I Fell For My Teacher// A Jel...

By Sarah_jones14

14.1K 548 103

" I'm more than just a teacher Selena, and you can't deny that." >>> Legal barriers, daddy issues a... More

chapter one
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen

chapter two

1.1K 38 3
By Sarah_jones14

Not edited*

"To get to you."

Selena's POV

His bare chest spread across mine, wearing slim amounts of fabric. Our lips played to the hum of the bass, music engulfing the room in a pleasant turn.

"Early in the mornings when I think about you."

My hands grasp onto the blonde strands of hair to flake down his face. The lights were dimmed with each movement played in slow motion. His heavy breath only fell down my neck and his hands he strong onto my waist. My legs straddled his lap as the couch lays underneath us.

"I- I- I- I could fuck you all the time." The slow in the rhythm allowed me to grind against Justin. His lips were hungry for more and I couldn't deny his pleasures and desires were a mutual plead.

I wanted us well he needed me.

He snapped my bra to collapse against the corners of my elbows, my breasts exposed. His eyes opened and his lips peeled from mine. His orbs of hazel never swung low to my body, they stayed centred on mine.

He pulled my hair to roll my head to fall back onto my shoulder, exploiting my neck in the vulnerable bite line. His lips clashed to my neck, my body grasped the flesh of his back well his lips showed no mercy.

"Justin I want you."

My tone was quivering for him to leave the teasing play for another day. I toss my bra to the coffee table and my ass isn't left unpleased as he grips it with his free hand.

"You've got me."


His hair fell to a curl over the brows of him, he was sculpted from an ideal beauty. I ached the plead of his eyes to outline the figure of my body, to silk my own eyes in a manner of lust and charm.

Though the lids of his eyes were painted to conceal and his bulky body warmed me in ways eyes could melt too. The stretch of his arms to lay a cushion on my back. My head resting on his bare chest with the ink of illustrations to entertain me.

His soft breaths exhales and inhaled to a calming pace, soothing to me as I listen to the beat of his heart.

Each morning same to my delight, does he see it. Doesn't he see that this could happen. It's basically already set in motion, us. We compliment each-other in more than ways to be physical.

I always trace my mind to the roots of where he couldn't allow himself to open up to me. He's spoken never to his past or his family life. Most I can know is the psychotic interest of women he dabbled in during his highschool years.

I never bothered to bring it up as I never felt the comfort in being pressured to speak on my family history. Yet in the end he knows and he has the upper hand of my own vulnerability.

His lips part as my eyes soak the polish of his refinement. I allow the temptations of my hands to smooth through his hair to be fulfilled, smoking the flames of his dirty blonde hair in the clench of my hands.

My leg swore to the other side of him, straddling his solid figure. Skin on skin, what a wonderful guilt.

The waves of sun to peak the mornings awakening were delayed drastically as the snow to mount December's name laid the cities streets.

His face was speckled with the pricks of hair, sculpting a savouring new look. My lips skim the tanned biceps to the warmth of his neck. Drunk on his essence of safety, I couldn't bare to leave my hands to myself. Once, I felt comfort in the most shaken period in my life.

My lips nip against his ear to feel him rise underneath me. His body shifts mine and his against the hold of the backboard. His fingers clawing to my back, running shivers in the sensation.

"Good morning." The husk of his morning rasp always cocked a brow. God how could someone be so sexy? A light exhale of humour pours from my lips before I respond a similar phrase.

The day went without a second guess, yet the thoughts to haunt my morning wouldn't quit the itch. I knew something had to be said or my mind would drive mad within an instant.

I needed to prove to myself I could be strong, that I could possess strength on my own for once without the safety water to lay underneath the bridge. Perhaps with a confidence in myself, I could insure a conversation with Justin in iron ink.

Justin's hum of his lips muffled along the showers steam. I could only image the sweet heat of the water melting into his toned body. I knew if I entered that bathroom and felt the pulse of his heart against my hand I wouldn't emerge till my fingers pruned.

Heaven sounding but my clock was ticking, I kick myself from the couch to strut down the hallway in a bubble of thoughts.

As I approach nearer and nearer, my bottom lip locked under my teeth and my finger nails dig into the flesh of my palm to promise restraint.

I place a hard knock against the wooden door, the heat of the room could be felt as it traveled through the door transparently. A quiet shift of the feet was heard behind the door, soon to pull the barrier from between us. My eyes surface to Justin, a towel weakly grasping onto his waist and his mussels toned as ever blushing with water droplets to speckle.

