Descendants: Story Of A Shadow

By SRT_Hollow

3.1K 21 5

Cresent, an unknown child of two powerful villain's, has been accepted into Auradon Prep with Mal, Evie, Jay... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six

Chapter One

1.2K 7 5
By SRT_Hollow

Once upon a time, there was peace. Until the villain's disrupted it. The 'heroes' fought and won, and cast the villain's to a place with no escape, no magic, and no wifi, The Isle of the Lost. Their time ended, now a new generation shall rise, My Generation.

*Somewhere in Auradon*

Prince, soon to be king, Benjamin -son of Bell and Beast- was staring at the Isle of the Lost in sadness as he was getting fitted for his crown. His parents walked in the room, in each other's arms and smiled lovingly.

"Hello Ben, how are you?" Asks Beast.

"Fine father, just thinking." He replied.

" About what dear?" Asked his mother.

Ben sighed before looking back at the Isle. "I think it's unfair that the villain's kids have to suffer from their parents mistakes. I want them to have a chance here." He said with such conviction that it made his parents house wide eyed. The king and queen looked at each other before coming to a silent agreement.

They looked back at Ben "We will allow you to bring in a few kids. If they do well, we will allow more. But for now, five will do. Do you have any in mind?" They asked.

Ben nodded with a smile that light up the room. "The right amount. Just don't overact. Child of Creulla De Vil, Jafar, Evil Queen, *Ben breathed in deeply* Maleficent..." This caused the parents to gasp and the butler to drop what he was holding.

"Maleficent, the worst of them all. That's absurd!" Roared the King.

"Dad give her a chance. She hasn't done anything to anyone." Countered Ben.

"Honey, he's right. Give her a chance. I did with you." Soothed the Queen. The King nodded as Ben finished. "...And the unknown child." The butler fainted as the royal duo almost protested. Ben gave them a look telling them that they were innocent. "They may be innocent too. If that child is said to have the power to destroy world's and godly stuff, then if they were loved, they won't attack and maybe find love since their parent is unknown." Said Ben. The Royal Duo nodded and left to send news and a pick-up to the villainous territory.

*The Isle of the Lost*

"Mal, come to mama." Demands the infamous and cunning, Maleficent -Mistress of Evil- followed by her Knuckleheads/Guards. Immediately everyone but five individuals, scattered and ran back to their homes. Those five brave individuals are Carlos, son of Cruella De Vil, Jay, Son of Jafar, Evie, Daughter of The Evil Queen, Mal, Daughter of Maleficent, and the unknown child, Cresent, adopted son of Maleficent and adopted brother of Mal. The merry band of misfits. All of them looked slightly like their parent. Except Cresent. He has extremely spiky black hair with purple streaks that reached past his waist (Madara Uchiha's Hair), a glowing red eye and a swirling silver eye, two protruding fangs, flawless tan-ish pale skin, three whisker marks on each cheek, two black dragon horns about a foot long, a third red eye with four black rings around a blue-white flower pupil with nine comma-like tomoe spinning hypnotically, three on the first three circles. There was a glowing silver cresent moon tattoo around his third eye that had moon like marking circle around his right eye and going down his right arm, stopping at his shoulder. He had multiple other tattoos like the black dragon wings on his back, the his inner right wrist was a symbol that he said was for a secret division called ANBU which he had since birth as what the doctor said. He had one more birth tattoo on his left arm. It was black thorned vines that went from his forearm to his left peck and cascaded down the left side of his back that stopped at the middle of his spine. He wore black ripped jeans that fit perfectly and a chain made of snowflake obsidian and amythest looped through two belt loops dipped, outlining the pocket, a blood-red T-shirt that had his third eye pic under a black chained leather jacket over a black Long Live Evil hoodie, black converse with red laces with the Long Live Evil logo and words on the outer sides of the shoes in silver and purple. A black and purple beanie was strategically placed between his horns. A pair of black and red Skull-Candy headphones, that he somehow got, was around his neck, plugged into a Moto Z, that he also somehow got, that resided in his pocket.

"You five will be attending Auradon Prep" Spoke Maleficent, bringing Cresent out of his thoughts. Immediately Carlos, Jay and Evie tried to book it but the Knuckleheads stopped them and turned them back around. Mal and Cresent stared at their mother in shock and boredom, respectively.

'Lets recap. She doomed us to a school full of colors, ew, people good no less, double ew, and our parents arch-enemies. Well fuck all I need is a gallon of bleach and I will commit mass genocide on anyone forty-five feet from me.' Thought Cresent while staring at Maleficent quizzically.

Mal spoke for what the group thought "What, Mom no." Then Evie added "There will be princesses but Princes" Carlos spoke "Mom said that they let dogs on campus that will eat boys who were bad." He then jumped as Jay yelled "Boo" scaring the shit out of him, then Jay finished "Plus I don't do uniforms, unless it's leather, HA!" They looked at Cresent for back-up. He sighed and muttered "Troublesome" before speaking. "You would send us there if you wanted something. Something powerful. Like the Fairy Godmother's wand to break the spell over the Isle to exact your revenge. Am I right?" Maleficent nodded as Cresent had a ghost of a smirk. "Perceptive and smart as always, Cres." Said Maleficent, using his nickname "You five will go there, get the wand and destroy this accursed barrier before we rule the world together. Inside for stuff to depart with. The driver will arrive shortly." She ushered them inside the house and up the stairs to the family room.

