Behind the Camera (Team 10 Fa...

By adrodr0302

10.7K 239 54

If I knew what would happen, would I do it all again. [First ever story and first completed story] More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 8

673 12 10
By adrodr0302

"Hey Ari, can you come here?" Alissa called from her room. "What?" I asked while standing in her doorway.

"Do you know about a boy band named Why Don't We?" She questioned with a smirk.

"Know them? I live and breathe them." I said with a just a tad bit of exaggeration. She chuckles and continues. "What if I told you that you could go meet them?"

"I would die." I deadpanned.

"Then nevermind." She said quickly. "I mean I would be so happy and love you so much." I corrected quickly. "Well, what are you waiting for? Go get ready!" She exclaimed while shooing me out of her room.

I ran to my bedroom and grabbed some random clothes that didn't smell bad. I'm a slob I know. Shaking my head, I put on a light blue shirt that was really loose, black leggings, and white converse. I then put my gold earrings on, gold necklace, and put some lotion on my body.

I then turned around and walked out of my room. When I saw Alissa in the living room I asked her about my outfit. "Is this okay?" She looked up from her phone and her eyes softened. " Aww! You look cute." She exclaimed.

"I'm going to meet extremely hot guys, I don't want to look cute." I huffed

"Dude, what the fudge are you wearing?" I gestured to her very revealing outfit. "I'm going to be in Logan's music video. Didn't I tell you?" She asked me. "It would've been nice to know." I told her.

"It's for another roast video on Jake." She said nonchalantly. "Oh, that explains it." I said.

"It does?" She asked. "No, but are we going or nah?" I said with little patience.

"Yeah, let's go." She replied as she grabbed her small purse and walked to the front door.

As we entered her car, I immediately connected my phone to the aux cord and pressed play.

'There's a light when you walk in the room.
There's excitement flowin' on you out  of sight when and the moment is soaking up the air.'

"Sing it Corbyn!" I yelled.

"Damn Ari, you're going to meet them soon. Chill." Alissa said looking at me weirdly.

"I need to get in the mood. I can't be all shy when I meet them." I defended myself. Alissa left me alone and drove the car into the busy road.


"We're going to start at this helicopter pad and then go to this big house or something like that." She explained to me when we walked out of her car and into the building.

"I got a question." I began. "This is super important and you need to have a legitimate answer. Are the Why Don't We boys here for sure?" Alissa laughed at my question."Yeah they should be around here with Logan."

I started smiling that they were really here. If this is a dream, then I don't ever want to wake up.

When we entered the elevator and pressed the button to go to the roof, it hit me like a freight train. "OMG! I'm going to meet Why Don't We! I cannot breathe!" I said as I slowly sat on the floor of the elevator.

"Is it ok if I cry?" I asked Alissa.

"Dude, get up." She commanded. "They're just some boys." I slowly looked up at her. "These are my baes we're talking about.''

"Ok then!" She said while raising her hands in defeat. I took a deep breath when the elevator doors opened and we saw a very chill looking place. 'Breathe in, breathe out.' I ordered myself.

Unfortunately, my body decided to be a rebel and my hands started to shake while my breaths were short and quick.

Alissa led the way while I followed behind her like a shadow. As we walked up the stairs that led up to the helicopter pad, we could hear Logan being his usual loud self.

"Logan!" Alissa yelled. "Alissa!" Logan responded. Logan waited on the top of the stairs and gave Alissa a hug. "Ariana!" Logan exclaimed before giving me a bone-crushing hug. "Hi!" I managed to get out of my mouth.

After Logan released me, Alissa started talking to him about the music video, which bored me to be honest. I started looking around the place. There was a station that held sodas, another station had food, and there were tables with seats around them. After a couple of minutes, I started hearing singing.

My heart stopped.

Wanting to clarify that it was the Why Don't We boys, I crept over the side of the food station to see who they were. It was them alright, they were seating around a table and singing along to Daniel's playing.

'Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot!' Was all I thought when I saw them. Call me weird or crazy, but c'mon! Just look at Daniel's beautiful eyes, or Jack's smile, and Corbyn's laugh is music to my ears. Don't even get me started on Zach's goofiness and Jonah's voice.

As I was stalking, I mean watching, the boys, I had no clue that Alissa and Logan had crept up behind me until they yelled BOO right in my ear. Revealing my hiding spot ,which wasn't very hidden, I yelped which made the boys turn to look at us.

"Fudge you!" I yelled at Alissa and Logan. But I also wanted to fudge the really hot boys in front of us, wait what.

Logan went over to the boys and started vlogging them. "So I see you found them." Alissa said to me with a smug look on her face. "Yes, yes I did." I replied turning back around to look at them again. I stopped when I saw Logan pointing directly at me and telling the boys something. The boys  were also looking at me.

"I have officially died." I murmured to Alissa. Alissa laughed at me. Just when I thought that my heart couldn't take it anymore, the boys started walking towards Alissa and I.

"Can't breathe!" I said while wheezing. "They're coming over here, Alissa! I did not sign up for this!" Alissa looked at me and chuckles. "Dude, they're really nice and you're a huge fan. Of course, they're going to say hi."

But I didn't hear anything, because they were right in front of us already with smiles on their hot faces.

"Boys this is Ariana Rodriguez, she's a big fan." I looked down while blushing. "Ariana these are the Why Don't We boys." Logan introduced.

"Yo, I love your music!" Corbyn said. "What?" Zach asked him. "She's the girl singer from No Promises with Cheat Codes!" Corbyn explained.

"Oh my gosh! That's her?!" Jack exclaimed. Daniel looked at me with his mouth opened, shocked. "She's so small though." Jonah said looking at me not able to believe what was unfolding right before his eyes.

'Dude, I'm a little bit taller than Jack's shoulders, I'm not that small.' I thought sourely.

"Dude, just listen to this." Corbyn said while getting his phone out and soon enough my song started playing.

'Cut me up me like a knife, and I feel it deep in my bones. '

"I love this song!" Daniel stated. "Same, bro." Jack said with the rest of the boys nodding their heads.

"I'm going to flat out cry, right now." I said turning my body away from the boys and speaking softly to Alissa.

'They know me! The loves of my life actually know my name!' I thought to myself.  My body was already shaking and my tears are threatening to overspill.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I'm surrounded by warm arms followed by more of them. That was the final blow, before I started crying my heart out.

"Aww, don't cry Ari." One of them consoled. "Hey, can you smile for me? I don't want to see you crying. " Daniel said turning my chin to him. "No, I look bad." I said laughing at the end.

"That's not true." Jack countered. Corbyn turned me to him and hugged me. He smelled good, like that one scent that makes you feel relaxed. Zach then took me from Corbyn's arms and placed me in his tight hug.

Dayum, he has a good looking neck.

(A/N I don't know either.)

I then went to every boy after that, going to Jonah then Jack and finally Daniel. "Can I get pictures with you guys?" I asked. "Already got them!" Alissa interrupted. I turned to see Alissa with her phone in her hand, smiling. "I second that, so does the Logang!" Logan said behind his blog camera.

"Oh my gosh! You guys were supposed to be shooting the music video! Sorry for holding you guys back." I apologized.

"Chill." Logan told me. "We still have plenty of time, so let's go boys...and girls!" Logan yelled while walking towards the helipad.

I smiled and walked behind Alissa.


Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......Hey peoplz? I have a very legit reason why I haven't uploaded for a lot longer than usual. You see... I was in a tunnel! For 7 days.

Not buying it? Oh ok!

I was camping with my family in the mountains and there was no internet at all! I had uploaded this chapter a few days ago, but it didn't upload, so I got upset after a few more times and left. But when I came back everything was gone!! So I had to write it all over again. And yeah I'm just extremely sorry.

On another note, we hit 1.2K reads!!! Wth! I'm fudging flabbergasted! Thank you so much and I'll try to be more active. Promise.


Anyways, hope you guys comment and don't forget to vote!


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