Percy Jackson Champion of the...


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I SUCK AT SUMMARIES DONT JUDGE ME Highest I know about it being in Fanfiction is #214. COMPLETED Percy Jack... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
A question
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Not a chapter I am just rambeling
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Thee End

Chapter 10

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We went from 1k to 1.65k in one day.  Thanks 🙂👍
Also my friends asked why I picked this cover and for all you out their it's because Percy suppose to be (for those who hate swears, please accept my apology) badaśs and I thought it look the parts. Also I liked it

Jennifer POV

"Where are those two?" Phoebe said aggravated as she glanced at the sun rising, Apollo should be starting his run any minute now. "They'll be here Phoebe. Percy's probably waking Tyler up." I said as Thalia and Grover both walked up the hill, rubbing the sleep out of their eyes "Man, why do we have to leave at the crack of dawn?" Thalia mumbled as Phoebe went to speak but someone spoke first "Because we need to hurry. Artemis is a key Olympian and if she isn't there, who knows what'll happen." we heard as Percy and Tyler walked up the hill. Tyler wearing dark blue jeans, white sneakers, and his camp Half-Blood t-shirt while Percy had on black jeans, white sneakers, and a camp Half-Blood shirt on but when I saw Percy's eyes, I gasped.

"I know, you're shocked that my eyes look different. It's almost time to reveal my identity anyway, so no need to hide anymore." Percy said as his eyes changed from sea green to a deep ocean blue, then a warm golden color, and other colors till it stopped on the deep ocean blue. "Can you all please stop staring? It's really annoying." Percy said, snapping me out of my dazed state as I noticed he was still wearing the bracelets from a year ago. "You still have those on?" I said as he nodded "Apparently, someone else can take them off but this someone is close to my heart. Romantically or not, I don't know but I hope its just as a friend." he said glaring at the bracelets.

"So, we need to head west, eh?" He said looking up at the sun as Phoebe spoke "Yes, and we're burning time with you not hurrying up." she said as he raised an eyebrow "We were already here. We got woken up by a Pegasus, don't ask but it happened and now we're here so technically, Grover and Thalia are burning time." he said walking past Phoebe towards Thalia's pine tree.

"So do I need to flash us or are we going to hitch a ride?" He said looking at us with his sparkling ocean blue eyes "Argus gave us the van, come on." Zoe said taking the driver's seat as Phoebe bumped into Percy on purpose, making him stumble but shadows wrapped around Phoebe's leg, making her fall to the ground as Thalia snorted while I tried to hide a laugh but failed to.

"Why are you tripping over air?" Percy said stepping over her and got in the van and sat in the very back with Tyler beside him as Phoebe got up, glaring at him in hate. "I'm going to kill him." She said getting in the passenger side as she slammed the door shut. "More like it's the other way around." I muttered as I got in and sat in front of Percy with Bianca beside me and Grover and Thalia in the seat in front of us as we fell into a tense silence.


"We should pull in somewhere and grab something to eat." I said as Zoe swerved into a parking spot, throwing us all either into each other or into the window "Next time." Percy grumbled "I'm going to travel myself." he said as Tyler got off him as we all managed to crawl out of the van and pop our bones from the long ride.

As everyone was leaving, only Percy and Tyler stayed behind as I looked back and saw Percy talking to Tyler about something then pulled out a Yankees ball cap and gave it to Tyler and spoke a few more words as he nodded as he put it on and vanished as Percy slowly started to disappear, like it was a mirage which caused me to rub my eyes again to see that neither of them were there at all.

"I must need sleep." I said turning back around to catch up with the others and ask Percy a couple questions about the prophecy, since I know he's holding something back from me. The way he avoids certain lines from the prophecy and is never really letting Tyler out of his sights. Something has him spooked and I plan on finding it out.

