I Promise You Forever | ONE O...

Par hinalani

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Love never lasts forever. Takahiro Moriuchi knew that for a fact. Especially from what he experienced. Consu... Plus



399 12 1
Par hinalani

Taka's POV

Today was definitely a long day.

After our little trip to the Washington Square Park, we decided to pick up a few things in the thrift shop and pharmacy. Unfortunately, I didn't have my own belongings with me at the moment so I bought myself clothing to wear for the night and items for my dental hygiene including other essentials. I decided maybe it would be best if I paid for her since she's done enough for the past two days. So I crept towards her, snatched her wallet and put it in the section where the condoms were placed. Once she was about to pay for my items, she noticed her wallet was missing. I pointed at the direction of where it was placed and she instantaneously smacked me hard in the head multiple of times. I pretended to cry laying on the ground in an apologetic manner as the workers started to laugh at the scene.

As we strolled our way back to her apartment, I suddenly felt uneasy. We both stood in front of her door silently as I watched her pull out her keys to unlock the door.

I gulp as my hands began to sweat and shake anxiously.

"You...don't mind if I stay for the night?" I asked nervously.

Lucy gaze up at me.

"Well, you've already done it before, right?"

Well unconsciously, yes. But I only nodded at her. Good thing she didn't have a problem with it. Though I was unsure why I felt a bit edgy of the idea.

Lucy opens the door and we both step inside. She tells me to take one of the towels in the bathroom cabinet and wash up before we eat dinner. I did as I was told to. I grabbed my bought goods and headed to the bathroom to take a shower.

After I walked out of the bathroom door, letting Lucy know that I was finish cleaning myself, she then went in the bathroom to wash herself as well. Suddenly, I felt nervous waiting for Lucy to get out of the bathroom. I probably sound like a huge ass pervert, hearing her showering and all...

I shook my head at the imagination inside my head.

'No, Taka,' I demand myself. 'You shouldn't think about that right now! Lucy she's...well...you don't know anything about her! You're not even sure what your relationship with her is! She's just a stranger helping you recover, that is all! Nothing else!'

I closed my eyes shut and nod. I simply told myself that our relationship will never go any further than this.

Hearing the doorknob turn, I glance over my shoulder to stare at the girl coming out of the bathroom. A crack of stream came out from the door. I gaze at the girl as she slowly walks out of the bathroom. Her towel was wrapped around her neck and her damp wavy hair was pushed to the side. She wore a white top and shorts that hugged her semi-curvy figure. Though her body isn't incredibly sexy since she lacks the breasts, her body is natural. I couldn't stop myself from staring. The sight of her got my hormones raging.

She glance at me and smiles.

"You want sushi?"

Pushing the dirty thoughts away, I nodded as we both made our way to the kitchen. Lucy decided to cut the crab meat and veggies while I wrap the rice and seaweed. Fortunately, I had experience of making my own meal in the past, so I was a decent cooker. Lucy even complimented on how I neatly wrapped up the sushi. Once we were done making our meal, we brought it to the table before cleaning up our mess. To my surprise it looked quite appetizing

I pull the chair out for Lucy allowing her to sit down.


Lucy giggles. "Why thank you, Chef Taka."

Taking a bite of our homemade sushi, it was absolutely scrumptious.

"Better than paying for a nine dollar sushi." I comment while she agreed.

Once we were finished with the sushi, we had multiple conversations at the table. I found out she really likes Korean music and dramas. She even played one of the songs Eat by Zion T while we ate our dinner. Her favorite activities are ballet, hiking and dancing. Her guilty food pleasure is spicy hot fries chip with nacho cheese. Lastly her instrumental talent is making farting noises, meaning she puts a straw under her armpit and blows to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. In other words, she can't play any instruments.

Despite the fact that she can be extremely goofy, somehow I find her rather appealing with her silly behavior.

"I cannot thank you enough for today, Lucy. It's been a while since I laughed with someone like this," I confess, looking back into her eyes. "I'm glad I met you, Lucy."

After what I just blurted out, my sudden confession made the apple of my cheeks flush as I patiently waited for her answer.

"Where is this coming from?" Lucy asks me.

I was unsure to find the reason why I unexpectedly blurt it out. I suppose I was being honest with her and letting the overflowing feelings out of my chest.

"I don't know. I guess I'm just being...honest."

Lucy continues to stare at me, keeping her smile on her face.

"Well," Lucy says. "I'm glad I met you too, Taka."

Her response made my heart skip for a second, feeling thrilled to hear that she felt the same way.

