Chapter 6

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Me:Colby No
Colby:I clearly told you not to get caught up with him
Me:I didn't Colby
Colby:You two were kissing and that's all the proof I need to know you did
Me: I don't care he stays in my hotel
Colby:Im moving your hotel
Me:No your not
Colby:Sasha agreed to switch with you
Me:No Colby OK your not the fucking boss of me and I'm sick of you!!!Let me out this car!!
Colby:No I'm doing this because I love you OK
I gripped the steering wheel making Colby loose control of the car for a second
Colby:Damnit harmony quit
Colby:Harmony JM doing this for a reason
Me:What reason because you don't like him
Colby:Yes because when I went to the title they stayed pissed at me for turning on them you my little sister harmony your their next target their trying to get you on their side by thinking they aren't that bad they aren't its just they are trying to turn you against Me and I don't want that I looked at Colby who I could tell was being totally honest
Colby:Your all I have left and I'll be dammed if he thinks he can take you from me harmony he wants to date you but can't forgive me don't you find that funny?
Me:...yes I do
Colby: Exactly and I've apologized to them a bunch of times
Me:So what else do they fucking want from you you apologized
Colby shrugged
Me:I kinda regret kissing him now
Me and colby talked all the way to the next city which took a couple of hours but the first place we went was to the arena for wwe live
At the arena
I was getting changed when I heard a knock on my locker room door I opened it to see Joe in his ring gear
Me:May I help you
Joe:This isn't bad timing is it
Me: I'm getting dressed what do you honestly think
Joe shrugged
Joe:We need to talk
I let Joe in leaving the door opened
Joe:Your not gonna shut the door?
Me: I don't trust you
I sat in my mirror doing my makeup while Joe began to talk
Joe:Well about what happened earlier I don't know what came over Colby
Me:He was warning me about you and Jon's little trick or whatever
Me:Don't act dumb why do you wanna get to know me when you haven't even forgiven my brother I find that very disrespectful
Joe:Well he betrayed us a trust we had with him and he turned on us
Me:Well one of you had to become champion and he wanted it more than you two did so he did what he had to do he apologized for god sake what else do you want out of him
Joe:Nothing I want nothing to do with him
Me: Then since you don't want anything to do with him then you don't want anything to do with me cause I'm not turning against my big brother for you
Joe:Fine then I guess I don't
Me:OK good now get out
Joe left out I turned back to my mirror continuing my makeup I'm tired of having to pick sides it's time for me to take my own way and no one's taking that from me
Once I finished I walked out of the locker room down the halls to see Jon staring at me
Jon: Your making a mistake
Me:Well I don't care OK fuck you and Joe I don't fucking care anymore
Jon:Colby has you fooled
Me:No cause I'm not listening to everything Colby says either I'm gonna go the way I wanna go
Jon rolled his eyes I kept walking until I got to the gorilla I waited for my theme to play I did my entrance walking down the ramp with a mic once I got into the ring I looked around at the crowed full of mixed cheers I smiled
Me:For all of you who don't know me and didn't see my debut Monday I'm harmony Rollins the sister of the architect
I heard mostly cheers and a couple of boos
Me:So my recent win against Sasha banks I feel great an...
Then Sasha banks theme played and she walked out
Sasha:OK harmony is it don't get your hopes up cause it won't happen again it was just an off night
Me:OK sure you could call it that while I call it me winning
Sasha:But while we are talking about that match let's talk about that kiss shall we
They replayed on the titantron when I was going for my finisher but roman kissed me making the crowd oooed
Sasha:So harmony tell me what's going on between you and roman reigns
Me:Not a damn thing
Then the crowd began to boo
Me:It was just to help you not get your ass kicked but it didn't work cause you still did OK no one can distract harmony not a bit not eve..
Then roman reigns theme played Sasha smirked I rolled my eyes watching him walk out to the stage smirking I glared then I was hit from behind I turned around looking at Sasha who started attacking me I fought back and threw her out the ring looking at the stage glaring
Roman:No one can distract you huh?
Me:You saw me take down your little partner so now you know
Roman:Oh harmony you just don't know what you want
Me:Actually what I want you to do is look to your left
I smirked to see Seth with a chair he hit him and started beating him throwing him down the ramp then dean Ambrose theme played dean ambrose ran and started attacking Seth taking him out I glared as he shouted at me from the ramp
I was sitting on a crate texting when a shadow hovered over me I looked up to see Jon glaring and Joe with Ice to his head and eye
Jon:You tell your bitch ass brother that cheap shots and blindsiding someone gets him nowhere
Me:You tell your punk ass best friend not to interfere with my promos
Jon:Well maybe if you actually woke up you'd see that h..
Me:Actually I'm wide awake I don't about him though
I glared and Joe who was looking like he was fighting consciousess
Me:Like I said instead of being lied to by them I'm going my own way
Jon:Then your gonna get lost
Me: I never get lost my way gets me the gold
Jon:Just like your brother you don't care who you hurt as long as you get what you want selfish bitch
Me:Well then I guess I am
I simply giggled then Colby ran up behind them beating them with a kendo stick I stayed silent watching looking at jor who was coughing blood looking like he needed a hospital and Jon who was just out cold tjen colby grabbed an equipment cart running it right into his bad shoulder then started beating him with a narby crate while he groaned in horrible pain then seth grabbed a chair  hiting him right in the chest knocking his breath out then again on his neck where his esophagus was when he walked off I just looked at them
Me:You two might need a hospital... Well Joe will....but that's none of my business I'm just a selfish bitch
Then I sat on the crate continuing what I was doing while a medical team rushed over to Joe and Jon was waking himself up
Paramed:Why didn't you call anybody he's hurt badly
Me:Cause I don't care
Paramed:We are having trouble finding a pulse I don't know if he's breathing
I looked up a they put him on stretcher rushing him out the arena hella fast
Jon:You caused this
Kurt walked over to us
Kurt:Who did that
Jon:Her bitch ass brother attacking us from behind and she did nothing
Kurt looked at me
Me:I don't control his every movement he's a grown man
I looked back down at my phone
Jon:And you don't even care
Me:Why should I I've been lied to by both of them so I just stopped fucking with either of them
Jon:you better hope joes okay
Me:I don't care I didnt do it so why am I getting yelled at for it
Then Jon walked off

Seth Rollins Sister (Roman reigns love story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon