Cherry Blossom Snow

By FerretLord

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A humorous original tale of love, courage, diplomacy, politics, furry aliens, space travel, self-discovery, t... More

Alien Abduction
Leaving Earth
Growing Up
Peace Between Worlds
Added Company
A Series of Easily Avoidable Conflicts
The United Galactic Confederation
A New Beginning
A Brief Encounter
A Change of Pace
The Intergalactic Trading Corporation
New Home
Compassion and Understanding
A Long Overdue Reunion
The Stone
Power Struggles
Heist Plan
Extreme Measures
Breaking Point
No Turning Back
Moving On
Family Matters
Acting Governor
Under New Leadership
Back Home
Fall of Empires
Covert Operations
Conflict Resolution
Mirienna's Job
Parting Ways

Politics as Usual

198 3 0
By FerretLord

The initial tiny settlement on Mars had since expanded outward and become an important hub for commerce and travel. Nathan was not particularly fond of the recent direction of politics on Mars, but he had little choice but to comply with its government as long as he was there. He went to his office at the Confederation headquarters to meet with close friend, Ameajfeiaiaw Emperor Klevromar, who had evidently brought along his wife, Vwashijklam. They were dressed in pale pink royal attire, which contrasted with their deep blue skin, and their prehensile tails were intertwined.

"It's been too long since we last met," Klevromar said in his native language. "I know we met recently, but it's felt like an eternity."

"Are you flirting with me?" asked Nathan.

"You're as arrogant as always."

"So, how have things been?"

"Well, that talk we had a little while back convinced me I needed to change," said Klevromar. "You were right, I was much too harsh of a ruler. I eased restrictions on what the people could say and do, and as soon as I did that, Eyvtara started spreading propaganda calling for the return of the glorious bygone days of our military conquest and demanding my overthrow."

"I see how that could be a problem."

"He's overreacting," said Vwashijklam. "Our son is a good person with only the best of intentions. Klevromar is just too set in his ways to see that. Frankly, I think the Empire is in desperate need of change."

"Either shut up or go away," said Nathan. "Or better yet, both."

"Tread carefully, your next words may be your last."

"I couldn't die even if I wanted to. However, I am a bit of a masochist, so I welcome you to give your best try."

"How do you put up with him?" Vwashijklam asked Klevromar.

"He's much nicer when you're not around."

"That's just because he's always flirting with you."

"Not always," said Nathan. "Really, only occasionally."

"I still wish you'd stop," said Klevromar.

"Make me."

"I'm just not interested."

"That's not what you said on Qualaso."

"None of that meant anything."

"You can keep telling yourself that if you'd like."

"Enough," said Vwashijklam. "There is business to attend to, is there not?"

"My business is with your husband, not you," said Nathan.

"Nathan, shut up," said Klevromar. "Please. Unless, of course, you can learn to be respectful."

"You needn't worry. As it would happen, I am the most respectful person who ever lived."

"I find that hard to believe," said Vwashijklam.

"I didn't ask for your opinion."

Vwashijklam pulled a pin from her hair and stabbed Nathan with it repeatedly. Nathan looked at the strange blue substance oozing out of his wounds, took some of it in his hand, and licked it off.

"What is that?" asked Klevromar.

"I'm not really sure. I just know I'm filled with this blue jelly-like stuff, and it tastes good. What purpose it serves, I do not know. I have never been able to make any sense of my body's interior."

"That's bizarre," said Vwashijklam.

"Just be glad I don't particularly mind being stabbed."

"You are surprisingly resilient."

"You really shouldn't stab people," said Klevromar. "It's a bad habit, and you should get out of it."

"I'm trying."

"She does this often?" asked Nathan.

"All the time," Klevromar replied.

"Well, it is very rude to stab people," said Nathan.

"Your existence is rude, so I'd say we're even," said Vwashijklam.

"No, I want you to apologize."

"Fine. I'm sorry you're so arrogant, ignorant, and inconsiderate."

"There," said Klevromar. "She apologized. Now, could you please stop fighting so we can get to work?"

"Very well then," said Nathan.

"I took your advice and decided not to renew my contract with Seraphim," said Klevromar. "I regret that I could not terminate our business sooner, but I did what had to be done. Stopping the expansion of the Empire, improving the general welfare, and ending legalized persecution of the Ajatpra had to be done. And for a time, cooperating with Seraphim had to be done. We will continue our business as it has been until the contract expires, but no longer."

After the meeting concluded, Klevromar and Vwashijklam left, while Nathan had yet another meeting scheduled. Reginald was a man of rather short stature, but still taller than Nathan, with pale skin, green hair, and red eyes, wearing a white formal suit. He was nine Martian years, or roughly seventeen Earth years, old, by far the youngest person to lead the Martian Communist Party. Reginald was a generally easygoing person on his own time, but he took any sort of work very seriously.

"I finished writing up a draft of the proposal," said Reginald. "I'd like you to look it over before we submit it."

"I am eager to take a look," said Nathan.

"Wonderful." He handed a 1728-page bound volume to Nathan.

"On second thought, could you maybe just give me a summary?"

"I suppose so. However, that means overlooking the minute details I really think will be the key to getting it passed."

"I'll read through it eventually. We'll probably have a few years before it finally comes up for discussion and a vote. If there are any things about it I think may need to be changed, they can be brought up at that time."

"Fair enough," said Reginald. "Basically, the plan would lift the trade and travel ban, although some restrictions may remain in place at the discretion of the General Assembly until such a time as diplomatic relations can be fully normalized."

