Bounty - Winter Soldier Fanfi...

By etherella

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Rhea is a trained and skilled SHIELD agent. She is tasked with the job of bringing in criminals all over the... More



2.1K 98 3
By etherella

"What part of the story are the feds missing?" I asked as I sat on my bed facing Bucky as he sat on his.

He shrugged,"You won't believe me."

I shrugged back,"Try me."

"I've been brainwashed. People have been controlling me. Making me do these thing. These terrible things."

Working at SHIELD, I knew all too well that mind control was real. But any other person wouldn't be too keen to accept that.

Right now I wasn't a SHIELD agent, not to him.

"James...."I stated out before he cut me off.

"You don't believe me."

"I just...mind control? I don't think that's real."

He sighed, "they had these trigger words. Words they would say to make me do whatever they wanted."

"So they said these words and what? You were in a trance?" I incredulously said.

He nodded,"And after they would wipe my memory."

"So how do you even know that they did anything to you?"

"One day I woke up in a room with bodies around me. All dead and I was strapped to a machine. I did my research. And that time they forgot to erase. I still remember killing all those men in my winter soldier state."

I stayed silent.

What do I even say?

"But it's not my fault. Well yes it is my fault but I didn't do those things. The winter soldier did, not Bucky. Not me."

He was so hurt.

"I don't know what to say."

"You still don't believe me."

"I want to. I really do. But..." I trailed off.

He stood and walked over to me, he knelt down and fiddled with his hair,"Look."

I looked down to see little red indents.
The little red indents that the people at SHIELD had whenever the agents took them into a back room.

Was SHIELD brainwashing people?

"The machine they used did this to me."

I knew these marks faded after a few months.

They must be pretty recent.

"Okay. I believe you." I spoke truthfully.

His eyes widened,"You do?"

I nodded, "yes. I mean how else would you get such strange marks? They're not fake are they?"

"I wouldn't put myself in the type of pain they caused."

My brow furrowed as my lip twitched. He was physically hurt as well as mentally and emotionally.

I don't know what to do.

I have to find out why they really want him.

I shrugged,"So what do we do Bucky?"

His shoulders dropped, "I don't know. Not many people would believe me. I'm surprised you even do."

"Seems pretty logical." I mumbled.

"We need to get enough evidence as we can." He added.

"Like what?"

"If we can find the facility I was held maybe we can draw in Steve or SHIELD and they can see."

My eyes widened. SHIELD isn't going to want to listen to what Bucky has to say. Even if he is telling the truth.

"I think Captain America is our best shot here."

"They might not even believe him. It's better to go straight to the source and show them directly that they're wrong."

"No." I blurted.

He gave me a confused look.

"You don't know these people."

"And you do?" He combated.

I shrugged,"I've heard things."

He fought a smile.

"You've...heard things." He repeated incredulously.

"Yes. Those people can't be trusted. They're dangerous and only care about their agenda. They don't care who gets hurt or who's bad and who's good. They won't listen."

"Okay," he said definitely. "Only Steve then."

"You know he's been looking for you right?" I added.

"Yeah. I don't want him dragged into my shit. Before I go to him or ask for help I need proof that I'm innocent. He could get killed for this. I've been avoiding him. But I know he's looking. That's why we can't stay here long. I don't expect you to come with me. I'm sure you've got a life back in the states but you're all I got now."

I smiled slyly,"You're not going anywhere without me Barnes."

Sorry this is so short, I haven't posted in forever and I felt guilty so I just wanted to put something out. Hope you like it don't forget to vote and comment. ❤️❤️

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