Percy Jackson Champion of the...


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I SUCK AT SUMMARIES DONT JUDGE ME Highest I know about it being in Fanfiction is #214. COMPLETED Percy Jack... Altro

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
A question
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Not a chapter I am just rambeling
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Thee End

Chapter 8

3.6K 51 33

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Feel free to review!

Tyler POV

As I opened my eyes slowly, I looked around and saw Percy wasn't here as I sighed sadly and got up for another day of training as I threw on a pair of dark blue jeans and my camp half-blood shirt as I walked outside towards the dining pavilion as I ran into Katie and the others. "Hey Tyler." Katie said tiredly as I greeted her "What's wrong with you? Look like you had a terrible sleep." I said as she nodded "Just worrying about Percy." she said as I nodded in agreement, surveying all the campers "We lost so many campers." Travis said as we all nodded in agreement, knowing around one hundred and fifty of our campers left the Olympians to join Kronos and the Titans.

"How's Percy doing?" Annabeth said as I shook my head as their shoulders slumped "He wasn't in his bed when I woke up, it looked like he didn't even sleep. He wasn't even in the cabin at all yesterday." I said as Connor spoke "Do you think he joined the Titans?" he said as we all glared at him, making him shrink down. "Percy would never join them, despite what kind of offer they give him." I said as everyone nodded but Connor still didn't look convinced as we walked into the dining pavilion.

"Where's Thalia at, Annabeth?" I said as she shrugged her shoulders "Probably still asleep." she said as I nodded and headed to the Poseidon table "How do you think Thalia's going to react to seeing Percy's power?" Travis said as we shrugged our shoulders with slight smiles on our faces "Who knows? But we know it isn't going to be good, children of Zeus are known to have huge egos but Percy won't hit a girl." Travis said with a smile till a thoughtful look appeared on his face "Unless it ends up like what Drew did." he said as my sausage went down the wrong pipe causing me to choke on my breakfast "He didn't really hit her, it was the water that hit her." Annabeth said as Katie continued "A huge block of ice, to be correct." she said as we winced.

"She had it coming, we warned her but she didn't listen and paid the price." Will said will we nodded in agreement "But she still continues, like it's going to achieve something for her." Jake said while we nodded in agreement "Silena, do you know your mother tries to seduce Percy?" I said, louder than intended as she started to choke on her breakfast as her little sister, Lucy patted her back while everyone looked at me in shock, even Chiron and Dionysus were looking at me in shock.

"Way to go seaweed brain." Annabeth whispered to me as I shrunk down in my seat "I didn't mean to say it that loudly." I whispered back as everyone continued looking at me in shock but thankfully, Chiron broke the tension "Once you finish breakfast, Tyler will lead your sword fighting classes, I will lead the archery classes, and Clarisse will lead the spear fighting classes." he said as a camper spoke "Who's going to lead the classes with the hunting knifes?" he said as we looked around for a few minutes, knowing Percy leads most of these classes but he isn't here at the moment "That class is on hold at the time, Mike. Hopefully it'll be back up soon." he said as the camper looked disappointed but nodded nonetheless.


"What are we going to do? We're losing campers each day and Percy's still a emotional wreck." Annabeth said throwing her hands up in the air helplessly "We'll figure it out Annabeth, just give it time." I said reassuringly but felt more like I was convincing myself and not everyone else. "Let's hope so, Tyler." Katie said as we heard the sound of arrows piercing targets while we looked at each other in confusion.

"Is Chiron training here instead of at the archery range?" I said in confusion as Annabeth rolled her eyes "Why would Chiron be training here, Tyler?" she said as I tried to find a comeback but couldn't find one as I walked forward and entered the arena to see someone hitting targets from over two hundred and fifty yards back as his arrows kept splitting each other.

"Who's that?" Annabeth said confused and curious as the figure looked familiar as he turned around as we gasped, standing in front of us was Percy Jackson but he looked a lot better than he did before, still slightly pale and skinny but with a little workouts, he'll be back in shape in no time but the greatest difference was his eyes, they were back to their glowing sea green with the orange reddish specks in them.

"Sup guys?" He said with a smirk, knocking us out of our trance as I launched myself towards him as his eyes widened as me and Katie tackled him in a hug with everyone else close behind, creating a dog pile. "Get off me, you oafs. I still need to breath." Percy muffled out from beneath us as we all got off him as he took in a breath of air and slowly stood up, looking at us.

