𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐍 ππ‹π€π‚πŠ 𝐀𝐍�...

By -hartbreaker

23.2K 957 173

"You beat me until I was black and blue." -B.BH. In which Byun Baekhyun is abused and a single father. Starte... More

-Chapter One-
-Chapter Two-
-Chapter Three-
-Chapter Four-
-Chapter Six-
-Chapter Seven-
-Chapter Eight 1/2- ~Really short~
-Chapter 8 2/2-
-Tagged and A/N-
-Chapter Nine-
-Chapter Ten
-Chapter Eleven-
-Chapter Twelve-
-Chapter Thirteen-
~Happy Ending~

-Chapter Five-

1.4K 71 1
By -hartbreaker

-Chapter Five- An Explanation.

-3rd Person POV-

The Byun family had once reunited, everything felt like it was okay. But we all know how that goes, not everything is okay. Nothing is.

Wishing it could last, but the question that was asked from the begging were being asked, "Hyung what happened to your face?" Baekhyun stared at youngest brother's brown orbs for a minute.

"Someone hurt Baekhyun bad..." Anyone in the room could tell that Baekhyun didn't want to continue this but Teahyung being the innocent thing he is asked another question.

"Who hurt hyung." He asked Baekhyun wincing thinking of his name, "Someone who Baekkie thought loved him." He stated quietly, Mr. Byun cleared his throat causing another awkward silence to overcome the table.

Baekbeom, Mrs. Byun and Mr. Byun were the only ones that could know what actually happened while he was gone, Daehyun and Taehyung were too young to know what happened.

All the years of being hurt and tortured, to Baekhyun love was just pain. He didn't want to explain to his mother and father what Chanyeol did to him, it was scary to think about.

Looking at the clock that read 9:30, "Daehyun, Taehyung bed. Now." Mrs. Byun demanded, she couldn't wait to hear where her son had been all those years.

"But-." "Now." She gave a look to her youngest son, he and Daehyun headed up the stairs to their rooms in defeat.

"What the hell happened to your face Byun Baekhyun!?" Baekbeom was enraged, his baby brother who was missing for three years suddenly shows up up with a black eye, bruised legs, and arms.

Baekhyun flinched at the tone in his brother's voice, Baekbeom noticing his brother's flinched calmed down a little but still held a lot of rage.

"M-mom, d-dad, Ba-Baekbeom I'm so sorry," He started his voice cracking as he stuttered over his words. "He said he loved m-me, he said that if i talked to any of you he'd beat me up I until I couldn't breathe anymore," He stopped for a minute to take a breath. "He wouldn't stop until I begged him to stop." He finished not wanting to remember the things that Chanyeol did to him externally and internally.

"Aw, my poor baby." Mrs. Byun wrapped her arms around her son with tears in her eyes.

"Who the hell is it?!" Baekbeom was pissed, "Was it Chanyeol?" His tone was softer but his eyes held rage.

"Yeah..." He didn't wasn't to talk about it anymore, he wanted to forget all the pain that he felt but somehow the pain never went away.

Baekbeom walked up to his little brother and pulled him into a strong hug not wanting to let go of him, he wanted to kill Chanyeol. For hurting his brother, "Baekhyun I'm so sorry that happened to you." He apologized for not being there for his brother, for not stopping it, for always being at work and not realizing that Baekhyun was suffering. But it wasn't his fault, Baekhyun just one day disappeared without a word, they looked, they called, but there wasn't anything. The police couldn't do anything since Baekhyun was 18 at the time, the police called him a runaway.

"It's not your fault, hyping it's mine for not being home sooner." Baekhyun apologized, hugging his brother tighter.

"So you left him right?" Mr. Byun finally decided to speak up, he too, was also in raged by this. More than Baekbeom was, he tried to stay calm for the sake of their son but there was too many emotions.

Too many.

Rage, sadness, guilt was all the man felt, he didn't want his son anywhere near that monster, and f he had to kill Chanyeol he wouldn't hesitate.

"Yeah...that's why I came back." Baekhyun said, which caused Me. Byun to relax. He pulled Baekhyun out of Baekbeom's embrace and hugged even tighter than what Baekbeom did.

Smiling, Baekhyun let go of his father, "I'm going to bed, my room is the same right?" The couple nodded, Baekbeom gave his brother one last hug before heading to his own room.

He gave his mother and father one before going into his own room smiling at the room, it hasn't changed one bit.

And he was glad.

"I was glad that they still love me even after you damaged me permanently to them I'm still Byun Baekhyun."


Be ready for a plot twist in the next chapter.

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