His hair swept in laces of lines down his face. "Joining me?" He smirked as he cooked his eyes to my skin. The sheer button down of his was left open and I didn't have the urge to strap a bra on. My red panties peaked through as well, red is the flame to his wix.

"Actually no, I was planning on picking up a few things and was wondering if you needed anything?" His face fell slightly yet his mouth instantly resumed.

"Condoms." I immediately starting to chuckle as he joined and I placed my hands to my face to conceal my laughter. He wasn't wrong in that sense, ever since I have moved in our sex life has peaked over and over again. Then again our life outside of it has evolved as well.

"I'll pick some up." I whisper before turning to exit the doorframe. My wrist is hugged my his hand before tugging me into him. The scent of shampoo and his natural aroma entered my nose to crack a smile to my face.

"Im leaving to the school in a few to pick up work on a new student if you want a ride?" His thumb caressed my chin to meet our eyes. "It's best we aren't seen in public together." I whisper as my words choke under his hazel orbs. A humourless smirk rises his lips before meeting mine in a haste.

My lips fall into my focal point as the heat from the bathroom swirls with the flames of our bodies. My hands pull his hips closer to mine. He suddenly breaks back, my eyes still closed and pleading for more of his lustful touch.

"I'm driving you." His words fall as a command and I nod before regaining my balance and leaking my touch from him.


Luckily there is a grocery store right beside my old living space. I've been in contact with Joy the main guard and she hasn't had any sight on Tessa or my father since Christmas. I take my chance and decide to be dropped off, pick up a few things than run to the house.

"I'll be back in 30 minutes on the dot, be here." He stated before I gave him a slight peck and watched his Mercedes power down the street, drawing attention to the cars announcement. I prop my hood up, knowing to hide in the shadows is the best.

I speed through the little store, before 10 minutes I've completed my adventure and my mind wonders as I skip past mansion after mansion on my way to my old neighbourhood. These houses didn't stand for the American dream many wish for their families. Each house holds a nightmare of their own. I've never had to worry over money yet living in such a huge house with such a grand aura is hooked hell.

Neighbours came and went, each entering beautiful and in love and divorcing without months of the fortune and fame. My house stood the most willing to each lash and gash, yet I held the foundation on my own.

Intimidated and fearful as I step underneath the large house with the steel gates that tower over my presence. I swiped the key pad open and taped the buzzer.

"Gomez residents." Joys voice peeked through the speaker. "It's me, is the house empty?" I query, her voice immediately shines back with a taste of happiness. She reels the gates open after declaring she is in solitude.

I shiver as the scene of the house is dead as a graveyard. The air stiffer, choking my thoughts to a hush. Not a single other guard is stationed other than Joy who smiles to my sight. I carry myself up the steps and embrace joy in a barge bear hug, missing her dearly.

"What happened to the rest of the guards?" Her face loosens and then grows to a clench. "They're gone." She lowered her eyes to her feet, her hands staying glued to her side and her short hair caught in the brisk December air. I didn't want to push the matter further as her words couldn't elaborate any emotion.

"I'm going to be really quick so keep an eye out and buzz up if anything happens, okay?" I rub her shoulders to spark warmth to her cold exterior. She nods, taking my grocery bags without question and shoots her eyes to the road before opening the door and allowing me to step through.

The decor hasn't shifted an inch, lacking holiday themes and any colour to embed the furniture.

My feet crunch and a sharp pain sliced through my heel. "Shit." I cuss as the pain throbs. The table to my left has been shattered and flipped to the floor, leaving glass to scatter. The frame of the table was fine yet the things to lay upon that table were tossed down the hallway.

My eyes follow, was there a fight? Did someone break in? I couldn't place a good taste in my mouth for what had happened until the bitter spike of a picture cleared the fog.

A photo of my mother, max and myself all at a local looking carnival was swamped in glass. The photo was captured behind a fairs wheel and my youth shined through with a toothless grin. Max hugged me close to him well my mother crouched down to cool around us. Her beautiful green eyes were seen even in the dim lighting.

I slowly took steps towards the photo before scooping it from the floor carefully. The frame has been specifically smashed in this and the photo had small scratches against its polish. Hot tears cleansed my eyes and salt had decorated my face.

A single tear fell to the photo, splashing against the sighting of my mother. Her lips has been painted a deep maroon and my eyes were focused to hers. I exhale a shaky breath before shoving the photo in my pocket.

My feet trail up the glass stairs before taking a rough turn to my room. My hands cover my mouth as the sight to bombard me is not fairytale.

