A vampire at Hogwarts

By rvbfan2011

73.1K 1.9K 571

(This is in no way related to my other stories. Also I only own my OC the rest is all by J.K. Rowling) Rachel... More

And so it begins
Arriving at Hogwarts
The sorting
The Arrangements
First day of classes
First Flying Lesson
Special Classes
Tips and pointers
Treasures/ A not so friendly encounter
Where loyalties lye
To the rescue
The other
The things you learn
A Holiday Nightmare
Nicholas Flamel?
The Eve (part 1)
It couldn't end soon enough
After dark
Forbidden Forest
Trap Door
The Stone

The Eve (Part 2)

1.2K 39 13
By rvbfan2011

Previously on A Vampire at Hogwarts...

"Ahh~ Dr Leonard Church, it's delightful to see you" 

"And who might this be? I don't believe we've met"   "Ah yes, this is Reiji Sakamaki, the son of my friend Tougo, who's a prominent figure on the Wizarding Council in Japan"  "It's a pleasure to meet you Mr Sakamaki"  "Likewise"  

"Father?-oh Rachel!"   "Draco. Narcissa, Love, this is Reiji Sakamaki, a Potions student of Dr Church. He's very bright for his age"

"Anata no tomodachi wa bakadesu (Your friend is an idiot)"  "Sono yōna koto wa iwanaide kudasai (Don't say those kinds of things)"

"Where are you going?"  "Yane o mitsukeru ni wa (To find the roof)"

Now on A Vampire at Hogwarts...

(Rachel's POV)

I had no doubt that Reiji had gone to find the roof but I knew he wasn't planning to actually throw Draco off of it, he just wanted some time alone to think. He was probably scheming how he could torture me later. It was hard not to think about it but I had to put the uneasy feeling behind me so that I could focus on the more important matter. There were things going on around me as we speak. I followed Draco around the large room crowded full of other witches and wizards, I didn't feel like getting lost in the sea of people. Shortly after we brushed past some adults I spotted some familiar faces. There were a bunch of other Slytherin students that I recognized from different years but their names I couldn't bother to remember. A few particular students that I recognized didn't need remembering. They were my classmates. "Hey Rachel, wow you look nice!" Blaise Zabini complimented. I smiled bashfully, fake acting flattered. I know it's a social thing but I honestly didn't need to be told I looked nice. I knew that already, do you think I would've left my house if I didn't look decent? Plus Reiji would've said something insulting by now, trust me. He probably would've compared me to one of his lab rats. Classic Reiji making ladies feel good about themselves...NOT.

"Thanks" I mumbled under my fake blush. Yeah, I can fake blush I just think about something that actually does fluster me. Reiji's older brother Shuu ruffling my hair and smiling at me like the golden prince he is. Don't tell Reiji though. And on a not so good note there was Pansy Parkinson here as well and she didn't look happy to see me. She was wearing a really ugly ruffled dress that looked as if someone threw up on a cupcake. She looked like a circus dog in a tutu and by the look on Draco's face he must've thought so too. I decided to ignore her by chatting up Blaise. "How was your break so far?" I inquired politely. It was only expected of me to do so, ya know. "Ah, not too exciting I just hang out at home, spend some time in the backyard-" "-That sounds so exciting, tell me more" I faked looking shocked. Note the obvious sarcasm in my voice. "Okay okay. Well I said not much" he defended. "How about you?" He questioned. As I told him a bit about my boring vacation I managed to pick up on Pany's conversation with Draco. And Yes, I can multitask like that.

"Why is she here!?" Pansy whisper yelled in frustration. I heard Draco groan, obviously not wanting to explain that I was probably more wanted here than her but he chose the 'polite' route to go on. "She's a friend and her father is important to my father, she's pureblood and...why wouldn't I want her here!?" He finished slightly irritated. "Because she's obviously attentions seeking" 'Wait hold up! What did she just say about me?!' I'm about to throw down, somebody hold me back. Ashley get Reiji! And ask him if he found the roof yet.
"No she's not, Parkinson, you're being mental" Draco rationalized calmly. "Hello~?" A hand was suddenly being waved in front of my face bringing me back to Blaise and I's conversation. I hadn't realized that I had stopped engaging him and had put all of my focus on Draco's and Pansy's conversation. "What's wrong?" He chuckled obviously amused by my less than satisfactory expression. "She said I was attention-seeking" I complained with a small pout. Blaise must've found it funny because he chuckled and folded his arms against his suit-clad chest as he peered over at Pansy whining to Draco. "Did she?" He said quirking an eyebrow and raising his tone slightly. "Well she's always saying stuff..." Then he paused to think for a moment before continuing. "...mostly about you but don't worry, if I don't believe it he won't buy it either" Blaise reassured me.

