Rough Heart | ethan dolan

De bymarsammie

3.4M 104K 191K

some people say that the most important things in life cannot be seen or even touched; they are felt with the... Mais

before reading
[one - eric & gregory?]
[two - secrets & fights]
[three - making a deal]
[four - another fight?]
[five - defending ethan & charlie's downfall]
[six - cleaning the mess]
[seven - helping ethan & finding a note]
[eight - can't take it anymore]
[nine - samantha hughes?]
[ten - jealousy, kayaking, & changing ethan]
[eleven - introducing robert]
[twelve - coming up for fresh air]
[thirteen - where's ethan?]
[fourteen - skipping class]
[fifteen - confessions & finding ethan]
[sixteen - love?]
[seventeen - revealing & talking]
[eighteen - shhh, i'm sleeping]
[nineteen - football team & locke howard]
[twenty - birthday party plans & a heartbeat]
[twenty one - football tryouts & finding another note]
[twenty two - anne's painting & homecoming plans]
[twenty three - mother's know everything & ethan breaking the rules]
[twenty four - the damn car horn]
[twenty five - "hell"coming pt.1]
[twenty six - "hell"coming pt.2]
[twenty seven - "hell"coming pt.3]
[twenty eight - talking it out & making a promise]
[twenty nine - another note & disappointing anne]
[thirty - convincing the principal]
[thirty one - a present for ethan & an unexpected call]
[thirty two - helping anne & ethan's birthday gift]
[thirty three - E&G's birthday party pt.1]
[thirty four - E&G's birthday party pt.2]
[thirty five - E&G's birthday party pt.3]
[thirty six - the aftermath of disaster]
[thirty seven - time to explain]
[thirty eight - the story of ethan's past]
[thirty nine - "for you, jess"]
[forty - have you ever?]
[forty one - first time in a long time]
[forty two - charlie's return & anne's news]
[forty three - understanding, a bucket list, & a sleepover]
[forty four - a night spent with ethan]
[forty five - ethan vs. charlie... pt.2?]
[forty six - "he needs me."]
[forty seven - we can never go back]
[forty eight - samantha spills]
[forty nine - emotional anne & finding a final note]
🔴[news - NOT A CHAPTER (please read!)]
[fifty - leaving for new jersey]
[fifty one - new jersey wedding weekend pt.1]
[fifty three - new jersey wedding weekend pt.3]
[fifty four - new jersey wedding weekend pt.4]
[fifty five - graduation gowns & dreaded words]
[fifty six - the days after anne]
artwork and news

[fifty two - new jersey wedding weekend pt.2]

50.8K 1.5K 4.5K
De bymarsammie


no, like, seriously. this chapter contains some serious graphic content. please skip over it if you are uncomfortable, or too young to read.

thanks ;)


Still half asleep, I press the "L" button in the elevator, and lean against the left side of it as it descends down the hotel.

I start to wonder what the hell Ethan could possibly want at 2:54 in the morning.

I rub my eyes as the elevator doors slide away from each other, revealing the dark lobby. It has an eerie feeling, considering the fact that nobody is down here and it's almost completely dark. The only light that is provided are the few lamps on side tables that are turned on throughout the lobby. I squint my eyes in an attempt to see a bit better.

I exit the elevator and trot over to a lounge area, filled with fancy couches and chairs. I glimpse down at the smooth, marble flooring beneath me on my way, still not completely used to the fanciness of the hotel.

I scan the lobby for Ethan, but don't see him anywhere. I shrug to myself and take a seat on one of the many couches, deciding that I'm too tired to try and search for him. I glance over at the large front desk, and am somewhat surprised when I don't see anyone working there. Maybe they're taking a break.

I suddenly feel two hands on my shoulders and smile when I feel a kiss on the top of my forehead.

"Hiii, baby," Ethan coos into my ear.

I smile and lean against his arm before turning around to face him. 

"Were you not even going to try to look for me?" He grins.

"I was too tired. You know it's three in the morning, right?"

He chuckles lightly before removing his hands from my shoulders and walking around to join me on the couch.

"Yes, I do," he whispers, "but I couldn't sleep."

I tilt my head, admiring his sleepy face and messy bed hair.

"Why?" I ask.

I reach over to grab one of his hands, and begin to twiddle with his fingers. I love his hands.

"Too much on my mind." He eventually replies.