"You're back." I said in shock and happiness as he nodded with a smile on his face, something we haven't seen in a while "I'm back Tyler, and I'm better." he said as Katie spoke "How are you-" "Better?" he said as we nodded "I spoke to her and figured some things out myself and found out it wasn't the hunters or Artemis's fault over what happened. Or the Olympians." he said as we looked at him confused and shock. "But they-" Annabeth started but he stopped her "I know what happened, it's the Fates. They aren't happy with how I'm doing things and they plan on trying to stop me by doing this, but what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger." he said with his smile as I noticed his necklace glowed bright, brighter than how it ever been before.

"Enough talking, let's start our sword class. Grab your swords." He said snapping us out of our daze as we walked towards the sword racks but he stopped me "Happy birthday, Tyler." he said as he opened his hand to show a pitch black pen with little dots moving around on it as I took it confused. "Percy, why'd you give me a pen?" I said as he laughed "Uncap the pen moron." he said as I uncapped the pen as it changed to a pitch black sword still with the little dots moving around it as I gripped it and was surprised to see the grip felt perfect for me and it was perfectly balanced.

"I know you couldn't find a sword so we quickly created one for you. It's name is Shadowslayer." He said as I immediately understood what he meant by we, the primordials. "Percy, you didn't have to." I said as he waved it off "Only the best for my brother, Tyler. Let's test this sucker out and see how well you've gotten." he said as he pulled out a pen like mine but it wasn't pitch black and uncapped it as a bronze sword appeared in his hand as we both got into a fighting stance with smiles on our faces.

"Never seen Percy with a sword before." Connor said as everyone in our class gathered around us "Powers?" I questioned as he shook his head "No powers, don't want nobody in the infirmary." he said as I nodded as I saw his back leg tense as he jumped towards me as our swords clashed, making a huge clash that resonated all throughout the arena.

Two days later

"Loosen up your grip Katie, it's too tight." Percy said as he put his hands on her and released the tension as she nodded, her face the color of a tomato "Looks like someone's in love." Annabeth said looking at Percy and Katie "I can tell Katie likes him but I can't tell for Percy. It's like there's a barrier around him, preventing anyone from entering." Silena said as I snorted 'You have no idea how close you are to the truth, Silena' I thought as Katie and Percy walked towards us but Percy had a blindfold in his hands. "Alright everyone, we're going to do something different today." He said as we all stood up painfully and walked over to him "What's that for?" Annabeth said curiously as he smiled "As demigods, we sort of develop a sixth sense but it needs to be unlocked. Today, we're going to unlock that sixth sense." he said tossing me the blindfold "You're up first Tyler." he said as I hesitantly put the blindfold on as I heard someone snickering.

"Who's laughing?" I demanded as Travis spoke "Me, but I'm laughing because I know you're going to get your butt handed to you." he said laughing "What are you laughing for Travis? You're next." he said as I heard Travis's laughing immediately stop. "You're all going to do this, I know you may think that I'm just doing it to mess with you but this is really true and it will save you a lot in battle when your powers won't, trust me." He said as I felt his hand on my shoulder as he guided me somewhere "You won't be using your sword Tyler, we don't want anyone head to be separated from their body." he said as I capped Shadowslayer "I'm going to use a wooden sword Tyler, it may take a few painful hits but it'll activate soon and then just dodge until I say stop." he said as I nodded as it went silent for a while till I felt a sharp pain behind my right leg as I fell to a knee "Ouch! That hurt for a wooden sword." I exclaimed as I stood up only to fell a pain in my ribs then other painful small jabs till I finally snapped.

"Percy! This is useless and you know it!" I shouted as it went silent for a few moments till I felt my neck tingling as I ducked and heard the whooshing sound of a sword pass over me as I heard everyone's gasp of surprise and shock as I stepped back in shock. "I did it. I actually did it." I muttered in shock as I felt it again but I felt it moving through my bones to my right leg as I stepped back and just felt the tip of the sword again as my sixth sense start to buzz like crazy as I jumped back as the sword missed me again but I got shoved back as I hit the ground and instinctively rolled to the side as I heard the sword hit the ground as I jumped up.

Once again my sixth sense buzzed and I stepped back as Percy's strike missed me but my sixth sense kept buzzing like crazy as another attack right after the first nearly caught me off guard but I dodged it just in time as it continued to buzz as I kept dodging Percy's strikes.

After a few minutes he said stop as I slowly took off my blindfold to see everyone looking at me in shock and awe while Percy stared at me "I'm eight hundred years old Tyler, I've learned tons of things and know a lot more than I should. Everything I do is for a reason, if you think it's useless then you can leave and I'll teach it to those who wish to learn the skills and experience they need to survive the upcoming war." he said turning back to the others "If you wish to leave, then you may. I won't stop you." he said as no one moved as he nodded and looked back at me.

