
By NoelLumos

162 22 8

Shortly after arriving to the states Pyru a young prince encounters two boys Danny and Parker. swept up into... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8

Part 4

15 4 3
By NoelLumos

Pyru steps out from the double doors looking around strangely the city was quiet as the sky has become dark, Pyru walks silently down the street. The normal anxiety that comes when a dark spirit was near crept into Pyru's chest he felt his eyes change silver and his body shift to attack mode as he navigated the dark streets, a woman stumbles up to him and droops on him "oooye~! your a cutie, ya a boy?!" he smiles politely but the woman made him nervous he didn't like when drunks got too close to him "u-uh yes ma'am but i really must be going!" she hics and stares at him "oooye ya eyes, they bloody fucken silvah!" he sighs and dances around her gently laying her down she blinks confused by the swift actions as Pyru quickly rushes off.

turning the corner he stops and pulls out his orb swirling around his waist,chest and then levitated it in his hand getting into a fighting stance that was rather feminine. a woman with long white hair and in a wedding dress stood above a young man, she wailed before turning to show a beautiful face but her mouth wider than normal. Pyru winces he really hated spirits with deformity they made his skin crawl "Spirit that has fallen into darkness, soul beseeched in sin i shall cleanse you!" Pyru rushes the spirit who quickly retaliated by shooting her tongue as if it was a wip, Pyru dodged it spinning and bending like a dancer too and fro as the attacks came. He used the wall as leverage and ran along it tossing the orb into the spirit the woman clawed at her chest "what in the name of hell?!" Pyru lands behind her and crosses his hands "God Speed!" and then out threw his arms the orb glew bright then set out a large wave of holy energy, the spirit screamed and vanished as it was purified. Pyru sighs and makes the orb follow him as he heads back out into the street his mind wondered to Danny i wonder where he is...." he shook his head and walked on down to the Main Blvd "that was just a weaker spirit not who im looking for..."

Danny flipped impatiently through a magazine while sitting in Parker's living room. The other male had gone with his mother to get more of their special drinks. They had left for a moment to get fresh food, but when they got back their guest was gone. He had no idea where the hell Pyru had disappeared to! It concerned him, but he tried to keep calm and wait for the boy to return. Finally, she rose and made a quick decision. He began to walk to the massive window jumping into the air as a ring shot out around his body. His hair turned white as his eyes flicked to a glowing green. He phased through the glass letting the white D stretch proudly over his chest. The city was so much larger than he was used to it would take him hours to search it alone, but he wanted to find Pyru. There was this drive within him to make sure he was alright. His gaze darted around, someone could have taken him or worse by now... He should've started looking sooner.

His shoulders sunk as he began drifting to the ground disappointed in himself. Going invisible he shot across the street and froze upon spotting a figure that looked a lot like Pyru's. He decided to stay transparent wanting to get a closer look before revealing himself. He floated over, circling the male to make sure he was alright. A soft sigh of relief left him realizing he was okay. Quickly, he flew to an alley to transform back to his human self. He stepped out in front of Pyru and gave a surprised expression. "There you are! Thank goodness you're okay." He came over and gave him a tight hug, kissing his forehead. "I was very worried you'd just left us." He ruffled the other male's hair and gave a charming smile.

Pyru frowns knowing he had felt a spirit just a few minutes ago and then it was gone. he smiles up at Danny and kisses his cheek "oh hey sorry im on...uh business." he closed his eyes and stretched out with his mind searching for anything abnormal. he picked up a few vampires, some non violent ghosts and a few witches but not what he was looking for "damn.... i don't feel it" he opens his eyes and sees Danny staring at him. He blushes and turns "im uh hunting i guess is the word. though it would seem only minor beings are out and about tonight." he looks back and smiles at Danny as he takes his hand and walks with him down Main.

"So what is it that you do here Danny?" he looks curiously at Danny the lights dancing on his face as they walk, the wind was brisk and a bit nippy tonight as they walk. Pyru's eyes remain silver as he searches for what he sought. he picked up a evil spirit somewhere south of where they were but he didn't wish to abandon Danny.

Danny felt happy receiving a return kiss. "Business, huh? You know, I'm very good with paranormal things. My best friend is a vampire after all. Maybe I could help?" His head cocked as he squeezed his hand gently. He flinched as a small trail left his lips causing him to freeze. Another trail leaving his mouth seconds later. "No... Ummm..." He looked back at Pyru hearing him ask about him. "I was out looking for you. I got impatient waiting back at the apartment." His gaze softened, but his body made him hiccup as another breath left him.

Danny stopped keeping a hold of Pyru's hand. "Are you sure nothing is out together?" His eyes narrowed and he glanced around. His blue eyes flashing green and glowing now. "Something seems off..." They had told Pyru about Parker, but Danny had yet to inform him about himself.

Pyru was holding Danny's hand and listening to him "well...i might need help but what im looking for is of the super evil ancient powerful possibly a god kind of paranormal...." he stops noticing the weird wisp leaving Danny's mouth and turns looking at him with a tilt of his head "what are those wips leaving your mouth?" just as he spoke a large skeletal hand grabs the side of the building.

