Forever Your Fan (On Hold)

By misstallyn

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To love is to risk. It is a blind pursuit. You give your life to someone you hardly ever know. You might have... More

CHAPTER 1: Reaching him
CHAPTER 3: A Special Friend
CHAPTER 4: Friendzone?
CHAPTER 5: Two Tickets

CHAPTER 2: He said yes

153 11 6
By misstallyn

We're here at the school kitchen, baking. All the staff went home because it's already late.

This should be easy, and I want it to be longer so I could spend more time with him. He's intently shaping the chiffon cake to his liking, and I'm mixing the ingredients. Each time I start a conversation, his anwers comprise only of "yes," "no," "okay."

He finally gives up and says "Less talk, more work."

Wow! my little brother's buzz lightyear robot is friendlier and knows more words than him. It says "Buzz lightyear at your service" and "To infinity and beyond!"

"Do you hate me so much that you don't even talk to me?" I break the defeaning silence. It's a rhetorical question. I don't expect him to answer but happy when he says, "I don't hate you."

"I know you're forced to do this. I'm sorry for that and for the other day." He doesn't answer, it's not like I'm expecting him to say "It's okay, I forgive you." He's not that kind of person.

"I like it. I mean I used to do this a lot but not anymore."

"Oh, you don't look like the baker kind of guy." I say smiling. Now we're talking.

"No I do it with my mom. After she left. I don't do it. Not anymore."

"Work abroad?"

He pause for a minute probably debating in his mind whether to tell me or not.

"It's not like that. She left me and my father. She left without saying goodbye. For... For another man."

"ahh... So that's why you're like that."

"I'm like what?"

"You.. clearly hate women, that's why you don't want to socialize or get close to your fans that much. You think all girls are the same."

"No that's where you're wrong, I don't like them because their so nosy, loud, and obnoxious. You're the the walking definition of that." He says irritably.

"Geez. Thanks friend. I appreciate that compliment."

"But seriously, I'm really sorry about that" I added. "I know how it feels, having someone special to you go away. My dad died when I was little. One minute he's healthy, playing and laughing with me and the next thing I know, he's gone. It felt like my whole life shattered. The thing is.. we never really know, and sometimes we just have to always be ready." I stop talking because I can feel my tears are welling up. Everytime I remember this, my sadness always comes back. I used to cry a lot. I just stopped because I don't want to let that single moment define me. I try to blur that period in my life so I can pretend I'm still whole, that nothing's ever broken me.

"Yeah,I know." He taps my shoulder and looks at me differently. I don't know what he meant by that but it feels good.

"Come on, let's work. We didn't came here to talk to Dr. Phil." He says smiling now. I know behind that smile is concern, understanding, and a good heart. I smile back, glad to know this side of him.

"So does it mean we're friends now?" I say out of the blue right after that serious conversation. Shameless, I know. I know. I'm always the girl with an ulterior motive.

"I think we're finished. We should put this in a box." He's already at the door when he says, "And my answer is no, we're not."

We walk home together so we can show the "PROOF" according to him.

I hate that he has to emphasize that word as if the cake is some kind of forensic evidence and what we did was purely business. And I hate that we're walking just to give this to the boys who are having the best time of their lives at some bar. I've been wanting to ask him about his own car but decided otherwise. I figure a snide remark will only be thrown at me.

This street is so quite, no people and no cars passing by, I doubt anyone will notice us.  He's ahead of me so I can clearly see that sexy back. Of course, he's wearing a t-shirt but you know what I mean. I'm doing what girls usually do if they find theirselves in my situation. I'm thinking how good it would feel to embrace that perfect body. I'm thinking of wrapping around my arms to that body and what----

" Wahhhhhh!!!.... MY BAG!!" I am stoned, watching the horrifying scene in front of me. The snatcher is running away with my bag.


But then my eyes caught Daine running, so I begin to catch up with them.

The criminal is good I have to give him credit for that, but Daine never lose sight of him. We enter dark alleys I never knew existed. I want to scream and tell Daine to let it go but I'm panting heavily, out of breath. I am bone tired from running. I swear whoever that criminal is, he's a goner even before I lay a finger on him.