"I'm going to need that blindfold Tyler." He said holding his hand out as I gave it to him "Better get you some water, after we're done with this. We're going to do something that going to be fun for you and possible bad for me." he said as I looked at him confused but nodded nonetheless as I walked back towards everyone else as he gestured Travis forward. "Dude, that was awesome!" Connor said excitedly as everyone rolled their eyes "Listen to your brother Tyler, he's only trying to help you, you're probably the closest thing he has to a family. You both have your mother but he's been alone for the past eight hundred years. Being comforted by immortals constantly doesn't really help, despite what people think." Annabeth said while they nodded in agreement.

"I know, but I was tired and aggravated. I thought he was just doing it to spite me." I said looking at Travis to see him dodging a few strikes from Percy and getting hit by a few "Tyler, Percy's never done anything to spite you just to do it. Yes, if he's taunting you but it's just for fun. Never has he actually done it just to spite anyone." Katie said while I nodded as we continued going through everyone.


"Alright, now that we got that out of the way. It's my turn." He said putting the blindfold on "Percy, don't you already have your sixth sense?" Annabeth said as he nodded "Yes, but it's been a while since I've trained or done anything so it's probably a little dull, no pointy objects Clarisse, since I know you'll try to kill me. Don't hold back." he said as we all looked at each other for a few moments till we shrugged our shoulders and all grabbed a wooden weapon off the rack.

"No hitting me in my crown jewels. This goes out to Travis, Connor, and Clarisse. If you do, I'll make your life miserable for the next two years." He said seriously as we ran at him.

Jennifer POV

As we entered the camp, we walked past the campers and saw them a lot more livelier than before, plus they don't seem terrified of us like they used to. We passed all the campers and saw Chiron sitting on the front porch of the big house talking to the daughter of Zeus till he saw us and told her something as she nodded confused and turned back to us and suddenly glared at us and stormed off.

"Lady Artemis, surprised to see you here but a honor none the less." He said bowing as Artemis gestured us to rise "Well, just wanted to come to the camp and see what's been happening." she said as he raised an eyebrow "Lady Artemis, you and your hunters hate camp, what has your interest here?" he said as we looked around at each other "Is Percy here?" I said as he looked at me confused and suspicious "Yes, he's in the training arena. Training his usual class, why?" he said as Artemis spoke "We wish to speak with him about a few things, nothing to bad." she said "Hopefully." Serenity muttered as he nodded as we walked towards the arena.

"So he's up and running again?" Serenity said as we nodded "Apparently so, if he's training his classes." Artemis said as we entered the arena to see Percy blindfolded but was dodging constant attacks from his class "Why is he blindfolded?" Sarah said as he spun around and blocked an attack from the daughter of Athena as he jumped over one of the Stoll brothers and backed up "I think you're doing this just to annoy us. You seem fine." Tyler said as Percy's lips twitched up slightly "Look at it this way, if I wasn't wearing the blindfold, you would all be on the ground, unconscious with some pretty nasty scars and cuts." he said as Tyler rolled his eyes and ran at him.

"I don't know why he's doing it but I hope he get's hurt." Phoebe said as I glared at her as Percy kept dodging constant attacks for a few moments while we stood there, observing his tactics till a arrow came at him from behind at the exact same time a sword was heading to his head as he spun around and caught the arrow but the sword hit him dead on in the eye as he fell to the ground as our eyes widened.

"Oh my gods, Percy I'm so sorry." The daughter of Demeter said as everyone gathered around him as I looked at the arrow and saw it was one of our arrows as I spun around and looked at Phoebe "What's your problem?" I said shoving her roughly back "My problem?" she said shocked and angry "Percy's done nothing to you, he could've been killed from something like that." I said stepping towards her but Serenity stood in between us "We don't need problems right now, what we need to focus on is trying to talk to Percy without going to the Underworld." she said glaring at Phoebe "Serenity's right Phoebe, you may have just awoken a sleeping giant but this giant has enough power to easily destroy the Olympians and Titans. I'll deal with you later." she said looking at Phoebe in disappointment as she walked towards Percy and the others with us behind her.

As we got closer they looked up and saw us walking towards them then they looked at the arrow as I saw rage enter their eyes as they stood up "Lady Artemis. What brings you here?" Tyler said as he bowed stiffly, not breaking eye contact with Artemis "Is your brother okay?" she said as he nodded, albeit reluctantly "He's fine." he said, keeping his conversation with us short "Class is over everyone, you better go shower. You smell terrible." we heard as all eyes directed to Percy as he stood up with a nasty bruise on the right side of his eye. "Percy-" Tyler started but got interrupted "Class is over Tyler." he said more sternly as they glared at each other while the campers looked between the two warily as the ground started to shake slightly while the wind started to pick up as the waves started to get violent and rise higher.

