My Assassin Partner. (OC X Ha...

By WeiMoZhiEr

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10 years ago- A 15 year old figure with a mop of familiar white hair was covered from head to toe in fresh bl... More

Character Introduction
The Italian Student.
When An Unexpected Occur.
The Duty To Protect.
A Report And A Plan.
Some Rascals Are Just So Hard To Deal With.
Dealing With The 3 Rascals.
The Class Trip To Italy!
The Revenge Starting. (Part 1)
The Revenge Starting. (Part 2)
Together...but for How Long?
Discord Server

The Plan Going Underway.

603 29 5
By WeiMoZhiEr

The Next Morning......

Naoya was in the dining room, fiddling with his Varia necklace as he was deep in thought. Hayato soon came in and saw him, he was unsure if he should call out to the whitenette.

Naoya was thinking about his family, he have gotten word from Nono that the plan is now undergoing.

He smiled to himself before the smile disappear.

'Should I tell Dad and the others about me? No, I can't. They......they won't be able to accept it....'



Naoya snap his head up to look at Hayato.

"Gokudera-kun! What is it?"

"Are--- never mind, come on. We're gonna be late." Hayato wanted to ask Naoya if he was alright but he decided against it.

Both of them soon got their bags before heading to school.

"Naoya-san?" Hayato called out.

Both of them are walking towards Tsuna's house.


"Are you alright?"

"I am? Why?"

"Since you were weird just now."

"'s nothing. I'm......just thinking about my family...."

"You miss them?"

"No, not that.... I was just wondering if I should tell them something that I've been hiding for a while now...." Naoya said while looking on in a distance.

"What is it?"

"It's nothing...... won't understand even if I did tell you...." Naoya told him with a close-eye smile. Even if he was smiling, Hayato can feel the sadness behind it.

Then Naoya left as he muttered something.

"I don't want to leave them..."


Tsuna's Hyper Intuition have been going haywire since yesterday night that he didn't have a good night sleep.

He groan as he stepped out of the house to be greeted by his two friends.


"Yo, Tsuna!"

"Hey..." Was Tsuna's reply as he blink sleepily.

"Juudaime? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's just my Hyper Intuition. It's been nagging at the back of my head since yesterday night..."

"Is it an enemy Tsuna?" Yamamoto asked, his eyes turning sharp.

"No, it's not anything dangerous. Just something bad. ---- And where's Naoya-san?" Tsuna asked as he look around.

"He went on ahead, he said he needed to think about something." Hayato answered.

This also cause Tsuna's Hyper Intuition to nag again, warning him that he should save Naoya but since Tsuna was so tired from the lack of sleep, he thought that it was about the bad thing that's going to happen later in school.


Tsuna hardly paid attention to Nezu-sensei's class as he buried his head into his arms, his Hyper Intuition kept ringing in his head.

Suddenly the door was slide open.

And Reborn, in disguise as Reboyama-sensei, stepped in.

'Now I know the source of my headache.... What is he planning now?!'

Tsuna screamed in his head whereas Reborn was smirking.

"Reboyama-sensei! What are you doing here?" Nezu-sensei asked, a bit nervous since Reborn is his idol....

God..... That just sound so weird.....

"I'm just here to tell you that Class 2-A have been chosen to have a class trip to Italy for 1 to 2 months, sponsored by a friend of mine. The Vongola."

'EEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHH?????!!!!! I don't remember sponsoring a trip, Reborn what are you planning?!'

"The Vongola? You mean the Vongola Company?! The most richest and powerful company ever in the world?!" A random male classmate yell.

"Of course! Is there any other Vongola?!"

'The Mafia!!!' Tsuna is already screaming in his mind while Reborn was smirking sadistically. The Guardians were also smiling, glad that they now have a chance of revenge on the classmates that bullied their Sky.

A girl raised her hand.

"Sensei, may I know why was our class chosen?"

"To put it simply, you all are classmates to the next heir of Vongola. The Vongola Decimo. And you guys would also be there to attend the Inheritance Ceremony."

Reborn stated whereas Tsuna was ready to jump out the window to end his life.

The Guardians were grinning.

