Cherry Blossom Snow

By FerretLord

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A humorous original tale of love, courage, diplomacy, politics, furry aliens, space travel, self-discovery, t... More

Alien Abduction
Leaving Earth
Growing Up
Peace Between Worlds
Added Company
A Series of Easily Avoidable Conflicts
The United Galactic Confederation
A New Beginning
A Brief Encounter
A Change of Pace
The Intergalactic Trading Corporation
New Home
Compassion and Understanding
A Long Overdue Reunion
Politics as Usual
The Stone
Power Struggles
Heist Plan
Extreme Measures
Breaking Point
No Turning Back
Moving On
Family Matters
Acting Governor
Under New Leadership
Back Home
Fall of Empires
Covert Operations
Conflict Resolution
Mirienna's Job

Parting Ways

192 2 2
By FerretLord

While Reinaldo was visiting Mars, Dalziel was detained at Kilmainham Gaol in Dublin, under Red Army supervision. Mia tried to negotiate arrangements to visit Dalziel, but the guards had been instructed not to allow any visitors until Reinaldo's return, so Mia was ordered to leave. Mia returned to El Leon, docked on the River Liffey, and arrived to her room to find Evangeline lying on the floor, wearing an oversized blouse and one sock, as well as a pink collar with a bell, while Sekhmet slept on her belly. Evangeline's eyes lifted from the book she held over her face, her expression serene. Removing the pacifier from her mouth, she addressed Mia in a voice that bore the wisdom of understanding. "You seem troubled."

Mia, burdened by the weight of her thoughts, hesitated before she spoke. "I don't know if I can keep doing this," she admitted with a hint of vulnerability. "I need you to be completely honest with me. Am I doing the right thing by working with Reinaldo?"

"Revolution that divests itself of ethical values thereby lays the foundation of injustice, deceit, and oppression for the future society."

"Is that really how you feel?" Mia inquired, a mix of curiosity and concern in her eyes.

"That was Emma Goldman," Evangeline clarified. "But I do agree wholeheartedly."

"What are you reading?" Mia inquired.

"My Disillusionment in Russia," replied Evangeline. "You wanted me to be more understanding of the sort of work you do, so I've been trying to read potentially relevant material."

Mia acknowledged the effort with a warm smile. "I've been meaning to read that," she admitted. "Lately, though, I haven't had much time for reading, or for much of anything not work-related."

Evangeline's response held a simplicity that contrasted with the complexities of Mia's world. "So quit."

Mia's eyes widened at the suggestion. "I can't just do that. After everything I've done, after coming so far."

Evangeline's response was measured, a gentle push toward self-reflection. "Sure you can. It doesn't mean you have to give up on trying to change the world, but if you're not happy with the way things are going, maybe you need to try a different approach."

Mia gently probed, "If I may ask, why are you on the floor?"

Evangeline's response came with a matter-of-fact simplicity. "I was trying to put socks on, and I fell down. Then I saw a book, and I started reading it."

A hint of worry creased Mia's brow. "You're not hurt, are you?"

Evangeline pondered for a moment, her brows furrowing slightly as she considered the question. "Hurt," she repeated. "Not that I'm aware of."

Mia's curiosity was coupled with a touch of amusement. "And you didn't bother to get up?"

"Get up," Evangeline echoed. "There were no urgent matters to attend to, and I had a book to read."

A touch of exasperation mingled with Mia's relief. "How long ago was that?"

"How long." Evangeline's gaze drifted upwards as she pondered the passage of time. "Maybe two or three hours. Sekhmet fell asleep, and I didn't want to disturb her."

Concern for Evangeline's well-being surged within Mia. "Have you remembered to eat and stay hydrated?"

Evangeline considered the question with a measured pause, her mind processing the information before responding. "I had some cannabis tea with lemon juice this morning, but I doubt that it was an adequate source of sustenance."

"It really isn't. You should eat something," Mia insisted, her worry transforming into a nurturing tone.

Evangeline acknowledged the suggestion with gratitude. "Thank you for reminding me. I suppose I should do that at the earliest opportunity."

"Just move the cat," Mia suggested, her tone light.