"This can't be good." Maria said warily as a sea green aura started to surround both of them "Tyler, come on. Class is over." the daughter of Athena said pulling on Tyler's arm but he didn't move an inch "Fine class is over, but I'm staying." he hissed as Percy shook his head "This doesn't concern you, Tyler. This is between me and them, not us and them." he said as their aura's started to rise higher but Percy's seemed restrained "Tyler, leave. Now." he hissed as cracks started appearing in the arena around us "This really isn't going to end well nor will it be good if they start to fight." Artemis said as they were suddenly in each other's faces.

"Why won't you let me help you? I'm not a kid, Percy." He said as Percy laughed "You are to me Tyler, I appreciate your help but I'll accept it when I need it, now is not one of those times." he said as Tyler clenched his jaw as a hurricane started to surround him while we backed up in shock "What the-" I started as it slowed down "We're not going to do this now. If we're going to fight, I prefer it away from innocent people. Some of the Olympians don't like us, I don't want to give them a reason to kill us." he said as the hurricane died down "You're powerful, but nowhere near me. A hurricane is impressive, especially at your age but I think that's mostly my fault for teaching you that. Leave Tyler before I do something I regret." he said as Tyler glared at him for a few minutes till he vanished as Percy sighed.

"I'll see you guys later, head to the showers." He said snapping them out of their daze as they nodded, looking at us reluctantly as they passed us as Percy sighed "My apologies, I didn't expect him to do that right here in front of everyone. An Olympian no less." he said as he looked at us "So why are you here? I know you didn't come to just talk." he said as Artemis spoke "That's actually why we're here." she said as he raised an eyebrow. "I'm not sure your kind of talk is the same as my kind of talk." He said leaning against the wall "I'm pretty sure it is, we just have some questions we want to ask you and just make up a few things." she said as he narrowed his eyes as he started to curse in Latin, Greek, English, Spanish, German, Italian and much more while we looked at him in shock.

"I apologize yet again, but I suppose this talk is something that the Fates requested?" He questioned as our eyes widened "How did you-" Artemis started but he interrupted "I'm not stupid Lady Artemis. Why else would you come to camp not long after my recovery and instead of heading straight to your cabin you come straight here and confronted me. If you want to talk, then let's talk." he said standing up "We can speak in my cabin, I don't want no uninvited guests hearing our conversation." Artemis said as he nodded as his eyes glowed golden as everything around us started to fix itself "Don't mind me, just trying to clean up my mess." he said as his eyes changed back to their original sea green.

"Lead the way." He said as we walked out of the arena but he stayed a good distance behind us "Surprising, I thought it would be easier than I thought." Maria said as I shook my head "This is only the beginning, we still have a long way to go." I said looking back at Percy to see him walking a few feet behind us but he had multiple pictures and lockets in his hand as he stared at them with a longing expression in his eyes.

"Where'd he get those from?" Sarah said as he shook his head and put them back in his pocket as he stared at the campers till we appeared in front of our cabin "Don't touch nothing." Artemis said sternly but if Percy heard her, he didn't acknowledge her as we headed into our cabin as we all sat on the beds and chairs while he stood up "You can sit down if you want." Artemis said but he shook his head "It's already a big enough honor to be in your cabin and not dead. No need to infest your lovely cabin with my presence on your beds and chairs, I'll stand but thanks though." he said looking around the cabin while we stared at him in shock.

"I can tell you're surprised by my sudden change of attitude aren't you." He said while we nodded "So am I, but no need to dwell on it. So, ask all the questions you want." he said as Maria spoke "So you're actually a son of Chaos and Hestia?" she said as he nodded "Adopted but yes I am, champion of thirteen primordials minus Tartarus." he said as we nodded "Can you release your true aura?" Serenity said as he raised an eyebrow "I don't think it's a good idea, don't need the Olympians all here, chaining me up but sure, just don't freak out." he said as he snapped his fingers as a black aura spread from him and started to form a barrier around us.

"This is so that no one can hear our conversation, immortals and mortals alike, everything that we say or do stays in this room." He said as he took a breath and yanked the pitch black necklace off as a massive aura of power rolled over us while we looked at him in shock "This is my true aura, it rivals Nyx, Erebus, Gaea, and Tartarus. If I get mad it'll surpass theirs, making me the strongest out of the primordials." he said looking at us "Anymore questions?" he said "Can we see your weapons and who gave them to you?" Artemis said curiously as he nodded as he twisted the ring on his finger as it changed into his bow "This is a gift from Ouranos, the arrows are blessed by Erebus, Chronos, and other primordials. The arrows can slow down time, wrap shadows around someone and many other things." he said as he pulled out a white and black pen as he uncapped it as the spear that he used against Ares appeared as did the shield "These were a gift from Hemera, any attack the shield deflects will blind my enemies and opponents. Though it doesn't work on Titans and Giants." he said setting them down on the floor in front of us.

