Emo Quartet Imagines (FOB, P...

By alphacurem0m

7.3K 204 212

This imagines book is written ABOUT: Gerard Way (;^ω^)Mikey Way ヽ('▽`)/( ^∇^)('ヮ') Frank Iero (∩_∩) Ray Toro... More

One month early (Patrick Stump x Reader)
Insecurities (Patrick Stump x Reader)
Texts #1 (Patrick Stump)
Tweets #1 (Patrick Stump)
pick up lines (patrick stump)
Tweets #2 (patrick stump)
Remember Me? (Part 2) (Patrick Stump)
Remember Me? (Part 3) (Patrick Stump)
first ever A/N
Yzma? From Emperor's New Groove? (Brendon Urie)
Best of Wives and Best of Women (Pete Wentz)
Tomorrow there'll be more of us (Frerard)
Happy Ieroween! (Frank Iero)
I'm really sorry...
Seven Minutes In Heaven. (Gerard Way)
Goodbye. (Tyler Joseph)

Remember Me? (Part 1) (Patrick Stump)

433 9 4
By alphacurem0m

I remember back when I was a kid, my big brother and I, we would never get together.
I was the youngest of the four Stump kids, the second girl in the family, excluding mom.

That means that I, Y/N Stump, get the hand-me-downs from my sister, Megan.

She would have the prettiest dresses, skirts, and blouses. Until she would grow out of them, of course.

Mom would just sew the holes, if they had any.

But the worse part of my childhood was my big brother, Patrick.

He's like, a year older than me.

He would always say mean things, bully me, hit me, anything that makes me cry.

I know he doesn't look like he would do that, but he did.

Until he had the accident.

It was the time where I was leaving for college. I went somewhere else than going to the local college here in Chicago.

I went to New Jersey. Belleville, New Jersey.

He lost his memories. Because of a car crash.

He forgot about his whole childhood. Zip! Gone.

I was still in college when I heard the news. I heard Mom crying in the background while Kevin was calling.

He said that, Patrick got into a car crash. Lost all his memories from Day one to now.

But all he remembered was Kevin, Mom, Dad, and Megan. And maybe all his friends.

He forgot about me.

Suprisingly, I didn't react how I thought I would.

I answered, 'okay?' I wasn't sure why they wanted to tell me.

Me, his younger sister that he constantly tortured from when I was three years old.

The line was silent, well, the sobs from my mom I could still hear, but other than that, it was silent.

I just looked at the phone weirdly before shrugging and stopped the call.

No, I wasn't sad, or anything.

I was relieved, actually. He finally forgot about me.

Months passed by, Mom and Dad were sending me letters on them trying to get back Patrick's memories of me.

One day, in 2002, a year after the call, I recieved a letter from mom that said that, Patrick met a guy, yada yada. They started a band and they recorded one album. They became a lil' bit popular and mom said that they went on tour yesterday.

I was sad, just a little bit. Guess he never remembered me, at all.

2003, the year I had my downfall.

Everything was so hard for me. I felt like giving up, kill myself and let everyone have a better life without me.

Til I met my best friend.

I was at a coffee shop, trying to make an essay. Then a random girl just ran up to me, and asked, 'are you y/n Stump?'

I looked at her before answering yes.

She fist-pumped the air, jumping.

'My friend told me you played bass. Can you?'

I raised an eyebrow, 'umm... who?'

She answered me, 'Kiara Jomes? From Phys Ed?'

I nodded, 'yeah, she's my roommate."

She grinned widely and locked arms with me.

'Well, I'm Jacqueline, you can call me Jacky.
Are you willing to drop out of college to join our band?'


"That's about it. That's my story." Looking at my other three friends, they looked at me in disbelief.

"Patrick never remembered you, like, at all?"

Jacky asked, the two others, Kiara and Jen, nodding in agreement.

"Nope, not a thing. Well, mom kept saying my name yet he never remembered what I look like." I answered, sipping my can of Red Bull.

Standing up, I yawned. "G'night guys. I'm gonna go and head to the bunks."


After y/n left, the three girls whispered to each other.

"Operation Stump remembering Stump is a go."


Hello frens

This will be a mini fanfic that I am going to be doing so be warned. Also this will be a Josh Dun x reader lol.

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