Cherry Blossom Snow

By FerretLord

10.8K 194 19

A humorous original tale of love, courage, diplomacy, politics, furry aliens, space travel, self-discovery, t... More

Alien Abduction
Leaving Earth
Growing Up
Peace Between Worlds
Added Company
A Series of Easily Avoidable Conflicts
The United Galactic Confederation
A New Beginning
A Brief Encounter
A Change of Pace
The Intergalactic Trading Corporation
New Home
Compassion and Understanding
A Long Overdue Reunion
Politics as Usual
The Stone
Power Struggles
Heist Plan
Extreme Measures
Breaking Point
No Turning Back
Moving On
Family Matters
Acting Governor
Under New Leadership
Back Home
Fall of Empires
Covert Operations
Conflict Resolution
Mirienna's Job
Parting Ways


177 3 0
By FerretLord

On Thursday, May 4, 3939, one year since the assassination of King Lubin III, it was also one day away from the anniversary of Caoimhe's execution, and Mia and Evangeline prepared for what they planned to be a fairly short trip from El Leon on the River Liffey to Dublin Castle. The walk was fairly pleasant. Despite the state of ruin, there was a feeling of hope in the air. The city was rapidly being renovated, although there was still much work that needed to be done. When they arrived at the castle, Mia and Evangeline were met by Dalziel. The walk had given Mia time to think. She wasn't sure what she wanted to say to Dalziel, but she knew she had to talk to him.

"'Tis good to see you again," Dalziel warmly greeted them.

"I'd say the same to you, but you're a politician," Mia quipped, her tone laced with the skepticism she held for those in positions of power. "You serve as a reminder that James Connolly was right in his observation that the bourgeois revolutionists of today become the conservatives of tomorrow."

Dalziel chuckled at Mia's candidness. "Never lose your attitude. I've missed it."

Evangeline, who had been privy to Mia's spirited nature for some time now, couldn't help but interject, "It can get annoying at times."

Mia smirked. "That's just who I am."

Dalziel, perhaps to Mia's surprise, encouraged her spirited demeanor. "Good."

"You shouldn't encourage her," said Evangeline.

"Nonsense. That attitude of hers gives me hope for great accomplishments in her future."

"I love Mia. But she's arrogant enough already."

Mia couldn't resist a playful retort. "You think I'm arrogant?"

"No," Evangeline corrected. "You are arrogant."

"She absolutely is," said Dalziel. "No doubt about it. But I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. Her arrogance keeps her from giving up."

Mia nodded, appreciating the sentiment. "Thank you, I think."

"You came here because of Caoimhe, didn't you?" Dalziel asked, his tone gentle and understanding.

Mia nodded, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "I did. It's almost been a year, and I still sometimes feel lost without her."

"I know she meant a lot to you. I'm glad that you've been able to move on as well as you have, though."

Mia sighed. "I've accepted it. But it hasn't been easy."

Dalziel nodded, his expression thoughtful. "I know. I often find myself wishing I could turn to her for advice. Not just her. Kearny and Lochiel, too."

Mia's response was tinged with a mix of honesty and indifference. "I never really cared much for those two."

A hint of sadness touched Dalziel's eyes. "They were two of my closest friends."

Mia softened, realizing the weight of his words. "I know, but I wasn't very close to them. And as far as my plans have gone, their actions were largely inconsequential."

Dalziel countered with an important reminder. "They were instrumental in forging an alliance with the Scots, which was your idea."

"How's that going, anyway?" Mia inquired.

"We've been using the deal with Lubin as a cover to deliver arms and other supplies to Scotland," said Dalziel. "They'll be making a move to win their independence soon."

Mia's response was somewhat detached. "Oh. Splendid. I've been working on trying to get things going again, but with drastically reduced resources, it hasn't been easy."

"I thought you said Rico was up to the challenge," Dalziel pointed out.

Mia nodded in agreement. "He is, to a point. But I'm still suspicious of his boyfriend, despite my best efforts at getting him to open up."

Evangeline chimed in, sharing her insights. "I think Yuki knew some things about Satori's personal history. And he was awfully talkative."

Mia, intrigued, sought clarification. "Who's Yuki?"

Evangeline explained, "The doctor. He loved pestering Nikita."

Mia tried to recall. "Doesn't sound familiar."

"He took Lida with him when he returned to Japan," Evangeline clarified. "If we could contact Yuki, you may finally be able to get the answers you seek."