"So what's so great about him?" I heard as I walked up to Phoebe and the others "What's so great about who?" I said as they all jumped at the sound of my voice "Percy." was all Thalia said as I sat down beside Phoebe and saw Percy and Tyler were not here. 'If that really was them, then were are they going' I thought as Thaila spoke "Why won't the gods let him out of their sight and why is he always on Olympus?" she said with obvious jealousy in her voice. "Well for starters, he's eight hundred years old and is the champion of Hades, Hestia, and Apollo. He has skills that rival the gods and possibly surpass them very easily and it's not a wise thing to make him mad like you did out in Maine." I said as they all had different reactions.

Grover choked on a napkin he was devouring, eyes the side of saucers, Bianca had a look that was a mixture of awe and shock while Thalia's face was a mixture of anger, shock, and awe. "Wait a minute, what do you mean 'for starters'." Grover said suspiciously as Phoebe spoke "It means goat, that that's the only start of his life." she said as Grover had a hurt look on his face "What she means Grover, is that Percy has had a terrible life." I said "Surely he's had a good life right? I mean eight hundred years is a long time to make some good memories." she said as Phoebe spoke "If you think eight hundred years of killing and watching your friends die are good times. Then I guess he's had a great life." she said as their eyes widened.

"What?" Thalia said shocked as Zoe spoke "What she means is the boy has fought in wars for the Olympians. Mortal and immortal. He's worked in the shadows to avoid being found, but he holds no love for the Olympians whatsoever and I personally don't blame him." Zoe said while they looked at her confused "What do you mean?" Thalia said as she continued "Around three hundred years ago, we-" she said gesturing to me and Phoebe "The Hunters of Artemis found a demi-Titan, who was a daughter of Oceanus. We captured her and brought her to the Olympians for a trial, which wasn't really a trial at all. The vote was eight to four." she said as Thalia cut her off.

"What does that have to do with his hatred to the Olympians and my father?" She said aggravated "The daughter of Oceanus was his lover and Zeus killed her for being a demi-Titan, Hera, Hephaestus, Ares, Dionysus, Artemis, Demeter, and Athena all agreed, thus angering and hurting Percy and who do thou think he unleashed his hurt and pain on?" Zoe said as their eyes widened "On you." Bianca said while we nodded "He nearly killed Artemis and all of us along with her. The boy isn't like others but he seals himself off from others and refuses to let anyone in, scared of getting hurt. Luckily, his sister stopped him." Phoebe said while I looked at her in shock.

"Who's his sister?" Grover said curiously "His sister is Ny-" I would've kept going till I was elbowed, hard in the stomach, taking the breath out of me as Phoebe shook her head "Never mind, his sister is not of importance but she is the one who stopped him but only barely." Zoe said as they looked confused "You make it sound like his sister is a primordial." Grover said as our eyes widened and he noticed as he gasped "She is a primordial, isn't she?" he said in shocked as Thalia and Bianca's eyes widened as I leaned over the table and grabbed a fistful of his shirt, pulling him till we were face to face "Listen here goat boy, yes, his sister is a primordial and you won't tell anyone or even mention this to anyone outside of this group. If I find out any of you spread news about this, you're going to wish you didn't." I hissed as he quickly nodded as I released him.

"Like I said before, his past is one of hardships and pain. If he joins the Titans, Olympus will be destroyed. His power is more than anyone could think of achieving." I said as our food appeared in front of us but just as it did, Percy and Tyler materialized in front of us. "We need to leave, now." Percy said looking behind him "Something got you spooked?" Phoebe said as Tyler spoke "Unless you want to fight something that can only die to children of Hades, which we're short on at the moment." he said, stealing quick glances at Bianca.

"Spartus. And a lot of them, so I suggest we go." He said grabbing mine and Phoebe's arm, pulling us up and dragging us off "Don't you dare touch me, boy!" she spat but Percy ignored her as he continued to drag us with everyone behind us "His grip is like iron." Phoebe said, trying to take Percy's hand off her arm but was failing as we pushed past people who were grumbling about stupid little kids till one grabbed Percy. Bad mistake.