I look into his eyes, granting him a small smile. 

"Well, let's talk about it, then," I suggest, suddenly waking up a bit.

He perks up, shifting in his position next to me. He lifts his legs onto the couch and crosses them, facing me completely.

"I guess I'm just nervous about the wedding tomorrow, I don't know." He shrugs.

"I am too." I admit.

"I just want everything to go smoothly for my mom, you know? I hope tomorrow is everything she wants it to be and more. She deserves it."

I nod.

"I agree."

He puckers his lips, looking down at our connected hands. His head hovers over them.

I realize that I am no longer playing with his hands, and he is now the one twiddling with mine. I watch as he interlocks our fingers, then releases them. Then interlocks them again, then releases them.

"Don't worry, Ethan. I promise everything will be alright. Tomorrow is going to be fun." I tell him, and mean it.

It's so incredibly sweet of him to be worried about his mom. I know tomorrow means a lot to him, too.

He sighs, remaining silent.

Then, he suddenly stands up from the couch, only turning back at me for a brief second to smirk. He reaches out to grab my hand.

"What are we doing?" I ask.

"I need to do something to clear my mind. C'mon," his smirk widens.

I hesitantly reach my hand out to his, and he quickly grasps it and lifts me up from the couch. I follow behind him as we walk through the dark lobby and over to one of the many long hallways of the hotel. We laugh as he eagerly drags me along.

"Ethan! What are we doing?!"

"You'll see."

We walk to the middle of the long hallway, which is a bit more lit than the lobby. I can see Ethan much better, which I love.

The hallway is filled with hotel rooms, all labeled numbers ranging from 101 to 120.

Ethan releases my hand from his grip, and gives me one last look before bolting down the hallway.

"What the hell are you doing-"

"Shhh! You'll wake people up!" He whisper-yells back at me.

I try to cover my laughter, but to no avail.

I continue to watch him as he is now at the end of the hallway, staring at me. He slides off his shoes, and I cross my arms over my chest, ready to see what the hell he is about to do.

With a running head-start, he rushes towards me, and then slides over the marble flooring in his socks. I laugh as he slides all the way down the hallway, and even past me a bit.

I shake my head at him, both of us erupting in laughter.

"Are you impressed?" He asks, walking over to me.

"Impressed?" I chuckle, "I'm astounded!"

Ethan bites his lip before laughing harder than I have ever seen him laugh. He holds his stomach, bending over to catch his breath.

"That was amazing!" I add.

"I know. It's your turn, now," He wiggles his eyebrows.

"No way."

"Yes way."

"Mm-mm," I shake my head.

"Why? Are you afraid you can't top it?" He suggests, walking over to poke my side.

"Oh, I know I can top it,"

"Then show me." He pokes my other side.

I jokingly swat his hand away.


I smirk at him before rushing down the hallway, having no idea if I can pull this off. 

Only Ethan and I would be sliding around in our socks in a hotel lobby at three o-clock in the morning the night before his mother's wedding.

I love him.

"Alright, are you ready?" I ask him.


I slide off my shoes next to Ethan's, and start to do a few fake warm-up stretches. Ethan laughs at me from the other side of the hallway.

"Come on, already!" 

"Okay, okay!" 

I pretend to shoot him a look of intimidation, and before I can even think more about it I begin to run towards his as fast as I can. My hair flows behind me as I rush down the hallway, and when I am about halfway to Ethan, I jump up to slide in my socks.

I stumble a bit as my laughter begins to take over me again, and slide all the way into Ethan's chest.

He wraps his arms around me, picking me up off the marble hotel ground and spinning me around.

"That was incredible!" He laughs, still spinning me around in the air.

I giggle as I raise my arms into the air.

For the next who-knows-how-long, Ethan and I take turns sliding down the hallway to see who can make it the furthest. Ethan makes it all the way to room 116 from our starting point at room 101, which we both agree is pretty impressive. 

I also spend the next who-knows-how-long admiring Ethan and realizing how lucky I am to be here with him, and be able to know him this way and get to see this silly side of him. We really have come a long way.

I watch as Ethan slides down the hallway once again, trying to beat his record of room 116. He suddenly loses his balance and falls onto the hard flooring. The fall produces a loud "thud" noise, and I cover my mouth in laughter.

I rush over to him, leaning down to touch his arm.

"Oh my God," I laugh, "are you okay?"