After about seven flights of stairs, they enter the family/meeting place before the gang went to their parent.

"Cres, with me. I have stuff to give you too." Said Maleficent before Cresent walked over to where Mal and her mother were. Cresent looked at what everyone of his friends got. Jay got Jafar's staff that turned to a golden ring. Carlos got a pouch that allowed stealth for him to be easier. Evie got Evil Queens mirror, well the hand held version. And Mal got her mother's spell book. Maleficent handed Cresent the topless basket that he appeared in. It was like his vine tattoos, except shaped like a basket. Cresent and ever one of his friends all had the sane birthday, October Thirty-First, Halloween. This fact made them a crazy and interesting family. Jafar and Jay ran the shop to get money, Evil Queen and her daughter worked with an adorable girl named Dizzy for some money, Carlos and his mother cleaned the house, Maleficent practically ruled the house. Mal kept people like Ursula's daughter Uma in line. And Cresent dealt with people like Mal just to a higher degree such as the parents that got trapped here first. They all worked hard, well most of them.

Cresent looked inside the basket to see a book with his third eye as a picture on it and a cresent moon on the back, a black ring ring with a purple rose pendent on the top, a multi-purpose pen and a necklace locket with no pictures in it. The locket was black while the chain it hung on was a glowing blood-red. There was a heart design that curved on the inside with a crown in the heart. He took the stuff out and looked at it. He attached the necklace on his neck, put the ring on his right ring finger, the book in his right back pocket and the pen clipped to his left front pocket on the inside. Suddenly the basket turned into a really long Katana. The handle was black, the hilt a really dark purple, the blade black but glowed a malicious red and two tided bandages at the bottom of the blade. The katana was as tall as him and the blade was as wide as half of his forearm. The words Cresent Chaos were carved on the blade, both sides. Cresent put the blade on his back with no sheath but stood in place. Cresent looked and saw black thorned vines holding it in place while the thorns seemingly fused with his skin.

A car honked outside and the parents rushed their kids out the door. Maleficent whispered something to Mal and she nodded reluctantly before Cresent opened the door for his friends who piled in. They all noticed the candy table and immediately attacked it. Cresent neatly placed some Snickers and other Candy's inside his leather jacket inner hidden pockets. His friends looked out the window to see the driver going straight to the water without anything happening. Carlos screamed that it was a trapped and screamed sone more while Cresent just calmly ate a bowl of chocolate pretzels while staring at them with a look the said 'Your a fucking Idiot.' They looked again to see a bridge of golden magic connect from the Isle to the mainland.

After a bit the car stopped. Carlos and Jay fell out of the car, fighting over a blue scarf while Evie and Mal climbed out. They kicked them and whispered "We have an audience." They looked around and noticed before getting up and dusting themselves off. A voice spoke "Leave it like you found it, and by that I mean just leave it." A woman in blue appeared. She looked at the group and spoke, confused "Where is the last one?" Cresent finally walked out making many gasp, faint, or blush at him. He spoke in a dark yet (seductive to most of the female population) voice "Present." Jay threw all the stuff that he took back into the car. Suddenly the driver walked out with a package in hand wrapped with black paper and a red ribbon. He handed it to Cresent and spoke "This is from your parents. Welcome to Auradon, Master Moon." Everyone looked shocked at Cresent while he stood there with a distant look in all three of his spectral eyes as he accepted the gift numbly. You could see a stray tear of blood run down his face as Mal walks over to comfort him. She walks over, not caring about the scene she was about to cause, and wrapped Cresent in a hug. Cresent's parents were always an emotional subject. To find out that one, he was of royalty, two his parents are watching him, and three he received a gift from him was hard for him as he held all of his emotions in until everyone went to sleep for he would cry tears of blood then. For some reason he only cried blood, nothing else. But to Mal and his friends, it was cool.

Many awed at this but shut up when they saw Mal glare at them with glowing green eyes. Like her mother.

"Well, I didn't know that villain's could cry." Taunted a boy with blond curly hair, brown eyes and an arrogant smirk.

"Chad, that was uncalled for. Everyone can cry."Said the blue dressed lady. Suddenly they heard a growl and looked at Cresent to see his eyes blazing with power and rage. His left eye changed to a metallic purple with four rings and six tomorrow, three on the two rings surrounding the pupil. His right eye was all red with three black ellipses overlapping a red three pointed shuriken, inside a circle made of overstretched tomoe with three thick lines on the outside circle (Sasuke and Madara Uchiha's EMS fusion). His third eye fully open and spinning angrily. Chad stumbled back and fell as Killing Intent fell upon him like and angry primordial God ready to subjugate judgement. Cresent walked towards him with the intent to kill while Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos tried to hold him back. He was standing over Chad while his friends tried to hold him down. "Stand up and defend yourself, mortal! Accept your judgement!" Said Cresent in a demonic and rage induced voice.