"Hey! You kids need to watch were you're going." He said yanking Percy as Percy drove his fist into his nose, breaking it and throwing him back as everyone around us looked at him in shock as he snapped his fingers "Everyone continue with your business. You didn't see anything." he said as the mortals all got a glazed look in their eyes and nodded dumbly as they continued walking, ignoring us as he grabbed my arm again and continued to drag us past everyone, despite hearing Phoebe complain.

"What did you do?" I said in shock as he spoke "Manipulated the Mist? Didn't Chiron teach you this?" he said, looking around, his eyes glowing gold "I'm trying to find a train or something we can take west." he said as he started to drag us again but stopped as eight skeletons stood in front of us with police outfits on, chattering and clicking and pointing at us.

"Spartus can only die to children of Hades and usually have the skills of some of the greatest warriors. Aggression like Achilles, or smart tactics like Theseus. That's why I wanted to leave, I may be a champion of Hades but I've never summoned spartus. Their unreliable and could turn on the person who summoned them." he said pulling out his spear and shield "Hopefully, I don't skewer any innocent mortals. That wouldn't be good." he said as Tyler spoke "How would you kill a mortal? Shouldn't your weapons go right through them?" he said as Percy shook his head "how do you think I killed before?" he said plainly as one of them launched themselves at me with a sword and shield in its hand as it quickly forced me on defense with heavy attacks.

'This must be Achilles' I thought as the spartus brought its sword down as I spun out of the way and brought my hunting knifes to its ribs as it fell apart but almost immediately, it started to reform and attack me again as it suddenly rammed its shoulder into me, throwing me back onto the ground as it raised its sword to skewer me but just as it did, a spear pierced its chest as it looked down at it then started to shake uncontrollably then burst into flames as Percy stood there, smiling at me.

"Looks like a champion of Hades also works." He said pulling me up with his free hand "I managed to take care of three of them plus this one so four then Bianca somehow killed one, so that leaves us with seven more." he said smiling at me till his eyes trailed behind me as he suddenly shoved me into the snow as a loud crack was heard as Percy stumbled to a knee, gripping his chest as blood fell onto the ground as I looked past me to see a spartus pointing a gun at me as a throwing knife imbedded itself in its head as it shuddered and burst into flames as Percy slowly stood up, blood seeming from the wound as I ran towards him.

"Percy! Are you okay?" I said worriedly as he stood up, groaning "I'll be fine. Let's help the others." he said, using his spear as a walking stick "You sit this one out Percy. We'll handle it." I said but he shook his head "You won't kill them. I don't know how Bianca did but she got lucky, I'm your only shot at killing them." he said staring at me with a determined look 'He's going to get himself killed one day with his stubbornness' I thought as I nodded my head while he smiled and picked up his shield as it turned back into his watch. "Let's go. The others aren't going to last very long." He said running towards the others but then he suddenly ran full sprint towards Phoebe and Zoe, dropping his spear as Phoebe spun around and shot a arrow, thinking it was a spartus creeping up on her but it was Percy as it hit him in the gut, making him stumble but he shook it off and shoved Phoebe and Zoe to the ground as two more bullets sounds were heard as Percy fell to the snow, more blood flowing from two more holes the size of an acorn.

As I whipped around to find the spartus, a throwing knife imbedded itself in its head as it burst into flames while Phoebe and Zoe looked at him shocked as he tried to stand up but was failing to do so "This hurts so much." he said trying to stand up again but he was shoved down by Tyler as he yelped in pain, then glared at Tyler.