Even from a distance I can see that the snatcher/criminal/culprit gets inside a car. Great! Freakin' great! We have to chase that freakin' car! I look around but can't seem to find Daine. He was way ahead of me awhile ago. Where is he? Did he just ditch me in the middle of this mess?! Ugh, he's impossible!

"VROOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMM!!" Being in a full-panic mode, I am surprised to see a motorcycle materialize in front of me.

"Hop in, and make it fast." It's Daine. I don't ask where did he get the motorcycle. Without a word, I climb balancing the cake in one hand. Yes, after all the running that happened I still have it in its gloriously perfect shape. Hold your applause. I know I could be superwoman sometimes.

Feeling more like actors in an action movie, I steel myself and ready to be on full-action mode. Clutching Daine's back, It feels weird that I just thought about this exact same thing awhile ago. You know what they say "Be careful with what you wish for because you just might get it!"

We reach a bend and lose sight of him. But just when I am about to lose hope, we see him getting out of the car. He's not running anymore probably thinking we got lost on the way here. I look at Daine grinning. He grins back agreement evident in his eyes. I can tell this is going to be 100% sheer entertainment.

We spy at his house for a few minutes to know if there are other vultures like him inside, it's his lucky day because he's alone. Easy-peasy. I compose myself. Breathe in, breathe out...Here it goes...

"Special delivery!" I knock at his door.

"WHAT!" The door bursts open revealing the most hideous person in the world. I could be really harsh to him, where did he get the nerve to shout at me like that?! Just as he's about to recognize me, Daine knocks him off and ties him to a chair. This is where those perfectly-toned muscles come in handy.

"Sorry man, she wants to take charge." Daine says, cleary amused with this whole crime-fighting thing.

"If you want to continue infesting this world, say sorry like you mean it or I could just end you RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW!!" Well it's not like I'm actually gonna do it. I lack the skills and I know better than that. I'm just good at giving threats.

"Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry." He pleads but I only laugh.

Daine scrutinizes my wicked reaction. I must look like a thug lord here while laughing. It's not my fault that I remembers a song while hearing his apology.

"Okay, thank you."

"I'm going to call the police. I'll be back." Daine mutters.

"Wait I just have to do one last thing to ease my mind." I say with sparkles in my eyes.

He looks at me and to what I am holding. He shrugs. "Let's have it your way then."

"Sorry." Then I shove the entire cake into his face. Serves him right. Somehow seeing the cake on his face feels way better than seeing the cake on Will's butt. Daine and I do our high five to finish it off. We laugh at the situation we got ourselves into.


We're sittng at a bench an hour after the police came. The entire city is busy in front of us, but we're chatting nonstop.

"I forgot to ask you. What's inside that bag?"

"Oh.. let's see. My pillow... my notebook.... my pen... and here it is! My Hershey's Chocolate bar!"

"Wow. I hope I could witness the snatcher's face when he opens that. It would have been priceless. All the trouble for that? You're impossible!" He says.

"Yeah, I've been told so many times. But admit it, it was amazing right?"

"Yes," he wears a smile that makes my heart melts. And just like that I remember something.

"So friends?" I ask.

"Hmmmn.. Now that you say that, it seems like a debatable proposition." He muse.

I slap his shoulder. He's not really taking what I said seriously.

"Oww! That hurts. Alright. Alright."

"Alright as in yes yes?"


"Yes as in we're friends now?"

"I said yes already didn't I?!"

"He said yes, he said yes, he said yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" I sing while dancing and jumping at the same time. I know I'm making a scene out here but who cares? I'm having the best day eva!

"Dear me! Would you look at that Honey. Such a cute couple! He finally said YES! Awww! I remember the good old days." The old woman sitting on the nearby bench said to the burly old man beside her. They look at us fascinatedly like we just came out of a rom-com movie.

"Come on, let's get out of here." Daine drags me out of the park towards the taxi. And we both head home.

IT'S OFFICIAL! Daine and I are the bestest friends!


I must be rejoicing, thankful even. I asked for this, to be his friend, to always be there, to protect him, and to let him know that not all girls are the same, to make him feel loved.