"I already knew that part, that's been the basic plan from the beginning."

"You wanted the short version, and I'm giving it to you. Please allow me to continue."

"Very well then."

"Of course, we then have the issue of normalizing relations. To put things simply, a special envoy representing the Confederation would be sent to Earth to meet with the various national leaders and hopefully negotiate peaceful relations. Additionally, while it would not necessarily be required, the envoy may be accompanied by representatives of any worlds that wish to open up diplomatic relations. Furthermore, if such a time comes that a body which officially represents the whole of Earth may request admission to the Confederation, this proposal will pre-authorize formal consideration and allow a vote to be called to order in a timely manner."

"It all sounds simple enough," said Nathan. "Why do you need such a long document?"

"Like I said, there are a lot of minute details I haven't addressed in the summary I've presented," said Reginald. "I was very thorough in writing the plan, not wanting to leave out any provisions that may have even the slightest chance of being relevant."

"Oh. Well, good for you."

"I can see now why you keep failing. You don't try very hard, do you?"

"I give up easily, but then I try again later."

"That's not how to get things done," said Reginald. "You have to keep trying continuously."

"That's too hard, I don't wanna."

"Now you sound like my sister."

Right on cue, Reginald's sister, Hadassah, arrived, having waited outside for her brother's inevitable mention of her incompetency. She opened the door, cartwheeled in, and stood at attention. Hadassah was five Martian years, or roughly ten Earth years, old. She had medium brown skin, short green hair, and yellow eyes. She had pointed ears and distinctive facial markings, notably an indigo mark on her forehead in the shape of a diamond and fuchsia marks on her cheeks, each more or less in the shape of a V and a much smaller dot to the side. She was wearing a sleeveless grey-green shirt and a short pleated blue skirt. Although Hadassah was younger than Reginald, she was much taller. "Hello," she said. "I heard my name, so I figured I should come in."

"Nobody said your name," said Reginald. "I only said 'my sister.'"

"Oh. Well, here I am!"

"What now?" Nathan asked. "The General Assembly doesn't meet for another hour."

"Reginald could play some music for us," Hadassah suggested.

"I wasn't aware you were a musician," Nathan said to Reginald.

"I play the violin. It's just a hobby of mine, and I don't really like to play for other people."

"Oh. Well, I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do. But then, what do we do?"

"Well, you could try reading through some of that plan," said Reginald.

"Not a chance."

"I think it's a good plan," said Hadassah.

"What do you know?" asked Nathan.

"I read it last night. I told Mithra about the plan and he says he likes it."

"How many times must I tell you to keep him out of our business?" asked Reginald. "Never mind that. He likes it? That doesn't sound right."

"It's a safe bet he's planning something sinister," said Nathan.

"Why are you always so mean to him?" asked Hadassah.

"The people elected him as President, so I tried giving him the benefit of the doubt," Reginald said. "And where did that get us?"

"You got a nomination for Prime Minister."

"And then he ordered the indefinite dissolution of Parliament."

"It still counts for something, though."

"Whatever," said Reginald. "Nathan, think. Mithra hates aliens. Specifically, he hates humans. There would be no reason for him to support a plan to restore relations with Earth unless he intends to exploit it for conquest."

Nathan and Reginald had Hadassah leave while they discussed what they thought Mithra could be planning. Together, they walked to the office of Deputy Secretary-General Yidkertjiok Levorpximof of Qenjfis, to have him look over the proposal.

Yidkertjiok was a fairly tall Sualget, standing two meters in height. He had the sleek and majestic semblance of a humanoid snow leopard, and his fur was a luscious blend of pristine white and silver, intricately patterned with elegant spots that cascaded along his entire form. His mesmerizing blue eyes sparkled with intelligence and a touch of mischief. His feline ears, adorned with subtle silver earrings, twitched occasionally, attuned to the nuances of the environment. Adorning himself with an air of sophistication, Yidkertjiok wore a tuxedo that accentuated his regal presence. A striking black top hat perched gracefully upon Yidkertjiok's head of long white hair, serving as a crowning glory to his ensemble. His cane, an accessory both stylish and functional, was an elegant extension of his ensemble, firmly grasped by his sharply clawed hands.

"This is about the Earth matter?" Yidkertjiok inquired, his eyes locking onto Nathan's with a playful glint.

"Yes," Nathan replied. "Reginald wrote it up."

"Does Mithra know of it, and if so, what does he think?"

"He apparently likes it," said Reginald.

"That alone has me concerned. I'll have to read through it carefully and check for anything he might attempt to exploit to his advantage."

"I await your findings," said Nathan, his eyes following the playful flicks of Yidkertjiok's tail.

"Did you read through it?" Yidkertjiok asked, a teasing smile playing on his lips.

"Let me lick your feet," Nathan blurted out.

Yidkertjiok blinked in surprise, his tail freezing mid-flick. "What?" he asked, a hint of amusement tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"Please step on me," Nathan begged.

"Focus," said Yidkertjiok. "Did you read it?"

"I did not," Nathan replied. "But I will, eventually."

"You need to read it."

"And you need to put those paws on my face," Nathan replied with a smirk.

"I'm going to read the plan. Then, I'll report back, and if I think it's worth pursuing, you're going to have to read it."

"And then you'll give me a pawjob?"

"We'll see."

"Why do you always do this?" Reginald asked Nathan.

"Because it's fun," Nathan replied.

"Why do you put up with it?" Reginald asked Yidkertjiok.

"I like making him beg," Yidkertjiok replied.

"I'm walking away now." Reginald promptly departed.

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