I really didn't care much about whether he believed her or not I just didn't like the fact that she was bad-mouthing me and getting away with it. I wasn't about to let that slide. An evil smirk suddenly appeared on my face and at that moment I knew. "Rachel what's with that look?" Blaise asked concerned, probably for his own safety. "I have an idea" I chirped happily. "W-what does that mean" He stuttered, letting out a nervous chuckle. "Oh nothing~" I mused simply. "But I gotta find my sister, tell Draco I'll see him later" I said dismissively. I couldn't miss the disappointment in Blaise's tone as I didn't bother to bid him farewell but it's not like a truly cared, plus I wasn't leaving just yet. I still had some 'things' to take care of.
One of those things was not to actually find my sister but to instead find Reiji, so where did I go you may ask? None other than the roof of course.

*On the roof*

"How the hell did you get up here?" I panted out of breath as I climbed the last balcony up to the roof where I found Reiji sitting leisurely while staring up at the moon as if studying it, which he probably was. "I teleported, you should try it sometime" He replied bluntly as if it were obvious. I rolled my eyes at his obvious attempt at pushing my buttons. "Then why did you tell me you were going to 'find' the roof if you already knew where it was and could just teleport there?!" I exclaimed. No point in keeping my voice down, no one could hear us. "To mess with you" He answered just as blunt as his first response. I groaned, mentally face palming myself for falling for another one of his usual tricks. "Hey well if your done messing with me I have someone better for you to torture" I informed him playing with my fingernails as he acknowledged my statement. "Is it that clingy albino weasel that you call your friend?" I was taken aback by the nickname, Reiji normally wasn't one to be spiteful against people who hadn't already done something wrong but Draco seemed to be the exception. "He's not a weasel" I protested to which Reiji only responded, "You're right he resembles more of a ferret" At this point I didn't want to argue with him anymore. "No It's not him" "So the girl who accused you of being an attention seeker" He stated rather than asked. I was shocked momentarily to the point where I had to ask but I already knew that with Reiji anything was possible. Yeah, how'd you-?" I got cut off as he anticipated my question. "It's annoying that you still have to ask. I obviously was listening in on your conversations, by the way that Blaise boy it hitting on you" He informed simply playing with the cuffs of his dress suit. "I know" I sighed exasperatedly. "Good we can kill him first" "NO!" I exclaimed. "We're not killing anyone..." Reiji gave me a look. "...Yet" I corrected to which he smiled, correction smirked.

"What do you need me to do, Princess" He cooed softly. "Okay so I need you to- wait a minute. First of all, don't call me 'Princess' or else I'm gonna yack and secondly, how good are your acting skills?" All I got in response was a smirk accompanied by a chilling chuckle.

*Back inside the party*

(Ashley's POV)

"Daaaaady I'm bored~" I whined. It was no fair that I got dragged along to this party just because Rachel's friends are here and because dad wants to look good for his colleagues. "Go get a snack then, Dear, I'm busy at the moment" My father replied shortly as he was conversing with the Deputy Minister of Magic. He wasn't even the real Minister but yet he was still more important than me. I grumbled under my breath as I reluctantly released my Python-like grip on my fathers arm and made my way towards the snacks and refreshments table. I sighed as I walked, watching the people around me talk and laugh with each other. I wish Skylar were here, things would be so much more interesting. Just as I thought that I accidentally bumped into someone causing both them and myself to stumble slightly. The person gripped my forearms as to steady the both of us before finally making eye contact with each other. "Oh Draco it's you" I breathed a sigh of relief. Draco awkwardly scratched the back of his neck as he eyed me. "Uhm are you okay?" He paused for a second. "You look nice" he complimented me. there was a hint of blush on his cheeks. I was kind of shocked by his words and blushed back. "Uh, thanks, you too" I replied sheepishly. We both awkwardly stood there in silence until we both unintentionally blurted out at the same time. "Have you seen my sister?""Have you seen Rachel?" We both froze realizing we spoke at the same time. After a second or two we both burst into laughter. "You go first" I told him. He nodded. "Have you seen Rachel anywhere? I was told she was with you" Draco's statement confused me, I hadn't seen Rachel since she left with Mr. Malfoy and Reiji. I don't know who would've told him that she was with me. "I haven't seen her I thought she went with Reiji to go meet up with you" "Well she did but then that Reiji guy went to the toilet-odd how he never came back-and then Rachel left telling Blaise that she went to find you" He rambled.

