Cherry Blossom Snow

By FerretLord

10.9K 196 19

A humorous original tale of love, courage, diplomacy, politics, furry aliens, space travel, self-discovery, t... More

Alien Abduction
Leaving Earth
Growing Up
Peace Between Worlds
Added Company
A Series of Easily Avoidable Conflicts
The United Galactic Confederation
A New Beginning
A Brief Encounter
A Change of Pace
The Intergalactic Trading Corporation
New Home
Compassion and Understanding
A Long Overdue Reunion
Politics as Usual
The Stone
Power Struggles
Heist Plan
Extreme Measures
Breaking Point
No Turning Back
Moving On
Family Matters
Acting Governor
Back Home
Fall of Empires
Covert Operations
Conflict Resolution
Mirienna's Job
Parting Ways

Under New Leadership

181 3 0
By FerretLord

While Mikhail Smirnov announced his resignation as Premier of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, he assured the people that to avoid chaos, he would remain as a Communist Party official and would be working with Xyero and his friends, Alexei, Anatoly, and Igor, to reform the government. Reginald and Hadassah made contact with the Grand Kremlin Palace, where they were welcomed as guests by Xyero, Alexei, Anatoly, Igor, and Mikhail himself, along with their newfound companions, Reinaldo and Norabel.

"I'm sure you have many questions," said Xyero, his voice carrying the weight of unspoken revelations. "All will be answered in due time."

"Good, because you have so much to explain," Reginald retorted, his skepticism veiled behind a thin veneer of curiosity.

Xyero nodded in understanding, his gaze unwavering. "I'm sure you're wondering why Mikhail Smirnov still lives," he ventured, his words laden with unspoken significance.

"Not my top question, but it did cross my mind," Reginald admitted, his gaze shifting between the key players in this unfolding drama.

"It was Igor's suggestion," Xyero said. "He infiltrated the Premier's inner circle on our behalf to provide intelligence. Perhaps he should explain."

"The government is already rather unstable," Igor began, his tone measured and deliberate. "We have undoubtedly exacerbated that problem. Our first priority must be to bring peace, order, freedom, and stability. Keeping Mikhail Smirnov alive may prevent a power vacuum from forming and tearing our society apart."

Xyero nodded in agreement. "He'll have no real power, of course," he added. "But at least for now, we need him in order to legitimize our new government and direct the military, so he must live until he is no longer needed."

"Martian forces have arrived," said Anatoly. "Are you sure it's wise to get them involved?"

"Their leader is my grandson," Xyero reassured with confidence. "We'll be fine."

Reginald wasted no time in pressing for clarity. "How is Mithra involved?" he demanded. "Explain yourself now."

"I requested military assistance from Mars to maintain order while the government is restructured," Xyero explained, his demeanor unwavering. "Right now, we need all the help we can get. Because of that, we would like the four of you to join our new Central Committee."

Reginald arched an eyebrow in surprise. "The four of us? You mean even those little cat people?" he queried, his skepticism evident.

"Of course," Xyero affirmed, his gaze shifting to Reinaldo and Norabel. "Please, introduce yourselves."

"I am Norabel, and my dear friend here is Reinaldo," said Norabel. "We would be delighted to assist you, provided that we are well taken care of."

"Splendid," Xyero declared, his eyes twinkling with enthusiasm. "As one of our first orders of business, we have to consider public image. The new Premier should be charismatic and appealing to the masses, and that should ideally be someone who wasn't part of the old government or these insurrections if we wish to quell unrest."

"That sounds like Reinaldo," said Norabel.

"Hey, you're right," Hadassah commented.

Reginald shot her a stern glance. "Shut up," he admonished, his tone terse.

But Xyero saw merit in Hadassah's observation, scooping up Reinaldo with a gentle smile. "Look at him. He's adorable," he remarked, his tone fond. "He'll be the perfect public face of our new government."

Norabel chimed in eagerly, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. "Reinaldo would make a fine leader, and I could be his loyal assistant and consort."

