Desire (Kakashi) - Indefinite...

By CloudedSkies

519K 15.2K 4.4K

Crazy and wild, four teenagers are transferred into the world of Naruto and found by a certain sexy silver-ha... More

Desire<3 A Kakashi Love Story
Le Begining
Flipping Shit
World War Three!
Angry Kaka-Baka and a bunny!!!!
Muahahahahaha >:}
Le New Mission!!!
Ninja attack!!
Dun Dun Duuuuuuuunnnnnnn
Plot Twist!
Plot Twist! Part Dos!!
Fluff :3
The First Thing Kakashi Has to do:
Grow up:
Boy Advice and a History Lesson from Haku:
A gift:
The Return of Cow-Man
Le Team Seven vs Zabumoomoo!
Le Fight! Part Uno-
Death and Heartbreak:
Bye, Bye Haku <3 You shall be missed.
Not Quite A Lemon.......But Getting there!
Warning: Content Might Make You Fangirl Squeal And/Or Smile Like An Idiot.
Kakashi has a fan!
I cried writing this....Don't hate me....
The Sakura Funeral
Time Will Tell:
Team Minato:
My What?
Little Sasuke!!!!! *glomp*
Fluff!!! Somewhat anyways :3
Finally! Some sort of an explanation!
Warning: Content of this chapter...may cause Nosebleeds....
Home Sweet Home!
Author's Note
Some Lemon-Like Qualities:

A Quick Kiss:

13.5K 460 140
By CloudedSkies

Chapter Six:

I blink. “This isn’t home!”

“You’re not wearing my clothes again.” Kakashi grumbles, shoving me into the store. I smirk, I’ll probably continue to steal his clothes-piece by piece until he goes mad-, but allow him to push me forward anyways. “Go crazy.” He tells me, nodding towards the girl department. “I’ll pay for it.”

I sigh softly and shake my head, fingers curling around his wrist. “If I have to go down, then you’re going down with me.”

It’s not that I can’t stand shopping…it’s just I feel bad when I spend other people’s money…and I can’t stand shopping. Usually, I have everything I need-save for drawing supplies, I’m always running out of those. Kakashi begins to protest, brows furrowing together and lips parting widely beneath his mask, but I send him a look. It is a deadly look-one a cold blooded assassin might give to their target-and he quickly clamps his mouth shut.

“First, a sketchbook.” I drag him towards the arts and crafts section.

Kakashi sends me a strange look. “You kind of need clothes…”

“I know.” I send him an equally strange look back. “But I really need a sketchbook. I haven’t drawn in days.

“You say that like it’s the end of the world.”He scowls.

“Let’s put it this way.” I turn and let go of him. “Drawing to me is like Icha Icha to you. You can’t live without reading your little porno, I can’t go without drawing for more than a few days.”

He glares at me. “I’m pretty sure you could go a while without drawing if you really had too.”

I shake my head and turn down the next isle, thoroughly examining each sketchbook as I pass. “It’s like a nagging feeling in your gut. It nips at you.” I turn back to him and begin to lightly pinch his bicep, demonstrating just how annoying said feeling could be.

He rolls his eyes and folds his arms across his chest. I squat down and select a small spiral sketchbook.

“There.” I stand, clutching the book to my chest. “Did it kill you?”

“Did what kill me?” He blinks, totally spaced out.

“Me picking out a book. Because it looks to me like it didn’t affect you one bit.” I roll my eyes and start down the isle.

Thirty minutes later, I can’t see the sheets of my bed. Sighing softly and rubbing my temples, I slowly begin to sort through all the clothing that Kakashi insisted I would need sooner or later in my life. He’s almost as bad as my friend Jessica.

And that’s saying something.

I pick out small black spandex shorts. I wear these and a matching black turtle neck tomorrow for the test. Kakashi wants me to participate.

“So I can assess your skills, he says.” I grouch to myself, mimicking an old hag voice.

I don’t like working. Or running. Or anything that requires much effort.

So why am I a ninja again?

“Stupid Hakoge. Thinking he can just make me a ninja and all without my permission.” I shove a lacy black bra into the nearest drawer.

“Well, it’s kind of his job, Alex.” Kakashi is leaning against the doorframe, an eyebrow quirked. I jump and shoot him a deadly glare.

“What do you want?”

“You might want to sleep.” He nods towards the slowly clearing bed. “You have a big day a head of you tomorrow.”

I smirk. “Not really. Getting a bell will be easy.”

Kakashi blinks. “I doubt it.”

“Oh? Wanna bet?” My grin widens, sapphire eyes flashing a mischievous glint.

He takes several long strides into the room, hand already outstretched. “You lose and you get to become my personal slave for the month.”

“Sex slave?” I snicker. “Alright fine. But you lose; you’re life is going to get a whole lot worse. You have to do whatever I say, when I say it, and you can’t object.”