Naoya was just smiling, happy that he can see his family soon.

The class?

Well, they're freaking out.

"EEEEHHH?! The Decimo is in our class?!"

"Who is it?"

"It's a guy, so he's definitely hot."

"And he's rich!! I'm so gonna be his girlfriend!" Boasted Akemi.

"No way, if anyone is gonna be his girlfriend, its me!"

"No, me!"

'Stupid bitches..... Tsunayoshi future wife is Kyoko Sasagawa....' Naoya thought as he rolled his eyes.


"All of you, shut up." Reborn said as he point his Leon-gun at the students; his fedora shadowing his bangs.

Thank god that the students actually did.

"You all will be leaving in a week, I have already prepared your passports. All you guys have to do is pack your wardrobe, a set of formal clothing and pocket money. Be sure to be by school next week at 5 a.m."

A guy raised his hand.


"Can our parents come along? I bet Dame-Tsuna can't come without his mom!"

The whole class burst out laughing, too dense to realize that a black aura is surrounding them.

"Yeah, he's too useless! He's just a momma's boy!"

"Does he even have formal clothes? I bet he's just gonna beg some from Gokudera-kun!"


A gunshot was shot on the ceiling, making everyone pale and shut their mouths.

"I thought I told you guys to shut up." Reborn said. "And I have hired a teacher to teach you guys Italian."

He turn to the door. "Come in Dame-Dino."

The door slide open and a familiar blonde enter the room, miraculously not tripping on his feet.

"Mou, Reborn can you stop calling me that?"

"That's Reboyama-sensei to you." The blonde turn to the class.

"Ah hey guys! Do you remember me? I used to be your English teacher---"




Wait what? The Vongola and Naoya sweatdropped. And a certain blonde is standing beside a hitman who's emitting a very murderous aura right now. He shot a look at The Cavallone Decimo.

*Shut them up or I will double your training AND paperwork.*

Dino immediately pale and quickly quiet down the class, which he actually succeeded in doing so...... Surprisingly.


Dino is now taking over the class, he look over the students. He smiled at Tsuna who return it, he almost shouted in surprise when he saw Naoya---or should I say, Nathanael?

He wanted to call out to the young assassin when Naoya put a finger to his lips.




Dino remember now, he nodded and started the class by calling each student to say a short sentence in Italian.

"Let's start with......Gokudera Hayato. Come stai?" (How are you doing?)

"Tch. Bene hai cavallo stupido." (Tch. Just fine you stupid horse.)

"Ah? Er....moving on.... Yamamoto Takeshi. Come è la tua formazione con la vostra spada venendo?" (How is your training with your sword coming along?)

"Maa ~ sta andando alla grande. Anche se Squalo-san è ancora arrabbiato che ancora sto perseguendo baseball." (Maa~ It's going great. Although Squalo-san is still angry that I'm still pursuing baseball.)

Takeshi said while rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. The whole class was shock, when did their baseball star started to learn Italian?!

"Next is.....Sawada Tsunayoshi." Dino continued which cause laughters to erupt from the class.

"Pfft! I bet Dame-Tsuna can't even pass this! He can't even pass English!"

Dino ignored them and continued.

"Ehi fratellino! Come stanno affrontando con l'essere il prossimo capo di Vongola?" (Hey little brother! How are you coping with being the next Vongola boss?)

"Oltre il massiccio scartoffie e spartano addestramento da Reborn, sto facendo bene. Anche se appena un po' stanchi." (Other than the massive paperwork and spartan training from Reborn, I'm doing just fine. Although just a bit tired.)

"Allora hai anche preparato per la cerimonia di eredità?" (Then have you also prepared for the Inheritance Ceremony?)

"Stavo pensando su come preparare per esso quando abbiamo questo viaggio in Italia." (I was thinking on preparing for it when we have this trip back to Italy.)

"Ancora una domanda, hai incontrato il tuo nuova guardia del corpo?" (One more question, did you meet your new bodyguard?) Dino asked which cause the Vongola and Naoya to look at him.

"Cosa intendi? Reborn... mi e ' mai detto niente." (What do you mean? Reborn never told me anything.)

