Unloved. (A Patrick Stump Fan...

By MeganStump

31.9K 1.2K 823

Can the unloved become the loved? When Faiths parents both pass away in a fatal accident she has no other pla... More

Unloved. (A Patrick Stump Fanfiction)
Not The American Average
Inhale. Exhale.
Change You Like A Remix
If You Love Me Let Me Go
Blood Red Lip Stick, You Dont Smile.
They Say Your Love Is Forever, Your Forever Is All That I Need
'its Pete' -bonus-
Its been a while...
Im not dead

This Is Unconditional

2.9K 132 120
By MeganStump

Chapter 4 ~ This Is Unconditional.


When I woke I felt a sadness wash over me, I was alone, no Patrick... Just me. I sighed as I jumped out of bed and walked to the bathroom where I found a sticky note with what I was guessing was Patrick's hand writings scribbled across it, 'Popped out to the store to get the black hair dye, shouldn't be too long -Patrick xoxo' I smiled and set the note back down and began brushing my teeth. Afterwards I washed my face and decided not to bother getting ready because I didn't want to get hair dye all over the few clothes I had. Patrick still wasn't back but I decided to make him some tea anyways. I was glad I did because just as I was finishing making them, in he walked.

"Tea, two sugars, for you" I said handing him the cup as he set down the bags.

"Ahhh thank you, just what I needed"

I looked at the bag which was now on the floor, I could just about see a box of hair dye, tea bags and a bar of chocolate. Patrick then set his cup down and spilled the contents of bag out onto the kitchen counter.

"This is the dye I got you, is it okay?" he said as he held up a box of 'Rocking blacks' hair dye.

"Looks good" I replied and took a sip of my tea.

He started to put away the other things he'd bought into the right cupboards and drawers but left the hair dye out.

"Ready?" he asked as he finished his tea.

I drained out the last few drops of mine too, "yup"

I followed him to the bathroom where I sat on the edge of the bath tub with Patrick stood behind me. He mixed the two bottles together, shook it well then put on protective gloves and we were ready to go.

"Sure?" he asked as he held the bottle close to my hair.

"Sure" I confirmed and felt the cold dye on my scalp.

Black hair, here I come.


Patrick had finished applying the dye, we had left it on for around an hour and were now washing it off. Once all the leftover dye was washed of I quickly dried of my hair and turned to see Patrick smiling widely.

"You like it?" I asked.

"I love it!" he replied and turned me to face the mirror.

I gasped at how different I looked without my blue hair I had grown so used too. However I did love the black!

"Now go get ready and we can go to the mall" Patrick said before leaving the room to let me get sorted.

I picked out black skinny jeans and a Memphis May Fire shirt to wear today then changed into them before applying some winged eyeliner and a little lip gloss. Once I was done I joined Patrick who was tapping away at his phone at the front door and slipped on my grey and black checkered vans.

"You look nice" he said with a wink.

I thanked him as we walked to his car. This was the first time I'd been outside since I ran away from the orphanage, the streets were no longer soaked with rain. It was actually quite nice and sunny today which made me smile even more.

"Should we listen to Memphis May Fire?" Patrick asked taking notice of my shirt.

"If you want to, yeah" I replied with a smile.

He plugged in his phone and began searching for Memphis May Fire, once he found it 'No Ordinary Love' started playing and we both sang our hearts out.


"Here I stand, nothing more than a broken man, starring death in the face, all my mistakes have got a hold on me again"

"Here we go, another day, another fork in the road. I never know who to trust. Will someone just tell me which way to go?"

"I need a sign, I need a miracle."

"I need to know that this is possible. I've just failed so many times, Is there any way that I could make it right?"

"God, if you're there I need to hear you now, Come back to me love, I forgive you. Oh how I've missed you."

"Just know every time you run I'll be right here waiting!"

"This is no ordinary love. Listen up, listen up. This is no ordinary love.

This is unconditional"

"I'm so afraid to admit that you're real

'Cause I'm afraid of what I might feel. When your words start to come to life, And it brings my demons into the light, but I know you're here, I shiver as you whisper in my ear, Child have no fear"

"Come back to me love, I forgive you. Oh how I've missed you. Just know every time you run I'll be right here waiting!"

