Crown Me

Von Jerrieloverforever

110K 2.9K 1.1K

(Book 3) *G!P Jade* Make sure you read the first two books Command me and Conquer Me so you understand the s... Mehr

Little mix were amazing!
A/N (Finally)
Its over.
I'm Sorry


6.4K 179 55
Von Jerrieloverforever

*Perrie's Pov*

(Five weeks later)

I paused in the doorway of the bistro to scan the tables. I was late thanks to the discovery of two more places me and Jade hadn't had sex. I'd dressed in a rush, opting for a simple dress and my favourite Louboutins. Favourite because I could stay upright in them despite the fact my legs were still shaky from this morning.

Luke waved to me from a table near the outdoor patio. As I navigated to him, the murmurs of people seemed to swell behind me. I did my best to ignore it.

"Perrie Edwards everyone, she makes an entrance wherever she goes." Luke stood in greeting, waiting for me to take my seat.

"Don't remind me," I said, lowering my voice. "Apparently this is lunch and a show."

"You do eventually stop noticing Perrie," he promised me.

I hoped Luke was right. For now, though, I decided to live in the moment. How often did I get to meet up with one of my favorite people for lunch?

Priorities, I told myself firmly.

We ordered quickly so we could focus on catching up. In the whirlwind of the last few weeks, I'd spent less time with Luke than I'd have liked.

"Dare I ask how the wedding is coming?"

"You just did." I curled my lip.

"That well, huh? At least the world is ready."

"I also have a countdown going," I assured him. The thought of the number of media outlets currently guessing about everything from my dress to how I would wear my hair was mildly disturbing. Truthfully, even I didn't even know what I was doing with my hair.

"One week," we said together.

Saying it out loud sent a flutter of butterflies whirling through my belly. I rubbed it absently, wishing that I could control my anxiety a little better.

"Speaking of." Luke reached into his pocket and drew out a black jewelry box.

"Oh! Edward's ring?" I asked, grabbing for it.

He snorted. "No Perrie that's your ring for Jade remember?."

"Oh my God." I gasped.

"You forgot!" Luke accused.

"I didn't forget," I hedged. "I simply put it in the back of my mind."

"Anything else you want to sell me?" Luke asked.

"My head is in so many places I'm forgetting things left and right. Sometimes—"

"One week," Luke repeated soothingly.

"Hope for Jade's sake that I don't lose my mind before then," I advised Luke as I pried open the jewelry box's lid. My breath caught when I saw it. It was as simple as I remembered. There was something about seeing it about knowing what it represented that knocked the wind out of me. Taking it from the case, I turned it over in my palm. No beginning. No end. Just like us. My eyes landed on the delicate promise engraved on the interior band and my heart leapt.

For always.

Two simple words to say so much. Jade asked me to marry her with those words. Next week I would give her my final answer. My promise.

I blinked against the tears welling in my eyes. Carefully putting the ring back in the case, I wiped away the evidence of my sudden surge of emotions.

But Luke had already retrieved the handkerchief folded in his pocket. I took it gratefully and blotted my eyes.

"Do you see this?" I asked Luke. "I'm going to be crying so much next Friday. Literally everything makes me cry recently..."

"Maybe your pregnant." Luke joked and laughed and I shook my head at him.

"I don't think so but really. Spill your water over. I'll cry." Making fun of myself lightened my mood and soon I was laughing with him. "Distract me, please."

"Gladly, Your Highness."

"I am not a highness," I stopped Luke. "That is not the best way to distract me."

"As you wish," he teased.

I groaned and slouched back in my chair. "So where's Edwards's ring?"

Luke squirmed in his seat, his eyes darting out over the crowd. Either I was dealing with a case of cold feet or he had bad news. My heart sunk as I remembered he'd set up today's lunch. Still, he wasn't crying.

"Change your mind?" I asked, giving him an out. If Edward had refused Luke, he could claim a change of heart. I'd let him live for now.

"Not exactly." Luke inhaled deeply, finally releasing his breath when a familiar figure appeared at the table.


"Hi, baby," his other half took the chair next to his and leaned in for a quick kiss. I watched them, feeling the lump in my throat growing. I'd never seen either of them so relaxed before. Edward lounged casually back, A few months ago, they wouldn't have even sat next to each other.

"Oh by the way we've made Perrie cry again," Luke said. Edward shifted forward with a worried look passing over his handsome face.

I picked up Luke's handkerchief, embarrassed and waved off Edward's concern. "Stress."