"Move the cat," Evangeline repeated, the idea settling into her mind. She considered the feasibility for a moment, her thoughtful gaze revealing her contemplation. "That is technically possible, isn't it?"

Mia carefully lifted Sekhmet and placed her in a new location, giving Evangeline the space to stand up and complete her dressing routine. As Evangeline settled back into her surroundings, Mia's contemplative demeanor took hold, and she began to pace back and forth with an air of preoccupation. Evangeline observed Mia's actions, her curiosity piqued by the noticeable shift in Mia's mood.

Evangeline's inquiry came from a place of genuine concern and empathy. "Would you like to talk about what's bothering you?" Mia's response was simple and to the point. "Dalziel is set to be executed."

Evangeline's brows furrowed as she processed the information, and she sought clarification. "This is the Dalziel who trained you to be a child soldier, correct?"

Mia's nod was accompanied by a conflicted expression. "He's far from perfect. I know that. But I don't think he should die for it. I'm hoping I can convince Reinaldo to reconsider."

Evangeline's empathy guided her next question. "Do you think you can?"

Mia sighed. "I sincerely doubt it."

Evangeline's caring concern prompted her to ask, "Do you have a plan for if you are unable to persuade him?"

Mia's shoulders slumped ever so slightly as she admitted, "Not really. I would have gladly followed Caoimhe through hell if necessary, but I doubt I'd do the same for Dalziel."

After being informed of Reinaldo's return to Earth, Mia again requested to be allowed to visit Dalziel, and her request was approved. Dalziel was escorted by armed guards and his hands were chained to a table. Mia, determined to ensure a moment of privacy despite the circumstances, requested that the guards leave. They hesitated but ultimately complied, leaving her alone with him.

Dalziel spoke with conviction. "They tried to tell me that meeting with you would be pointless. They said it wouldn't accomplish anything, but I know you better than that. I refused to believe that you would betray a comrade; a dear friend; your family."

Mia's response was tinged with a mix of sadness and resolve. "You know me well."

"Good to see you again," Dalziel continued. "It's been far too long."

Mia tried to suppress her inner turmoil. "I only wish it was under better circumstances."

Dalziel's chained hands rested on the table as he continued, his voice filled with sincerity. "You've grown up so much. 'Tis hard to believe that you were that frightened little girl I first met ten years ago. I wish Caoimhe could see you now. How have you been?"

Mia sighed, her worry evident. "Stressed. Evangeline has been concerned but supportive, while I'm increasingly unsure of whether I'm doing the right thing."

Dalziel leaned in closer, his eyes filled with understanding and empathy. "You and I haven't always agreed on everything. But I've never had any doubt in your commitment to what's right. I just worry you're losing sight of what that is, and what you just said confirms it. We may have somewhat different views, but I know you know this path you're on now is taking you in the wrong direction."

Mia acknowledged his concern with a solemn nod. "I know."

"I live for Ireland," Dalziel declared firmly. "I am prepared to die for Ireland. My country is my life. That's who I am. I know national identity means very little to you, but surely you must understand. I dedicated my life to bringing freedom and justice to Ireland, only to be labeled a counter-revolutionary by a foreign invader."

Mia's gaze didn't waver. "So why did you surrender?"

"There was no other option. I did it for the good of the Irish people. I am ready to die for them if I must, but I know you know it shouldn't have to be this way."

The guards returned, unexpectedly accompanied by Reinaldo and Jared.

"Hello, Mia," Reinaldo greeted. "I am not surprised to find you meeting with this prisoner. I understand that you are close."

"I admire your commitment to your ideals," said Mia. "That is why I hope dearly that you will be merciful. Everything he has done, he did out of love for Ireland."

Reinaldo's response was measured but decisive. "I am quite familiar with the work of Dalziel O'Shaughnessy."

Mia's voice conveyed a mix of relief and hope. "I'm glad you understand."

Reinaldo's response carried a weight that shifted the tone of the conversation. "Of course. It is for this reason that he must die."

Mia's shock was palpable as she uttered a single word. "What?"

"It was his dedication to the cause which resulted in his willingness to work with fascists, soliciting aid from two Nazi officials, and that is unacceptable."

