Inks nightmare (Ink X Error)

By Ink_Sans1234

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[COMPLETED] Unfresh escapes the antivoid and has to pay a visit to a few friends from the past. Unfresh disco... More

Dream Gone Wrong Chapter 1
Struggles cut short Chapter 2
Thin gone Thick Chapter 3
Sweet Dreams! Chapter 4
Silent Night Chapter 5
Nightmares Come True Chapter 6
Another Day, Another Night Chapter 7
So far yet so close Chapter 8
Boundaries Gone Broken Chapter 9
Who's Pulling The Strings? Chapter 10
Lost In My Head Chapter 11
Appetite Gone Quiet Chapter 12
Memories Unfold Chapter 13
Failed to Protect Chapter 14
Close Friends Chapter 15
Authors Note
Where? Chapter 16
Next Moves Chapter 17
Good Turned Bad Chapter 18
Who's The Weak One?Chapter 20
Holding For Hope Chapter 21
Offers to exchange Chapter 22
All Can Change Chapter 23
Forgotten behind the Bleachers Chapter 24
Darkness Chapter 25
The Escape Chapter 26
Reunited Chapter 27
I'm Coming Home Chapter 28
Lemon Warning!!! Chapter 29
Sweet Mornings Chapter 30
Not A Chapter! Sowwey
A/N Apologizing
I See You :) Chapter 31
Never want to Let go Chapter 32
Pasts Conflict Chapter 33
You were there for me Chapter 34
I got Tagged ;-;
Your back!? Not again!Chapter 35
A/N Apologies
This just got personal Chapter 36
I'm sorry my friend Chapter 37

Deals? Why not Violence? Chapter 19

924 37 7
By Ink_Sans1234

Errors P.O.V

Its been six days, almost a week and the pictures didn't help much....there was many pictures of trees and parts of a house. I'm even more frustrated because the longer it takes to find Inky then the longer UnFresh is with Ink. I've checked many AU's but found nothing. Dream and blue also found nothing.

I balled my hands into fists and opened a portal back to Inktale letting Dream and Blue go through first before I did. When I finally arrived I punched a tree soon hearing a few cracks from my knuckles. Dream jumped in surprise but kept walking to the house with Blue.

Why can't I find Ink! It's not fair!

I breathed rage and punched the tree over and over again, until my fists began to burn and ache. I sat down and leaned my back against the tree.

PaperJam was with Fresh. He was going to be okay.

I pressed my elbows in my legs and held my face in my hands. My thoughts felt blurry with my burning anger. This is taking longer than I wanted it to. I tried to calm myself down and evened my breaths to a slower pace but failed. I felt the burning of tears prick at my eyes and did my best to hold them back but to no avail. They came pouring and fell off my cheeks. The thoughts of seeing Ink was strong but the only way to see him would be if I could FIND him. 

A felt a hand grasp my arm soothingly, " We'll find him."

I lowered my hands and looked up to see Dream. His eyes were sorrowful but I wasn't sure if it was because of me crying or Ink.

"I hope your right..."

Dream gave my arm a soft squeeze before he let go and followed Blue back to the house. After a few short minutes I finally sat up and decided to go home to.  As I rounded a corner I was greeted with a snort from behind me. I stopped in my place knowing who stood behind me.

I gritted my teeth, "Where's Ink!?"

A cackle was soon heard along with another snort, "What happens if I were to tell you Inks now sleeping in a cold, darkened room? Would that change now's situation?"

I swerved, shooting my blue strings at UnFresh like sharpened daggers, "Ink doesn't deserve this!"

However, UnFresh moved to the side and a back flip and then quickly ducked in a speedy time dodging my attack. When I finally had a better look at him I let out a low threatening growl as my eyes laid to the brown scarf around his neck.

He knew what I was looking at and took the scarf from his neck and threw it to the ground, "Ink is serving his punishment for his tried escape. If he would have stayed put he wouldn't have to suffer."

UnFresh's words were spoken foully and I lunged at him now glaring at him with a murderous tone. However he sped away and appeared behind me kicking his heel into my back causing me to cough and fall to my knees but I quickly recovered and stood back up. I thrashed my strings out at him and surprisingly caught him off guard and he stumbled backwards.

"Lets make a deal."

I stared at him with my eyes still seeing him as a target that must be eliminated but I decided on hearing him through before I attempted anything drastic, "What kind of deal?"

He gave a vile smile, "If you tell me where Fresh is I "might" let you see Ink."

I laughed, "How about you give me back Ink and you can live. That's my deal."

I saw his hand wave in dismissal of my deal, "How about if you don't tell me then I'll have my fun with your little Inky."

His grin widened with a threatening look.

"Don't you fucking dare touch Ink!"

He laughed out-loud, "Who are you to tell me what to do? I'm the one who has Ink, so I guess I can give myself permission to do whatever I want with Ink..."

My eyes glowed with my fueling rage.

"...Or to Ink."

My string shot into the ground and rose around UnFresh's feet tying him to the ground. UnFresh must've not expected this because his eyes widen in surprise and tried to get away but failed and began clawing at the strings on his feet only making them tighten causing him to hiss in pain.

I gave him a murderous look and a smile one would say only those truly insane could wear. I laughed with a vicious growl escaping. I had enough waiting and I was going to get UnFresh to tell me where the hell my Inky was being held captive.

"My deal still stands you dirty sinner."

UnFresh was still using his fingers to claw at the strings though he was clearly in pain, "I will not except a deal from you. Besides, kill me now and you'll never find your beloved Ink, will you?"

I grinned more, "Well then, how about I get you to talk."

- I got the chapter in. Sorry guys it took a bit of time but I started school. However, I have a computer I can use now so the chapters may be published faster? Tbh I don't know. But anyways, see you in the next chapter meh peeps! Byeeeee -

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