My eyes caught on something that interest me. I spotted a yamaha acoustic guitar in the corner of the room.

"I thought you didn't play instruments."

She merely smiles. "That belonged to my brother."

"Oh? Where is he?"

"My brother," Lucy says, gazing at the ground. "He died years ago."

"I'm sorry."

"Nah, it's fine. I guess he was depressed on that day; drinking and driving and all. But I'm fine now."

Shit. I shouldn't have mentioned about her brother. It will only make things awkward for the both of us. I'll feel guilty if she starts to get upset.

I lifted up the instrument and took the neck of the guitar with my left hand.

Lucy looks at me curiously. "You play?"

"Mm, you could say that...but I'm not going to play it since it's your brother's." I remind her, setting it down to its original place.

"But..." She spoke up with sparkles in her eyes. "It would be super awesome if you would play a song...?"

I roll my eyes at her. "You really want me to play?"

Lucy beams up with a grin and nods her head.

"But, it belongs to your brother," I mentioned, setting the guitar down on the floor.

"I'm sure my brother wouldn't mind," she told me. "C'mon, I'm curious how you play instruments like this."

"Mmm...I don't know."


I snicker at the girl begging for me to play a song.

"Bend your knees and beg."

Unexpectedly, she did what she was told to and put her hands together. "Pleeeeease, oh so amazing man!"

I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Woah, wait. Hold up, that was a joke."

Lucy cross her arms. "I'm only saying this because it's the only compliment you'll ever get."

"Fine. I won't play you a song then." I said in a joking matter.

She pouted. "Not even one line of a song?"

Geez. So persistent.

Now that I thought about it, I haven't really practice my voice in a while. I was unsure of myself if I could sing at this moment, especially after getting badly bruised and all.

"I don't know..."

"Ah. I see." I watched her crawling to the corner of the living room and made a fake wailing sound.

I stared at her with half lidded eyes. "If you're going to cry, cry like a girl instead of a cow."

She spun around and looked at me flabbergasted. "I do not sound like a cow!"

Lucy huffed in annoyance. I stared at Lucy and smirked. I really enjoy teasing her at times. Probably because I act like a devil towards almost everyone. But supposedly playing one song wouldn't hurt anyone, she did saved my life after all. I think I owe her one.

I cockily smirk at her, grabbing the guitar. "Are you going to keep complaining or listen to me play?"

Her eyes starts to sparkle in admiration and beam up, but instantly she wipes the excitement off her face.

"I mean...you don't have to since I asked...plus, you got injured—"

"No, I'm going to play for you," I insisted. "You could say it's a 'thank you' for saving my life."

Lucy grinned and happily sprinted her way towards my side of the sofa.

"Which song are you going to play?"

"I play my own songs."

Lucy gasped. "You write your own songs?"

'You have no idea' I thought to myself smiling, but I  brushed it off and held up the guitar placing it on my lap. I adjusted the turning pegs to tune the guitar and as I pressed my four fingers on the strings I glanced back at the girl beside me listening inventively with curious eyes.

"This song is called Wherever You Are."

As I began to play the guitar from the tune of the song, I glanced up at Lucy, strummed a few chords and lifted off from there.

I'm telling you

I softly whisper



You are my angel

Aishiteru yo

Futari wa hitotsu ni



I just to say...

Wherever you are

I'll always make you smile

Wherever you are

I'm always by your side

Whatever you say

Kimi wo omou kimochi

I promise you "forever" right now

I finished off the song strumming one of the chords as it echoes through the quiet room.

My eyes looked over at the girl, her pale green eyes glistening in astonishment.

I coughed intentionally, breaking the awkward silence.

"How was it?"

"Wow," Lucy spoke with widened eyes. She  wore a huge grin on her face. "You sing so well!"

"Well," I scoffed. "I am one of the best out there."

She rolled her eyes by my obnoxious behavior.

"Y'know, you should be a singer."

I laughed at her suggestion. She doesn't know that I already am a singer in a band.

"I'll keep that in mind."

The corners of her lip curled upwards.

"What inspired you to make this song?"

There was a long silence that fill the room. Lucy looked at me curiously as I hesitated to answer her question.

She frowns. "I'm sorry, was it personal?"

"No, no," I reason with her. "I only wrote this song about my best friend. He was getting married at the time so I wrote the song for him and his wife."

She claps her hands together. "Awww! That's so sweet!"

I only let out a chuckle. It's true that I made the song for my best friend. However, there was another reason why I made it as well. It was for someone who use to be special to me. But I dare myself to never ever speak of it again.

"How long have you been doing this?"

"I've been singing and playing ever since I was a child."

Oh, if only I can tell her who I really am. But I'm sure she'll let the people know about me staying here if she knew the truth. I was unsure why I kept the fact of me being a famous vocalist confidential. Perhaps, I'm scared? Afraid that she'll treat me differently? Think highly of me? It's odd how one person can change your world so quickly. It's been years since I felt this feeling with someone. I don't think I ever want to change the bond i have with Lucy now. I never felt so happy for a long while.

Have I fell for her?

"Wow, that's amazing."

I gaze at her facial features. Her natural curly hair is radiant like the sun playfully bouncing behind her back, her ever-smiling eyes glistening in the lamp light, her rosy cheeks flushed with delight, her coral pink lips forming her gorgeous smile as her pearly white teeth shining brightly. She is tremendously gorgeous. Just gazing at the sight of the woman is so captivating to stare at.


Yeah. I think I have.

"Is your eye feeling any better?" she asked.

I lightly touched the eye patch and gently put pressure on it. I slightly winced from the pain. At least it wasn't worse than yesterday.

"Eh," I simply shrugged. "Maybe a little."

Lucy got up from the couch and went inside the kitchen. She opened the refrigerator and pulled out a small ice pack. Closing the refrigerator door, she sat beside me on the sofa holding the ice pack.

"Do you mind?" Lucy asked me.

I shook my head, allowing her to place the ice pack on my black eye. Lucy gradually lifted her hand and carefully touched my eye patch to remove it. Her fingertips softly stroked on my skin to move the eye patch. I could almost feel the warmth of her slender fingers brushing against my face. As she slowly removed the eye patch, it revealed my bruised eye. She had sympathy in her eyes.

"You sure you don't want to go to the hospital?"

"Trust me, I don't. Plus, I've had worse bruises way back then." I told her.

She looked at me with an unbelievable expression.

"Boy, what the heck did you do back then?"

I only chuckled in response.

Lucy lightly pressed the small ice pack against my black eye. I winced a little, letting out a hiss of pain escape from my mouth.

"I wish I could do more about your bruises..."

"You don't have to," I simply told her. "What you're doing right now, I really appreciate it. Thank you."

I lifted up my hand and planted it onto hers where she held the ice pack on my eye. I sigh in relief and close my eyes for a moment.

Yeah. This definitely feels nice.

The feeling of the frigid ice pack cooling my eye.

The feeling of my hand touching hers.

The feeling of something soft brushing my nose.

The feeling of something warm pressed against my lips.



I rapidly open my eyes to find Lucy close to my face.

Holy shit.

Lucy's kissing me.

I hold her shoulders to slightly push her away from me.

"W-What are you doing?"

"Oh gosh."

She jumped up from the sofa and stared at me in bewilderment. Her face all flushed in shame.

"I-I'm so sorry!"

And with that, she ran towards her room and rapidly closes her door.




                                                      Lucy's POV

I immediately slammed the door shut.

My back was pressing against the door, as my chest heave in and out. I could still feel my face all flush in embarrassment.

Oh my gosh.

What have I done?

I got caught up in the moment and read it wrong. How can I ever face Taka now?

Everything was going so well. But I had to be the stupid one to ruin it all.

My eyes darted back at the door as I dashed towards my bed and hid under my bed sheet.

No. After what had happened, I can't see him anymore.

Breathe in

Breathe out

Calm yourself, Lucy. It's going to be fine. Thankfully he's leaving tomorrow. So you just have to avoid him the whole night.

That's what I thought until someone knocks on my door.


I gasp.

"Don't come in!" I warn him.

"Lucy," Taka says from outside of the door. "Open the door."

I rapidly push the blanket off me and glare at the door.

"No!" I yelled. "Forget it! Forget everything that has happened and leave it at that!"

I heard him sigh from the other side. I feel like a fool. I feel so stupid for kissing the man. Why did I kiss him? Did I fell for his kindness?

Who knows the reason why. I stubbornly didn't bother opening the door for him and pull the blanket over me.


"Go away!"

There was a long silence from the other side of the door. I waited for him to answer back however there was no response. I anxiously bit my bottom lip. Was I too harsh on him?

"You don't have to open the door," Taka remarks. "But can we talk about this?"

I paused. Perhaps I am being harsh. Mostly, I'm afraid of what Taka's going to say about the kiss. I was unsure why I kissed the guy. We connected so well and yet in the end, because of the kiss I made things weird for the both of us. Not only that, but Taka's a total stranger! And I just kissed him! What's up with that? What the heck is wrong with me? God, I want to kill myself right now. But I knew deep down I cannot hide and ignore him forever.

I slowly crept my way to the door but chose not to open it.

"What is it?"

"Lucy," He murmured from the other side. "I don't hate you after what you did. I was only shocked."

The sound of his voice was so...sincere, surprisingly, and it stirred something unfamiliar in my chest.

"You don't?"

"Of course not." Taka responded. "Why would you think that?"

"Because...I thought it was stupid of me...and unnecessary...."

Taka chuckles lightly. "You're not stupid Lucy. If you're really calling yourself that, then...I probably might be stupid as well."

My brows furrowed in confusion.

"Why is that?"

"Because I would have done the same thing."

My eyes grew large, staring back at the door.

What did he just say? Did I misheard him for a second there?

"It's weird talking to you like this..." Taka mentioned. "...so can I come in?"

I waver to open the door. I was uncertain what will occur next after I open the door for him. But somehow, I trusted him. I trust Taka. Despite his immature and teasing behavior, I knew deep down that Taka is a genuine and nice guy. And I knew we got along so well. I didn't want to change the special bond we have now.

I gradually turn the doorknob and unlocked the door, revealing Taka standing in front of me.

"I didn't mean to—"

I was close to blurt out my apology. But then, I felt something rough press against my lips. I was stumbling back with his hand around my waist.

My heart suddenly stopped.

I held in my breath.

Oh my gosh.

Taka's kissing me.

It took me a few seconds to comprehend that he was kissing me and realize that I probably should kiss him back.

Eventually, he slowly pulls away from me. I gaze up at him. His face was all flushed but he managed to give me a small smile.

"Now we're even."

I was speechless, unable to process what just happened.

"Lucy," Taka spoke up. "I'm only going to say this once..."

I was incapable of answering so I only nodded, staring into his eyes. I watched him nervously rubbing the back of his red neck, avoiding my long gaze. Eventually, he fought himself to stare into my eyes once again.

"I like you."

Taka's confession tugs at my heartstrings.

"I know it's a bit sudden considering we just met," Taka admitting that fact. "But it's the truth."

However, I wouldn't blame him. I somehow felt the same way. I studied his features. I could feel his strong yet smooth arms still wrapped around me, his red cheeks and neck flushed in embarrassment. His eyes staring into mine, dazed with desire.

Something feral in me snapped.

I gave in.

I lean in to him, part my lips and smash it onto his, wrapping my arms around his neck. The kiss was messy and heated, I could almost feel him stumbling backwards, but eventually he steadied my waist and it slowed into a much more emotional encounter. Because it's been a while since I have ever kissed someone, thatI have ever loved someone.

I pulled back and flashed him a huge grin.

"Yes, I do too."

And with that, Taka smiles back. I love the way he smiles; so goofy yet completely adorable.

He pulls me in closer to him, gently caressing my head and deepening the kiss. I was unaware what was happening at the moment. I softly landed onto my mattress, our lips still locked together.

Gradually, Taka pulls back to breathe, his gaze locked on my eyes and studying my features. My cheeks were flushed a rosy pink, my hair framing my face in loose curls. His glossy eyes were fringed with his long lashes and his full lips were tinted red from the friction. He gave me a genuine smile.

Taka presses his lips against mine once more. He starts kissing me fervently, parting his lips and slowly slipping his tongue in my mouth. He watches me with half-lidded eyes, mesmerized by the way I moan against him. He smirks at the cute little noises I made when his tongue brushes against my lower lip before slipping inside my mouth. My head tilted and our tongues tangled in a fiery, untamed kiss that left us both breathless.

I love the feeling of his hands running through my hair and his rough lips pressed against mine. It felt good—it felt natural.

My mind warns me to stop.

But I couldn't.

My body shivers beneath him as he continue his way to plant gentle kisses on my jaw line down to my throat. He felt my muscles tense up.

He pauses himself and stares at me.

"Do you trust me?" Taka asks.

I silently nodded, relaxing my body and allowing him to trail his kisses down to my neck.

My body went numb, unable to register anything else but his voice and his touch.

As we continue kissing, I was unaware how much time has passed. All I knew is it was ridiculously late at night and the sounds of breathing and clothing shuffling around beneath the bed sheets.

And that night was the longest, yet the most amazing night of my life.

~End of Chapter Four

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