"I don't know how to contact either of them," said Mia. "But we can find out. Let's go to Japan."

"If I may interrupt, I talked to Alice recently, and she said she wanted to see you," said Dalziel. "Now that the British troops have withdrawn, she figured 'twould be nice for you to visit. If you're planning on traveling the world anyway, maybe you could consider visiting her along the way."

"Wow," said Mia. "I thought she found me annoying."

Dalziel shrugged. "She does. So do I. But that doesn't mean we don't like you."

"Very well then. Evangeline, would you like to visit Nigeria?"

"Sure," said Evangeline. "What about Japan?"

Mia's plans were open-ended. "We'll get there when we get there."

Evangeline, practical as always, raised a particularly crucial question. "How do you intend to get there?"

Mia confessed her oversight. "I hadn't considered that."

"I could get you an air taxi," Dalziel offered.

"That would be great," said Mia. "Thank you."

Mia and Evangeline departed from Dublin Air and Space Port, arriving in Lagos, Nigeria, which had been hit especially hard by the war. The destruction left the city looking like a war-torn wasteland. However, despite the damage, Lagos had managed to rebuild and was still thriving. The streets were bustling with people and the air was filled with the sound of music. Mia and Evangeline were greeted at the airport by Alice and Hendrika. Zwoylemft and Pwalvaserk joined them.

"Pwalvaserk, what are you doing here?" Mia inquired, genuinely puzzled.

Pwalvaserk gave a confused look. "I'm not really sure how to answer that."

Alice stepped in to clarify. "Zwoylemft and I have been dating for quite a while now. Her daughter is very dear to me. Why wouldn't she be with us?"

Mia was a bit surprised by this revelation. "Who's Zwoylemft?"

Zwoylemft responded with a touch of exasperation, "Pwalvaserk's mother. I literally introduce myself to you every single time we meet."

"Oh. You're a couple? I thought you were just roommates."

Meanwhile, Evangeline and Pwalvaserk shared a heartfelt hug. Tears welled up in Evangeline's eyes as she said, "It's been too long."

Pwalvaserk concurred, "I know. How have you been?"

"Fairly well, all things considered. What about you?"

"Better than you might expect considering the war that's been going on. It's been nice having Iminathi around."

"Iminathi." Evangeline looked around. "Where is she now?"

"She said she was too depressed and that getting out of bed would serve no purpose." Pwalvaserk's reply was tinged with a touch of resignation. "So, she's been her usual self."

Evangeline sympathized. "I take it her parents still haven't returned?"

"Seraphim insists they still have to work off their debt."

"Is the war over here?" asked Mia.

"Hardly," said Alice. "Tensions remain between the Muslims and Christians, and there is also the continued exploitation of our natural resources and people by private businesses."

"Oh. So, how did you get the British to leave?"

Alice, with a touch of nonchalance, shared the audacious plan. "It was actually rather simple. Once in Nigeria, we met with some old comrades, and we stole a helicopter from a news station."

Hendrika interjected proudly, claiming her contribution. "That was my idea."

Alice continued, recounting their exploits. "Yes. With it, we located a cargo ship that some allies had been tracking. While it was officially just a standard commercial shipment, it was secretly transporting weapons for the British soldiers."

Hendrika added to the narrative. "They had minimal security to avoid suspicion, but once we confirmed the nature of the cargo through intercepted communications, we made our move and hijacked the ship. Then we became pirates."

Alice elaborated on their unconventional tactics. "We used what we had acquired in order to seize other ships. By sea, we launched our assaults on the various small coastal islands, with the eventual objective of capturing Lagos, the capital. Once we had Lagos Island, we then took Lagos Mainland. With the most important city in the country under our control, we had all the resources we needed."

Hendrika clarified the strategic importance of their actions. "We cut the mainland off from the ports and the coastline. It made little difference that most of the mainland was still under British rule. They didn't have the means to maintain it."

"They relinquished control, as they did in Ireland," Alice explained. "And we've been working on getting aid to rebels in Kenya, who already have been doing rather well at repelling the British on their own. I'm confident that the British are about to cut their losses and give up the fight in Kenya, as they will likely also soon do in India. Hopefully, other colonies shall follow."

"Speaking of India, what has Devara been doing lately?" asked Mia.

"Targeting drone strikes against British military installations."

"I heard from Susan that Devara and Leith have been having lots of really loud sex," said Hendrika.