"Do you have an appointment with death?" Tyler said glaring at Percy "No. But I can schedule an appointment if need be." he said mockingly as Tyler went to speak but I spoke first "Fight later you two, we need to get out of here." I said as Percy tried to stand up but Tyler pushed him back down "Not until we help Percy." he said as Percy spoke "I'll be fine, I've been through worse, trust me on that one. Just help me up and find me a spot where I can tend to my wounds." he said wrapping an arm around Tyler as Grover came over as Percy swung his arm over Grover as they pulled him up as clattering was heard as we turned around and saw more spartus coming towards us but then shadows wrapped around them, making them disappear.

"Let's go. They'll come back soon." Percy said, looking a little pale as Tyler and Grover dragged him into a museum with us behind them "Over there." Percy said pointing at a spot that was secluded and hidden from everyone's sight as they sat Percy down against the wall "Tyler, go grab some paper towels please." he said as Tyler nodded and stood up "Grover, go help Tyler find some bandages also." he said as I went to speak, tell them that we had bandages but he had a glint in his eyes that told me to stay quiet which I did as Grover nodded.

"Do any of you have tweezers?" He said looking at us "Why do you need tweezers?" Bianca said as he sighed "Do you or not? One of you ladies are bound to have tweezers?" he said as Thalia pulled out a pair of tweezers as he thanked her and looked at us "Usually, I would never do this in front of a hunter of Artemis or Artemis herself but desperate times calls for desperate measures." he said taking his jacket off, then his shirt, exposing a few nasty scars on his back and chest.

"How'd you get those?" Thalia said as Percy ran his fingers over the wounds "Interrogation." was all he said as he took a deep breath and plunged the tweezers into one of his wounds, making Thalia and Bianca look away "Where is it?" he said as blood flowed from the wound more quicker "Should we get Apollo?" Thalia said as Percy shook his head "I'm fine, trust me." he said pulling out the bloody tweezers to show a bullet wedged in between it.

"Gotcha." Percy said putting it down of the floor as he looked at me "I know you have bandages in your bag. I just didn't want Grover or Tyler seeing this." he said as I reached into my bag and grabbed the bandages and pulled them out as he pulled another bullet out as blood covered the floor around him "Thank you." he said pulling out the last bullet as he wrapped the bandages around his body, sighing in relief. "That feels so much better." he said putting his shirt back on, then his jacket as Tyler and Grover appeared with some paper towels "We got some paper towels, Percy." he said handing Percy the paper towels as he cleaned the blood up around him and then the tweezers.

"Sorry Thalia." He said apologetically as she waved it off "Don't worry about it, Percy." she said as he slowly stood up "I'll need to change this every few hours, best we leave before the spartus find us again." he said as she spoke again "That didn't hurt you?" she said as he spoke "A little, but not a lot." he said "Look mom, a kitty!" we heard as the doors were shoved open as we spun around to see the Nemean Lion, pacing towards us.

"You have got to be kidding me." Percy said as his hunting knifes appeared in his hands "Oh no you're not. We'll handle this." Tyler said as Percy glared at him then nodded as his hunting knifes disappeared but then his bow appeared in his hands "Fine, I'll fight from afar." he said as Tyler growled but nodded as he, Grover, and Thalia ran towards the Nemean Lion as we started to scale up a rocket as Percy appeared on top "Too slow ladies." he said with a smirk "Well sorry Percy, we can't teleport like you." I said sarcastically as shadows wrapped around us and spat us out beside him. "But I can do that." He said as he shot a arrow at the Nemean Lion but it just bounced off, as did ours as Thalia kept shocking it but it only seem to enrage it.

"Why am I using this?" I heard Percy say but I continued to shoot arrows till a pitch black arrow pierced the Nemean Lion's side as it roared in anger and surprise that something pierced its skin as another arrow hit it again, throwing it to the ground as it writhed and roared in pain and anger. "How-" Phoebe started till I saw Percy with his massive longbow in his hand which looked funny with someone of his age holding something so deadly "These arrows will pierce anything. The Nemean Lion's pelt is useless against these." he said, pulling back the arrow in his bowstring and releasing it as it pierced the Nemean Lion's head as it dissolved into dust, leaving behind a spoil of war as shadows swallowed us as we appeared beside Tyler and the others.