"Marvelous," said Anatoly.

"I support this, at least for now," said Alexei.

Xyero nodded in agreement. "Wonderful," he declared. "It's settled. Reinaldo, you are now the new Premier of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics."

"Wow," Reinaldo said, not fully comprehending what that assemblage of words even meant.

Norabel beamed with pride. "Excellent," she declared. "Of course, he may require assistance."

"I would very much like Norabel to help me," Reinaldo admitted, his gaze softening as he looked to Norabel.

"Then she can be your First Deputy Premier," Xyero proclaimed. "This new government is coming along quite nicely."

"Isn't there supposed to be a democratic process?" asked Reginald.

"Probably," Xyero conceded nonchalantly. "Once everything is restructured and we have all the important positions filled with the right people, we can hold a vote retroactively as a formality."

Reginald balked at the suggestion. "That sounds entirely improper," he protested, his disapproval evident.

"It's how I handled things, and everything ran smoothly," Mikhail managed to interject before Igor gagged him and beat him repeatedly.

Xyero quickly redirected the conversation to Reinaldo. "Let us take you to your new office," he suggested. "Or rather, Reginald and Hadassah can take you there. I assume they are familiar with the building's layout."

"We know our way around," Reginald confirmed.

"Excellent," Xyero remarked. "We have some unfinished business here with Mikhail, but I'll join you shortly."

Reginald and Hadassah took Reinaldo and Norabel to the Premier's office. It was, like the rest of the palace, in horrible disarray. Xyero joined them soon after.

"Good news," Xyero announced. "I am now the General Secretary of the Communist Party. Mikhail Smirnov has graciously agreed to reduce his own authority within the Party and requested to wear a shock collar to be managed at the discretion of his close friend, Igor."

Reinaldo, ever the optimist, greeted the news with a hopeful outlook. "That was very nice of him. I am glad that we can all work together to make things better."

Reginald, on the other hand, couldn't help but express his skepticism. "How convenient," he muttered.

"Indeed," Xyero acknowledged, his tone betraying a hint of amusement. "Also, Reginald, the Central Committee wishes for you to serve as Administrator of Affairs and Secretary to the Premier."

Reginald bristled at the suggestion. "I am the Acting Governor of Earth. Not a babysitter," he protested.

Xyero, ever the diplomat, presented his perspective. "As Acting Governor, wouldn't you agree that maintaining order falls under your purview?"

Reluctantly, Reginald conceded, "I suppose it does."

"Splendid," Xyero declared, turning his attention to Hadassah. "And Hadassah, the Central Committee wants you to be Procurator General."

Hadassah, bemused and somewhat puzzled, responded candidly. "I have no idea what that even means."

Xyero, with a hint of amusement, reassured her. "Good. You don't need to."

"This building may require some maintenance," Reinaldo observed. "I do hope that it can be cleaned up in a timely manner."

"I'll get right on that," Xyero said, promptly leaving.

Reinaldo and Norabel stood atop a table by a window. Reinaldo quietly stared out at his domain. From there, he could see riots in the streets and fires raging throughout the city. Military convoys attacked protesters, insurgents, bystanders, and each other. It was a cesspool of violence and chaos. The Party had risen to power on the backs of the working class, but they had long since squandered that influence and privilege to the point where they had become the very evil they had sworn to destroy. Corruption was rampant, and change was needed. Whether the drastic takeover that had occurred was the proper way to go about it made little difference after the fact, but the path forward was clear. Reinaldo was determined to lead his country into a better future, but he couldn't do it alone.

"You promised to provide for me," said Norabel. "That objective is threatened as long as the war persists. We may not be officially at war with a foreign enemy at this time, but we will eventually be forced into conflict. Of course, of immediate concern is the present chaos in our country, and that must be suppressed before we can concern ourselves with external threats. I do not wish to spend my idle time worrying about being attacked. I know that you want what is best."