Mia pressed her point with a hint of frustration. "Those Nazis you're referring to actively sabotaged their own government from within, and while I can certainly understand your condemnation of them in principle, you then condemn Dalziel for negotiating with them, which is rather hypocritical considering the fact that you then recruited them to serve you."

Reinaldo maintained his stern stance, countering Mia's argument. "They worked within a fascist system, knowingly participating in the very same atrocities they personally opposed. Evil acts which they overlooked and through their inaction allowed to take place for the sake of maintaining their cover. They willingly compromised their own morals to further their agenda, and while their intelligence was appreciated, it is no longer needed, and so there was no longer any reason to keep them alive, but worry not. Their son, Heinrich, is alive and well. It is quite a shame that he must grow up without his parents, but those parents he had were Nazis. Thus, they have been executed, and the prisoner now before us shall meet the same fate."

Mia's desperation was evident in her final plea. "I urge you to reconsider."

Reinaldo's decision remained unyielding. "I already have. I originally planned to have him hanged at dawn. You reminded me that he is too dangerous, and this simply cannot wait. He is to be shot upon my command."

Mia impulsively reached for her gun. Then, she remembered that it had been confiscated at the door. Standard procedure in a prison, really. Mia was no match for the guards. Any move she made against Reinaldo would mean certain death. As the guards placed Dalziel against the wall, he looked to Mia, but said nothing. His look was not one of fear or anger, but simply one of disappointment. Mia looked to Reinaldo.

"I wanted to believe you would make this world better," said Mia, her voice filled with disappointment. "If you were to spare Dalziel, perhaps that may convince me that you may yet bring the positive change this world desperately needs."

Reinaldo's response was resolute, reflecting his unwavering commitment to his vision. "I understand, but my decision has been made."

Mia looked to Jared. "Dalziel is your family. How can you just stand by and let this happen?"

"I literally executed my own brother," Jared pointed out. "Family means very little to me, although my dear Mother was an exception, as she actually understood me, but she was killed on Dalziel's orders."

"Dalziel didn't kill your mother," Mia declared. "I did."

Jared sighed. "I should have guessed. In any case, though, it's not my place to question Reinaldo's decisions. I owe so much to him, and trust his judgment."

"Enough." Reinaldo then turned to Dalziel. "Do you have any last words?"

Dalziel's response was a reflection of his unwavering dedication to his cause. "I did what I had to do in service to my people, and so I am willing to accept this fate."

Mia's continued protest rang in the air. "This isn't right."

Reinaldo, in a surprising gesture, acknowledged her conviction. "If that is how you truly feel, then I shall respect it. You should follow your conscience."

Incredulous, Mia questioned Reinaldo's sincerity. "Do you really believe that?"

"I think you are mistaken," Reinaldo answered, "but if you believe I am the one doing wrong, you should do what you think is right. I intend to follow my own conscience."

With a gesture, Reinaldo signaled the guards. The sound of gunfire pierced the air, and Mia couldn't bring herself to witness the final moments. She turned away and walked from the scene, her heart heavy with the knowledge that she had been powerless to change the course of events. Mia's hurried steps carried her home, where Rico and Satori soon joined her. Their somber expressions reflected the weight of the recent events.

"I heard about Dalziel," said Rico. "You have my condolences."

"I can't do this anymore," Mia confessed with a sense of finality.

Confusion etched Rico's face. "What are you talking about?"

Mia's resolve was unwavering. "I cannot work with Reinaldo any longer."

Rico attempted to reason with her. "I know you're upset, but this is bigger than any of us."

Mia's frustration was evident. "I can't forgive him. There's got to be a better way."

Rico tried to make her see the bigger picture. "You don't have to forgive him. You don't have to like him. But you have to recognize what Reinaldo represents to this world."

Mia acknowledged the complexity of the situation. "I know, and that's why I tolerated all of it for so long. I know that his intentions are good, but that doesn't change that he's wrong."

Rico probed further, trying to understand her shift in perspective. "After everything that came before, it's only too much now that it affects you personally? You've always maintained that personal feelings shouldn't get in the way of the ultimate goal. Why should this be different?"