"These are my hunting knifes from Nyx, plain and simple and I like that." He said pulling out his hunting knifes as he put them on the ground "Isn't there another?" Artemis said as he looked at her in confusion "I don't think there is." he said till he snapped his fingers "In fact, there is. My longbow." he said as a massive bow appeared in his hands along with a quiver on his back "This is a gift from Eros, also plain and simple, surprisingly. It only has forty eight arrows unlike my other bow which has unlimited, the reason is because the arrows will pierce any type of armor or metal, I never really summon this unless I have too. I have a hand crafted longbow but it isn't the best. I was only three hundred at the time being." he said sitting it down beside all his other deadly weapons while we stared at him then at the weapons in shock.

"How come you never really use your others?" Artemis said as he spoke "Wars. I've fought in wars that dealt with swords and shields to wars with guns and other things. I've always been a fan of swiftness and range, so I slowly adapted to it." he said as he sat in a chair that seemingly appeared out of nowhere "What kind of wars have you been in?" Serenity said as we glared at her as he grimaced "Too many." he said ending that conversation but Phoebe being the idiot she is pressed the matter "How come it's you've killed millions of people but yet you're a fourteen year old and there hasn't been many wars in the past eight hundred years?" she said as he glared at her "Do you think I only fight wars on Earth? I lived in the Universe, war is everywhere and someone has to clean it up. Who do you think has to do the hard work? Hmm?" he said looking at her.

"Nearly all my life, I fought in wars on Earth and out in the Universe. That's how I killed so many, plus when I fought these wars, I was not a fourteen year old. I was twenty seven." He said tossing a picture in front of us as I picked it up as everyone gathered around me as we saw soldiers wearing green and black paint on their faces but the person who stood out the most was Percy, but instead of being fourteen he was probably around the age of twenty seven and I will admit, devilishly handsome. Making some of the male Olympians look ugly "That was one of my pictures I still keep, do you know what war that was? It was on Earth." he said as we studied the picture and trying hard to avoid looking at Percy till I realized what war it was.

"World War II." I said in shock as he nodded "D-Day, I was part of the Airborne, a sergeant who made his way up rank all the way to captain, commanding his very own company. That war I hated the most, I lost too many brothers in that war. I hated it more than anything and still do, the people you see in the pictures ar-were my friends. Their names were Doss Lipton, Joe Green, James Winters, Danny White and Tyler 'Gunner' Ryan, we were part of Easy Company. The drop was possibly the worst part, do you wish to see it?" he said holding his hand out to us while we stared at him "What do you mean?" I said as he looked at me "See the drop out of the planes. I can take you back so we can see it." he said while we looked at Artemis as she nodded "Alright, but someone needs to take my hand, then just grab on." he said as I went to take his hand but Serenity stepped up first and took his hand as we all gathered around as my vision blurred for a few moments till it finally cleared as we saw the past.

"Everything you see here is the past, there's nothing you can do about it." He said looking at his past self and others around him as we watched them board the airplanes "Imagine sitting on your butt for nearly fourteen hours straight, knowing that you're flying right to your death. Knowing that you may not even make it out of the plane." he said as the past Percy sat in the front across from another soldier as he nodded as gunfire was echoing in the distance "We thought we had the element of surprise with a night invasion from the air above Normandy and a ground invasion at Omaha and Utah beach in the early morning, but they were already waiting for us." he said bitterly as we looked at him for a few moments confused till we looked back to see the plane he was in shaking from the firepower as glass shattered around them "Imagine the fourth of July, the Germans had firepower like that but instead of laughing in joy it was cries of fear and pain. D-Day, a day thousands were sent to their deaths." he said as Percy and the others stood up in a line as Percy walked to the front and started to do instructions with his hands as they all followed.

"Pilots wouldn't let us jump, saying we weren't close enough to the drop zone, it didn't even matter. We were already off track, the only thing that mattered was getting out of the plane and getting on the ground safely." He said as a explosion hit their plane as it suddenly lurched forward, throwing them all forward "Pilots both got killed, so we were falling like a meteor." he said looking at the past as past Percy grabbed the first soldier and guided him to the door as he jumped "Some of the soldiers were demigods and knew who I was, I was trying to keep the fire back but couldn't concentrate with all the chaos happening." he said as all the soldiers jumped out but Percy pulled himself to the back and stared at a soldier whose face was burned that made me feel sick "Danny didn't even make it out of the plane, nor did four more others." he said as the back of the plane exploded, pulling him out as he fell straight to the ground, pasting soldiers who were floating safely down to the ground.