"I am not looking forward to that," Edward said. "Are you going to be like this?"

I swallowed against my tears and stared at them. "Wait a minute! Show me your hand Edward now!."

Edward held up his left hand smugly, displaying the sleek engagement ring Luke and I had picked out a few weeks ago.

"I can't believe you've been sitting here all this time and you didn't say a thing," I accused Luke. Jumping up, I gave them both a hug.

"It's my fault Perrie," Edward said. "I wanted to be here."

"You're the first person we've told Perrie," Luke added.

"Me?" I squeaked.

"Don't cry again!" Luke laughed as I began to do just that.

"I can't help it," I said. I'd been there for the transformation of their relationship. Now I was here for its evolution.

"You're the reason we're here Perrie," Edward said softly. Our eyes met and in that moment I knew Luke wasn't just getting married, They were growing our family.

"Yeah, if your sister hadn't kissed me at that party," Luke joked.

Edward smacked him on the shoulder before I could.

"Seriously Perrie, you and Jade showed me I didn't have to choose blood over love." He clasped Edward's hand and brought it to his lips. "Thank you."

I clutched the handkerchief, joy flooding through me and waved it at them. "Stop making me cry! And Edward tell me how Luke proposed."

Edward flashed a dazzling display of white teeth. "Well..."


An hour later, I tore myself away from the happy couple so I could make yet another appointment with the wedding coordinator. I'd surreptitiously tucked a roll into my purse at lunch, having been too busy talking to finish my lunch. Grabbing it, I smiled at Lauren as she opened the door to the car.

"I thought you just had lunch," She said.

"Most brides diet, I eat carbs." I grinned deviously at her. It was yet another measure of how much Jade had changed me. There had been a time when I would have stopped eating just to feel in control of something. I didn't have that urge anymore. If anything, it was the opposite. I was always hungry. Literally.

Ducking into the car, I glanced back at the restaurant, my mind drifting to Luke and Edward with the proposal especially the part when Luke—

When thoughts were cut off by what I saw in the distance and my light mood evaporated. My hand flew out to stop the door from closing.

"Perrie?" Lauren stood aside as I climbed back out of the Rolls-Royce. "Did you forget something?"

I shook my head. Lauren turned to look at what had caught my eyes and I felt her body go rigid next to mine.

"I think you should get in the car Perrie please," She suggested gently.

"I bet you do Lauren." I shot her a look that dared her to stop me.

Lauren moved to the side with a sigh, allowing me a direct line of sight to the woman who'd caught my attention.

Casey Beldon.

She was impossible to miss as she casually sipped a glass of red wine, a pair of large black sunglasses perched on her nose. Somehow I'd missed her, even though I'd been dining steps away from her.

Meeting your fiancé's ex once: bad luck.

Running into her a second time: coincidence.

A third time?

Casey was following me and I was going to find out why.


Walking across the sidewalk, I set my shoulders and prepared myself for the inevitable confrontation. This was the third time I'd run into Casey and not a single bone in my body thought it was a coincidence. Casey pushed down her sunglasses and smiled as I approached.

"Perrie how lovely to see you," she gushed. "An unexpected surprise."

"Is it?" I asked pointedly.

Casey blinked. A moment later the smile vanished from her face and she gestured to the seat across from her. I hesitated but something told me that she was even less into playing games than I was. I sat down, crossing my arms over my chest and waited.

"Don't stop now," she urged. "There was an accusation in there somewhere and I'm dying for you just to say it."

"You're following me."

Casey shrugged. "Lots of people follow you my queen. Photographers, reporters, stalkers..."

"Don't call me that, Are you stalking me?" If she wanted me to be direct, I could be.

Casey laughed and lifted her wine glass. "No Perrie, you're just the bait."

"Then tell me what I've done to earn the pleasure of your attention," I snapped.

"I believe that's a question for Jade."

My stomach flipped over and I fought against the urge to slap her. "What are you implying?"

"Not what you think, apparently." Casey took a sip and set her glass back on the table. Leaning across it, she pulled off her sunglasses and studied me. "I've been engaged by a mutual friend to ensure a certain problem is dealt with."

Somehow she managed to say everything while admitting to nothing. I was obviously out of my league with her but that wasn't going to stop my pushing for answers. "Who is your employer?"

"That's the wrong question my dear Perrie," she chastised me. "What you want to know is who engaged my services. But I think we both know the answer to that question."