"Vedo... Probabilmente voleva dirvi fino a quando egli incontrare con la guardia del corpo." (I see..... He was probably gonna tell you until he meet with your bodyguard.)

The two of them totally forgot about the class who are now staring at Tsuna with their jaws on the ground. How can the most useless student who always failed English, speak Italian better than Hayato?! And he's Italian!!!

"Perché bisogno di una guardia del corpo? Non basta il mio guardiani?" (Why do I need a bodyguard? Isn't my Guardians enough?)

"Nono era colui che suggeriscono questo, questa guardia del corpo del tuo è anche una spia e un assassino. E lui sono state la Vongola aveva 5 anni. Egli è la stessa età di voi ragazzi." (Nono was the one who suggest this, this bodyguard of yours is also a spy and an assassin. And he have been in the Vongola since he was 5 years old. He's the same age as you guys.)

Dino stated before he saw the condition of the class, he quickly told Tsuna to sit before proceeding.

"Next will be..... Kiro Naoya. Nate, perché hai cambiato il tuo nome in giapponese?" (Nate, why did you change your name to Japanese?)

"Non è ovvio? È per renderlo più facile per gli studenti qui pronunciare il mio nome." (Isn't it obvious? It's to make it easier for the students here to pronounce my name.)

"Naturalmente! Così come è la tua famiglia?" (Of course! So how's your family?)

"Papà e lo zio ancora forte come mai. Lu fratello ancora essere la madre del gruppo, Bella e Francesco ancora alla gola di altro, Vivian ancora una persona normale orientato al denaro e fratello Lele è ancora il perdente al gioco." (Dad and Uncle still as loud as ever. Brother Lu still being the mother of the group, Bella and Francis still at each other's throat, Vivian still a normal money-minded person and Brother Lele is still the loser at gaming.)

"Sai che era ancora così difficile per me credere che in realtà sei imparentata con loro." (You know that it was still so hard for me to believe that you're actually related to them.)

"Che cosa posso dire? Sono la famiglia che amo e io li proteggerò." (What can I say? They are the family that I love and I will protect them.)

Naoya reply as his hand travel to his chest where both his necklaces was hanging beneath his shirt.

'Soon my dear family..... I will be the one saying goodbye....'


"What am I gonna do?!"

Now, a certain brunette is freaking out on the rooftop with his friends and Dino. Naoya didn't join them since he need some time to think.

"Naoya-san knows Italian! That means he will know that I'm a mafia boss!"

Tsuna turn to look at Dino. "And he knows you! Like how?! Doesn't that means that he knows about the mafia?!"

"Calm down little bro. Nate doesn't know about the mafia, and I know him since we bump into each other when I lost Enzo back in Italy a few years back."

~Flashback to when Nate is 7 years old...... Somewhere in Italy....~

Dino was looking around frantically around a park. Looking through the bushes and under the benches as he look for his pet turtle, Enzo.

Since his men wasn't with him, he became the clumsy person he is. Tripping on thin air.


"Mister? Are you alright?"

Dino look up and saw a boy with white hair and olive yellow eyes looking at him with a hand outstretched to him.

"Er....yeah. I'm just fine." Dino quickly got up.

"Er....Kid, did you see a turtle anywhere?"

"A turtle?" The boy tilted his head to the side before frowning his eyebrows together.

"Mister, do you mean that turtle about the size of a building? Cause I see it behind you...." He then pointed past Dino and he turned to see that Enzo was looming over them.

'Shit! Enzo probably fell into the fountain just now! What am I gonna do?! There's a civilian kid here and I can't break the Omertà!!'

Ga-Chak!!! Click Click Click!!!

Dino turn to the source of the noise and saw the kid.....

Was......holding a gun.

"Oi oi, Kid! Where'd you get the gun?!"

"Er....its been on me?" The kid stated like it was normal to show a stranger that he's holding a gun. The kid then pointed his gun at the turtle.

"What are you doing?!" Dino yelled.

"Don't worry mister, it won't kill your pet."


The kid shot a bullet.

But the bullet wasn't a normal one.

It was a bullet engulf in blue Rain Flames.

Dino could only stare. This kid is in the Mafia?!

