Don't Let Go

By austenfromhell

586 13 5

This isn't a normal story of girl meets boy, they instantly fall in love and live happily ever after. This... More

00: Prologue
01: Teenagers
02: Strike a Nerve
03: Sleep
04: Rollin' Stone
07: Shake Ya Ass
08:Sleepover Shenanigans

05-Bad Reputation

6 1 0
By austenfromhell

Three days into detention and Kimberly has decided Dean is now a part of our inner circle.

I could honestly kill the girl.

No matter how silent we're supposed to stay during detention, Kimberly has somehow managed to chat with Dean every day and keeps trying to include me into their conversations. I, of course, ignore her and Dean's irritating smirk but it seems like even though I'm trying hard to pretend he doesn't exist, he wants to continually remind me that he does.

"Can you stop staring at me?" I whisper harshly.

"I'll stop staring when you do," he responds, leaning back in his chair with a grin. His shirt rises a bit and I scowl at the sight of his firm and muscular stomach. I look away quickly, pretending I didn't see anything but he of course notices and teasingly lifts his shirt higher. "Let me know when you've got your full, sweetheart."

I growl, turning away from him and return my attention to my textbook. I stare at the words on the page until they start to blur and my eyes start to water. Ugh, I can't concentrate. Not when I can feel him staring at me while he whispers with Kimberly. Well, Kimberly does most of the whispering he mostly just listens and stares.

Tina nudges me softly and passes me some cookies and I take them, smiling in thanks. The teacher in charge is sleeping peacefully in his chair and the only thing stopping me from leaving early is that I need him to sign our forms saying we were here and he only does that at the end of detention.

"So Dean, I heard you have a car." Kimberly says and I shoot her a quick look. She's not looking, though I doubt she'd listen anyway. "A black Aston Martin, to be precise."

"That I do," he responds back easily.

"How can you afford such an expensive car?" Kimberly wonders. How has his car not gotten stolen is the better question. Dean stays quiet, which is what he usually does whenever Kimberly asks questions that are bordering on personal. It takes everything in me to not peek back at him to study his face. After a few more seconds of silence, Kimberly continues. "I was wondering, since we're all friends now—"

I scoff, turning a page in my textbook loudly. Tina gives me a wide-eyed look, silently telling me to stop. She's still nervous around Dean and I almost think detention has been more tortuous for her than me. She says that underneath that smile lies a lot of anger and that she doesn't trust him to not explode on day. Kimberly's response was to tell her to stop reading her mom's erotica books at home.

"—if you could give us a ride home" Kimberly continues. "It's raining outside and I just got my hair done, and it cannot get wet."

Oh no. Oh hell to the no. I'd rather walk home in the rain and look like an angry wet cat than take a ride from him. I've been letting Kimberly play her little games with Dean but now I'm starting to get seriously annoyed.

"Kimberly—" I warn turning in my seat to glare at her.

"I'll give you a ride on one condition," he cuts in, running his hand through his wavy dark hair. He looks right at me as he continues, "Carmen has to come too."

Kimberly looks at me with pleading eyes and I roll my own. The amount of time I've rolled my eyes in the last week alone, I'm surprised they haven't gotten stuck. Though I'm pretty sure that can't really happen and it's only something my abuelita used to tell me to try and get me to stop doing it all the time.

"You and Tina can go without me," I say, pretending to study some writing on the desk. "I'd rather walk."

"You'd really trust the big bad wolf alone with your two friends?" Dean asks with a mischievous grin. "In case you haven't heard around school, I'm a suspected hitman. Maybe you girls are my next targets."

I rub my lips together, trying to fight a smile. Lots of people in school were gossiping about him, wondering who he was, how he was able to fit so well, where did he come from. The stories people were making up were a bit ridiculous but I guess that's what happens when you have nothing but your imagination to go on.

Tina's hand wraps around my wrist and when I turn she looks at me with wide eyes, her face pale. She whispers, "Please don't leave me alone with him. I live further than Kimberly, he'll drop her off first."

I frown. I don't want to leave Tina in a situation where she'd feel uncomfortable and being alone with any guy— much less a guy who is rumored to have broken three of Tyrone's ribs earlier in the week— would no doubt have her anxious.

"Fine I'll go," I say, turning in my seat. Kimberly squeals, looking like I just told her I'd go on a date with him and I rush to add, "But try anything funny and I'll slash your tires."

"Such a violent little thing," he says, winking at me. "I like it."

"Like I care what you like," I mumble, turning back around but from the throaty laugh I hear behind me, I'm pretty sure he heard me.

Of course now that I was dreading leaving and hoping for detention to last forever it was the one time that time seemed to speed on by. Before I knew it, the teacher had woken up, signed our slips and practically kicking us out of the class.

"Just one more day of detention and we're free," Kimberly says, her voice echoing in the quiet halls.

"Speak for yourself, I have detention until next Monday," I groan. "Remember Mr. Sharp gave me two days worth of detention on Monday and apparently they will only sign on slip per day."

"How long are you in detention, Dean?" Kimberly asks.

"Tomorrow's my last day," he answers, holding the door for us as we all walk out. Kimberly instantly opens her umbrella, the rain light at the moment but it's been on and off showers all day so at any minute it could start pouring.

Tina gets under Kimberly's umbrella and I pull up my hood on my jacket. Dean's only wearing a green cable knit sweater today, no jacket but he doesn't seem bothered by the rain or the cold. We end up walking a few blocks past the school and down towards the more quieter streets where the cute little suburban homes are.

Dean stops at a car that is hidden beneath a blue car cover. The rain has wet his hair enough that it almost glistens and I briefly wonder what it'd feel like to run my hand through it. My eyes travel from his hair to his sweater, which fits over his broad shoulders and back nicely, his arms looking somehow bigger than I originally thought they were.

Ugh, no I cannot be attracted to this guy. I shake my head, turning my eyes back to the car. He pulls back the cover and my mouth nearly drops when I catch sight of his car. Damn I guess he wasn't kidding, he really does own an Aston Martin car. It's a sleek black color and has only two doors, the car seems to almost shine in the grubby streets of this neighborhood.

"Are you rich or something?" I ask, not understanding how someone who owns a car like this would come to a public school in this neighborhood.

Dean opens the door of his car and I noticed that the inside is even more beautiful. He presses a button on the side of the seat and it moves up and bends so that we can sit in the back. "Or something."

Kimberly is the first to get into the car, and she gives a low whistle. Tina follows her, looking back at me and mouths "what the fuck". I give her a smile but that smile drops once I realize I'll have to sit in the front with Dean.

Dean pulls the seat back into place and moves back a bit, his hand going to the door beside me. I pause, slipping my bag off my shoulder as I look from the leather seat to Dean, who's standing behind me.

"Don't worry I won't bite," he says, leaning down so that his lips are near my ear. I fight a shiver that wracks my body as his lip brushes the shell of my ear. "At least not at first."

"Yeah, well I bite back" I shoot back, pulling away from him. I hate that it didn't come out as angry as I wanted, instead my voice sounded almost breathy, like I was excited rather than annoyed.

I sit in the seat and stare straight ahead, refusing to make eye contact with him. After a moment, Dean chuckles softly and closes the door and I see him walk to the driver side.

Universe, please let me survive this drive home without doing anything stupid! 

A/N: Yep so things are about to get real interesting! I was going to make this into one really long chapter but I realized that it would fit better as two separate chapters. But never fear the second half of this day will be posted tomorrow once I finish editing it :) As always, please vote/comment with your thoughts! Please, please, please! It helps so much to see someone vote or even write one little sentence <3 

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