"What's this?" Tyler said picking up the pelt "That is the Nemean Lion's pelt. Hercules once wore it, it belongs to thee. Take it." Zoe said with obvious distaste while Tyler looked at the pelt in awe but Percy stared at it with an emotionless mask on "Why should I?" he said as Phoebe scoffed "Don't try to lie to us boy. All you males want to be like Hercules." she spat as he walked towards Tyler "Actually, my favorite hero is Prince Hector of Troy. He was a excellent person, a great commander, loyal to his wife and loved horses. Every great hero loves horses, except for Hercules of course." he said snatching the pelt out of Tyler's hands and tossing it into a bin, then lighting it on fire.

"For Lady Artemis." He said as the fire changed to a silver color for a few seconds then it went back to normal as he looked back at us "The only reason I liked Hercules was because he had luck that's more worse than mine. Other than that, I hate him." he said walking to the doors while Zoe stared at his back with a unreadable expression on her face.

"Dude! Why did you do that?" I heard Tyler say once we caught up to him "It's just a pelt, Tyler. Nothing important about it." he said as I looked back and saw Tyler stare at him like he grew another head "That belonged to the greatest hero to have ever lived." he said as Percy stopped and looked at him "Hero? Hercules? Don't be a fool Tyler. Hercules is no hero, despite what others think. If you knew the truth, you wouldn't be thinking that anymore." he said as we walked outside to see the spartus pointing and clattering but there seemed to be two times as much.

"Are you joking?" Percy said as shadows swallowed us as we appeared in the van but Tyler was in the drivers seat while Thalia was in the passenger seat while we were all in the back "Drive Tyler!" Percy said while we looked at him in shock "Percy, I'm-" "I don't care, if you don't, we're all going to die." and immediately, the van lurched forward, throwing us all back into the seats as we barely avoided a semi-truck.

"We're all going to die." Grover said as Tyler sped down the road "Tyler, turn right up here. I think there's a train station nearby." Bianca said "You think?" he said, looking back at her through the mirror "Eyes on the road Tyler." Percy said as Tyler's eyes snapped to the road again as he took a hard right, throwing me into Percy and Percy into Phoebe.

"Get off me, boy." She spat as he spoke "I will once Jennifer gets off me." he said as I got off him "Uh, we have a problem you guys." Grover said, looking out the window as we looked back to see six to eight spartus gaining on us with incredible speed while a helicopter was following us "Mercenaries, I hate them." Percy said glaring at the helicopter. "Ladies, if you'll please excuse me." Percy said moving over Phoebe till he sat directly in front of the window.

"What are you going to do? Shoot them?" Phoebe spat as he broke the back window and pulled out his longbow "Something like that." he said pulling a arrow out and aiming at a spartus that was closer than the most but the arrow was dripping with fire onto his skin but it didn't affect him. "Percy, are you sure you can hit that?" I said but he didn't answer me as he released the arrow as it struck the spartus directly in the chest, sending it up in flames while we watched in shock as he pulled another arrow out and released it on a spartus scaling the walls like a spider.

"Impossible." Zoe whispered in shock and awe "Not even Artemis has accuracy like that." she said as I watched in awe and slight envy at his skills as he released two more arrows that hit their targets as he pointed his bow "Right here Tyler! Turn left!" Bianca said as Tyler took a hard left but it threw Percy's aim off as he lost his grip as his longbow flew out the window. "Tyler, I'm going to kill you." He said gazing at his longbow lying in the middle of the road as shadows started to wrap around him but I put my hand on his arm, stopping him "Leave it Percy. Remember what Artemis said." I said as he stared at me with startling golden eyes till he nodded as the shadows around him dispersed as we stopped in a parking lot.

"Come on, I know where the train is from here." Bianca said as we all got out of the van and headed down into the subway.


