To Admire

By GemBlue21

220 3 3

This story doesn't have a description, nor do I plan on adding one. I don't even know where I'm going with... More

Ch 9


59 1 0
By GemBlue21

It was a bright sunny Saturday morning. Thats how these things start right? None of that 'It was a dark and stormy night' bull. Life goes on, the weather doesn't change from sunny to rainy because you're sad, and people don't get smitten by lightning because you're angry, albeit that would be nice. I digress. My day started like any other. My alarm went off; I silently cursed myself for not turning it off on a weekend, but not actually bothering to do anything about it for tomorrow. I know its better for my sleep schedule, but that doesn't mean I liked it. The sun is a fierly ball of hate, and I would have no problem if it went out... except that it would be cold.

Story of my life isn't it? I hate it, but I need it. I know what you're thinking "Gees will she ever stop ranting?" Well sit back down because I'm not done. My life was really nice, and it all crashed down at once. I have a right to be angry.

I guess I should start doing the whole thing I came on here to do in the first place. Let's start with a little backstory shall we? I would often admire your planet. Your race being so young and blissfully ignorant, but I would never survive a day without out screaming at your leaders for being so selfish, corrupted, and downright stupid. I say that like I had a choice. I was the heir to the throne of Ahenvail, one of the largest of what could be considered countries in the system. Little did anyone know that it also had a massive network of assassins and thieves. I'm not supposed to tell anyone, but that doesn't matter to any of you.

Unlike your planet, although there is diversity among your species, ours was so different from being to being that if it was any worse we would be considered different separate species by your standards. Oh and don't even get me started on hybrids. Well... I guess I have nothing, but time to kill. Let's see... having to explain that something is a combination of two species, one of which you have you have most definitely never heard of. I should probably tell you about what I am.

During my extensive research on the collection of human information you guys made so readily available to anyone with a connection to the network, I have decided that the closest thing to my species is called an "imp". Not even a real creature, but it's as close as I can get to get an image in your head. Most are depicted as ugly as all Hell though. Our scales are usually an inky black or snow white and smooth like a snakes, but variations of this are not uncommon. We have prehensile tails that end with spikes, clubs or prongs. You don't seem to have a word for a combination of horns, ears, and antenna, so you're just going to have to imagine that on your own. We also don't have these things you call pupils. Our eyes are just one solid color, usually red, blue, yellow or green; no scleras either. We hop around kinda like rabbits; we have wings, but rarely use them, and we have what you might describe as reality bending powers.

I have black scales, bright red eyes, and a pronged tail with two spikes. My, I guess I should settle for calling them this, antenna look like arrows protruding upwards from my head. You don't even know how many people screamed "demon" at me as I was moving through the city. I've currently been hiding out in this kind girl's house, shape shifted into a human form. No one, but my parents knew about my fascination with this planet. I would spend hours on this global network of communication you have. I even attempted to learn your language. Being a shape shifting species apparently makes it easier for us to learn language and customs than others, but It never really mattered to me.

I settled for a look similar to the girl I have been staying with, but I took a few suggestions from her as to make myself look like a family and not a clone. I contacted the local government, and they enlisted me as a political refugee. They gave me a name, and gave me citizenship. My knowledge about mathematics, sciences, and technologies puts me far passed your highest level of education, but they decided that it would be best if I stayed in the same grade as the girl, so that she could "help me adapt to life on earth" or some other nonsense. The story is apparently as follows, I am from the UK, my parents were in a horrible accident, and my uncle agreed to let me stay with them.

So here I am, I went from Kazarah Laranaghept, to spell it as best I can in your alphabet, to Astrid Rivalle. Living with Mr. and Mrs. Rivalle and their daughter Elena. Hiding from a race of bloodthirsty power hungry aliens that don't speak English, called the Garadona. My new guardians managed to make it so that I would have all of Elena's classes, and although I insist that my pursuers would never find me on earth, they still insist I keep my powers a secret as to avoid world wide panic. Someday I will be proof to this young race that there is life out there, but until then, I'm just a freshman.

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