"Stop this Cresent, he doesn't understand our pain. Your pain. Stop this." Pleaded Mal. Only she was able to get through him in any state of rage. This was just level one.

Cresent's eyes turned back to normal and his third eye closed halfway in a lazy fashion before his long black hair covered it. "sorry"He mumbled. Cresent turned to Mal standing behind her. She was like a sister to him but he loved her more than that. Sadly she didn't know.

"Okay everyone go back to class. It's okay. But now what did we learn?" Asked the blue loving lady.

Suddenly a boy with brownish blond hair, blue eyes, and a happy smile on his face appeared wearing a uniform. "No one shall try to antagonize anyone here, especially him. Welcome to Auradon. I am Benjamin, but call me Ben." He said with a smile while looking at everyone of the group. His eyes landed on Cresent and his eyes held sympathy and understanding. 'As if he would understand our pain.' Thought Cresent. He was still mad at the scene. He let his emotions loose and almost cried fully in open and killed a student. A girl with brown hair, brown eyes, and mocha skin appeared and latched on to Ben's left arm. "Soon to be king Ben, to be exact. I'm Audrey, daughter of Sleeping Beauty and Ben's girlfriend. She said while looking at Cresent with 'hidden' lust.

"Well if any of you need help feel free to ask-" Ben was cut off by Audrey"Doug over there. Bye." With that everyone dispersed except Doug who showed them around. He showed them their rooms. Evie and Mal had a room with a dark oak door and a purple rose on it. Carlos and Jay shared a room with a dark oak door but with a blue candle engraving. After they entered their rooms. Doug showed Cresent his room alone. The door had royal black oak double doors. He entered alone and looked around. The balck, blood red, purple, and leaf green curtains were all closed so the only light source was candles in a chandelier. The bed was a queen size and had black curtains, and blood red silk covers. The matress has multiple comfy layers making it feel nice and comfortable. There were the essentials of a room along with a bathroom, giant plasma flat screen TV with surround sound and 1080HD quality. There were speakers placed around the room. In the middle of the room was where it dipped into a living room except it was all one room. In the 'living room' was a black couch with red pillows and purple throw pillows.

The door opened and showed Cresent's friends. They looked around and nodded, showing that they decided this would be the meeting room and hangout area.

While Evie and the boys relaxed on the couch, Mal walked over to Cresent and wrapped him into a hug from behind and resting her head on his back since he was taller than her. "You okay?" She asked. Mal was a very nice person to certain people. Many new her as cold and cruel but to a select few she was the polar opposite. Cresent was one of those select few. She understood him better than anyone. Sadly she viewed him as a brother not knowing his feelings for her. Cresent nodded sadly. He turned, still in the hug and looked at her. She could see that on the outside he was fine, but his exotic eyes betrayed him. It showed that he was broken but put on a strong act for the others, never caring about himself, instead others not caring for his emotional, mental, and physical problems. As long as his friends were fine then so was he. Even if he wasn't.

"So what are we gonna do about the wand?" Asked Carlos. He looked around paranoid that a dog would attack him. Mal thought quietly before Cresent and her walked over to them. "Look up where it is." She replied simply. Cresent looked at Evie "Your magic mirror." Evie nodded and took it out and spoke "Magic mirror in my hand, where does fairy godmother wand stand?" The mirror shimmered and revealed the wand. The mirror zoomed out at Evie command to find it located at The Museum. Carlos got the location before they left to get it over with quickly.

When they arrive, they saw a guard. Mal used her spell book magic to put him to sleep. She also used a spell to open the door as Jay failed to jump kick it open. Evie looked at the mirror again to find the exact location. We walked until we passed the villain's room. Jafar, Cruella, Evil Queen, and Maleficent were there as a statue/maniquen. They left after a bit before finding the wand, protected by a magic barrier that alerted security and set of the alarms. Troublesome.

Jay, being an idiot, touched the barrier while ignoring the protests of his friends, setting of the alarms that awoke the gaurd. They rushed out and shut off the alarm without leaving a trace.

On the way out, Cresent saw a peculiar room that had his moon tattoo on the door. Curiosity overtaking him, he entered to see many things. There were a few items there. A magatama necklace, golden canopy rope, Amber purifying pot, Banana Palm Fan, Crimson Gourd, Seven Star Sword, a black cloak with red clouds on it, a black see through material scarf with chibi Tailed beasts on it, a giant gunbai, a set of three pronged knives, a three bladed scythe, and more. Cresent felt them pull him in. Images flashed through his had of people with red hair, people with horns and others. Curiosity getting the best of him, he took them and sealed the items into the sealing array on his palms. He and his friends ran out of the museum and into the night with only one thought on their mind "Now we have to go to school tomorrow".

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