After switching another train to avoid the helicopter, we all finally sat down "I need to go back." Percy said standing up as Tyler jumped up "For what?" he said "My longbow." he said as shadows started to wrap around him "Percy, like Jennifer said, leave it." he said but Percy shook his head. "I can't Tyler, something with more power than all of the Olympians' symbol of power combined can not be in their hands. Plus with my power rivaling Nyx and Gaea, they'll put two and two together. I can't have that." He said as Thalia, Grover, and Bianca looked at him in shocked "What?" Thalia said in shock as we all exchanged looks as I felt multiple pair of eyes on me and Percy must've sensed it also since he looked up and sighed.

"Looks like its time for everyone to know the truth about me, Olympians included." He said sitting down on one of the seats. "Sit down, its a long story."


"They dropped this." Luke said, bringing me a bow as I looked at it "Why did you bring me a bow that belongs to the hunters of Artemis?" I said tossing it back to him, not gently either as I turned around to walk away while Orion walked up to him and took the bow, studying it. "I don't think this belongs to the hunters of Artemis. Their bows are silver, this isn't and it looks a lot deadlier than theirs. Who does this belong to?" He said as Luke spoke "The son of Poseidon, your half-brother. But the one whose eight hundred years old, the immortal one." he said as I froze mid-step and turned back around towards him, my interest peaked.

"What are you talking about?" I said as Luke and Orion looked at me "When I was at camp, two sons of Poseidon stumbled into camp, defeating the Minotaur in front of the whole camp. Later on, the hunters came to camp and noticed one of the sons of Poseidon." he said as I spoke "That doesn't explain who he is." I said aggravated as Orion spoke "But that isn't the best thing. The hunters recognized him from the thirteenth century, he was made immortal but by who, no one knows except his brother but he won't budge. Their names are Perseus Jackson and Tyler Jackson." he said as I nodded "And is this Tyler, the immortal one?" I said as they shook their heads.

"Perseus Jackson is the immortal one. After he defeated Ares in combat, the Olympians had him doing their dirty work for him ever since, keeping a close eye on him. Trying to figure out his identity but so is everyone else, and our spy says he has some...issues with the hunters." Luke said as I raised an eyebrow, my interest even more peaked "Explain." I said as Orion spoke "Apparently, around three hundred years ago. Oceanus had a child, her name was Crystal Bishop and her and Perseus fell in love. They meant the world to each other, he loved her and she loved him. On her birthday, Perseus and a son of Hyperion were planting her a surprise birthday but the hunters found the spot and trashed it, capturing Crystal and bringing her to the Olympians. Zeus, Hera, Hephaestus, Ares, Dionysus, Athena, Artemis, and Demeter voted for her death. Aphrodite, Poseidon, Apollo, and Hermes voted against it. When Artemis flashed back to the spot where her hunters were at, Perseus and the son of Hyperion attacked Artemis and her hunters. Perseus, lost in his rage and heartbreak nearly killed every hunter and attacked Artemis, breaking many bones and nearly killing her but after a few minutes of the encounter, Perseus and the son of Hyperion vanished without a trace, leaving a Olympian goddess and thirty hunters on death's doorstep." he said as I nodded, impressed with the demigods skills.

"But that isn't everything." He said as I spoke "What else happened to him?" I said as Luke spoke "His sister left him for the hunt, this happened when he was five. He ran away into the forests where Artemis and her hunters thought he would be killed but he wasn't. He's also the adopted son of Hestia and the champion of Hades and Apollo." he said as I nodded, interested if this demigod will fight for us.

"Will he join us?" I said as Orion spoke "We're positive he will. We think he's debating on joining for the girl, we've made many promises to him about bringing her back." he said as I spoke "Will you do it? If this boy can defeat an Olympian with ease, I have no doubt he will destroy our forces before we attacked Mount Olympus if we don't hold up our end of the deal." I said while they hesitated "We're figuring out a way to do it but we figured if he does join, he's going to be the one who will convince her to come back." Luke said as I nodded, looking towards the east, knowing my traitorous daughter is coming to her death.

