Hot Topic Hottie // Klance AU

By HeckingColdOutside

68.9K 3.2K 4.2K

Lance has a huge crush on one of the employees at the Hot Topic across from the Sephora he works in at Voltro... More

9 - the REAL chap. 8


9.4K 457 1K
By HeckingColdOutside


Or I just finally got wattpad to work at home so its about to rain updates in here. Anyways, ive decided that im making Opposites Attract my main focus as of now (go check it out if you haven't!) so these chapters are going to be fairly short. Like i've said before, this fic is mostly comic relief and a way for me to vent when im emotional. What can I say, writing calms me! Enjoy this update!

Lance stood on the threshold of Hot Topic, practically shaking. Yes, the boy he'd completely fallen for was in there, less than 15 feet away. But that was the problem. Lance had never gone so far as 15 inches into a Hot Topic, much less 15 feet. There was a reason he worked at Sephora. He could hear what sounded like a Panic! song playing inside. Deciding to take his chances after spotting some band shirts he liked, he took a deep breath and stepped in. 

The employee didn't look up. In fact, he walked into the stock room. 

Well shit there goes plan A of "he just notices you right away and conversation flows from there" Lance thought to himself. Each step further in was like a step into a nightmare. This store was very dark, unlike the almost blinding interior of Sephora. Almost everything was black, with patches of bright colors here and there on shirts or accessories. The band shirts were mostly in the back left, next to the stock room door and the pop figures. He quietly slipped past the cash register, which was basically a large square with one wall made of glass cabinets and the two sides serving as registers. The back was mostly open aside from a piece holding collectibles and other trinkets. The cashier was fairly short, with messy tufts of caramel hair and large glasses. They wore a baggy green shirt with an alien on it. Makes sense, this is Hot Topic, Lance thought. Finally he stood in front of the shirts. He looked at shirts ranging from older bands like Metallica and Pink Floyd to newer ones like Fall Out Boy and Panic! At The Disco. He was about to grab a decent looking Panic! shirt when a song started playing. Lance didn't know his significance, but apparently it meant something to the employees. The second the first note was played, the cashier's head snapped up, and they pushed up onto the counter and screamed. 

"Keith get your emo ass out here it's our theme song!" They called. 

"I'd already be there if you ever cleaned up back here!" Keith replied, stepping out of the stock room. Lance couldn't help but stare as he joined the cashier behind the register and the two began dramatically singing the song together. 

His name was Keith. Lance turned back to the shirts, a blush covering his face. Keith had dark hair that was just long enough to be pulled back into a ponytail, and dark eyes, almost indigo in color. He was beautiful. 

And then Lance tripped over one of the supports for a rack of clothing and fell on his face. 

"Are you okay?" A foggy sounding voice asked. Lance opened his eyes and looked up to see a very fuzzy image of Keith. 

Then he passed out. 


ok this chapter is mildly based on real events... the layout of the HT is modeled after the layout of the HT in PV Mall (idk why i live in Arizona its kinda shit) and the first time I went in no shit I tripped over a rack and almost fell on my face. 

Also if yall dont know what song Pidge and Keith freak out over then im disowning you as one of my beans. 

Shoutout to shiros_eyeliner for getting me to stop eating the cake I made for Lance's birthday long enough to write this. 


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