"That really isn't appropriate to discuss with children," said Alice. "That aside, when did you start speaking to Susan? I thought you hated her."

Hendrika's reply was candid. "Yeah, but I was bored. It was a few hours ago, I think."

Evangeline made a logical connection. "So, Mia, are we going to India?"

"What kind of a question is that?" asked Mia.

Evangeline clarified her reasoning. "If we're going to visit Japan, India is on the way. You've been seeming eager to stop in countries where you know people. It just seems like it would be the next logical destination, because I don't think you know anyone in Kenya."

"Fair point," Mia remarked. " Let's go to India, then?"

In due time, after reconnecting and catching up, Mia and Evangeline bid farewell and departed for India, landing on the private runway adjacent to Susan's opulent mansion in Mumbai. The mansion was surrounded by a high wall with watch towers and gun turrets at regular intervals, and all access points had armed guards stationed. As they approached the guarded entrance, Mia and Evangeline were met with a vigilant scrutiny before being granted access to the lavish abode within. Susan, resplendent in a vibrant blue sari and wielding a gleaming sword, greeted them with a mixture of amusement and exasperation. "Who invited you?"

Evangeline chimed in, "I did, I guess."

Susan's tone was a mix of amusement and exasperation. "Who decided that you can invite people to my home?"

"I approved their entry," Devara answered from afar.

Susan closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Whatever, come in." Susan guided Mia and Evangeline indoors and showed them to Devara and Leith. "Be thankful I'm in a good mood."

"What for?" asked Mia.

"Didn't you hear about the ceasefire? I assumed that's why you came here," Susan remarked, her annoyance tempered by a hint of satisfaction at being the bearer of significant news.

Mia, caught off guard by the revelation, confessed, "We've had a busy day. I haven't been following the news."

"What's this about a ceasefire?" asked Evangeline.

"The British Army has called a ceasefire so they can withdraw their forces and transition us toward autonomy and eventually independence. It just goes to show that most of the world's problems can be solved with bombs."

Devara provided a more nuanced perspective. "That's not even remotely true. It just happens that repeated bombings of a colonizer's military bases is effective for pressuring them into ending their occupation of a country that does not provide strategic advantage in the ongoing global conflict that most of their forces are being directed toward."

Susan couldn't help but assert her role. "To be fair, bombing them was my idea, and it worked."

"It's a war. We were going to bomb them anyway. I was the one who coordinated the attacks."

"Calm down, you two," Leith interjected. "This topic isn't worth fighting over. Besides, we all know 'twas Devara's idea. The ideas that work are always Devara's."

Susan's prideful defiance remained. "Just because it's true doesn't mean I have to agree. So, let's just agree that it came at the perfect time. The Ottoman invasion of Persia could be a sign of more war to come our way."

Mia interjected with a mix of confusion and exasperation, "When the bloody hell did they get involved? Whose bloody side are they on, anyway?"

Susan sought clarification, "The Ottomans or the Persians?"


Susan delved into the complex situation, "Well, I know Britain is at war with the Ottoman Empire."

Mia continued her inquiry, clearly perplexed. "And how exactly did that happen?"

"Lubin has been directing the Royal Navy to blockade major shipping routes to maintain naval dominance," said Devara. "The blockades of the English Channel and Strait of Gibraltar severely restricted German naval power beyond the Mediterranean. To ensure they had no way out, this also meant blockading the Suez Canal in Egypt, a move that did not sit well with the Ottoman Empire, which responded by declaring war on Britain."

Mia, still seeking clarity, inquired further, "And how does any of this relate to Persia?"

Devara elaborated, "Lubin responded by making a deal with the Persian Empire to blockade the Persian Gulf, preventing Ottoman vessels from moving in or out, while allowing passage of Persian ships. This resulted in the Ottomans declaring war on Persia as well."

"Why now?" asked Evangeline.

"Lubin's just a generally awful person," said Leith. "He does things just because he can. At this point, I tend to just assume that he will always pick the worst possible time to do anything."

Mia, satisfied with the explanation, redirected the conversation to their primary goal. "We're here because we're on our way to Japan and need to know which part to go to."

Devara, willing to assist, inquired, "Care to elaborate?"

"Are you familiar with Doctor Yuki Yuuki?"

Devara sighed. "All too well. He lives in Asahikawa. I'll give you the address."

When Mia and Evangeline arrived at Yuki's home in Asahikawa, Japan, it was Friday in that time zone. The door was open.