Mia admitted her own hypocrisy. "Truthfully, Dalziel's killing was nothing particularly different from what Reinaldo was already doing to dissidents. The only difference now is that I am no longer willing to overlook the atrocities that were already being committed. I was a hypocrite. I accept that. I was wrong. I'll not make excuses for myself, just as I'll no longer make excuses for Reinaldo."

Rico grappled with the complexity of the situation. "I understand. But I can't just walk away from my work."

Mia reminded him, "You were reluctant to join Reinaldo in the first place. You were skeptical of my decision to do so. But now that I've decided to leave, you want me to reconsider."

Evangeline chimed in. "Try looking at things from his perspective. He probably sees your actions the same way."

Mia was taken aback. "What are you talking about? I thought you were on my side."

"I am," Evangeline clarified. "But think about it. The very flaws that you were initially willing to overlook were ultimately the reason you left, once they became too hard for you to ignore because you were personally affected. You made the right call in the end, but that was after you made the mistake of joining in the first place."

Rico made a final plea. "Reinaldo isn't perfect, I know. But he's probably the best we'll ever get. He's done more to improve this world in such a short time than anyone else, and that has to count for something."

Mia acknowledged the truth in his words. "I know," she replied. "But he won't fix everything because he's still part of the problem. I don't have a solution, but I know that expansion of state power and taking the entire planet hostage aren't part of it."

"We seem to be at an impasse here," said Rico. "Very well then. You should do what you think is right. But I've already made my decision."

Mia nodded slowly. "That's quite a shame. But I understand all too well. I can only hope you'll someday learn the error of your ways, just as I did. Now on to the more pressing issue. Why did you bring Satori?"

Rico's sigh carried a touch of exasperation. "I really wish you'd ease up about him already."

Mia's response was candid, her intentions clear. "I don't think he's a bad person, and I have no ill will toward him. I just still don't know him well enough to trust him."

Rico's plea for understanding was tinged with a note of longing. "I'd really like you to at least try getting to know him. You've never put in much effort to do so."

Mia's tone softened as she acknowledged his sentiment. "'Twould mean a lot to you if we got along, wouldn't it?"

Rico's admission was heartfelt. "Yes. Maybe this isn't the best time to bring this up, but Satori and I are going to get married, and I'd like to have your support if at all possible."

Mia's surprise was evident. "When did you decide to get married?"

Satori's voice carried a sense of warmth as he shared the story. "In July, Rico and I went to a festival in Kyoto, where I grew up. It's basically the only major Japanese city that went essentially unscathed during the war. It was a nice, romantic outing. As the night drew to a close, I kneeled on one knee and held Rico's hand. I asked him to marry me. He cried and said yes."

Mia sought clarification. "I mean when are you getting married?"

"That hasn't been decided yet," said Rico. "There's a lot we haven't decided yet, but we were thinking of just having a small ceremony with friends and family."

As Rico and Satori bid their farewells and left, Mia closed the door behind them, a storm of emotions swirling within her. The weight of her thoughts was palpable, and she found herself needing an outlet. With a mix of frustration and determination, she clutched a pillow to her face and let out a scream to release the pent-up tension that had been building.

Evangeline's curiosity and concern shone through as she asked, "Are you all right?"

Mia's response was laced with irritation. "No, I'm pissed off."

Evangeline's caring nature prompted her to offer her assistance. "Oh. How can I help?"

Mia's words carried a sense of resignation. "I don't think you can. But don't worry about it. I'll manage."

Evangeline's concern persisted. "So, what can I do for you, then?" Mia's request was simple but heartfelt. "Just be here. That's more than enough. Even if I can't change the world, I can at least try to help you with whatever you need."

Evangeline saw this as an opportunity to share her feelings about their current living situation. "To be completely honest, while I do like Dublin, I really don't like living on a boat. I never did."

Mia replied with understanding, "I might be able to do something about that. But if we move out of here, we're going to need a new home."

Evangeline offered a practical suggestion. "They're literally giving them away for free. You'd just have to submit a request to the housing department."

Mia expressed her reservations. "I know, but I really don't want to deal with Reinaldo's government just on principle."

Evangeline's plea was grounded in their shared desires. "You know I'm not good with paperwork. But if you just set aside your resentment toward Reinaldo, you could easily get us a new home. Don't you want that?"

