Adopted? (Completed)

By likethecolour

588K 11.7K 1.5K

Jamie is a normal teenage girl, she lives on drama and has a crush on the schools quarterback, but everything... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Sequel is Posted!
If you can't find it is:

Chapter 16

18.8K 430 57
By likethecolour

I finally have time to Upload Chapter 16

So, without further due Chapter 16:


Chapter 16:

"Stop fidgeting, honey you look great." Mom tried to calm me down, but it only made me more nervous. Today was the day of my 'snobby' grandmas party. And, I was going to meet her...and the rest of my family. Mom smiled at me, and then she started to cry.

I stood there awkwardly, not really knowing what to do. "Geez mom, calm your hormones." She laughed, "Im trying." Dad walked in, and looked at us curiously. "Jamie...Did you make your mom cry?" He asked, and I shook my head no.

"Well, Pamela is downstairs." Dad said, wrapping an arm around moms shoulder. I suddenly thought of Chris. And, our boat date. I can't believe I called him a vampire. Mom gave me a knowing look,

"You should go, before Pamela comes up here. I don't want to see that witch." Mom said...well, she didn't exactly say witch...if you're catching my drift.

I rolled my eyes, as I walked downstairs. Or, should I say about to walk downstairs. "Wait!" Dad called, and I looked over my shoulder with a raised eyebrow. Dad raised his camera, and I close...I was so close.

"Come on sweetie, let's take some pictures." I walked towards dad, hating every step. I stood there, and dad snapped photos. "Done?" I asked after about 100 snaps. "No...just a couple more." He said and I suddenly got scared. If this is how dad is when Im going to a party, I wonder how he would act at my wedding.

"I have to go Dad." I said, and I hugged him and mom, before walking downstairs where I saw Pamela in a gorgeous seashell colored dress, with a pearl necklace and a pearl bracelet.

"Wow, you look-"

"No, Wow, you look gorgeous." Pamela said, as she smiled at me. "Can we go?" I asked, and she shook her head, "Not before I take pictures." FML

"Wow, that's a house?" Jenny asked, and I nodded in agreement. We picked Jenny up, which took forever, since she was still getting ready. Now, we were staring at a huge four storie house..or should I say mansion. There were a lot of elegant cars parked to the side of the house.

Pamela finally found a place to park, but I noticed something was off with her. When we got closer and closer to 'snobby' grandmas house, she turned paler and paler. I nudged her,

"Everythings going to be all right, If they're as 'snobby' as you say, then show them that you never needed them in the first place. Show them you actually became famous and rich, without their help. Im sure when they see you they're going to be extremely surprised." I said, and she smiled at me, as her skin finally started to get some color.

"Yeah yeah, enough with the heart to heart, I have a fancy dress on, and I can't wait to dance in it." Jenny said, getting out of the car. Me and Pamela chuckled as we got out of the car ourselves.

When we got to the front door, a guy was standing there. "Is your name on the list?" He asked and Pamela nodded, "Pamela White, Jamie, and her guest." The guy looked through a clipboard, and finally nodded. We walked him, and I hooked my arm with Jenny, who gave me a warm smile.

Saying that this place was beautiful was an understatement. It was awesome, with it's black and white marble floor, and dedicatedly painted white walls. The furniture matched the black and white theme. And, there was a crowd of people drinking drinks and looking extra...'snobby'.

As we continued walking, I noticed everyone was crowded around this lady, wearing a long elegant black dress, with white pearl necklaces, and bracelets, and ear-rings. I studied her...she wouldn't be...her, would she.

I walked towards the crowd, but Pamela stopped me, "I don't think you're ready." She said, and I stared at her curiously, "Im ready...I'll be okay." I said, and she stared at me for a long time, before she nodded her head.

I gestured for Jenny to follow me, "Pamela, just go mingle." I said and she smirked before she walked away, towards some guys who were staring at her, the whole time we were here. I continued walking towards the crowd. When I reached it Jenny stopped me, "Are you ready?" She asked and nodded.

We walked inside of the crowd, which was extremely hard, because everyone kept elbowing us, and pushing us. Finally, with no bruises, we made it to the front of the crowd, where we stood in front of the lady, who was the center of attention.

Her eyes rolled over my body, and then jennys, and then she smiled at me, "And, who may you be?" She asked. I smiled back, "Jamie." I said and she looked at me curiously, "Jamie from Jamie enterprises?" She asked and I shook my head no.

"Oh, then Jamie from Jamies German Chocolate." She said, and again I shook my head no. "I had to invite you for a reason...let's see...who's your mother?" She asked and I smirked, "Pamela White." Her eyes grew wide for a split second before she covered it up with a fake smile.

"Oh, that girl...always giving me surprises." Wow, she's definitely lying. "Jamie dear, it's me your grandmother." she held out her arms, signaling me to her her, and so I did. Usually, grandmothers wear polyester, smell like antiques, and generally look like antiques themselves. But all those things didn't describe my grandmother.

She has to be young, considering my mom had me when she was fourteen. Her face was wrinkle-free and flawless. Her skin was practically growing...I guess with a lot of money my skin would be glowing like hers. And she smelled like...strawberries. I was hoping bacon, but...that's not really elegant.

"Hello grandmother, I've waited so long to meet you." I said politely even though it was partially a lie. I did want to meet her. But, I just found out about her like,...a week ago. She smiled at me, "Same here dear, I actually need to s-"

"Mother, who is this lovely young lady?" A man asked and I turned my head to see a guy with red hair, and green eyes. Wait....I've seen those eyes before. My eyes grew five inches, it was him...It was my dad.

"Why darling, it's your daughter." Everyone gasped, but I just stood there to see his reaction. He stared at me with wide eyes. And then he started to walk towards me, but instead of walking towards him, I ran towards the door. Which was hard, because I was in heels, and a dress.

I ran into a pair of arms, "Woah, why are you in such a hurry?" I looked up to see gray gorgeous eyes. My face flushed in embarrassment. "Jamie?" Someone asked. And, I turned around to see Chris glaring. But, not at me, he was glaring at gray eyed dude.


AWKWARD!!!!! As much as I hate it folks...Im going to leave this at a cliffhanger. But, if you want me to update tomorrow, this chapter has to have at least thirty votes, or comments. And, the comment can be just a smiley face.

Do you guys like the chapter? What do you thinks gonna happen next?




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