I blinked a couple of times as I processed what I had just heard. "Reiji went to the toilet?" I inquired. I didn't believe that. "Yeah why?" "I doubt that" I scoffed lightly. Draco seemed confused. "Why not?" He asked. "Uh nevermind" I dejected. "Rachel never came to see me but if I see her I'll tell her you were looking for her" Draco nodded. "Okay thanks, now I just need to-" As he said that a high-pitched voice called out what I guessed was his pet name. "Draco-poo~!" The girl wailed causing both Draco and I to cringe. "Oh no" he whisper yelled. I chuckled knowing exactly who that was. Rachel had told me about her. All I could do was watch as she stomped her way towards the both of us. "Good luck with that" I whispered right before she came to a stop in front of us. Draco visibly gulped. "Oh my god! A Hufflepuff? Draco what is she doing here?!" Pansy Parkinson snapped as she forcefully pulled the platinum blonde away.
"Things just got interesting" I mumbled to myself.

(Rachel's POV)

I was perched above a nearby stairway watching as Pansy Coddled over Draco. Of course, I found this amusing and even more so because I anticipated the events that were about to occur. Everything was to go as planned as long as Reiji played along. So far so good. And as if on cue, I spot Reiji walk into view. He made his way right towards Pansy and Draco. Upon reaching his destination Reiji put on the charm. Smiling coolly and tousling his medium-length dark hair. He patted Draco on the shoulder leaning in to whisper something in his ear so that Pansy couldn't make it out. It should've been something along the lines of. "Rachel's waiting for you on the second-floor balcony" And considering the subtle head turn in my direction I assumed that he'd seen me. He turned back to Reiji nodding and patting him on the shoulder before strutting off towards the nearest staircase. Once Draco had gone it left Pansy standing confused which made way for the next part of my plan. "Hey" Draco greeted me. "Shhh! Watch" I hushed him pointing at the scene playing out below us. We watched as Reiji moved closer Pansy obviously scanning him up and down. She no doubt noticed how attractive Reiji was. "What is he doing?" Draco questioned not sure he understood what Reiji was thinking. "Be quiet it's part of the plan" I dismissed him. "Plan?" He repeated confused. "I am NOT attention-seeking" I denied stubbornly.

Pansy was beginning to become extremely flustered as Reiji talked her up. he kept adjusting his tie pushing up his glasses and running his fingers through his hair as he spoke to her, occasionally sending her a smirk and he'd chuckle now and then when she said something probably to humour her. I knew it was game time when she began taking steps closer to him and twirling her hair flirtatiously. "No way" Draco said in amazement. "You didn't think it was gonna be that hard did you?" I stated factly. As I turned back to the comical scene I witnessed Pansy run her hand down from Reiji's shoulder to his right hand before grasping it. I immediately felt a pang of anger surge through me. 'How dare she touch him like that' screamed my inner thoughts. "My turn" I said simply as I left Draco on the balcony making my way towards the scene. I felt rushes of cold blood circling through my veins as if time had slowed down and I had gone into predator mode. Was this suddenly from the full moon or was I actually experiencing vampiric emotion? As I entered the ballroom I put on a fake smile as I gracefully walked towards Reiji and the pug faced Toad. When she saw me she scowled and pulled Reiji's arm tighter into an embrace. "Reiji-San" I called out to him. Step 1: show her that Reiji and I have a connection the no one else here has.
"I've been looking all over for you. Anata wa watashi o sakete kimashita ka? (Have you been avoiding me?)" Reiji smirked knowing what I was doing and decided to go along with it. He slipped his arm out of Pansy's grip and stepped closer to me. He gave me a charming head tilt as he chuckled his reply. "Īe (No) How long have you known me, have I ever tried to hide from you?" I bashfully chuckle. "Īe" I chirped cutely. He briefly strokes my right cheek with his left hand. "Anata wa kawaīdesu, Reicheru-Chan (You're cute, Rachel)" He cooed as part of the plan and similarity I let out a cute squeal as I hugged him around the side of his chest burying my face in his suit. "Anata wa saikōdesu! (You're the best!)" He simply patted me on the head. "Shitte iru (I know)" I looked at Pansy as she glared evilly. I simply smirked back. 'Mine' I mentally growled at her. Wait what!? I don't even like him like that! Do I? No. I can't he's too mean, I mean sometimes he can be- No. Don't change your mind, Rachel, focus!