"Jade," I breathed before clamping my mouth shut. Information was currency here. I was sure of that.

"Your fiancé is concerned for your safety Perrie and frankly she should be."

I shook my head, trying to process the jumble of thoughts. "But what does that have to do with you?"

"I have a particular set of skills." She shrugged as if this was an answer.

"Skills?" I repeated.

"It's best to say I lack a certain moral decency that infects most people."

In that moment, part of me screamed run. I had no business sitting here with a woman who considered morality a blight but I couldn't bring myself to leave. If Jade couldn't be bothered to tell me everything, I'd have to find the answers on my own.

A few of the pieces were already falling into place. "You're here because of Zayn." The statement was simple enough but the implications staggered me. Maybe Jade couldn't keep me safe. Of course I knew how far she would go to protect me. I never considered it might not be enough, that she might have to resort to using someone like Casey.

"Someone has to clean up the scum, Perrie."

"And that's your job?" I asked, not caring to hear her answer.

"Ah yes. Sit in your ivory loft of privilege and judge me," Casey said flatly.

"Be as horrified as you like Perrie. In the end you'll be glad I'm so good at what I do."

I swallowed against the lump in my throat.

"I suppose it's easy to judge when you don't have to know the details," Casey purred.

"What are you going to do to Zayn?" I whispered.

"Don't trouble yourself," she said dismissively. "I'll do my job. You'll walk down the aisle and everyone lives happily ever after."

"Everyone lives, huh?" I laughed dully.

"As far as you are concerned." Casey's finger traced the rim of her wine glass. "Now my dear Perrie ask me what you really want to know."

"I'm not sure I follow." The dread creeping across my skin suggested otherwise. But after the shock of what I'd just learned, I wasn't positive I could handle any more.

"You're a smart girl Perrie. Don't play dumb," she said, an edge of distaste colouring her words.

"What is your relationship with Jade?" Finally, I had asked the question I wasn't sure I wanted answered.

"I have no relationship with Jade," she assured me, tacking on, "anymore."

"We're strong women. Lies don't become us."

"I'm not lying. And once again you're asking the wrong question."

I didn't have to search for the right one. "What were you to her?"

"Now we're getting to it." A delighted smirk played over Casey's features.

"Jade assured me that you knew. Was she lying?"

My eyes shut and I inhaled deeply before answering. "She told me that you had a relationship. You're her ex-girlfriend."

"I know Jade isn't sentimental enough to call me her girlfriend, even in the past tense." Casey raised an eyebrow.

"I believe I called you an ex-girlfriend," I clarified.

"And Jade didn't correct you?" Casey asked. "Interesting."

"I don't have time for this." I stood shakily and nodded to her. My body was already preparing for the confrontation I knew was coming. My issue wasn't with Casey. It was with the women I was about to marry.

She held up her hand. "Please sit Perrie."

I considered it for a moment before returning to my chair. Whatever was brewing inside of me would keep. Of that much, I was certain.

"I had hoped to run into you," she admitted. "I thought a little girl talk was in order."

"Is that what we're calling this?" I asked. "You didn't strike me as a woman who played games."

"Then you've misread me Perrie. I love games. Almost as much as I love to play..." Casey seductively bit her lip and left the final word hanging in the air.

"You?" I asked, trying to wrap my head around the idea.

"I know." She licked her lower lip, making her red lipstick glisten. "I don't seem like a submissive But then again, neither do you, my dear Perrie."

"That's because I'm not," I bit out.

"I do remember Jade saying she wasn't in the lifestyle," Casey recalled. "Or at least claiming she wasn't but I'm not stupid. Everything about a women like Jade craves dominance. She was born to it. The most natural dominant I've ever met actually."

"Enough," I cried, drawing the attention of a few surrounding tables.

Casey shot me a look and mouthed one word.


"You're telling me to be discreet?" I could have laughed if I didn't feel so sick.

"I prize discretion over all things Perrie. You are one of only a few people who know about my former relationship to your fiancé." Casey hands folded together. "That is why I was assigned to handle your problem."

"I don't want you to handle it."

"Don't let your emotions get in the way Perrie," she advised me. "As I said, I am discreet. I'm surprised you even noticed me here today but then again maybe I'm not."

"Why?" I asked.

"You've wanted answers from me since the moment we met. You were looking for me Perrie. You just didn't know it." Casey's head tilted to someone over my shoulder and a moment later, the waiter appeared. "The check, please."

"I didn't..."