Mia's reluctance was evident. "Ugh! Of course I want that. But I don't want to do it."

Evangeline made a heartfelt offer. "If you do this, I'll get you whatever you want."

Mia couldn't resist the temptation. "Anything?"

Evangeline clarified, "Within reason, of course, and within my own ability."

With that, Mia assured her, "Then I'll take care of it."

"Thank you."

Mia's decision to submit a home request marked a pivotal moment of change in their lives. As they left El Leon behind and embarked on the walk to their new Dublin home, a sense of anticipation and excitement hung in the air. Evangeline's emerald-green eyes sparkled with joy as they took in the sight of the modest abode that would soon be their own. The golden-brown waves of her hair danced with the breeze, and her frilled magenta dress added a splash of color to the scene. Mia, with her black beret and umbrella, created a striking contrast, and her focus was solely on Evangeline.

Extending her right hand, Mia's gesture was met with a firm hold from Evangeline's left. The corners of Evangeline's lips curved upward into a joyful smile, her eyes glistening with tears of happiness. With a sense of shared purpose, Evangeline used her free hand to open the door, allowing them to step into their new home together.

As they entered, their eyes swept across the interior. The space was empty except for the presence of Sekhmet. "Sekhmet, what are you doing here?" Evangeline inquired. "And wasn't Henrietta going to take care of getting stuff here?"

Mia's concern mirrored Evangeline's confusion. "That's what Rico told me. Maybe they're just late. I probably should have checked."

Mia decided to call Rico for an explanation. He answered promptly. "Hello?"

Mia got straight to the point. "Why isn't our stuff here?"

Rico explained the situation. "Unexpected meeting came up."

Mia couldn't hide her frustration. "You could have just done that and let Henrietta handle this like she said she would."

Rico revealed more details. "She's part of it, too. I asked her to join us. Satori, too."

Concerned about the delay, Mia pressed further. "When will the meeting be over?"

Rico assured her, "It already finished. We're on our way now."

Mia, eager to get their belongings and settle into their new home, issued a firm directive. "Hurry up."

Evangeline's gentle reminder carried a note of understanding. "You should be nicer. They are doing a great service for us."

As Rico, Henrietta, and Satori arrived in a transport vehicle and began unpacking their belongings, Mia couldn't help but express her impatience.

"Took you long enough," she remarked, her tone laced with sarcasm.

Evangeline, however, offered gratitude. "Thank you for helping," she said sincerely.

Henrietta, undeterred by Mia's impatience, chimed in. "No problem."

"What's Satori doing here?" asked Mia. "He wasn't invited."

Rico quickly defended his decision. "I figured that having another person to help out couldn't hurt. It makes things a little easier."

"Honestly, I'm just glad to be able to help out here," Henrietta commented. "I would have gotten you two a housewarming gift, but I'm not really sure what you like."

Evangeline reassured her. "It's fine, don't worry about it. Your assistance is more than enough, and I'm just happy to be here with Mia in a new home."

Mia chimed in, sharing the sentiment. "And I'm already content. Besides, Evangeline already gave me the best housewarming gift I could have asked for."

Henrietta was intrigued. "What do you mean?"

"She said I could have anything I wanted, and the choice was obvious," Mia declared with a mischievous grin.

"And what would that be?" Rico asked.

Mia reached into her pocket and pulled out a pair of white panties adorned with a pattern of illustrated cat faces. "Her unwashed underwear," Mia announced. Holding the panties up, she brought them to her face, taking a deep breath with a theatrical flourish.

Rico couldn't hide his shock. "What the fuck, Mia?"

Evangeline blushed deeply, her hands covering her face as she crouched down in embarrassment. "Mia, that was supposed to be a secret."

"You should have said so," Mia replied.

"You two are an interesting couple, to say the least," Henrietta remarked.

After everything was unloaded and unpacked, Rico and Mia shared a brief but heartfelt hug.

"You're still my family, and I still love you," Mia said sincerely. "Take care. And please visit sometime."

Rico reciprocated the sentiment. "I wish you the best. See you later."

Mia sat beside Evangeline, and the two hugged for a while. Then, there was a knock at the door. Mia groaned, and stood up, walking to the door.

