This Is Unconditional

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Chapter 4 ~ This Is Unconditional.


When I woke I felt a sadness wash over me, I was alone, no Patrick... Just me. I sighed as I jumped out of bed and walked to the bathroom where I found a sticky note with what I was guessing was Patrick's hand writings scribbled across it, 'Popped out to the store to get the black hair dye, shouldn't be too long -Patrick xoxo' I smiled and set the note back down and began brushing my teeth. Afterwards I washed my face and decided not to bother getting ready because I didn't want to get hair dye all over the few clothes I had. Patrick still wasn't back but I decided to make him some tea anyways. I was glad I did because just as I was finishing making them, in he walked.

"Tea, two sugars, for you" I said handing him the cup as he set down the bags.

"Ahhh thank you, just what I needed"

I looked at the bag which was now on the floor, I could just about see a box of hair dye, tea bags and a bar of chocolate. Patrick then set his cup down and spilled the contents of bag out onto the kitchen counter.

"This is the dye I got you, is it okay?" he said as he held up a box of 'Rocking blacks' hair dye.

"Looks good" I replied and took a sip of my tea.

He started to put away the other things he'd bought into the right cupboards and drawers but left the hair dye out.

"Ready?" he asked as he finished his tea.

I drained out the last few drops of mine too, "yup"

I followed him to the bathroom where I sat on the edge of the bath tub with Patrick stood behind me. He mixed the two bottles together, shook it well then put on protective gloves and we were ready to go.

"Sure?" he asked as he held the bottle close to my hair.

"Sure" I confirmed and felt the cold dye on my scalp.

Black hair, here I come.


Patrick had finished applying the dye, we had left it on for around an hour and were now washing it off. Once all the leftover dye was washed of I quickly dried of my hair and turned to see Patrick smiling widely.

"You like it?" I asked.

"I love it!" he replied and turned me to face the mirror.

I gasped at how different I looked without my blue hair I had grown so used too. However I did love the black!

"Now go get ready and we can go to the mall" Patrick said before leaving the room to let me get sorted.

I picked out black skinny jeans and a Memphis May Fire shirt to wear today then changed into them before applying some winged eyeliner and a little lip gloss. Once I was done I joined Patrick who was tapping away at his phone at the front door and slipped on my grey and black checkered vans.

"You look nice" he said with a wink.

I thanked him as we walked to his car. This was the first time I'd been outside since I ran away from the orphanage, the streets were no longer soaked with rain. It was actually quite nice and sunny today which made me smile even more.

"Should we listen to Memphis May Fire?" Patrick asked taking notice of my shirt.

"If you want to, yeah" I replied with a smile.

He plugged in his phone and began searching for Memphis May Fire, once he found it 'No Ordinary Love' started playing and we both sang our hearts out.

Unloved. (A Patrick Stump Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz