This isn't real(Tim Drake x r...

By PsychoGirl190

30.4K 841 414

Y/n l/n. In her world she was one of the most beloved superheroes. With the power to jump through dimensions... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15

Chapter 5

2K 62 37
By PsychoGirl190

(Y/ n) p.o.v

"Ok, so first off before we start the tests you need to show us the full extent of your powers. So we need you to go to push to the limits of how strong your powers are. Can you do that?" Cyborg asked 

"Yep!" I smiled and went to go change into some work out clothes that wonder women gave to me. 

Your outfit

Once I was done changing I walked into the very big training room. The walls were covered in weapons, a large amount of the were unrecognizable, and the floors had blue gym mats so no one would get hurt too badly. I stepped into the center of the room and looked above the door I entered from, above the door was a window where the entire justice league sat at a long table.

"You can start by telling us your full name, followed by your powers and how long you've had them." Green lantern said through the speakers that were in the corners of the room.

"Umm... (full name). My powers include the ability to create dimensions, I can either created them based off of reality or I can create them based of of a fiction, which is how this dimension was created. I can also travel through dimensions for as long as I like, but for some reason when I came here I lost that ability. I can create portals for short periods of time, and I also have a power very similar to Green lanterns, the only difference is that I don't need a ring to do so. I've had my powers for almost three years."

"Now we are going to send simulation robots in to the training room and we want you to use your powers do defeat them. We are also going to time you"

The simulation robots entered the training room, and I got into a fighting stance. 

"Begin" batmans voice said through the speakers

The robots hands turned into knives and they charged at me. I made a whip out of thin air and wrapped it around the first robots arm, I pulled it towards me in one quick motion, put my foot on its chest and pulled on its arm until it ripped off of its body. The robots eyes turned red and started shooting lasers out of its eyes, I did three flips backwards moving away from the two robots, the second robot quickly sped to in front of me and continuously through punches at me, all of which I dodged with ease, the first robot moved behind me while I was distracted by the second it through a kick at me but I caught it, flipped it upside down, and snapped its leg off so it couldn't move easily, it got up and the two robots cornered me. I smirked and created a portal that I quickly jumped through and appeared behind the robots. Before they could realise where I went I made a sword with my powers and quickly chopped off their heads. The robots powered down and fell to the floor.

I turned around to look at the justice league, there eyes were wide and there mouths were hanging open. I smirked at them then looked at the timer.


"Hmm, 40 seconds... took a little longer than I expected" I said as I walked out the training room door to go put my normal clothes back on, knowing the justice league knows I do not need any additional training.

~Time skip to in the batmobile~

"Who were you trained by?" Batman asked

"I wasn't. The aliens who gave me these powers also gave me the ability to be an excellent fighter, as you saw earlier. So where are we going?"

"Wayne manor. Where you will be staying until the young justice team is ready for you." He answered in a monotone

"Cool! This is like every fangirl dream come true!" Bruce rolled his eyes which made me smile even more "Bruce I have a question. Are Dick and Tim going to be at the manor when we get there?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Because I need to ask some questions so that I don't spoil any surprises"

"Well we're here so you can ask them now" Bruce said as we pulled into the batcave. I jumped out of the batmobile and ran around the batcave looking for Tim and Dick. When I passed by the bat computer I snuck up behind Jason who was playing video games on the the bat computer.

I grabbed his arms and he jumped three feet in the air "ahh! Don't to that!"

I giggled and said "Sorry. But I thought you might like to know that Bruce is here and I know he doesn't like it when you guys play video games on the bat computer" I smiled and walked away. I walked up the stairs to the manor, through the clock and into the main entrance of the manor. "Tim! Dick!" You yelled up the stairs. After a couple seconds I heard them running down the stairs.

"What is it?""Are we under attack?" They both asked

"Nope. We are not under attack, I just need to ask you guys some questions about the YJ team. If you guys aren't doing anything"

"Nope we're not doing anything" Dick answered

"Great!" You smiled and you all sat on the couch as you began asking questions

~Time skip brought to you by Bruce in a rabbit costume~

"Ok last question" I announced "Do you guys know anyone by the name of Bart?"

"No. Why?"Tim asked

"And what day is it today?"

"(A week before Bart Allen travels back in time) why?"Dick asked

A big smile grew on my face "No reason."

Dick and Tim give each other a look that says 'd you know what she's talking about?'

"Tim!" We all hear Bruce call from his office

Tim p.o.v

"Tim!" We hear Bruce call me from his office

"Coming!" I call back as I start walking towards his office. I open the door "Yes Bruce?"

Bruce looks up from the papers on his desk "Tim, (y/ n) will be staying here for the next couple weeks while we run some tests on her and while we make sure everything is ready for her when she arrives at mount justice. So I would like you to give her a tour of the manor and show her to her room, it is the one across from yours. (Y/ n)!" Bruce called for her and she came into his office a couple seconds later

"Yes Bruce?"

"Tim will give you a tour of the manor and show you to your room. Tomorrow I will I will give you some money and you and Tim will go to the mall so you can get the things you will need while you are staying here."

"Ok, thank you Bruce!" She smiled that amazing smile of hers as we started to walk out of his office

"Oh and one more thing," Bruce said before we left "you two are not to be left unsupervised in each others bedroom. And don't even think about sneaking into each others rooms at night" I looked over to (y/ n) and saw that her face, along with mine, was a bright red "Dick!" He called for Dick, and he came into the office moments later to see our red faces and he smirked "yes Bruce?"

"Watch these two like a hawk. Make sure they don't do anything stupid"

"Ok" Then we all left his office.

(Y/ n) p.o.v

When we all left Bruce's office my face was still bright red.

"I'm sorry about him. Sometimes he's that"Tim said after Dick left us

"It's fine"

After Tim showed me the main floor, which consisted of the kitchen, the dining room, the family room (which was only used around Christmas and thanksgiving), the very big library, the theater room, and Bruce's office, Tim showed me the second floor, which had the living room, the gym, the study room (which was for the boys to do there homework, but they usually just did it in their rooms), and the game room which contains a foosball table, an air hokey table, and a big flat screen t.v. for the boy to play video games on.

Tim was about to take me to the third floor, where all the bedrooms were, when we were stopped by Dick yelling from the living room "You know what Bruce said! No sex!" which was followed by Damian and Jason laughing. Tim quickly walked to the living room with me following

"You know what else Bruce said?"Tim asked "he said you aren't supposed leave us alone together, so come on"Tim gestured towards the door

"Uuuuggghhh, but this is my favorite show"Dick pointed to the t.v.

"I don't care. Bruce said-"Dick didn't let him finish

"Fine. I won't tell if you don't tell"

"Fine. But we weren't even going to do that anyway"Tim said walking out

"Whatever you say little bird" Dick mumbled and I rolled my eyes.

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