The bullet was shot at Enzo's forehead, causing its movement to be sluggish and cause it to shrink until it's the size of a raccoon, which its not its normal size yet.

"Eh? That much wasn't enough to let it shrink completely?!" The kid exclaimed before looking at the shocked blonde.

"Say mister, why don't we bring your turtle back to my home to dry it up?"

Dino could only nod mutely.


"Kid, do you know where you're going?" Dino asked as the both of them trudge through a forest.

"It's just around here just be patient." The kid told him as they climb over a small hill. Dino stood beside him and his eyes nearly pop out of their sockets.

Standing in the clearing was a mansion.

THE Vongola Mansion!

"Oi Mister, come on!"

Dino looked around and finally saw the kid who was already halfway towards the mansion.

'Oh my lord, this kid is gonna get kill!'

"Wait up!" Dino chase after the kid.


"Granddad! I'm home!" Nate yelled as he pushed the brass oaken double-doors, making Dino missed his chance to pull the kid back.

"Welcome back Nate."

An old man soon appear at the hallway and saw the visitor.

"Nate....isn't this..."

"Oh, I found one of the Cavallone roaming around the park and lend a hand."

"How did you know?" Dino asked in shock and Nate pointed at his belt.

"Your Famiglia crest was on that whip of yours."

"Nate, looks like you have met the Cavallone Decimo."

"Really?! Nice to meet you!" Nate said before he hugged the Vongola Nono.

"I'm just gonna find Dad. Be back in a minute." And he ran off. Leaving a very speechless Dino.


"Vongola Nono, you never announced that you have another grandson other than the Sawada. Does that mean Xanxus got married already?! At such a young age?!"

The two Mafia boss are now in the living room of the mansion, with Dino blowing Enzo dry.

Nono chuckled.

"Looks like you're mistaken Bucking Bronco. Nate isn't my biological grandson."

"What do you mean?"

"He's adopted, and Xanxus isn't his dad. Xanxus is his godfather but he call him 'Uncle'."

"Then who's the dad?"

"Oh it's---" Nono was cut off by a a few voices.

"Come on Uncle! The Cavallone Decimo is with Granddad right now!"

"Why should I meet the horse trash?"

"Ushishishi ~ that peasant should bow to me."

"Mu, I'm not pay for this...."

"Is he a cutie?"


The Varia age:
Xanxus: 19
Squalo and Lussuria: 17
Levi: 15
Belphegor: 8

The independent assassination organization walked into the living room with the kid who Dino met earlier, was pulling the leader of Varia by the hand.

Dino could only gulp nervously.

"Nono? Why is the Varia here?"

"They're my family!" Nate yell.

"Your family?"

"Yup! I'm Nathanael Axis! This is Xanxus di Vongola, my Godfather but I just call him Uncle. And the rest here are my brothers!" Nate proudly gestured to the Varia.

"....Then.... Who's your dad?"

"Oh...he's ---" Nate was cut off by a very familiar yell.


"IN HERE DAD!!!" Nate yell at the hallway before running was heard and a figure with a sword appear at the doorway.

"Dad!" Nate yell before running to the swordsman and jump into his arms.

"Hey Nate! Why are all of us here?"

"To meet the Cavallone Decimo."

"He's your dad?!" Dino accidentally exclaimed aloud. And Nate nodded before turning back to his family.

"Hey when are we gonna leave for the movie? I'm hungry already!!"

"Ushishishi~ the prince agree with him."

"This time is on Brother Levi!" Nate yelled as the Varia walked out the living room.

"Hey why me?!"

"You lost at Tetris Battle by 3,456,70 points. And the bet was that you owe us a dinner and a movie!"

"I only meant only you!"

"Doesn't matter, your pay is enough to buy a limo anyway!"

"Damn it!"

Dino could only stare with his eyes wide whereas Nono was chuckling at the side.

"Was that what I think I just saw?"

"Indeed Dino Cavallone, it's not everyday that you get to see this side of Varia isn't it?"

"That child sure is something....."

"Indeed he is. And I'm proud that he join the Vongola. My son have never been this happy before."

~Flashback End......~

(Up Next: The Class Trip To Italy!)

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