I guess sometimes things happen because they have to happen. You don't question, judge, or manipulate them. Acceptance is the only way to ever truly find happiness. I know I've found mine a long time ago, I just have to make him feel the same. I'm his friend nothing more and nothing less.

It's morning, I'm still in bed because somehow I cannot find the will to stand up and face the day. If I go to school I don't know if he'll still remember to be my friend or if he'll just act like he used to.

"Good morning DAINE." I say while looking at his picture on top of the bedside table. I've read once that when you love someone, you say their names different. Like it's safe inside your mouth. Because you know you'll keep it forever. I wonder how I sound like saying his name.

"Sabie! Your breakfast is waiting!" Mom says downstairs.

"Yes, mom! Coming!"

I eat my food in a hurried ease, careful not to arouse suspicion from my mom. She could change into her alter ego, Nancy Drew. The best mom when it comes to sleuthing.

"Darling, explain what this eager haste is all about" Wow. Just Perfect.

"No I'm not." I answer while drinking, pretending in my best effort to hide my obvious face.

"Is it a boy?" Double Perfect.

"I'm done. Bye mom take care." I stand up dodging away her question.

"Oh well, it's fine if you don't want to talk about it. I'm sure he's also hurriedly eating and thinking of you just as much." She says teasing me further.

I just crack a smile at the impossibility of that. No not going to happen.


I am hunched over my desk, frantically reviewing my notes. We have an exam today. Only divine intervention can save this agony. I am wishing for a photographic memory, for a different and more useful brain, or for Ms. Garcia to be absent just for today. Puh-lease!

I am completely engrossed with studying when I suddenly feel something.





I almost fall out of my chair, surprised to see him poking me like that. Daine looks amused at my reaction. I flush beet red. Then he laughs even more when he see me blush. I look around the classroom and saw


Eyes wide open, gawking at us. Their expression from shock to jealousy to hatred.

I just shrug and grin the most giddiest grin.

Sorry girls.... He's poking me.... Not you.... You can always find someone to poke you but probably not as great as he is. Or you can open your facebook and poke yourself, that would have been easier right?... Anything to appease your jealous souls.

 I smile at myself contentedly.

"Sab," he interrupts.


"Here" He places the pen on my desk. It's my pen, the one he threw our of the window. I 

face him with a question etched in my mind.

"I looked for this outside. I thought this might be important to you."

"It is. Thanks."

We pause for a minute, gazing at each other. 

Okay. Things couldn't get more AWKWARD than this. 

I regain my senses and snap back to the matter at hand which is being all panicky for the exam. Funny how good he is at distracting me. He's not even making an effort.

Even if I pretend to be consumed with studying, I hear him snicker softly. I glare at his amusement.

"What's so funny? Huh?!" I mock him.

"Chill. It's nothing. It's just people are watching." My eyes roam around the area, and true enough, people are STILL watching, especially disbelieving fangirls. I can feel him enjoying the whole situation. But I don't because I know having him as a friend sure has drawbacks.

We walk the hallways together after the class. He talks animatedly about some joke James came up the other day. Half of my mind is absorbing our conversation and the other half is keeping an eye of the girls we pass along our way. Students stop what their doing and stare at us, I mean really stare at us. I don't know if he notices them or not. But he's showing not even the least sign of concern. He's probably used to people doing that. With that gorgeous looks, I know he gets it all the time.

He takes me to my next class.

"See yah, friend!" He waves goodbye.

I smile like the happiest kind of idiot.

"What's that suppose to mean?! And who do you think you are!" I turn around to face three girls who look like make-up endorsers for clowns. I never knew people could actually apply that much make-up, well until now.

"His friend. And I think I could ask you the same question," I raise one brow. Yes I could level with their bitchiness.

"Amanda. Leader of Daine's fans club." Clown No. 1 says.

"Your not a member so better back off girl." Clown No. 2 adds.

"Yes, while you still can." Clown No. 3 says.

"Umm.. Sorry. I'm heading inside." I can't believe I'm talking to them. I can't believe these clowns even exist. They're suppose to be in a drama show tormenting innocent people.

"Fine, you just bought a free-way ticket to hell girl."

Ohhhh... I'm scared!

(A/N: Tell me what you think of the story! )

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