"Are you guys together or something?" Pansy huffed. I brushed myself off of Reiji as I replied "No" meanwhile simultaneously Reiji replied "Yes" we looked at each other, his expression was as if to say 'Go with it' meanwhile mine screamed 'Are you crazy?!' Pansy gave us both confused stares. Reiji and I then oppositely chorused. "Yes" "No" once again we stared at each other wondering 'What are you doing?' Finally I mustered up the courage to correctly fix the situation by saying "What he meant was that we came here to Draco's party together. Reiji is a welcomed guest in our house during the holidays" I explained. "Yes, sadly I'll be returning home when the break finishes and the two of you will be returning back to school" Reiji adds affirmatively. "I see, it must be hard living so far away" Pansy mused attempting to pout sympathetically. I just couldn't believe she was still attempting to flirt with him. "I know! Having 5 similarly handsome brothers is tough. He suffers when I'm not there to keep them in line, don't you, Reiji?" I boasted smugly, ensuring Pansy got the message. She scowled so I assume she did. Reiji sighed somewhat dramatically if I might add. "I truly do" He played, emphasizing the 'truly' part.

Just as that was happening I sensed a commotion occurring not to far behind me, Reiji sensed it too. It was Draco being ushered by his mom back into the party. She accused him of being antisocial. As they walked closer to us emerged in their own conversation Pansy made a comment that would cause not only Reiji and I to tense up but also Draco and his mother to turn their attention towards us. "So...what-are you guys getting married or-" As soon as I went to open my mother to protest Narcissa cut in. "Oh no, Pansy Darling, Reiji is already engaged" she said it with an almost cheerful tone. It was as if she found the topic of marriage to be delightful. Pansy's eyes lit up at the information as she turned to look me in the eyes. "Oh that's too bad I could've sworn you guys were close"
"Don't worry, Dear anyone could've made that mistake, they are adorable together" Narcissa commented combing her fingers through Pansy's hair as she tucked a piece behind her ear. "Yeah, too cute" Pansy spat venomously, it went undetected by Narcissa. I was suddenly brought into a warm embrace that I realized to be Reiji's. "Even if she can't be my Princess, I'll always be her knight in shining armor" He cooed resting his cheek on the top of my head. This is the closest I've ever been to Reiji without the situation being hostile, yet I knew better than to think that any of this was more than just an act.

Narcissa 'Aww'd', Draco rolled his eyes and Pansy made a disgusted expression. The same face I make when I see her try to flirt. "Ni-San!" I squealed covering my face with both hands as if he was embarrassing me. "There you both are" I heard my fathers voice say from behind us. Reiji and I greeted my father. Reiji respectfully bowed while I just stood there thinking 'Father please save us!' "You're sister has been begging to leave. Do you think it is time that we depart?" On the inside I was screaming 'YES YES YES YES' but I managed to keep myself collected enough to reply. "I suppose It is getting a bit late" My father nods. "Say goodbye to your friends. Reiji, come along" My father beckons, Reiji and my dad bother thanking Narcissa for the party before they make their way out of the ballroom to fetch my sister. I turned to Draco not really sure what to say because I really just wanted to be like 'Cya!' Or like 'I'm out-2 out-3 out' but that's not how my dad raised me so...."Well-" "-Bye!" Pansy blurted out all too quickly. I furrowed my brows not expecting the sudden outburst. Narcissa was obviously much politer with her farewell. "Thank you so much for coming, Darling don't be a stranger your welcome here anytime, right Draco?" Draco stared at me and nodded furiously. I fake smiled saying my goodbyes and finding my way back to my father.