"You didn't want these answers," Casey finished for me. "Regardless, I operated under the assumption that Jade had been truthful with me. She'll be displeased that you know. Her urge to protect you is very strong."

"I know." I'd seen that at every turn. But how was I supposed to overlook this? I sat silently as the waiter reappeared with the bill.

Casey drew out her wallet and tossed down a few pound notes. "Perhaps you should reconsider submission. It's based on trust."

"I trust Jade." But I couldn't quite make myself believe my own words.

"I trusted her too" Casey said softly. "Jade didn't break that trust. Maybe she needs you to trust her more Perrie."

The insinuation in her words chilled me and for some reason I found myself asking her the question that occupied my darker thoughts. "Do you think Jade can be satisfied without that?"

"If you have to ask, I feel like you already know the answer." Casey pushed to her feet and grabbed her purse. "Please believe me when I tell you that I hope you work this out. My experience with Jade was limited but she's a good person. When you're ready, don't be scared."

Casey left me then and I stared out over the bustling London street. Dozens of people strolled by on their way to jobs and meetings and appointments. Off to meet lovers and friends. I was surrounded by a sea of people and I'd never felt more alone.


My knee made hard contact with a moving box as I stumbled into the house.

"Fuck!" I yelled.

I'd gone to my appointment with the publicist and listened half-heartedly to her explain the protocols I'd be expected to know when I married Jade in a week. The whole time questioning if I needed to be there. One week. In a week I was supposed to make vows I was no longer sure of. Not because I wouldn't mean them but because for the first time in months I questioned if I could be the wife Jade needed.

Casey's words echoed in my mind as I rubbed my knee.

Jade's a good person.

A good person who had hired her ex-sub to murder someone. I'd read between the lines. I understood exactly what Casey had been brought in to do. But the thought that scared me that made my blood turn to ice was that I cared more about her other secret.

I'd met Jade's submissive and she hadn't been up front with me. If she'd kept their relationship a secret, was she capable of...

I shook the thought from my head.

Jade was faithful to me. I was positive about that but Casey had seen a side to Jade that she'd only shown me in carefully timed glimpses. Even in her most dominant moments, even in my most submissive, we had been equal. I'd never known true fear at her hands but Casey had. Jade admitted to me that her submissive had craved pain and that she had inflicted it.

When the time came, as Casey suggested it would, could I endure it?

The door behind me opened and Jade stepped inside, a bright smile flashing over her face when she saw me standing there.

"Last night here," she said. "I thought we could walk down to our favourite restaurant and grab a bite."

"It's going to rain. We've packed the umbrellas Jade," I responded flatly.

"I'm certain there's one in the car." Jade reached for me and I flinched. "Pez?"

Closing my eyes, I searched for the right words but in the end there was only accusation. "I ran into Casey today."

"Oh?" Jade's expression stayed carefully detached.

"And when I say ran into Casey, I mean, I confronted her about following me." I planted my hands on my hips, daring her to feign innocence.

"Lauren didn't mention this."

"Lauren," I spat back, "knows when to keep out of our business. Something your little friend Casey doesn't seem to understand."

"She's not my friend," Jade corrected me.

"Yes she made that clear. She also informed me about your arrangement."

"Perrie." Jade placed hand on my arm. "Whatever you think—"

"I don't think! I know! You hired a hit man. Woman. Whatever!" I jerked away from her grasp.

Jade's shoulders relaxed and I knew then that she was relieved. She thought Casey hadn't told me any more than that. Comprehension crashed into me Jade had no intention of ever revealing the true nature of her past relationship with Casey.

"Oh," I continued, my lower lip beginning to tremble, "she also told me that you used to tie her up and whip her."

Jade drew a sharp breath. "Perrie—"

"I knew I was forgetting something," I said ignoring her. "We had a lovely conversation about it. She was under the impression that we had all shared our stories."

"Before a few weeks ago, I hadn't spoken to Casey in years."

"And now you've hired her to commit murder," I seethed. "What kind of sick bond do you two have exactly?"

"I asked for assistance. I did not ask for her assistance."

"Yeah, who knew the family jeweller was also the Royal cleaner?" I shook my head in disbelief. "Is this who you are? How far are you willing to go Jade?"

"When it comes to protecting you, I will go as far as I have to. No one will touch you and I don't care if I have to get in bed with the devil himself!," Jade yelled, anger flaring like the tip of a flame in her eyes.

"Call it off," I demanded.

"Call Sebastián and tell him you will find another way."