"I got thrown out of the plane. I was trying to grab Danny's dog tags and the others, I was falling so fast, I couldn't even concentrate. I panicked, I wasn't a champion of Nyx, Erebus, or Ouranos at the time. I was so scared at the time." He said as he kept falling as he struggled to pull his chute but it wasn't working "My chute wasn't working, imagine falling like that with all those bullets going past you like a firework." he said as I looked at him in worry "I managed to get my chute out but it was futile at the time." he said as I looked back at the screen to see his chute appear, pulling him up but he was already to close to the ground as lights pointed at him "They found me and started to shoot at me, I lost my rifle in the fall. I was so scared that I prayed to the gods, something I hardly do but I was terrified, out of all the wars I've been in, this one scared me the most." he said as the Germans started to point as bullets flew past him as he covered his eyes as I finally realized how scared he truly was.

"You were so scared." Sarah said softly as he fell through the trees, grunting in pain as he got caught in a tree and just hanged there, dangling around as they found him and cut him free as they gathered around him "I was unconscious as soon as I hit the trees. I didn't even know they were around me." he said as they started to search him for anything as one of them found a ring on his hand and pulled it off his finger and put it on his finger "You were married." I said in shock as I looked at him "Yes, they took everything I had, my ring, pictures and much more as you can tell." he said as they flipped him over and started to take his knife, and other explosives as they flipped him back over and continued to search his body as they pulled pictures and journals out as they started laughing and by the looks of it, were mocking him.

"They're mocking you." Audrey said in shock and anger as he nodded "Yes, I can tell your German so you understand what their saying. It wasn't nice as you can tell." he said as one of them pulled out a journal and started to read it in English "Dear Michelle, my loved one, training has been tough on me but it has paid out in the end. I really miss you and hope I can see you again very soon." he said as they laughed and started to tear the papers apart and tossing them to the side and burning pictures as one of them grabbed his legs and started to drag him.

"I know you're all confused about my love life, I truly did love Crystal and I tried to move on by seeing other women, hoping they'll help me move on and Michelle certainly did help me for a while. A demigod daughter of Nike, lovely lady." He said as past Percy's eyes fluttered open as he looked and saw he was laying down on his side as he slowly got up and looked around to see the Germans who captured him were focused on the gun emplacement "I didn't know what to do. I had no map, no weapons, surrounded by Germans. So I did the natural thing." he said as the past Percy looked to the forests then back at the Germans who weren't paying attention to him as I realized what he was going to do.

"You ran." I said as he laughed sadly "Yes, looks like you hunters were right about boys. We are cowards, feel free to mock me." he said as we looked at him but didn't do anything "Here it goes." he said as the past Percy jumped up and hopped out of the trench as they spun around, shouting orders and pointing at Percy as they shot at him, following him into the forests but one of them was a big dude but was quicker than the others as he slowly gained up on Percy "I thought I could get away, but I thought wrong." he said as he tackled Percy to the ground as Percy kicked him off as the big dude pulled out a knife as Percy had his fists, circling each other till he jumped at Percy as he moved to the side, bringing his fist to his stomach making him double over as he brought his knee to his nose, throwing him back.

"I was confident I had the speed and agility to defeat him, but apparently he was somehow bigger than me and was quicker than me." He said as Percy jumped at him but he grabbed his hand and twisted it as he brought it behind his back then punched Percy, throwing him back down as he picked him back up by the hair only to do it again over and over again till he flipped Percy over his shoulder as he held him in a chokehold as Percy desperately tried to get away but was slowing down, trying to gasp for breath but the German kept applying pressure "Night night, Yankee." he said smiling victoriously "Yankee was a term the British used for us, how he understood it, I have no idea. I didn't know what to do, so I did the only thing I could think of." he said as Percy grabbed his hand and brought it to his face as he bit down hard into his hand as he screamed in pain as Percy bit harder as blood flowed out of it like a waterfall till he finally let go as Percy went forward.

"I'm usually a man of honor, but honor went out the window. It was all about survival." He said as I looked at him, about to say something but he just put his hand up, silencing me as he pointed at the memory as past Percy grabbed a good size rock and swung it to his face as it made contact, throwing him to the ground as blood seemed out of his head as Percy quickly hopped on top of him, constantly hitting him with the rock as blood covered Percy's uniform as he finally fell off the dead body, looking like he was about to break down but stopped as dirt landed up in his face as he jumped up and started to run through the forests, desperately trying to get away.