He, my sister and Reiji were all waiting for me. I nodded signaling that I was ready to leave but apparently Reiji had something else in mind. "You're alright If I take her? It won't be long" Reiji looked to my father, who simply contemplated the question momentarily. I was confused what was going on? "You're okay to get back on your own?" My dad questioned. 'Get back from where? Where are we going?' "Yes, It'll be no trouble at all, Sir" Reiji replied simply. All my father did was nod in acknowledgment. "Good luck" was all my father said before grabbing hold of Ashley and Apparating home. I was left awestruck by how he just left me without even asking if I wanted to go where ever it was that Reiji was taking me. 'Thanks dad' Note the sarcasm.

"Well then, shall we get started?" Reiji said turning to me with a chilling laugh, he was once again back to his usual cynical self. Now that we were out of the public eye there's no telling what he could do. "Let's have some fun Rachel" He said evilly. Before I could protest he had grabbed my hand and teleported us both to the middle of gods knows what forest. "Reiji, where are we?" I asked spooked by the tall towering trees that looked like they were from the scene of a horror movie. "About 500 Kilometres from the Malfoy mansion" He replied simply. I looked at him with a concerned expression while trying to swallow the lump that was starting to form in my throat. "Why?~" I asked. "You'll see" He grinned. 'This isn't good' I told myself. But there was no way out, 500 kilometers was a long way to walk and in what direction I had no idea.
Reiji walked along silently as I stumbled to follow him in the dark. "Reiji please wait, I really don't like the dark, could you-oomfh" Suddenly I collided right into Reiji's back. "Why'd you stop like that?" I complained rubbing my sore bottom after I had stumbled back on a tree root and fell. "We're here" was his response. 'Here? Where is here? What is here?' I questioned myself but it all began to make sense as soon as I saw 'here' was.

Here was a house elf, specifically one of Mr. Malfoy's house elves, the one who had let us inside. Come to think of it I hadn't seen him since he led us in. "Reiji that's the Malfoy's house elf what's he doing here?" I questioned. It was a dumb question considering I knew what was about to happen to this poor elf. He was tied to a tree branch, hanging by his ankles. The poor creature was gagged and had blood dripping down the back of his head meaning he had been hit from behind. Hard.
"Rachel, why must it be that I have to explain this to you?" Reiji answered shortly. I shook my head even though Reiji wasn't facing me. "No" was all I said, tears brimming my eyes. Reiji suddenly pulled a knife from the inside of his suit jacket. A silver dagger to be more specific. He turned to me slowly, brandishing the exquisite blade and tauntingly waving it in my face. "Do you know this is, Rachel?" I nodded frantically taking a couple of steps back. Futile, he moved closer. "Do you know what this does, Rachel?" He lowered his voice, it was now void of any playfulness and instead replaced by dark and cynical intent. Once again I nodded only this time I ran out of room to flee. I backed myself right into a tree where Reiji closed the gap by forcefully pinning me and bringing the dagger dangerously close to my throat. I whimpered out as the knife hovered near my neck. With the full moon out on display, the knife shone menacingly and Reiji's eyes glowed dangerously. Someone was going to die tonight and if I wasn't careful it would be me. I wouldn't dare put Reiji above killing me, betrothed or not, relation didn't matter to him, after all he did kill his own mother in cold blood.

"You promised" He whispered softly in my ear, grinning manically. "I didn't promos this" I whimpered defensively. He only got angrier applying more force against my body while still just barely touching my neck with the blade. I averted his gaze and he tried to make eye contact. I could never seem to resist giving in when I looked him in the eye that's why I avoided it during these kinds of confrontations. But this time he had leverage. "Look at me" He growled. I peered at him from the corner of my eyes and he smirked. "I told you before, I'd ask you to do things you wouldn't normally do. You said you'd do it" and with that he had me gripping the knife and I hadn't even noticed he pulled away from my neck. I looked down at it, tears welling up in my eyes as I seriously began to contemplate completing the action. He took my face in between both hands and brought his forehead to mine. His breath fanned against my trembling skin yet it somehow calmed me. I looked deep into his eyes getting lost in the deep red fuchsia colour and that's when I made a decision. I pulled away from Reiji's touch and stalked towards the barely conscious hanging creature. I eyed the house elf before *---SLICE---* I swung the dagger down.

To be continued...

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