Pyru looks up and frowns "oh surely not?!" as he spoke he rushed Danny and himself back behind a building as a large skeleton spirit came out from behind the building it was munching on a few people. Pyru grits his teeth and rushes it tossing his orb into the air to channel the moonlight "its a Gashadokuro, a japanese spirit of men who starved to death! stay back!" he jumps into the air and spins his eyes turning purple at the flow of magic coursing through him "adolebit que meam!" fire sparks around him and then hurls itself at the giant spirit who lets out a large scream before slamming its hand down on Pyru, he hits the ground. Pyru lets out a gasp and grits his teeth blood trickling from his lips as he reaches a hand out "well im on the right path. this wouldn't be here if he wasn't." he slams his hand down and his orb slams into the spirit's hand making its bone shatter, Pyru sits up coughing.

Danny's eyebrow perked, "They alert me to paranormal danger close by." He gave a squeeze to Pyru's hand, jumping at the sight of a hand slinging itself around the corner. This might be far more than what he was used to. Even as Pyru moved them behind a building, he glanced between Pyru and the creature finally making a decision. Leaping into the air, his hand slipped from Pyru's as he transformed into his ghostly half flying toward the monster.

Danny froze at the sight of Pyru's power. A small smile growing over his features until Pyru was knocked to the ground. Concern took over, but a fire also lit within him. His glowing green eyes becoming fiery as he flew in closer becoming intangible where he could easily get to Pyru. "Are you alright?" When he was visible once more, one of his hands slid over Pyru's shoulders before he looked back to the enemy. He darted up balls of energy covering his hands that he could blast at the spirit. "We'll beat this thing!" His eyebrows furrowed and he dodged one of its attacks.

Pyru dusts of his skirt and stares at Danny many feelings rushing through him, surprise, shock, anger,fear, excitement confusion he never met a spirit who could also take on living form, or was it the other way around? he shakes his head "is this why im attracted to him?" he mumbled as stared at Danny's hands "i think after this we should sit down and probably talk? it seems we both have some things we need to discuss. but first things first" he turned and faced the Gashadokuro who yells at them and goes to devour them, Pyru jumps to the left and then into the air dancing on the wind to dodge the spirits attacks, he out throws his hand as he flips back "Geler l'âme!" Ice swirls from the sky like large diamonds piercing the spirit in its ribs,arm and legs pinning it to the spot he lands softly on its head spinning on one foot "Shatter en terre!" a large crack apears down the skull when he slammed his foot down and Grave soil spilled out onto the street.

He jumps back and slaps Danny's hand "give it hell ill support you!" he lands behind Danny and turns to face his back his hair blowing in the wind as the Gashadokuro screams in anger, he lifts his hand and twist it to the left, the orb spins reflecting the moonlight in green as Pyru changes from offense to defense he throws out his other hand too Danny "Protego!" he yells in latin and a barrier forms around Danny, shifting he slams his hands together in a prayer moving on foot behind him "potest etiam" Danny feels a surge of power and some of Pyru's emotion as Pyru smiles "bring it down!"

Danny snorted, "yeah, I think we got a bit ahead of ourselves back there. Sex with a stranger is fun, but I prefer to get to know my partner." He tenderly kissed his knuckles keeping eye contact. Watching Pyru take off back to the action, he gave a soft sigh realizing this might be more difficult than most of his battles. He let his feet drift from the ground. Danny took a deep breath making another decision to us some of the powers hidden powers. A chill came into the air as he began using his frostbite ability, chilling the spirit.

It didn't do as much as he had hopped. It nearly slowed down Gashadokuro. Danny reached to his hip always keeping a Fenton thermos. Flipping it around in his hands, he popped open the metal item to suck in the spirit. Thermos blue energy quickly gushing out to pull in the big guy. He swiftly put the lid back on and landed, wiping his brow of sweat. "Damn... I wasn't sure how to handle that for a second." He put the thermos back on his hips and looked at Pyru grinning. A light ring circling Danny as he transformed back to his human half. "This must be weird to you..."

  he blinks and brings back down his Orb frowning "well um.. you used a object for keeping drinks warm and cold to capture the ghost.... i wasted magic ahahaha" he laughs at how showy he was being in front of Danny and all he did was open up a canister and suck in the spirit instead of vanquishing it with the power up spells "aside from that you turning into a ghost is still surprising but its running its course we have somethings to talk about" he takes Danny's hand blushing softly recalling the kiss and the phrase partner. pulling a beed from his dress he tosses it up into the sky it explodes into smoke and as it clears a broom, he blushes as he leaps onto it pulling Danny onto the back, embarrassed he plays with a lock of his hair as he crosses his legs "um... it's a bit cliche i know..." he thinks quietly for a moment then looks back at Danny "i think i should have gotten to know you two first before i did such an irrational thing... i guess it's where i've been traveling for a long time to get here. Perhaps it was you both overriding my senses. let us start off as friends till we know more about one another." though he said this Parker still made him Uneasy and Danny's Abilities confused him. Danny remained silent so the Flew silently through the city he holds Danny's hand something about it calms his nerves as he thinks about the spirit, that spirit wouldn't normally be in this city. this just proved to Pyru that the Ancient Evil has taken root in this city, but for what purpose, there is a number of things he could do with this many Souls in one place and each worse than the next. sighing he turns and lands at the hotel the broom turning to smoke and vanishing as Danny landed on his feet Pyru nudges him with his shoulder and heads in.  

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