A Broken Heart

By ZeroS_1127

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Betrayed and deceived by the ones he loved the most. Heartbroken with no one by his side. This is the tale of... More

Chapter One - Melancholic Past
Chapter Two - Newborn Sentiment
Chapter Four - Professor Rowen
Chapter Five - First Friend
Chapter Six - My Name
Chapter Seven - First Lie
Chapter Eight - The Infirmary
Chapter Nine - Heart-throbbing Thunderstorm
Chapter Ten - A Smile from the Heart
Chapter Eleven - Betrayal and Regret
Chapter Twelve - The Real Ash Ketchum
Chapter Thirteen - Hidden Thoughts and Feelings
Chapter Fourteen - Misty Waterflower
Chapter Fifteen - Jealousy
Chapter Sixteen - We Could Be Friends
Chapter Seventeen - The Three of Us
Chapter Eighteen - Reconciliation
Chapter Nineteen - Uncanny Dream
Chapter Twenty - Ash's Disappearance
Chapter Twenty One - Tension
Chapter Twenty Two - May's Perturbation
Chapter Twenty Three - Rocket Research
Chapter Twenty Four - Extricating Ash
Chapter Twenty Five - Alice
Chapter Twenty Six - Johanna's Rage
Chapter Twenty Seven - Who Am I?
Chapter Twenty Eight - The Air-headed Princess

Chapter Three - Confusion

2.3K 31 7
By ZeroS_1127

Ash's POV

I throw my backpack on the ground and dive into bed upon arriving home. I'm still lost in thoughts, recalling back to my conversation with her. Even now, I'm uncertain whether I was in the right or wrong.

However, who was correct no longer mattered. After sobering up, I regret my own actions. Why the heck did I actually skip school?

"This is the worst." I sigh.

My stomach growls, notifying my brain that I haven't eaten today yet. I open the fridge to find nothing inside, realising everything is still in boxes. I quickly gobble a leftover bento which I bought at the airport before starting to unpack.

Few Hours Later

I throw the final empty box in the recycling area at the lobby and tidy up the remaining articles.

"And I'm done! Now for the finishing touch."

I unzip and peer inside the front pocket of my backpack to find one last item. My most treasured belonging, an old photo with an ordinary frame around it. To others, this might not seem much difference to garbage but it's irreplaceable for me.

The photo is of me in the past and a flustered girl who hid behind my back. I remember vividly, the days I wasn't known as the 'demon child' but just a boy named 'Ash'. She was a close friend of mine and we always met up together whenever we had time, playing around from morning to dawn. However, due to her parent's work,  she had to leave the town. We met and separated before I became the 'demon child' therefore she's the only one that have yet to hurt me. We promised to meet again in the future but she'll probably be disappointed if we did now. I'd prefer to look back on my happy memories with her instead of reuniting and rewriting them with painful ones.

"I won't give up. As long as my memories of you are still within me, I'll continue on believing!"

I place the photo down on my bedside table as I said those words. Moments later, I cringe at myself of the embarrassing promise. I guess I'm really still a child.

Dawn's POV

I wasn't able to focus on my past three lessons so far. My mind is occupied with the rumoured 'demon child' since our argument in the morning. 

I-It's not like I think that I was in the wrong, though I may have been a little too harsh on him. I want him to treasure himself a bit more but ended up hurting him instead. On another note, his face resembles someone I knew of yet I can't remember who.

"Is there anyone who can answer question 11?"

It doesn't concern me whether that boy is upset or not does it?

"No one? Why don't we ask our top student, Dawn, to answer it then?"

I suppose I was partially at fault.....

"Dawn? Would you care to answer this question for us?"

But I wouldn't have known that he couldn't take a joke and actually went ahead and skipped school!

"Dawn? Dawn Berlitz?"

Yet I still feel responsible... Gah! My thought's are all jumbled up! I just don't kn-

"DAWN BERLITZ! Detention after school!"

I snap out of my thoughts and back to reality to find my short-tempered teacher raging. My name, Dawn, and the word 'detention' never belonged in the same sentence. All eyes in the classroom is on me, just as surprised as I was. I stand up and apologise, asking for a redemption.

"I understand that you've always abided school rules perfectly while staying on top of your studies, however, it's because you're an honour student that we must treat you the same in order to be fair for other students. You understand right?"

I nod and pretend to understand before sitting back down. Could this day get any worse? My best friend, May, mouthes 'are you okay?' and I reply with a peace sign. To be honest, I'm not feeling okay at all, but I'll just end up worrying her therefore a white lie will suffice. The remaining time of the lesson feels much longer than usual.

I'm pretty sure everyone would be questioning me after class from what just happened. If only I hadn't called out to that boy, then my head won't be in this weird state of mind.

After School

I repeatedly tap my pencil on the edge of the desk. I'm sitting through detention in the principal's office and I never knew it was this tedious. Truth to be told, I was interested as to what students actually do in detention before but this is just a waste of time. 

The principal was asked for by the vice-principal for a talk, leaving me alone. I might as well not be here. Just what makes teacher's believe that sitting a student by a desk for an hour or so will help with their behaviour? Despite my regular hours of studying, this is a question that I don't have an answer to.

The principal's office isn't exactly the most welcoming place, the wallpaper and flooring is all greyscale and monochrome photos of previous students is hanging on the wall in rows.

I hear the teacher's voices growing louder as they're speaking, to the point where I'm able to clearly overhear their conversation.

"Are you out of your mind?! Why did you accept him into our school?!"

"His name is Ash Ketchum."

"I have no interest in his name! Stop kidding around! Our school's reputation is at stake here!"

"Our job is to educate our students to prepare them for the future. Not competing with other schools or deciding which students you prefer to teach. Do you have a reason to not accept his application aside from being the 'demon child'?"

"B-But he's a threat towards our stude-"

"Has there ever been reports of him attacking another student or teachers in his previous schools?"

"N-No.... But-"

"Enough! I'll take responsibility of him."

"Tch. I-I understand."

The principal opens the door and smiles at me. I return an awkward smile while he slowly made his way back to his desk and sat down on his armchair. The uncomfortable silence between us lasted a few minutes before he spoke.

"Did you overhear my conversation with vice-principal from before?"

"I-I did but I d-didn't?" I reply out of panic. I didn't even understand what I'm trying to say myself. The principal starts chuckling and grins.

"It's alright Dawn, the fault lies in our loud voices." 

I remain silent as he continues speaking.

"Although I don't know anything about him aside from the rumours, I can tell that boy isn't what everyone thinks he is. Perhaps you might be able to understand me Dawn?"

I gave him a perplex look, why specifically would I, out of all students, understand?

"I overheard your conversation with Ash this morning. I must say that you are quite daring. Nonetheless I believe that you have the highest possibility of understanding him. Therefore there's a favour I would like of you.."

Moments Later

"Dawn Berlitz, you're permitted to leave now."

"Thank you."

I bow and exit the room quietly. I recall back to the favour that principal had ask of me. I accepted it, thinking that it would be rude to refuse a request of a teacher, especially the principal. But....

"Can I really do it?"

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