"I can't do that." Jade pressed forward, backing me into the wall. "Not until I'm sure this threat has been dealt with."

"Call it off," I pleaded. "I won't have blood on my hands—or yours."

Jade straightened, She withdrew her phone and dialed.

"Sebastián, close the show." There was a pause. "I'm certain."

Even as I heard Jade give the order, my heart pounded. Avoiding one mistake didn't erase the others she'd made. It also didn't erase the danger I'd placed my friends and family in unknowingly.

"Happy?" Jade threw her phone.

"No," I whispered.

"Perrie, I needed information. There was no standing order." Her words reeked of excuses.

"That's not what she said."

"Whatever Casey told you, please trust that I am acting in your best interest."

"How can I trust you, Jade?"

"What else did Casey say to you?" Her voice was measured but the demand was clear.

She told me something I didn't want to hear. She told me exactly what I'd feared to be true. I tried to meet Jade's eyes and answer her question but in the end, I couldn't. "Sorry Jade."

I sidestepped her and reached for the door but her hand shot out to hold it closed.

"Does it really matter?" Jade asked. "She's in my past Perrie."

I laughed. "If you have to ask that, then you already know the answer."

Jade's hand dropped, allowing me to open the door. "Where are you going?"

"I don't know," I answered honestly. "But don't follow me, okay?"

"I won't let you—"

"You can," I stopped her, "and you will."

I darted out the door to the street, hailing a taxi before Jade could send for Lauren. Part of me wanted to believe she'd let me go, that she'd give me a chance to think.

And part of me watched out the window as rain began to fall, hoping she was right behind me.


Rain danced across the Thames, making the lights of London sparkle with a frenetic energy. I clutched the stone rail until the rough surface had nearly rubbed my fingertips raw.

Turning my face to the charcoal sky, I let the downpour shower over me. A chill ran up my neck but I couldn't bring myself to choose a direction. If I turned left I'd be heading toward the Westminster Royal, the hotel where I'd naively fallen into Jade's bed. To the right, the London Eye sat stalled due to the weather. The ghosts of our relationship were all around me. Jade was at the heart of this city to me, which made it impossible to escape her.

"Perrie!" My name carried over the wind and rain, held aloft by the desperation buoying it.

I pivoted toward her voice instinctively. Passing umbrellas broke my line of vision, allowing flashes of her. Jade stood on the other side of the bridge, her hand still gripping the roof of the Rolls-Royce. It seemed impossible that I could hear her over the rain and passing traffic.

Jade darted across the traffic, narrowly dodging an oncoming taxi, which set my heart racing. Apparently, she was all about stupid decisions lately. I was too wet to move, too wet to care. By the time she reached me, the white shirt under her open suit coat was soaked through. It clung to her. But it didn't only display her beautiful chest, her scars showed through. She halted a few steps before me and we stood as heaven cried over us, neither of us speaking.

"How did you know where I was Jade?" I demanded. "Are you tracking my phone now?"

"No," Jade panted. "I just knew."

"Bullshit," I accused. In a city of 8.7 million people, no one was that lucky.

"I went to where we began," She called over the storm. "Where I asked you to marry me. I went to where I would have gone."

"I don't know why I came here," I admitted, a shiver rolling through me. Jade took a step towards me and I backed away.

"You were looking for us."

"Maybe you're right Jade. But all I've found lately is more questions. More secrets."

"Casey means nothing to me," Jade said. "I didn't tell you because that women is gone. She was broken Perrie. You healed her."

I shook my head, rain soaking my blonde hair as drops spilling from my lashes. "I changed her."

"And that's a bad thing?" Jade took another step toward me, pausing like she was approaching a frightened animal.

"People don't change like that. I can't ask you to be someone you aren't." I thought of Casey's warning that what was enough for Jade now wouldn't satisfy her forever.

"Like hell people don't change." Jade took another step, bringing her body within inches of mine.

Awareness prickled over my skin giving way to the physical reaction her presence always induced but I couldn't feel it. I sensed it but I was numb.

"I don't want you to change." I stumbled on the words, trying to find a way to explain even as my heart broke.

"I love you Jade but I can't give you what you need. Not completely. Someday you'll resent that and this might kill me now but I won't survive when you finally leave."

"I'm not leaving," She said, her voice hoarse with all the things she could never express to me. "I don't want that life Perrie."

"Did it fulfill you? Did it satisfy you?"

Her head fell forward, rain dripping down her. "Yes. It did."

