Germany x Italy x Child Reader

By SofiaCTa

19.9K 611 399

Germany and Italy have been living with girl name (Y/N) (L/N), who is an immortal human for a while. What hap... More

~Chapter 1 - World Conference~
~Chapter 2 - Chibi~
~Chapter 3 - Naming~
~Chapter 5- Women~
~Chapter 6 - Germany's love~
~Chapter 7 - Awesome Trio~
~Chapter 8- Next World Conference~
~Chapter 9- Magic Trio gets involved~
~Chapter 10- Everything is back to normal?~
~Author Note~

~Chapter 4 - Parenting~

1.9K 68 25
By SofiaCTa

Author Note: I am currently using my study time because I have nothing else better to do in my life. There are references to the animals in Hetalia if their name is spelt wrong please do tell me but I research their names in the hope it's spelt right.


Parenthood is the best thing for any parent but not when you're a country and the child is your friend just young and call you her parents. Which in this situation is funny because (Y/N) is out back in the middle of the training course while Italy and Germany are training. Berlitz, Blackie and Aster were playing with (Y/N) making her giggle at their playfulness.

After a bit, Blackie and Aster hopped onto the course to join with their master in his training. Berlitz licks (Y/N)'s cheek saying that he as to train too but Germouser and Itabbycat will take care of her. 

Belitz waited for a bit so the cats finish their training before taking care of (Y/N). When they approach (Y/N), Berlitz nods his head in acknowledgement before he joins his owners and his other doggie friends.

Germouser sat on down while (Y/N) just pats him before Itabbycat wanted some attention too. Funny thing is (Y/N) loves playing with the animals around her to the part she loves Girlbird too. When Prussia was training with her parents, Gilbird would get tried and take over from the last animal that was taking care of (Y/N). 

 Germany and Italy see this every morning even Prussia notices this. On Prussia's behave it was cute that his Nichte took interest in animals like everyone in the household did. On Germany's behave his response is like Prussia but also a bit concern in case one of the animals might bite her but less likely because they are trained. On Italy's behave... It was Hell! Italy would consistently worry about (Y/N) like a mother. Scared about everything, basically Italy saw all the possible dangers (Y/N) could encounter.  Some times he would try and approach (Y/N) to 'save' her from the dangers but, either Germany or Prussia would hold on to his collar just to restrain him from 'saving' (Y/N) even though it was not necessary.

That was their mornings when it came up to feed (Y/N) became hard for them because there will be food that she will eat willingly and others where she would flip the plate of food onto the floor. To Italy and Germany's life, she will eat sausages and pasta but refuses to eat most vegetables. At these times, Germany would look at Prussia for some help for this situation because HOW THE HELL ARE YOU MEANT TO FEED A CHILD WHO REFUSES TO EAT!? 

Prussia would laugh at their situation remembering how Germany was when he was young but he teaches them techniques like this one right here.

"Let the Avesome me teach you a lot of butt avesome feeding techniques. Check it out! To feed a child you have to approach them with saying 'Here comes the battleship~'... and there we go she starts to eat the food." Prussia says putting the vegetables in (Y/N) mouth and she munches on that happily. 

"How..." Germany and Italy look Prussia feeding (Y/N) all of her vegetables even though she looks like she was 5. 

"Because she knows it's her very avesome Onkel feeding her not her unavesome parents." Prussia comments laughing at their reaction to his response. 

"Another technique is to trick her with her favourite food and stuff the vegetables in her mouth so she has no choice but to eat it... Unless she is like her Vatti then she would spit it out." Prussia says depressingly when he remember that technique being used on Germany when he was younger. 

"Haha! I bet you were cute as a baby, Mr Germany." Italy comments feeding himself the vegetables and beef. 

"He was the cutest baby there was even Spain and France thought he was cute!" Prussia says and Germany just leaves the room to order the dogs to eat the food that she dropped on the floor before Prussia became involved with feeding (Y/N).

About 10 minutes later, (Y/N) finishes eating all of her vegetables and receives dessert as a reward.

"I forgot to include. Training a kinder to eat her vegetables is like training a dog to understand your orders. They want a reward for want they did." Prussia adds while Germany enters with all 3 dogs running and cleaning up the mess on the floor.

"Okay, Bruder we will do it for next time." Germany says to Prussia taking (Y/N)'s plate to the sink. 

"Vhat every you say." Prussia says, leaving Germany and Italy by themselves with (Y/N) happily eating her dessert... more like a gelato. 

That's their life at meal times, but when it came for her to have a nap... She slept on the sofa, a chair... even the floor! They were so done with (Y/N) when it came for her naps but they just dealt with it. If (Y/N) slept on the floor then Berlitz or Itabbycat would come up to her and take a nap with her. If (Y/N) slept on the sofa then  Germouser would have joined her in her nap taking. 

To entertain (Y/N) was so easy for them, she could get a broom and start cleaning the place and it was actually clean. She practically made a great maid because she obeys her orders. For example, she would go up to Germany asking what she could do and he might say if you want you can help me clean the mess your... Mutti made. (Y/N) would run to the broom closet and get a broom to clean the floor. Now think of it (Y/N) is wearing the clothes Italy wore when he was young which was a maid dress and cleaning Mr Germany's house. Germany was impressed that she obeys orders given to her... She was like a mix between Germany and Italy at different times if she wanted to be entertained or be kept busy.

Shower time is also an easy life... all they have to do is put her in a bubble bath, wash her hair and she will take care of the rest. 

Putting a child to bed is also very simple because they would be watching T.V or reading and then (Y/N) would get up from where she was Kisses everyone on the cheek saying Good Night to them in their language. Then she would head to bed not needing anything Prussia once offered to read her a bed time story but she said 'I'm a big girl Unkel Awesome. I don't need a story to put me to sleep. But thank you for the offer.' She would leave the room and put herself to bed.

When Germany and Italy pass her bedroom they would check if she was asleep but to their surprise, she was actually a sleep hugging Itabbycat with Germouser at her feet. Then there on the floor was Berlitz looking at them questioning what the hell are they doing before he gives up and goes back to sleep. Italy awes at the scene before them and Germany just smile at this scene. Prussia came up behind them questioning what are they doing. When he saw the scene, he took out his phone and took a picture of the scene before sending it to EVERYONE! 

At the end of the day, parenting isn't that hard right now but maybe if (Y/N) was a teenager it would be a different story. Then again at the back of their heads, they believe that the (Y/N) they know is still there just shown differently. Like she would show a lot of independence in different situations like taking a bath or getting change or cleaning the house or even when she was talking. 

Overall, they think if England finds a spell as soon as possible they might have a chance of saving (Y/N) but maybe this (Y/N) they wouldn't mind keeping for a little while longer. Just a bit because who doesn't want a Chibi (Y/N)? 


Author Note: I hope you have enjoyed reading this. This might of sounded soooooo crap but Hey! this is my life! I have a feeling that this chapter is about the animals and Prussia more than Italy and Germany but hey they were doing their best at parenting Reader-chan. I hope to post the next one soon but not tomorrow because I have important subjects to do and I don't want my computer to die on me..... or maybe I might post tomorrow because the next day I am doing nothing........ IT REALLY JUST DEPENDS ON WHAT I AM DOING OKAY! JUST DEAL WITH ME PLEASE! Thankyou.

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