The furniture was flipped and the bed sheets have been tossed to the floor. The mattress was torn and the mirrors were smashed. It brought me to wonder, was this the work of my father or the mistress of my father and Justin, Tessa. I run to my draw and shuffle out my wallet, taking only cash as the cards would be traced if used. Placing it to hide the path of my entrance I allow the scene to massage into my mind.

Sharply and painfully I don't allow more tears to shed. I close the door of my, no not my a bedroom door before pathetically darting to the front door. My head is throbbing and my mind is looped in knots beyond belief.

The cold air to swell in my lungs once I shove past the door is a relief. Joy eyes me curiously as she must be oblivious to the state of the house so I fake a half smile before filling my hands with the bags and parting my ways with her.

The pavement appeared different after that, the sky brightened and the sun peaked through the musty clouds to heavy with snow. The colour in words seemed to dull before but now they aren't as creative. I felt straight out of line.

I return to the grocery store in good time and toss myself down to the bench. The bags pool by my feet and my hands collapse to my eyes. I couldn't sweeten my past, yet it wouldn't stop bugging me. Every inch of my body is scarred inside and out. I couldn't scrub the filth away from being abused and my mouth would never conceal the burned language to capitalize my name.

I have a second chance and my rusted chains have dented me but they haven't broken me. I need to get up and never take a second to look back. My hand reached into my pocket to fish out the folded picture.

The sight of it didn't have to haunt me and instead it empowered my movements forward. To create and strive for a life and never coward away into the image of my wounds.

An elderly lady sat beside me as she peered out into the parking lot, searching for a specific car I assume. She shifted her eyes to me and frowned. "Darling are you alright?"

My eyes were red from the recent moments of sadness to roll down my cheeks. I never wanted to answer questions dishonestly but lying my whole life to this question only dug my grave deeper. I place the picture into my pocket and sigh to the point of comfort.

"One day I will be."


Justin had left to go to the gym so I was left alone at the apartment for a few hours of the night. He had fetched me as promised and not a minute later than said. The clock read 8:03 pm and my money and photo has been stashed in a sock. In the sock drawer. Somewhere where it couldn't come into contact with Justin.

I flipped through channels, snuggled into a blanket alone with the illuminating lights of the Christmas tree and the warm colours of the fake fireplace to keep the room lit. I had indulged into a brief conversation with Taylor moments ago over the phone.

She blabbed on about her new love interest and some new family that moved to the area. I made the connections between the new student just had to pick papers up for and the new family. Taylor hadn't once asked about me as the time we had was limited. I didn't want to speak over the phone about the messy craze of my life at the moment anyways.

Justin promised to be home by 8:30pm and would bring home some dinner for the both of us so I still had time to waste. I removed myself from the fluffy mush of blankets and entered the bedroom. Removing my sweats and makeup and slipping into a snug white cropped tank top of mine to allow my nipples to be shown and some high waisted navy blue Sophie shorts.

I tossed a grey and black flannel over it. A was pleased with my sexy cozy look and slid into a pair of knee high white socks with navy blue strips at the top.

The front door opens and I exit the bedroom to meet sight of Justin. His face looked tired and he carried a gym bag in one hand and some take out in another. I quickly took the plastic bag that smelled greasy and fried and set it on top of the marble counter in the kitchen. He released the bag to the floor and smiled towards me, a smile that lifted my dramatic day to the side.

I hugged him and he immediately snaked his arms to my back. Even with the scent of sweat to lace his clothing, it felt so good being in his arms in that moment.

His lips snuck a quickie onto mine that lingered for more than intended but no complaints here. " I got Chinese."

"My usual?"

"Sweet and sour pork with noodles and a spring roll?" I smile at his response as he remembered and I was now oddly craving Chinese so I was grateful he fetched it on his way home.

"You're the best."


CHAPTER TWO!!! I don't hate it I really think this is the turning point of Selena and her past now staying the the past. New people to the neighbourhood??? What had joy so upset?? Could Justin ever figure out that Selena wasn't at the grocery store the entire time?? Find out later in this book!!

Thanks to everyone who supported the first chapter and next chapter will be published the 17th of November so don't forget to keep an eye out.


I would have honestly never expected this to happen again but idk if it will last, fingers crossed and all but I don't want either of them to put themselves in a toxic relationship again. Hopefully if it happens again it will be good for both of them and not tear them apart. Comment down below what you think and don't forget to give a favourite on this chapter.

Cheers and happy late Halloween if you celebrate it, if not happy November!!


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