He covers his face in embarrassment, but I see him trying to hold back his laughter.

"No," he jokes.

"It was going to happen at some point," I say, still laughing.

"I know, I was just kinda hoping it would be you," 

I scoff, hitting his arm. He pretends to wince back in pain, his deep chuckle still echoing throughout the hallway.

Out of nowhere, a door at the end of the hallway swings open. My eyes widen.

I know Ethan notices too when his laughter quickly comes to an end. I grab his arm in what feels like a millisecond and help him off the ground, and we both try our hardest not to laugh as we leave our shoes and stumble to run down the hallway.

I look back to see an elderly man walking out of the open hotel room door, and he definitely does not look happy to see us.

"What in the hell are you two hooligans doing out here at five in the morning, huh?! I 'outta call your parents about this foolish behavior!" He yells from behind us.

Five in the morning?! I guess we've been out here a lot longer than I thought. They're right when they say that time goes by fast when you're having fun.

A little too much fun, in this case.

Ethan bites his lip, trying to hold in his laughter as we continue to run down the hallway.

"Sorry, sir! Sweet dreams!" He yells back as we make it to the lobby.

Ethan and I run over to the elevator, and he presses the "up" button over and over again until the doors finally open. We rush inside, now pressing the "close" button until the doors close, trapping us inside.

Ethan closes his eyes, leaning against the elevator. Both of us are breathing hard from our little chase and we take a moment to catch our breath.

I look at him. He looks back at me. I chuckle a bit. Then he chuckles a bit. I start laughing. Then he starts laughing. And, before we know it, both of us are bursting out into laughter, unable to believe what just happened.

"I-I can't even..." Ethan begins, but is unable to finish.

"When you fell, it was so loud," I say in-between laughs.

"An old man, out of all people," he adds.

After a few more minutes of this, we finally are somehow able pull it together. We stare at each other from across the elevator, which still rests on the lobby floor.

I slowly walk over to his side of the elevator, and reach across him to press the "5" button.

As I pull away, Ethan gives me a certain look.

"What?" I whisper.

I stay in front of him, our faces only inches apart.

He takes his bottom lip in-between his teeth, looking down at my lips.

"I'm so in love with you, Jess." 

The way the words escape his lips comes out so innocent, and loving. It makes me want to cry.

"Oh, Ethan," I smile, reaching over to place my hand on his cheek, "I've been in love with you since the first moment I saw you."

He reaches his hand up from his side to grab my hand from his cheek. He removes it before placing both of his hands on each side of my face.

He finally crashes his lips onto mine and kisses me, hard.

This kiss is different from our others. This one is full of need, and desperation. We need each other so much right now, and the moment his lips touch mine, I only want more and more of him.

His lips move against mine so easily, and I kiss him back even harder. His lips are so warm against mine, and his usual taste of peppermint fills my mouth.

His tongue laps around mine in the most beautiful way and I continue to kiss him back with equal force.

He pushes me against the elevator wall, which is one of my favorite things that he likes to do when we kiss. He grabs my hands in his and holds them above us on the wall as he continues to deepen our kiss.

The elevator dings, an the doors open to reveal our floor.

Ethan stumbles back and releases my hands from his grip when we are greeted by a man in a business suit, entering the elevator.

Breathing hard, we both awkwardly smile at him as we exit the elevator. Ethan then runs his hands through his hair, a nervous habit of his.

"Good morning," the man tells us, nodding his head.

I gulp, still not fully recovered from my intimate kiss with Ethan.

"Morning, sir." Ethan forces another awkward smile.

I am relieved when the man finally disappears behind the elevator doors, leaving Ethan and I alone once again. 

We both sigh, then look at each other, and laugh.

"I can't believe it's five in the morning," Ethan says as we walk to our rooms.

A big part of me wants to continue what was happening in the elevator, but I know that its too early to do so. Anne's wedding is tomorrow, for goodness sake. We need some sleep.

"Me neither."

Both of us are mostly silent, which is how I know he isn't fully recovered yet, either.

I want nothing more than for him to kiss me again.

But, instead, he walks me to my hotel room door.

"Well, goodnight," he says, still breathing hard.

"Yeah, night." I say, sliding my key into my door.

I bite my lip as I slowly open the door, and feel Ethan walk the other way from behind me. Disappointment fills me as I close my door and pad over to my bed.