"Come back to me love, I hope you know I'm always with you. I forgive you!"

"We lose faith in things unseen, Unsure of what to believe. Just dying to be loved, when love's right in front of us"

"We give up on our hopes and dreams, and let doubt take everything. The door will open when we realize we don't hold the key"

"I tried to save myself but I failed"

"Come back to me love, I forgive you

Oh how I've missed you. Just know every time you run I'll be right here waiting"

"Come back to me love, I hope you know I'm always with you. I forgive you"


After a Memphis May Fire song filled ride, we finally arrived at the mall. Once we found a parking spot Patrick opened my door for me like a gentleman, which I thought was sweet, and we walked into the mall together. First we stopped for a bite to eat in the food court, I had a Coffee with a blue berry muffin and Patrick had a hot chocolate with a vanilla cupcake. When we were finished with our drinks and snacks we began looking around the shops. The first place we went in was a tattoo & piercing parlour, I had decided to get snake bite piercings and an industrial bar done because they were my next two favourite piercings besides the ones I already had. I filled in some papers before being lead to a room behind the counter and just down a short hallway. Patrick was allowed to come too which I was glad about because although I have a few piercings I still think they hurt quite a bit and no matter how many times someone says It doesn't, having someone hold you hand always makes it better. In my case today that person would be Patrick, if he doesn't mind of course. The piercer, who's name was Mark, got me to sit in the edge if the bed while he prepared the equipment.

"Scared?" Patrick whispered with a slight grin.

"Nahhh, I'm tough!" I said and giggled as I flexed my arms, making Patrick laugh too.

When mark had his stuff ready he used the clamp to hold my lip where the needle would go through and told me to take a deep breath. As I breathed in I searched for Patrick's hand with my own and when I found it I locked my fingers with his. I could've sworn I saw him blush out of the corner of my eye... Mark then told me to breathe out and as I did he pushed the needle through my lip. It started to sting straight away but once he had put the jewellery in it started to die down. He repeated the process for the other side of my lip and for some reason that particular side hurt just a little more. When both sides were done he handed me a mirror so I could have a look at them. I smiled as I saw my reflection, admiring the small silver balls each side of my lip.

"They look awesome" Patrick commented.

I nodded and handed the mirror back to Mark. Next was the industrial bar in my ear. I had never been a fan of getting the tops of my ears pierced but I was going ahead with it anyways. Again he told me to take a deep breath in, and out and as I breathed out the needle went through. As it did I squeezed Patrick's hand tighter, as I said, not a big fan of getting the tops of my ears pierced.


Once all my piercings were done Mark told be how to clean then and look after them before letting us go. I paid the lady at the desk and we were off to our next shop, Hot Topic. (A/N now I've never been to a hot topic, thanks a lot england... so I don't know what there like inside but I've saw what they sell online so bare with me.) When we walked through the door I stopped and stood looking around at all the items for sale, my eyes met with the Pierce The Veil merch over on the left wall and I decided I needed some. I walked over and straight away found a sweatshirt I liked and they had it in a size medium, so I folded it over my arm and continued looking. After about 30 minutes of me looking around the store I had two arms full of shirts, sweatshirts and jeans that I needed to pay for. I found the counter and stood in the short line, being called over to the second cash register moments later. I put down all the items I was buying and the cashier began to scan them. Once they were all scanned my total was $356.89 which I was actually expecting to be a lot higher. I got out my purse a handed the guy $360, he gave me my change and handed me my bags, now I just need to find Patrick. I walked to the back of the store where the seemed to be a crowd of people. As I got closer I noticed Patrick in amongst them.

"Patrick" I said over the noise and waved at him.

He saw me and smiled.

"Sorry guys I need to go now..." He apologised to the people, who I now knew were all fans, and began making his way over to me. "Hey you should've let me pay!" He said and crossed his arms with a pout.

"Sorry trick, maybe next time" I replied with a wink and we began walking out of the shop but the crowd of fans followed asking question after question.

Can you sign this?

Can you sign my shirt?

