to dissapear unnoticed and reappear again... Nao smiles slightly, knowing what she could do...

Naruto, the blond haired gennin from Konoha was too busy pulling out his hair to notice Nao's raised hand, asking for permission to go to the bathroom. She was granted access on the behalf that she had to have a chunnin to come with her.

Nao quickly slips into the bathroom, making sure that the chunin didn't follow her. She makes the once unfamiliar, but now familiar handsigns and whispers the justu's name, "Hidden style; Cloak of Invisibility."

Nao, still using the justu walks out of the bathroom and into the classroom where the test was being taken, undetected from all the chunin and the one Jonin in the room. Nao goes over to an unsuspecting genin that had already answered the questions and was currently taking a nap.

The former spy memorizes the answers quickly and head back to her desk, all the while using the Cloak of Invisibility. Nao writes down the answers, hoping that none of the chunin will notice that a pencil is moving by itself along a peice of paper while amswering the questions.

Finishing Nao quickly makes her way back to the bathroom, making a handsign while focusing on her chakra she reappears, exausted- the justu was very tough to hold and took enormous amount of concentration and chakra. Nao walks out of the bathroom and both her escort and her make their way back to the testing room, the chunin not suspecting anything out of the ordinary.

Nao makes her way back to the room, sending Kabuto a quick wink. She sits at her desk right in time for the last question to be presented.  But before the proctor- Ibiki Morino, could say it the door opens up and there standing sheepily is another genin.

'huh, where is his chunnin escort? He must have had the same plan as me...' Nao thinks studying the genin realizing that he was a genin from Sunagakure- the Kazekage's child at that.

"You had fun playing with your dolls?" Ibiki asks, making the sly and confident smirk dissapear from the suna ninja's face. Nao couldn't help but giggle, earning a few weorded out looks from the other genin. Nao paid no heed, not really caring of what others thought of her.

"Okay! Listen up, you baby faced rejects! I will tell you the last question... but first there will be another rule..." Ibiki pauses, watching everyone- sizing them up, "It is called the hopless rule."

'Just hurry up and tell us what the rule is and let us decide for ourselves if it is hopeless or not...' Nao thought, slightly inpatient to find out what the rule was.

"You have a choice to choose if you want to take the question or not-"

"Huh!? Wait- What!?" Ond of the genin shout out in annoyance and suprise.

"But the catch is, if you take the question, and FAIL then you would be stuck as a genin for the rest of your life, you and the rest of your team... but if you don't take the question, there is nothing to worry about- remember you could always take the test next time," Ibiki says, whom was met with silence, no one moves, not knowing what to do as they process the information.

Slowlyone genin raises a hand, and another, and another... it goes on and on- until Naruto's shaky hand raises, his head bowed down in deep thought. Nao gasps, she had not thought that Naruto would be the type to give up easily- she had dubbed him as a man whom stuck to his word.

Naruto slams his hand down onto the table, making everyone jump from the loud noise.

"I will not quit, believe it! I will become hokage no matter what! Even if I stay a genin the rest of my life, I will become hokage, and no question will stop me from getting to my dream! Because, that is my dream to become Hokage! " Naruto yells out, suprising everyone with his meaningful words. Nao smiles slightly, her first impression of Naruto was correct- he was one whom stuck to his word no matter what. Nao respected him about that.

The proctor,  Ibiki Morino studies everyone with narrowed eyes, noticing that no one no longer was doubtful,  everyone held such determinationin there eyes... ready for whatever Ibiki was planning on throwing at them- determined that they will pass.

Ibiki smirks, "Congratulations, you have passed the first exam of this test."


Me: End of chapter five! :) So remember, if you can answer any of the questions, then you had earned yourself a dedication:) I would be really suprised if anyone can answer them....- not that I am calling you guys stupid or anythi-

Neji: Just drop it Tuga-san, you are calling them stupid, it's not good to lie to others.

Me: N-n-no.... I-i-i... T-that's not what I m-meant!

Neji: Stop your stuttering, you sound like Hinata.

Me: What!?

Hinata: Huh!? W-what i-is that s-sup-ppossed t-to mean?

Me: Eh!? I am not going to get stuck in the middle of this! No offense Hinata-chan! *runs off, arms waving around in an overly dramatic way*

Neji & Hinata: Huh?

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