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Sup fuckers contrary to popular belief I am NOT dead (i know right huge shocker there) however I am super busy hence the lack of updates. But after realizing exactly how long it's been since i've updated this specific fic and seeing how much you guys love it, I thought WHY NOT. Its this or finish my APUSH homework so... no thanks. This chapter has had no planning whatsoever so i'm sorry in advance if it's shit. I barely remember chapter 6. But what I have planned for this chapter? All i'll say now is it was worth the wait ;)

Oh! And there's a song mentioned in this chapter. I'll bold where it starts, but the song is "It Won't Kill Ya" by The Chainsmokers (feat. Louane) if you want to listen along! 

Keith sat there, staring at himself in the mirror, frozen. His eyes scanned over every detail of his face, each little touch flawless and shimmering. Lance stood behind him, fidgeting. 

"So, do you... you know... like it?" Lance finally asked after a whole minute of silence from the both of them. In the mirror, he saw Keith's lips move, but only heard faint muttering. "Sorry, what?" He said, walking a bit closer. 

"I'm... I'm pretty. You made me pretty," Keith said, making eye contact with Lance in the mirror before turning to face him. Lance blushed slightly but blamed it on the heat from the mirror's lights. 

"Me? Nah. I just enhanced what was already there. You were already gorgeous before I even-" Lance froze when he realized what he'd just said. Keith looked at him for a moment, expression unreadable, before giving a small smile. A buzzing phone interrupted the moment, and caused both boys to jump a little. 

"Shit, Shiro needs me back at Hot Topic. I gotta run. And uh, thank you, Lance," Keith said as he stood, grabbing his bag. 

"Anytime, Keithy boy," Lance said, earning a small laugh from Keith, who then turned to walk out of Sephora. As his hand touched the door handle, he paused, turning back to Lance for a moment. 

"Hey, Lance?" He called quietly.

"Yeah?" Lance said, not looking up from where he'd begun cleaning the makeup counter. 

"My shift ends in an hour, do you-" Keith stopped for a moment, taking a deep breath. "Do you want to grab dinner after?" He finished quietly, suddenly finding the floor tiles very interesting. He looked up again when he heard the clattering of a foundation bottle hitting the counter. There stood Lance, staring at him, hand frozen mid-air where the bottle had slipped from his hand. He took a deep breath, picking up the bottle he'd dropped. 

"That sounds nice. Yeah, I'd like that," Lance replied, smiling softly at Keith. 

"See you then?" Keith asked, pushing the door open. 

"Yeah, see you then," Lance replied, catching the smile on Keith's face as he turned to run back to Hot Topic. He then turned to look at himself in the mirror. His outfit for the day was nice enough: high tops, skinny jeans, and a deep blue turtleneck. The rest of him? Such as the apron covered in makeup and his own face and hair? He essentially had a date in an hour. A date with a very cute boy who after actually talking to him instead of just staring at him he found he was falling for hard. "Okay Lance," he said to himself. "One hour. You can do this." With that, he rushed around the store, grabbing exactly what he needed without even looking at the products, before plopping down into the makeup chair and facing the mirror. 


"Shiro this is a problem!" Keith shouted as he walked into the thankfully empty Hot Topic. Shiro looked up at him from the counter, eyes going wide. 

"First, calm down. Second, are you wearing makeup? Third, what's the problem?" Shiro asked. Keith set his bag down on the counter and began to pace around the store. 

Hot Topic Hottie // Klance AUWhere stories live. Discover now