Who's the girl?

Is she your girlfriend?

Wait, girlfriend?

Patrick must've herd that one too because I saw him blush. He then stopped walking and turned around to face the fans.

He sighed heavily, "No guys, Faith isn't my girlfriend"

He then started walking again but he wouldn't even look at me or talk to me. Was he disappointed I wasn't his girlfriend when the fans thought I was? No, surely not. He's probably just sick of getting asked is that your girlfriend when he's out with people. Yeah, I'm sure that's why.


Was I disappointed the fans though Faith was my girlfriend when she isn't? Yes. I'm going to admit I would love Faith to be my girlfriend but I'm pretty sure she doesn't like me in that way and probably never will. Plus I've only known her, what four days? I've tried to convince myself I'm not in love with her, but as every second I'm with her passes I feel myself falling deeper and deeper in love with her. I just can't stop myself. I tried my best to push all those thoughts to the back of my mind but it just wasn't happening so as we continued to shop around the mall all I could think about was Faith.


After a long day of shopping we were finally done and heading back to the car. I opened the boot and put all of our bags in whilst Faith claimed into the front. When I was done I joined her and plugged in my phone, giving it to Faith to chose an album. As I began pulling out of the parking spot My Chemical Romances 'I'm Not Okay' began to play with Faith singing along with every world.


"Well if you wanted honesty, that's all you had to say. I never want to let you down or have you go, it's better off this way. For all the dirty looks, the photographs your boyfriend took, Remember when you broke your foot from jumping out the second floor?"

"I'm not okay, I'm not okay. I'm not okay, You wear me out"

"What will it take to show you that it's not the life it seems? I've told you time and time again you sing the words but don't know what it means. To be a joke and look, another line without a hook, I held you close as we both shook for the last time take a good hard look!"

"I'm not okay, I'm not okay. I'm not okay, You wear me out"

"Forget about the dirty looks, The photographs your boyfriend took. You said you read me like a book, but the pages all are torn and frayed, I'm okay, I'm okay!"

"I'm okay, now, But you really need to listen to me, Because I'm telling you the truth, I mean this, I'm okay! Trust me"

"I'm not okay, I'm not okay, Well, I'm not okay, I'm not o-fucking-kay, I'm not okay, I'm not okay"


When we arrived home it was pretty late. We were both exhausted from walking around all day so as soon as we got in the apartment we changed into pyjamas and decided to go to bed. I got in first and shortly after Faith did too, again there was that gap I would be forever wishing wasn't there but I had to deal with it. My thoughts went back to a few nights ago when Faith was telling me about the bad dream she had about her parents.

"I had a bad dream. In the dream I somehow saw how my parents died. It was exactly how the police had told me it happened and I panicked. I came out to see if you were awake but when I saw you sleeping I didn't want to wake you so I just lay next to you... It made me feel, safe"

By now she was in tears.

"You never told me your parents died... Is that why you were sent to the orphanage?"

She nodded and started to cry heavier.

"Shhh shhh, I'm sorry... Come here" I said opening my arms.

She moved closer and into my arms, I held her as she cried and cried, eventually falling asleep.

I though about how much pain she must be in with her parents dying so recently. It must've been so hard for her to have to be taken to the orphanage straight away and now I understood why she ran away, I couldn't go through that alone either. She just needed a new beginning, and running away was that for her. I'm so glad I found Faith, I hate to think what would've happened to her if I haven't. All I know is that I wouldn't be here with her this minute, I wouldn't have fallen so in love with her. However I can't tell her that, if she doesn't feel the same it'll just put more pressure on her and she might leave. I don't want Faith to leave... So for now ill just have to keep it all bottled up. But I really think my love for her is, unconditional.


A/N p:

I asked for 175 in the last chapter for the next one but instead I got 275! That's insane, so thank you all so much.

This time I'm going to make it higher...

Next chapter: 400 reads plus

So remember vote for the story for more people to see it & I'll update quicker c:

Also leave a nice comment, I reply to them all :3


Tittle credit: Memphis May Fire // No Ordinary Love

(Can y'all tell I'm a MMF fan yet? I love em)

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