We shake.


“You’re late!” Sakura and Naruto scream in unison, jabbing their accusing fingers in our direction.

I yawn and shake my head sourly, pointing to the silverette beside me so they’d know it was his fault. Kakashi sends them a cheeky smile. “Well a black cat crossed our path and we had to take the long way around.”

“We could’ve just poofed here.” I grumble.

Kakashi sends me a dirty look and clears his throat. “Alright. Let’s get started.” He walks over to a small stump and sets a large alarm clock down. “This is set for noon.” He presses the center button.

“Alex will be participating in this exorcise with you.” He nods towards me. I yawn again and send him an angry glare-which he ignores. He takes out two bells and shakes his hand, making them clink together and jingle obnoxiously. “Your assignment is very simple. You just have to retrieve these bells.”

“Like this!” I dash forward and snag a bell from him.

“It hasn’t started yet, Alex. So that doesn’t count.” I can almost see the anime vein pulsing. Smirking, I jingle the bell once more and toss it back to Kakashi.

“Anyways.” Kakashi sends me a death glare. “If you can’t get them by noon, you go without lunch. You’ll be tied to those posts and you’ll watch as I eat my lunch in front of you.”

The kids let out very loud groans and cries of protest. I’m not worried about lunch-I used to go days without eating. Instead of freaking, I watch Kakashi carefully, trying to figure out the best way to capture one of those stupid bells.

“Wait a minute!” Sakura cries. Ahh, the bright one, I roll my eyes inwardly. “There’s three of us. And only two bells!”

Kakashi laughs lightly. “Well that way at least one of you will go without lunch and immediately fail the test. That one goes back to the academy…..then again, all three of you could go back. You can use any weapons, including shuriken. If you’re not prepared to kill me you won’t be able to take the bells.”

“Those weapons are too dangerous, Kakashi-Sensei! Someone could seriously get hurt.” Sakura protests.

Naruto laughs. “Especially since you couldn’t even dodge that eraser.”

I snicker and shake my head.

“Class clowns are usually the weakest links.” Kakashi sends him a deadpan look. “You can safely ignore them. Lowest scores, losers. When I say start, you can begin.”

Naruto cries out and rushes forward. I move back, away from firing range, and watch semi-interestedly as Kakashi captures the boy’s wrists and wrings it around so the blade of his kunai knife brushes against his jugular.

“Don’t be in such a hurry.” Kakashi states blandly. “I didn’t say start yet. But you came at me with the full intention of destroying me. So, how can I say this? I’m actually starting to like you guys!”

Sakura and Sasuke back up several paces, their eyes wide. Kakashi lets Naruto go and looks over to me, lone eye reproachful.

“Go.” He says, our eyes locked.

The soft barely audible patters of Sasuke and Sakura’s feet clapping against the ground fades, and soon I am unable to tell of their position. Naruto takes several steps back, watching Kakashi and I intensely.

I smirk and fold my arms across my chest. “Naruto.”

“Yes, Alex-Sensei?”

“Take notes.”

I dart forward, a blinding blur of black and brown. Kakashi jerks back, prepared for my approach, and dodges my punch-which is aimed for his head. Grinning madly, I continuously lash out at him, a blurry punches and kicks swimming around him like a tornado. I hear Naruto say whoa and know my other students are watching on, trying to sum up their both their teacher’s abilities.

But Kakashi is not ready for my next move.

I lash out with my left foot. He catches my ankle and twists, the momentum giving me enough power to spin and barely miss his head with my right foot. I flip in midair, an arm winding around his neck, and press my lips to his, hard.

Sparks jerk through my body. Kakashi freezes and my fingers silently curl around the bells.

I move back and take several long strides back before I jingle the bells in the air.

“Guess I win, huh?” I smirk, the bells dinging together loudly.

Something like disbelief crosses Kakashi’s features. He turns slightly and examines the belt loop that the bells had been tied onto, only to find it devoid of the musical acorns. Slightly pissed and amazed, Kakashi sends me a hard look and nods.

“Alright. But I need them back so the kids can have their shots now.” He holds his hands out expectantly.

I grin and toss them to him. “I’m going to go sleep. The first person to wake me up will get their eyes gouged out. Fair warning.”

I feel his eyes follow me as I run towards the nearest tree and plop down at the base of its trunk, small tail curling around my torso so I don’t accidentally sit on it. Pulling my knees up to my chest, I rest my forehead on the bony caps and allow my eyes to shut and my mind to drift.

The last thing I remember is thinking about how much better the kiss would’ve been if he hadn’t of been wearing that damn mask.

Muahaha! Okay, I still don’t have all my shit straight! So I’m trying to spit these out as fast as I can! Sorry if they suck. I wish I had time to actually go through them -.-  Ne-I need an awesome name for ‘Art Genjutsu’…..any ideas?????? Comments and Votes are welcome :D


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