"Let us go greet Artemis and see how she is liking her new job." I said as I put my hand on Luke and Orion's shoulder as I flashed us back up to Mount Tam.

Percy POV

"So you have been in tons of war on Earth and out in the universe and have killed millions?" Bianca said as I nodded "You are the champion of Hades, Apollo, Hermes, and all the primordials minus Tartarus?" Thalia said as I nodded again "You are the adopted son of Chaos and Hestia and have power that rivals the first generation primordials but when angry your power rivals Chaos?" Thalia said as I nodded again as we fell into a lapse of silent on the train that I know Apollo gave us. Who else has a train with the name Sun West Lines. It just screams APOLLO all over it.

"Did you tell the Olympians?" Thalia said as I shook my head "No, I wanted to wait until the right time to prove to them that I'm not their enemy and I'm here to help them and prevent as few losses as possible. I personally know how it feels to lose a loved one and as you can tell, I've lost millions of loved ones." I said as they nodded as we fell into silence "Do you think Zeus will let you live?" she said as I spoke "Hopefully, I've done many deeds for all of them. Hopefully that's enough to earn their respect and still live to see the light of the day. I know that Aphrodite, Hermes, Apollo, and my Poseidon will vote for me to live but I can't say the same for the other Olympians." I said as they nodded.

"I hope so Percy. But you already have enemies among the Olympians who will gladly kill you." Tyler said worriedly "Who would want to kill Percy? Every time we see him on Olympus, he's always chatting with the minor gods and overall having a good time." Jennifer said as Tyler looked at her "Percy's told me of his time on Olympus and a few of the near fights he's been in with a few of the Olympians. The main being Ares, Athena, and Dionysus. They won't keep him alive and if they do, it's going to be for their own gain and Percy doesn't like being used." Tyler said as I sat there in silence, thinking over the possibilities that I could survive, even though it's nearly impossible for them to kill me but what really has me worried is they'll tell the campers lies. Saying that I betrayed them for the Titans and that I'm to be killed on sight and I don't like fighting the campers, their my friends. The only true friends I've had in a long time and Katie, oh how they'll turn Katie against me... "Percy!" Tyler said, snapping me out of my thoughts "What?" I said looking at everyone.

"What are you going to do?" Tyler said as I stared at him, knowing that he's desperate for me to have an answer but in all honesty, I don't. It's nearly impossible for the Olympians to let me stay with the campers, because they'll either kill me on the spot or try to. Or, they'll let me live but keep me separated from Katie, Tyler, and the others, forcing me back into a depression. Something I just got out of. "I don't know Tyler, we'll just have to find out after this quest." I said tiredly "You guys hungry? I know that you haven't eaten since this morning." I said, hopefully changing the subject as everyone's stomachs growled, Tyler's and Grover's the loudest as I chuckled. "I suppose so." I said snapping my fingers as mac and cheese, and other homemade meals appeared in front of them as they stared at it in shock.

"I'm a son of Hestia. Summoning homemade meals are apart of my powers." I said as they attacked the food like a pack of hungry wolves, which in a way I guess, they are. I managed to sneak away and sit in a sea green convertible as I leaned my head back and closed my eyes.

"How you been Percy?" I heard as I smiled "Hello Fred, what brings you here?" I said opening my eyes to see Apollo smiling at me "Just came to see my favorite demigod." he said as I smiled "You know, this train name is a little obvious. Sun West Lines. It just screams you all over it." I said sarcastically as he smiled "I like to represent." he said as I rolled my eyes. "Thanks for the train Apollo, I knew I couldn't flash all eight of us halfway across the United States." I said gratefully but he waved it off "Anything for you, Percy." he said smiling, then his face turned serious "Zeus isn't happy." he said as I sighed "I know Apollo, convince him to let me live. I'm trying to get them through this war without them losing as many children." I said as he sighed "I'm trying Percy. But the others apparently care more about thrones than the own children they gave birth to." he said disgusted as I nodded.