That was all I needed to know. Choking down a sob, I forced myself to turn. My arms wrapped around my chest protectively but I couldn't hold onto the last pieces of my shattered heart. Jade's hand grabbed my upper arm and spun me around, pressing me into her. Our eyes met and I couldn't look away.

"It did," She repeated. "But it never could again. It soothed a part of me that was empty for only one reason but it could never fill the space. Nothing but you ever will."

My hands found Jade's face and I held her there, so close that I tasted the sweetness of her breath on my lips. "Why?"

"Because you found me baby. I was lost and you gave me a home. Let me stay," Jade whispered as her face angled over mine. Her hand cupped my chin, brown eyes searching mine for permission.

She wasn't demanding it. The arm bracing me against her was loose. I could slip away, disappear under the cover of the stormy night sky.

But I already knew that no matter what path I took no matter how far or hard I ran all roads led back to her. I may have given her a home but Jade was my shelter. My protector.

I couldn't deny that any more than I could deny the ache in my chest. What if her past continued to intrude on our future? What if mine did? It no longer mattered I loved her and I'd promised Jade nothing in her past could change that.

Lighting cracked overhead but neither of us flinched. So long as we were here so long as we were united no act of God or man could tear us apart.

I guided her face to mine, our lips meeting softly. Rain washed over us, cleansing us of our pasts and our mistakes. The choices the future forced would be ours alone.

Jade's hand fell away as she bent and scooped me into her arms. I clung to her even as she broke away. When we reached the edge of the sidewalk, she murmured, "Trust me, baby?"

I looked into her eyes and knew that I did. It was inexplicable and reckless, but even though I had questions, I trusted her. I nodded.

"Then hold tight."

My arms locked around her neck as she dashed across lanes of traffic. Fear thrilled through me but the rush of it faded almost instantaneously. Jade had me, what did I have to fear?

I didn't miss the reproachful look on Lauren's face as she opened the back passenger door for us. I scrambled into the back of the car and Jade slid in behind her. In moments, she'd gathered me into her arms.

Jade brushed kisses over my forehead, my cheeks, across my nose. Silent apologies. I closed my eyes and accepted the offering. Melting against her, I listened to her steady heartbeat. My own heart beat for that rhythm.

"Being with me will always be dangerous. There will always be security, because there will always be threats. I only want to protect you." Jade hesitated. "I wish it could be otherwise Pez."

"I know," I whispered. "But I need you to stay open."

"I can't promise you there will be no darkness Pez." Her face nuzzled against my neck, inhaling deeply. "I am not perfect but you have all of me. Never doubt that."

"Can I ask you for something?" I said shyly.

Jade tilted my chin up. "Anything."

"Take me for coffee." It was a simple request but my voice broke as I asked, knowing it was laced with meaning. Coffee was normal. Something we weren't very good at it but if we were going to make this work we needed normal.

"You're soaked and cold."

"I don't care," I whispered.

Jade leaned forward and tapped on the glass. The partition separating us from Lauren descended.

"Coffee?" It was more of a question than an instruction.

Lauren's smile flashed in the rearview mirror. "I know just the place."

The car edged over a lane before pulling to a stop in front of a small cafe. A neon sign flashed 24 hours.

"I have to admit this is a first for me," Jade said as she swung open the door.

"Really?" This delighted me. "I've never been around for one of your firsts."

Jade paused, turning back to me and catching my hand. "You have been all of my firsts and will be my last."

As I followed Jade out of the back seat she slipped her suit coat over my shoulders.

"It's wet," She said unapologetically.

"It doesn't really matter." I couldn't possibly be any more drenched. I clutched it shut over my collarbone, breathing in the scent of her.

Jade crooked her arm. "Can I buy you a coffee?"

"Just one?" I teased.

"I wouldn't want to keep you up all night."

"Are you sure about that?" I trailed a finger over the inside of her wrist.

Jade held up a finger and called to a passing waiter. "A pot of coffee please."

The waiter nodded, looking a little confused as he headed back to the counter. No doubt he was wondering if his imagination was playing tricks on him.

Jade and I slid into a booth, our hands finding each other's across the table. It wasn't exactly normal, but it was a start.

Hey guys

I hope you's enjoyed this chapter. I want to recommend something to you guys I think it's the most adorable and sweet short animated film I've seen and it called 'In a heartbeat' go check it out if you haven't seen it and would like to see it I'll put the video below if you would like to watch it 😊

See you next update


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