Reinaldo nodded, understanding the weight of her words. "I do," he affirmed, sincerity in his voice. "I want to serve you in any way I can."

Norabel's response was equally heartfelt. "And I love you for it." She leaned forward, capturing his lips in a tender kiss that lingered for a moment before they parted.

A warm smile graced Reinaldo's lips, and they locked eyes, a silent understanding passing between them. He kissed her once more, and they held each other tightly, their embrace a testament to their shared commitment. Norabel, sensing the depth of Reinaldo's feelings, decided to employ some techniques that her handler had taught her, aiming to strengthen their bond and provide the support they both needed in these trying times.

Norabel kicked off her shoes and wiggled her toes in her stockings right in front of Reinaldo's face. He drooled with excitement. Reinaldo took his time licking Norabel's feet while leaving her stockings on. He went up and down her legs, but still mostly focused on her feet. When her stockings were thoroughly soaked with saliva, Reinaldo pulled them off with his mouth. Reinaldo could hardly contain himself as she proceeded to hold out her bare feet to him, again wiggling her toes for his enjoyment. He was delighted to be able to directly touch her feet and slowly rubbed them before he could wait no longer and began sucking on her toes. She then lifted her dress and exposed her panties, which he then pulled down with his mouth.

"I love you," Reinaldo said to Norabel.

"I feel like we should go somewhere else," said Hadassah. "Should we leave the room?"

"You do that," said Norabel. "But keep guards posted."

Reginald and Hadassah left the room, and called Xyero to meet with them.

"Upon due consideration, I have elected to resign as General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union," Xyero announced. "Naturally, I believe it is clear that I should nominate Reinaldo as my successor, and recommend Norabel as Deputy General Secretary."

"What motivated this decision?" asked Reginald.

"I made contact with my grandson, and he granted me a full pardon. He'll be sending a shuttle for me shortly. I am confident that the two of you will do a fine job of advising Reinaldo and Norabel. Don't concern yourselves too much with minor affairs, as the others can take care of those. Hadassah, as the official representative of the planet Mars, Mithra has selected you to be the commander of all Martian military forces stationed on Earth."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" asked Hadassah.

"Absolutely not. Take care." Xyero promptly departed.

"I probably should have asked Mithra to explain his plan before agreeing to it," said Hadassah.

"I kept saying you should stay away from him," said Reginald.

"You might be onto something," Hadassah admitted.

"I hate to say it, but we may actually be in an excellent position to change this world for the better."

"With Reinaldo's leadership, and Norabel's guidance, I'm sure we will."

"I'm the Acting Governor of Earth," Reginald noted, asserting his position. "I outrank them."

"That may be true, but public perception is important," said Hadassah. "We act in service to Reinaldo, who although neither human nor Russian, is from Earth. We are here to keep the peace. We're not invaders, and we must show the people that if we wish to earn their trust."

"Wow, you actually make a good point. Despite the dubious process by which he gained power, Reinaldo has the charisma to bring people together, provided he has assistance."

"And Norabel?"

"I don't know," said Reginald. "But she's an excellent speaker, and that may be of great value. We should give some time for the unrest to settle a bit and for things to be cleaned up, but we need a real plan, and for that we must hold a proper meeting to figure out how things will operate."

"We'll need Reinaldo for that. And Norabel, too."

"Of course. We'd do well not to underestimate those two. They may yet surprise us."

"Absolutely. I wouldn't have suspected Reinaldo as a foot guy."

"That's not what I meant. And why would you? It's not like you can guess people's fetishes just by looking at them."

"I can try if I want to."

"Please don't," said Reginald. "Can we please drop this topic?"

"I wonder what they're doing now," said Hadassah. "Do you think they're having sex?"

"I'd prefer not to think about that. It's none of my business, anyway."

"Maybe we should call a meeting with the others now, to understand their intentions. Reinaldo and Norabel can join us later."

"You're being surprisingly reasonable. I like it."