"You there!" Yuki exclaimed. "Don't just stand there! Come help!"

Evangeline's curiosity was piqued. "Help with what?"

Yuki's sense of urgency took precedence, "No time to explain."

"You're not even going to ask why we're here?" asked Mia.

"It doesn't matter. Now, follow me."

Confused, Mia walked in, while Evangeline nervously followed.

"Get back here!" Lida's voice rang out.

Yuki's reassurance came, "I'm here. And I have some help."

Mia and Evangeline followed Yuki to find Lida, lying down and screaming.

"What are those kids doing here?" Lida's pain-laden voice pierced the air. "How are they supposed to help?"

Yuki, navigating the tense situation, responded, "I haven't figured that out yet. Honestly, I don't even know why they're here. I just figured they may as well help."

"How?" Mia exclaimed. "I'm a child! I don't know anything about this sort of thing!"

"I must agree with her," said Evangeline. "I doubt we would be of assistance, and may even be a hindrance."

"Fine," said Yuki. "Get out and don't bother us. Whatever you came here for can wait. Find a way to pass the time, but be quiet and stay away."

After hours of yelling at Yuki, Lida gave birth to a daughter. A few minutes later, Yuki called Mia and Evangeline to attention.

"Sorry for the hostility earlier," Lida apologized, a softer tone in her voice. "I'd like to introduce you to Zorislava."

Mia, still caught up in the wonder of the moment, asked with playful innocence, "The tiny creature latched onto your breast?"

Lida replied, amused, "Yes, who else would I be referring to?"

"Just making sure," Mia said with a grin.

"Now, would you two please be so kind as to explain why you're here?" asked Yuki, his curiosity evident.

Evangeline explained, "Mia wanted to ask something about Satori."

"Later," Mia deflected. "I'm intrigued by the infant right now."

Lida, with maternal pride, asked, "Isn't she adorable?"

Mia was in awe. "Like a human, but little. May I hold her?"

"I suppose so." Lida cautiously handed Zorislava to Mia, who marveled at the tiny, fragile life in her arms.

"Wow, so you made this thing inside you?" Mia asked Lida, still amazed.

Lida chuckled softly, "Yeah. Well, Yuki helped."

With playful curiosity, Mia continued, "I want one of these things. Can I keep it?"

Lida, still tenderly watching her baby, gently rebuffed Mia's idea, "No, she's my baby."

Undeterred, Mia turned to Evangeline, seeking support for her whimsical idea, "What do you think, Evangeline?"

Evangeline's perspective was more grounded, "I think she's cute and fascinating."

Mia's imagination, however, had run wild, "Should we bring her home with us?"

"She's not our child. And we're children."

Mia, however, persisted, "Your point being?"

"We can't take care of a child. And she's not ours."

"But I adore this precious little monster," Mia said with a grin.

Lida, sensing that things were getting out of hand, drew a pistol from under her pillow, her tone serious, "Give me my baby."

Mia complied immediately, her playful demeanor replaced with sincerity, "Sorry about that."

Lida, her tone protective and stern, said, "Get your own. This girl is mine."

Yuki chimed in, "Ours."

"Mine," Lida insisted firmly.

"Understood," Mia conceded, realizing she had pushed things too far. "Yours."

"Mine," Lida affirmed, and the conversation found its grounding again.

Mia couldn't help but express her affection for Zorislava, saying, "I love your small human."

Lida, clearly fond of her newborn, responded, "She is pretty awesome, isn't she?"

Mia agreed wholeheartedly, "Very much so."

"You act almost like you've never seen a baby before."

"My encounters with them most definitely number greater than zero," said Mia. "But I must admit that they have been rather limited."

"What was it you wanted to ask me about Satori?" Yuki asked.

Mia deferred the conversation, stating, "We can talk about that later. How are you not totally captivated by Zorislava?"

Yuki's response was more matter-of-fact, "I've been there for many childbirths. I've gotten used to it."

Evangeline couldn't help but point out, "Even though that's your daughter?"

Yuki admitted, "I still haven't fully mentally processed that yet. I'm sure that when I do, it will hit like a train full of explosives."

"So, Mia, how long do you plan on just staring at that baby?"

Mia, absorbed in the baby's presence, replied, "Until I get bored of it."

Eventually, after Mia's interest faded, she and Evangeline returned to El Leon. As they prepared to finally sleep after their trip, Mia realized she had forgotten why they went to Japan in the first place, but ultimately decided it wasn't important.

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