Violate [American Horror Stor...

By wanderrlusstt

463K 14.6K 4.8K

After the death of Violet and her parents, she has been distant with Tate. But will they ever get back togeth... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 20

11.1K 393 64
By wanderrlusstt

*Parks POV*

It was Violets scream. I could hear the horrific yelps from the upstairs window. My room.

I quickly scrambled to get out of the car, leaving behind the scrap of paper that wrote my fate.

Bursting through the front door, My eyes came into focus with two twin boys guarding my entrance.

"Where do you think you're going, stupid?" One laughed, as the other smacked his baseball against the old wood.

"Where's my parents?" I begged, hoping an answer from these untrustworthy suspects.

"Troy, should we tell 'em?" The other laughed.

"Nah." He sneered, looking into my eyes devilishly.

Annoyed by their child play, I shoved past them and raced to the basement door.

"I wouldn't do that, Mr." One joked as they began smashing the front windows with their bats.

Ignoring their warning, I made my way down the stairs of the insidious basement. From the second step, I scanned the surrounds for my mothers.

A single oil-lamp filled the back of the basement with a soft glow. Quietly lurking down the steps, I could hear voices from the back room.

"Why are you doing this to us?" I could her Tanya's voice plead.

"Shut up and stay still. Your son should be down here any minute." I recognized the voice. It was the same voice of the threating young woman who wrote that note.

"If you touch him, Hayden..." Janice griped, but was suddenly interrupted by a loud smack.

"I told you to shut up, you stupid hag."
Hayden warned.

My mind swarmed with worry wondering what to do. Then I noticed an old pipe was propped against one of the walls.

Swiftly grabbing it in one movement, I wrapped my hands around the piece of metal and swung.


*Violets POV*

"Mom...Dad?" I screamed, hoping for an answer as I raced into the kitchen.

"What is it?" Bens calming voice asked as I noticed them sitting at the breakfast bar.

"The ghosts..." I started "...they are going out of control."

"What are they doing?" Vivian asked, as confusion washed over her face.

"They aren't just trying to scare them... they are trying to kill them." I stated, as fear coursed through my veins.

"Oh, no." Bens voice gasped, as they both sat their speechless.

"Okay, okay. Where are they now?" Vivian asked.

"Park is getting the car ready and he told me that his moms are in the master."

"Vi, how about you and your mom go upstairs and get Tanya and Janice, I will go downstairs and find the other ghosts. Try to talk some reason into then, okay?" Ben asked.

All I could do was nod as the fear of what might happen tonight lured through my brain.

"Comon', Vi." My mother noted, as she grabbed my hand as we raced upstairs.


As we entered the master bedroom, Janice and Tanya had vanished.

The room had be completely smashed, books, clothes, and other kick-knacks filled the uneven floor boards.

It was completely black expect for a lamp in the back corner that was lying on the floor flickering.

"Mom..." I warned as she quietly walked over the lamp to prop it back up.

Suddenly, a slick hand sat on my shoulder. Shock filled my body like a river overflowing a dam.

Turning around, my eyes met with the one thing that scared me the most. Letting out a blood-curdling scream, Vivian asked, "What is..." She started as she saw what was going on.

The black rubber raced across my frigid skin like a lethal snake ready to strike. "It's okay, Vi...I love you." His too familiar voice sneered.



Hey guys!

Sorry for the wait! I'm sick :(
So it took me a while to get back onto her, but I hope you really like this chapter...and the twist ;)

Comment what you think will happen next!!!

Vote for an update(:
^ I will try to update Friday or Saturday💕



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