"What?" Mia exclaimed with a frustrated tone. She opened the door to find Susan standing there.

Susan's response carried a mix of warmth and humor. "I missed you, too."

Mia's curiosity was piqued, and she inquired, "What brings you here?"

Susan's expression grew somber as she shared the reason for her visit. "I understand that Dalziel was killed. Devara and I brought Leith to Dublin so he could pay his tributes at his brother's grave."

Mia's features softened as she processed this information, and she nodded in understanding. "I see. How's Leith holding up?"

"He's managing. It's been a tough time for him," Susan replied.

Mia's curiosity got the better of her. "So, what have you been up to?"

Susan's response carried a sense of accomplishment and dedication. "After India was liberated, we liquidated our surplus assets for redistribution among the masses to help rebuild. Even though it didn't remain independent as we'd hoped, the nation is still making progress and faring better than it did under British rule."

"So, where do you intend to go from here?" Mia asked.

Susan's response carried a sense of purpose. "Lotusol, actually."

"Why?" asked Mia. "What's out there?"

Susan's answer revealed a deeply personal quest. "There's a small chance that our parents could still be alive."

Mia's surprise was evident as she processed this information. "I thought Seraphim killed them."

Susan corrected the misconception with a somber tone. "Actually, she sold them to the Ayaixt Empire to live out their lives in slavery. It's not really all that different, though, so we kind of just assumed they were dead."

"What changed?" asked Mia.

"A possible lead, in Ayaixt Imperial territory. Right now we're waiting on a service that specializes in the field. Simón, surprisingly enough, was the one who brought the service to our attention. We ran into him on Lotusol. Mirtille was with him."

Mia's brow furrowed in confusion. "What were they doing on that side of the galaxy?"

"They had been living as fugitives, avoiding the Red Army," Susan said. "But someone named Jennifer Levin started pursuing Simón, and that's when they decided to leave Earth. I'm not entirely sure of the details; I wasn't paying much attention."

"Has that service you mentioned turned up any useful information?" asked Mia.

Susan's expression was one of tempered hope. "Very little thus far that we didn't already know, but it could take them a while to go through their database and all of their connections. It's agonizing, but we've been hopeful. This, however, couldn't wait. Leith and Dalziel were close. He needed a chance to say goodbye."

"Why did you come to see me?" Mia asked.

"Devara and Leith are meeting up with Alice and Zwoylemft, who already happened to be in the area," Susan explained.

The mention of Alice brought back memories for Mia. "Alice is alive? I haven't heard anything from her in quite a while. Who is Zwoylemft?"

Susan provided context. "Zwoylemft is Alice's girlfriend. She's also the mother of your friend, Pwalvaserk, who will be here soon, along with her girlfriend."

Mia couldn't hide her surprise. "Pwalvaserk has a girlfriend?"

Susan responded with a hint of amusement. "Yes. Your other friend, Iminathi. You really don't pay much attention to the lives of your friends, do you?"

"I guess not," Mia conceded. "How have you been?"

Susan reflected on her experiences. "Fairly well, all things considered. It's been a very different life than what I was used to, but it's been tranquil and humbling."

"Strange to hear that from you," Mia commented.

"Oh, I know," Susan said with a smile. "But I've had plenty of time to think about the past, as well as the future. What about you?"

Mia shared her recent experiences and inner turmoil. "I thought I could make a difference by working with Reinaldo. I was mistaken. He's done so much good for the world, without a doubt, but there are cruel and vengeful aspects of his policies that I just can't support. I had to leave."

"Looks like you've grown as a person, too," Susan observed. "I remember when vengeance was your driving force in life. What is it now?"

Mia's response was filled with sincerity. "Love. Compassion. Justice."

Susan couldn't help but tease her, "Still as naïvely idealistic as ever, I see."

Mia smiled and accepted the comment. "Well, I guess some things never change."

"You were always so devoted to your work," said Susan. "Have you been up to anything lately?"

Mia shared her recent focus. "Just embracing my love and taking care of myself. I don't really know how I can fix the world at this point."

Susan offered a comforting perspective. "You don't have to. It's okay to take a break from working to focus on healing. Don't forget that."