"I didn't know where I was going. Just trying to get away and find safety." He said as Percy froze and hit the ground as multiple bullets sailed past him and hit the Germans chasing him as Percy slowly got up "Thunder?" he questioned as a voice spoke "Flash." he said as a group of Airborne soldiers came out of the bushes "Thunder and flash were our call signs to identify if there was a friendly or enemy combatant. I just got lucky, that's all it was." he said fiddling with his hands as the soldiers walked up to Percy in shock "Perce, what happened?" one of them said as past Percy spoke "Hell, that's what happened." he said shakily as they observed him "You look like you've been through it, let's find you a helmet and a rifle. Found Lipton, Joe, and Gunner, where's Danny?" he said as Percy shook his head "Didn't make it out of the plane, Winters." he said as they all looked pain but nodded "Who are they?" Percy said pointing at the other three.

"Part of Baker Company." Was all Winters said as Percy spoke "Baker? What the hell you doing out here? You're way off track." he said as they nodded "We were suppose to group up with Foxtrot and assault the AA guns but we found Easy instead." one of them said as Percy nodded "Let's get out of here. We need to head Northeast and we should hit the small village that Easy company is suppose to be at." Winters said as they nodded and started to head off to the Northeast, picking up one or two soldiers at a time.

"We were so scattered, we were finding soldiers from Dog company and other companies that were miles off course. But we still continued our objective, it was what we signed up for. No one is tougher than the Airborne." He said as I looked at the past Percy and saw that he was completely different from the Percy he is now. He was scared and still is, was already in front of Death's doorstep the minute he fell out of that plane and is still in death's grip, they all were...yet they continued their duties, knowing they had to, despite how many there were.


"Is this all that we have of Easy Company?" Past Percy said as him and a group of soldiers were surrounding a table "All we got Percy, only twenty two and then fifteen from Baker and Dog company, not enough to launch a assault on the gun emplacements." Winters said as Percy pursed his lips "We still have to, those guns will continue to rain hell on any planes we send in, despite our numbers." he said as they nodded "Here's what we'll do, Mikey, I want you to take a machine gun team and a firing squad and provide support from a good vantage point overlooking the area." he said as a soldier who must've been Mikey nod "Winters, you'll take three men and take the first gun alright?" he said as Winters nodded.

"Once you finish, Gunner, you'll take three men and assault the next, then it'll be Lipton, the Joe, then I'll take the last with Winters, Gunner, Lipton, and Joe. Once the guns are secured, everyone will fill the trenches and provide covering fire for the demolition team. Seem good?" He said as they all nodded "I'd prefer to follow you over damn Anderson any day of the week, damn bastard will get us killed." Joe said as Percy smiled "Let's get to work boys." he said as they all put their helmets on, looks of determination on their faces as they headed out the door as their company gathered around them as they explained the plan.

"The odds were against us in every way but it didn't matter, as long as we had each other, the Germans could throw whatever they had at us." Percy said as he looked up from a picture "Not all men are bad, hunters. Those who I fought beside in World War II were heroes who would gladly die for the person beside him, take a bullet for them, stay up all night on guard duty to ensure that their brother gets the rest they rightfully earned. You just don't look past them being boys but if you did, you'll be surprised at the bond that forms between us." he said as it showed Percy and everyone else around the gun emplacements "Is Mikey in position?" he said as Winters nodded "Good, you're up Winters. Once you cleared it out, we'll follow then Lip will take the next then so forth, alright?" he said as he nodded and gestures three soldiers forward.

"Get ready." Percy said as he nodded as he gestured someone forward as they pulled two round ball like things as they threw them as they sailed through the air as they landed in the trench as it exploded "For those hunters who aren't mostly associated with the outside world, those were grenades, very powerful and deadly." he said with a small smile as Winters and the other tree ran towards the first gun emplacement.

After a few minutes, Winters appeared and nodded as Percy spoke "Alright boys, let's get these guns cleared up." he said as they all hopped into the trenches, avoiding the bullets that whizzed past their heads "Your up Lip, go!" Percy shouted as Lipton and the others moved in perfect sync to the next gun.


"You want to stop? This is where it gets a little disgusting and rough." Percy said as we looked at him "Do you want to stop?" Artemis said as he shrugged his shoulders "I don't mind, it's the past. I'm just forewarning you, it gets a little ugly." he said rubbing his shoulder "You've been doing that a lot, why is that?" I said as he spoke "You'll find out if you watch but that's if you want to." he said as we looked at each other, not knowing what to say over what we just saw "Sure Percy." I said as he nodded "This is the town of Carentan, we were ordered to take this town so we can establish a defensive formation against the Germans and prevent them from sending any tanks to Omaha and Utah beach. We took the town but every battle has sacrifices." he said solemnly as their company stood at the top of the hill.

"Too quiet, that always screams trouble." Winters said as Percy nodded "Send in first platoon, tell them to use cover and not run out in the open." he said as Winters nodded and gestured a platoon up as he explained to them what's happening as they nodded as they headed down the hill but almost immediately started to get shot at as they split up and landed in the grass but few didn't make it.