Reginald and Hadassah then called a meeting with Alexei, Anatoly, and Mikhail in a nearby conference room. Alexei and Anatoly, their expressions hardened by years of struggle and betrayal, sat across from Mikhail, the former Premier who sat slouched in his chair, his face etched with bitterness and resentment.

"The General Secretary and Deputy General Secretary will be joining us later," Reginald announced. "They are presently otherwise occupied. Setting that aside for now, where's Igor?"

"Ah yes, our loyal comrade, Igor," Mikhail remarked with a smirk. "Do tell, how is he?"

"He couldn't be trusted," Alexei replied, his tone laced with suspicion. "He was a spy planted by Xyero, a traitor to the revolution. He may have been spying on the Premier for us, but he could have also been spying on us for Xyero. We couldn't take the risk."

"He's dead," said Anatoly. "I guess you could say he fell head-first onto a bullet."

"That doesn't really make sense," said Reginald.

"I shot him. I'm not a comedian."

Mikhail interjected with a sneer, "What are you anyway? Some kind of pilot?"

Anatoly's jaw clenched, his patience wearing thin. "Yes, and a master of forgery. Stop talking to me in such a familiar way. I'm not your friend."

"Oh, but aren't we?" Mikhail retorted.

Reginald's lips pressed into a thin line, his patience wearing thin. "Let's stay focused, shall we?"

Mikhail's sneer widened, his eyes gleaming with malice. "Of course, Acting Governor. We wouldn't want to stray from the agenda."

"I wonder about that," Alexei said, turning to Anatoly. "I barely even know you, and we only met because of Xyero. How do I know you weren't part of his plan? Maybe you killed Igor to keep him from revealing the truth."

Mikhail smirked, sensing an opportunity to sow discord. "I think you might be onto something."

"Stop talking!" Anatoly shouted angrily.

"Why are you trying to silence him?" asked Alexei. "Maybe we should hear what he has to say."

"Of course you'd say that!" Anatoly exclaimed. "You and Xyero were close. You must have been plotting together against me! I may have killed Igor, but that was your idea. You had me do it so you could deflect blame and evade suspicion! You sold out the revolution for personal gain, just like Xyero, didn't you?"

"I devoted my life to this cause!" Alexei exclaimed. "The one thing that kept me going all these years was my desire for revenge against Mikhail Smirnov! Now he's within my reach!"

Alexei drew his pistol and fired a bullet through Mikhail's head. Anatoly instinctively reached for his own weapon, but before he could retaliate, Alexei fired another shot, hitting him in the chest. Anatoly managed to return fire, striking Alexei in the head. Soon, all three were dead.

Reginald and Hadassah exchanged a glance, their expressions a mixture of shock and horror. "Are we still going to have that meeting?" Hadassah asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Reginald took a moment to collect himself, his mind racing with the implications of what had just transpired. "Yes," he finally replied, his voice steady despite the chaos around them, "although we'll have to modify the plan somewhat. We need to find a way to maintain control of the narrative and ensure a smooth transition of power."

Hadassah nodded solemnly, her expression grave. "Desperate times call for desperate measures, and I think I have an idea."

With a determined air, they set about their grim task, propping up the deceased in their chairs and arranging them in a semblance of alertness. Reginald and Hadassah found Igor's body, tidied him up to look more presentable, then sat him alongside Mikhail, Anatoly, and Alexei. Once the bodies were suitably positioned, makeup was carefully applied to give them a more lively appearance and mask gunshot wounds.

Ignoring the morbid irony of their situation, Reginald and Hadassah rehearsed their lines with practiced efficiency, determined to pull off their audacious charade with unwavering seriousness. As the press briefing commenced, Reginald and Hadassah deftly manipulated the bodies of the deceased, while Reinaldo and Norabel sat innocently by, oblivious to the grotesque puppetry unfolding before them. Reginald and Hadassah, their voices steady and composed, announced Reinaldo's ascension to power. And somehow, it worked.

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