"Keep trying Apollo. If things don't work, I'll have to do things my way." I said seriously as he narrowed his eyes "What do you mean?" he said suspiciously but I shook my head "If it has to happen, it will happen and you won't stop me nor will you stop me." I said as he studied me for a few more minutes till thunder shook the sky violently "I got to go. Zeus is flipping out since he doesn't know I'm here." he said as I nodded and leaned my head back, closing my eyes and getting ready to sleep. "One day Perce, you're happiness is coming soon. Hang in there just a little bit longer, someone's going to help you out Perce, more than Chaos ever has." he said as my eyes snapped open...only to see Apollo gone.

Apollo POV

I flashed back to Olympus to see everyone still the same way there were before I left "No wonder Percy didn't want to help us. We act like a bunch of kids." I said to Hermes while he nodded in agreement "SILENCE!" Zeus shouted as everyone quieted down and looked at him. "Now that everything is under control, what do we do with the boy?" he said as Ares scoffed "Isn't obvious? The boy needs to be killed." he said as I spoke "You only want him dead because he whopped your ass." I said as he glared at me "I agree with Ares on this one, the boy needs to be killed." Athena said as Hermes spoke "Why would we kill him?" he said as Hera spoke "Look at him. The boy has been holding back the entire time. If he joins the Titans, it'll be the destruction of Olympus, with the Great Prophecy or without it." she said as Hermes spoke "He wouldn't do that." he said as everyone looked at him.

"And what makes you think that?" Hera spat as he rolled his eyes "If he wanted to kill us, he would've done it three hundred years ago. The day you killed the daughter of Oceanus, but he hasn't. I have no doubt in my mind that he was sent here to help us get through this war without losing so many of our children. But if you try to kill him, it will push him over the edge and there will be no more of our children. He has served us faithfully for the last three years or better yet, all his life. He fought our enemies without us knowing, while he was down there doing something he didn't want to, we're up here, arguing like children over simple matters. We've taken so much from him, yet he hasn't betrayed us. He has dealt with the mockery and contempt from a few immortals in this room and he could've easily killed you, but hasn't. So you tell me Hera, will he actually betray us unless we make the first move." he said while we looked at him in shock while Hera spluttered for words.

"I agree with Hermes on this one. The boy has loyalty but if you try to kill him, it will sever that loyalty to us. We have been using him and he hasn't argued once, yet we argue over pride and whose better. I may be a love goddess and I know that most of you think that love is useless but it is very powerful, even deadly. Take Percy for example, a man of pure power and skills beyond our reach, whom was nearly destroyed by love because of what you did. I sense love in him but it isn't harbored to us, only to Hermes, Poseidon, Apollo, and the campers. He is only here because Chaos and his children made him come here, but who would blame him? Would you come here to fight for those who threw you into so much war and bloodshed and took someone you loved with all your heart? If I were him, I would leave you all to die and if he did, I wouldn't blame him." Aphrodite said gaining looks of shock from everyone.

"I agree with Hermes and Aphrodite, I knew Percy the minute he left with Aether." I said as Zeus stood up and looked at me in rage and betrayal "You knew who he was the entire time." he shouted as I nodded "Yep, he's a good kid whose seen too much and been through so much. If he joins the Titans because of what you did. You'll have to find another Olympian." I said gaining looks of shock and disbelieve from everyone till Zeus turned red in anger "You dare-" "I do dare, I'm not going to take part in something like this. You're all being paranoid that he's going to take over Olympus but you're wrong. He's only here for his brother, he told me that he planned on getting through the Great Prophecy which he is and then leaving but he didn't expect to find friends, family, and someone to love. If he joins the Titans, I'm going to support him." I said flashing out.

Hope you like🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪

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