"Mikey, get suppressing fire on that position, second platoon move to the left and use the back entrance, same thing with third platoon, move!" Percy ordered as their small company split up as they entered the town but it just seemed to get worse as they entered.

"We had to check the buildings for any Germans but we also had to be wary on how we entered, not wanting to kill innocent people." He said as they started to clear the buildings "I thought you said it was going to get disgusting?" Phoebe said as he spoke "It is." he said as a soldier entered a bar but it exploded as Percy and Winters appeared in front of it as the soldier walked out but as soon as I saw him, my lunch came up and I'm pretty sure everyone else's did also.

"Percy, is that you?" He said as Percy put his rifle down "Yea, Tanner, it's me." he said as he walked towards him and embraced him gently, sitting him down "I can't see Percy." he said as Percy looked at Winters "Is it bad?" he questioned again as Percy spoke "Could've been worse, Tanner. You're a tough son of a bitch, you know that?" he said as he gestured Winters over "Go grab the medic, let's get Tanner cleaned up." he said as Winters nodded and ran off as Percy sat there, whispering soothing words into Tanner's ear "Tanner's hips both got blown open, his right foot was burned severely, and he lost his eye sight. Was sent back home immediately after he recovered. Got a bronze medal for his assistance in taking Carertan." he said as Tanner got carried off while we looked sick.

"Mortars! Everyone find some cover!" Lipton shouted as Percy's head snapped up as explosions started happening around town as Percy jumped up as everyone else ran towards a few buildings, avoiding the mortals but Lipton wasn't so lucky as a mortal landed right in front of him, throwing him back into a wall as Percy ran up to him as blood seemed from a certain spot that are important to males as we realized where he got hit at as I threw up again as Percy looked at the blood as he pulled the fabric apart and studied the wound for a few moments "Your alright Lip, everything right where it should be. Missed by just a few meters, but their still intact." he said as Lipton nodded with a nasty cut that was on his jawline but would fade soon as Percy lifted him up.

"Everyone got hurt or lost someone important, no one came out of Carentan unscathed." He said as Percy sat Lipton down and ran back out into the opening, possibly searching for anyone else to help 'He always was like that' I thought with a smile but that smile faded instantly as a explosion landed directly in front of him, just like Lipton as he flipped over and landed on the ground but the whole right side of his body was charred as his shoulder looked like it was beyond repair as Joe Green ran up to him along with Winters as they lifted him up, despite his cries of pain.

"I couldn't feel my shoulder for more than a year, shrapnel pierced my stomach and leg, ceasing my chance to fully sprint, after the war, I faked my death and headed back to the Void. There I rested for twelve years, trying to get the terrifying images and cries of pain out of my head but never could. I try to keep myself separated from others so I won't have to feel this pain, but it's futile. After that, I became numb, immune to physical pain but vulnerable to emotional and mental pain, accepting their deaths. This is what I felt for years, after my seven hundredth and eight fifth birthday, Chaos and the Primordials pulled me out of war, but it was like a drug. You can't just pull me off it, you have to take me off it slowly, but didn't. I drowned myself in training constantly, trying to force the events out of my head but never could. what I've lived with for the past eight hundred years." he said as we continued to watch the memory.


As it ended, we appeared back in our cabin while Percy was picking up his weapons while photos laid on the chair he sat on as I went to look at them but Percy spoke first.

"You think you've had it hard? Try doing what I did, seeing what I saw, and let's see how strong you are." He said picking up his weapons "So now you know my story, Percy Jackson, the mysterious skilled immortal demigod? What makes him so cruel and heartless? Well now you know, no one deserves suffering like I did, despite who they are or what they did." he said walking past us to the door "The time nears for everyone to know who I truly am. Please keep this a secret for about two to three months. Hopefully, Zeus and the others will accept me for who I am and not for what I have, but there's a small sliver of hope that they'll do that, if you have dreams about what you saw and wake up terrified, feel free to come to the Poseidon cabin and beat me to a pulp, I don't really care." he said shrugging his shoulders.

"Good night Lady Artemis." He said bowing as he opened the door and walked out into the night as shadows enveloped him as he disappeared as we looked at each other, not knowing what to say over what was probably the most disgusting and horrifying thing we've ever saw. "That was horrible." Serenity said after a long period of silence "Always was curious as to how World War II went, but now I saw it first hand. Something I don't ever want to see again." Kayla said shivering "Head to bed girls, I think the least we can do is keep this a secret. I must do my daily run." Artemis said as she disappeared in a silver flash while we stood there, all mulling over our own thoughts but I'm pretty sure we all had the same thing in mind.

'What else has Percy Jackson seen?'

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