Seth Rollins Sister (Roman re...

By RomanReignsboothang

18.4K 667 42

Colby:Come on man you guys cant put what happened behind you? Joe:How do you put betrayel behind you Jon:You... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 1

2.1K 69 3
By RomanReignsboothang

At the arena
Colby pov
I was walking the halls of the arena with my sister harmony showing her around since its her first day
Me:And that's catering
Harmony walked in i followed her from a distance i saw joe and jon talking so i walked over to them they still hate me
Me:hey guys
They looked at me glaring
Me:Do you guys have a minute
Jon:For dirty bastard like you no
Me:I wanna apologize ok can't you guys put what happened behind you
Joe:How do you put betrayel behind you
Jon:You cant we trusted you Colby and now i cant even stand you
Me:I know and im sorry ok would it make you feel better if I...
Then Harmony walks over to them joes eyes widened
Harmony:Colby when can we go
Me:Give me a minute Harmy
Then Harmony left
Joe:Who is that
Me:My Little Sister
Joe:Your what?!?!?!
Me:My little sister harmony
Joe:Damn shes fine
Me:Well if you guys cant forgive me i dont want you near her
Joe:I'll go near whoever the fuck i want
Me:Well not harmony and shes knows not to talk to you
Jon:So what was your point of coming over here then
Me:To see if you guys were man enough to put that childish shit behind you but obviously your not
I rolled my eyes walking over to Harmony who was sitting alone
Harmony:Soo whens my first match
Me:Lets go to kurt office and see
Harmony pov
Me and colby walked to kurts office once we got there he knocked
Kurt:Come in
We walked in
Kurt:You must be harmony?
Me:Yes sir
Kurt:Nice to meet you im Kurt angle the general manager now let me get your script
Kurt flipped through some papers on his desk then there was a knock
Kurt:Come in
Then two really fine guys walked in one had long black hair with a sleeve tattoo and the other one had short brown hair
???:Oh sorry kurt didnt know this backstabber was in here we'll come back later
I looked at colby who kept a hard glare
Me:Is he talking about you colby?
Dean:Yes i am
I glared at him
Me:I dont appreciate you talking to my brother like that
Dean:I dont appreciate what your punk ass brother did
Kurt;What do you want dean
Dean:A match
The man with black hair winked when he noticed i was staring and i looked away rolling my eyes
???:Nice little attitude
Dean:Stuckup just like her brother
Me:Stuckup?No i just do whatever get me to the top just like my brother the only reason he turned on you butthurt pussies is because it got him the championship
???:Id watch your mouth if i was you doll
Me:Why what are you gonna do about it not a damn thing
Kurt:Hold on just a minute heres your script harmony
I grabbed it from the table
Me:Thank you
Kurt:But before you start that script i have a debut match for you a mixed tag team Roman Reigns and Sasha Banks vs Seth Rollins and Harmony Rollins
Colby:Sounds like a plan
I smirked looking at roman who glared
Me:Dont get butthurt when my brother beats your ass
Roman:I'd really like to see that happen
Me:Good cause it will
Colby:Come on harmony
I followed Colby to the door than a hand cupped my ass i gasped turning around glaring at Roman who was smirking i went to slap him but he caught my arm biting his lip
Joe:Your sexy when your frustrated then i kicked him in the nuts he groaned
Then i stormed out i walked to the girls locker room with my duffel bag i sat it down and got changed into my ring attire

I walked out to look for seth when i was pushed against the wall i looked up to see roman glaring at me
Roman:I dont like what you did
Me:Well i dont like what you did now we are even
Roman:Fix that little attitude you have
Me:Or what....what is the big bad Roman Reigns gonna do huh?Nothing like i said earlier now if you'll excuse me
I tried to move but his grip was strong and his glare was long and hard then he smirked
Roman:Do you know what happens to pretty girls that get smart with big strong men like me
I glared
Roman:They get stretched open
My eyes widened he looked at my lips biting his then chuckling walking off while i sat there dazed

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