"Reinaldo is basically doing almost everything I was going to do, on a global scale, with remarkable efficiency," said Mia. "I don't exactly approve of his approach in its entirety, and I find some of his decisions inexcusable, but I don't have the means or knowledge to really do better."

"Then focus on what you can do," Susan suggested. "You don't have to fix everything. Just do what you can. That's good enough."

Mia took a deep breath and nodded. "I know you're right. I just feel so lost."

"You're not lost," Susan reassured her. "You're just taking a different path than you originally intended. That's okay. You'll find your way. I'm sure of it."

"Susan!" Devara called out. Leith, Hendrika, Alice, Zwoylemft, Pwalvaserk, and Iminathi were by his side. They quickly approached.

Mia welcomed them with a bittersweet smile. "A long overdue reunion. I wish it could be under better circumstances."

Devara's tone was cautious. "We can't stay long, unfortunately. It probably isn't safe for us to be meeting."

"But we're doing it anyway," Alice added. "It's been a while, Mia. Zwoylemft, Hendrika, and I are going with them to help their search."

"You're going to help them," said Hendrika. "I never said I would."

"How are your parents?" asked Mia.

Alice shared a grim truth. "I never did get them to accept me, but it doesn't really matter. They were killed by authorities who were looking for me and Hendrika. For what it's worth, though, they did apparently refuse to give the military any information about us."

Zwoylemft explained her decision to join the group. "I don't have much of any sort of opinion of Devara or Susan. However, they said that when they have the opportunity, they can take me and my daughter back home, which I simply couldn't refuse."

Pwalvaserk's determination was clear in her words. "And of course, I didn't want to leave without Iminathi."

Iminathi summed up her perspective succinctly. "I had no reason to decline, and every reason to accept."

"Is Evangeline home?" Pwalvaserk asked.

"I am," Evangeline declared. "I didn't want to interrupt."

Iminathi extended a warm welcome to Evangeline. "You're a part of our friend group. You're welcome to join the conversation."

"It's fine," said Evangeline. "I don't really have much to say. But I would like a group hug, if I may."

Without hesitation, Mia, Evangeline, Iminathi, and Pwalvaserk gathered into a huddle, embracing in a heartfelt group hug that communicated a deep sense of connection.

"Please take good care of yourselves and each other," Evangeline expressed her well-wishes. "Maybe visit sometime, or maybe we could visit you."

"I'd like that," Pwalvaserk said with a smile.

Iminathi extended an invitation. "Are you sure you two don't want to come along?"

Mia considered her situation. "I still have some things to work out here on Earth."

Evangeline affirmed her commitment. "Wherever she goes, I intend to follow."

Pwalvaserk understood their commitment. "Of course."

Iminathi respected their choices. "I understand."

"You two are a cute couple," said Evangeline. "You must understand that Mia and I are a couple as well, and the lengths we will go to for each other."

Pwalvaserk was quick to acknowledge their perspective. "Absolutely, and I can't blame either of you. Just know, our relationship isn't necessarily monogamous."

Iminathi chimed in, emphasizing their open-mindedness. "And the two of you would make welcome additions. No pressure. Just something to think about."

Mia's response indicated a certain uncertainty. "Oh. I mean, we never really defined our relationship parameters, so I don't know."

Evangeline clarified her stance on the matter. "Exclusivity has never been a concern for me. As long as all involved parties are consenting, I'm content with it. But as it stands now, I remain committed to staying with Mia wherever she goes."

Pwalvaserk conveyed an open invitation. "Just think about it. Maybe when we meet again."

"I'd love to stay and talk, but right now, I don't have anything to say," said Leith. "We should be going soon."

Susan expressed gratitude for the conversation. "Although brief, catching up a bit has been nice. If you're ever in the vicinity of Lotusol, maybe try looking for us."

Mia's response was heartfelt. "I'd like that. I wish the best for all of you."

Devara shared a parting wish. "Thank you. Take care."

Alice offered words of caution and care. "Be safe. And be smart."

Mia assured them. "I will."

"I don't really know either of you all that well," said Hendrika. "We never took the time for that. So, good riddance, I guess."

Mia responded with humor and affection. "I'll miss you, too."

"Have fun!" Evangeline called out.

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