I try to recollect the night Ethan and I just had, but I don't even know where to begin. I smile to myself.

Then, I hear a light knock at the door.

My smile grows, and I rush over to open it.

"You're back," I can't hide my excitement.

He leans against the door frame, looking effortlessly amazing as usual.

"I told you that you wouldn't be staying in here alone tonight. Didn't I, sweetheart?"

The way he says the words comes out so smug and so sexy. I am so in love with him.

I catch him off guard by grabbing the middle of his shirt and pulling him into the room with me. He chuckles deeply as I shut the door behind me and instantly turn to press my lips onto his, not being able to wait a second longer.

He immediately reciprocates and wraps his arms around my waist as he kisses me. Our kiss is just as hard as it was in the elevator.

He grabs the bottom of my thighs and lifts me up, not breaking the kiss. I wrap my legs around him as he carries me to the hotel bed. 

I moan as he breaks our kiss and moves his lips down to my neck, sucking and biting on the skin. I love everything he does to me so, so much, but most of all- I love the feeling that only he can give me.

He gently places me down onto the bed and doesn't hesitate to jump on and hover over me, kissing me again. He lifts up for a moment, reaching down to take his shirt off, revealing his beautiful torso.

I reach up to run my hands over his abs, loving the feeling of them every time I am able to.

"Only for you, baby," he says before reaching down to kiss my neck again.

I love how cocky he is being tonight.

I never thought I would say that.

I copy his action and reach to the bottom of my shirt, beginning to pull it off. I feel his hands on top of mine as he helps me peel it off and throw it to the side.

"Eager?" I playfully ask him.

He bites his lip again.


I can't help but moan again when he places his hand on the bottom of my stomach, playing with the top of my underwear.

He teases me for a bit, simply playing with the material.

I pull away from his kiss, biting my lip to hold back another moan.

"Ethan," I whisper.

"What, baby?" He smirks.

His hand lowers a bit, touching the very top of the space between my legs.

I feel my cheeks become red.

"What do you want, baby?" He cockily asks, wanting to hear me say it.

His hand lowers even more, his fingers now grazing over my center.

"Y-you know," I say, suddenly not being able to even speak.

"Tell me,"

He now rubs his fingers over my center, working his way in. I close my eyes, enjoying the pleasure.

"Y-you, Ethan. I want you."

He grins.

"I'm all yours, baby."

He quickly begins to pump his fingers in and out of me, providing me with almost too much pleasure. My eyes remain closed as I now begin to appreciate how experienced Ethan is. He really knows what he is doing.

My legs begin to stiffen as he continues, now kissing my neck again as well. I hold onto his back, knowing I might leave a few marks with how tightly I am grasping onto him.

He then suddenly removes his hand, and goes to take off my pants completely. I help him push them down and off my legs, along with my underwear. All that is left on me is my bra.

"Jess, I would," he says, "but I don't have a condom."

I smile a bit, mentally thanking myself.

"I do. In the top of my suitcase."

Ethan shakes his head, fighting back a smile.

"You bad girl,"

I giggle as Ethan quickly jumps off the bed and rushes over to my suitcase. He retrieves the condom and kisses it, rising it into the air as if it is some sort of trophy. I laugh at his little display before he rushes back over on the bed.

Once he is over me once again, I feel much better. I help him take off his pants like he did me, and watch as he slips the condom over his shaft.

He lowers down onto me before finally slipping it in, entering me.

"Fuck, Jess," he whispers, which is like music to my ears. 

I love knowing I can provide as much pleasure to him as he does to me.

He begins to pump in and out of me, and both of us are equally infatuated with the situation. Ethan kisses me softly as he goes in and out of me, and I gain a bit of confidence and begin kissing his neck, encouraging him.

"I love that you trust me in this way," he confesses.

I smile against his shoulder.

"I would only ever trust you."

He begins to pump faster, leaving both of us speechless and our breathing rapid.

He finally reaches the end of his high, filling the condom. He takes in a deep breath before collapsing next to me on the bed.

We both take a moment to try and collect ourselves, but it seems impossible to do so.

I feel so much love for the boy next to me that I can't even put it into words. He is everything to me.

I don't care what ever happens to us. I don't care what the future holds. All I know is that whatever is in store for us, in this moment, he means more to me that anyone ever could.

"Thank you for taking my mind off of things," he eventually says, looking over at me.

"Thank you for coming back." I tell him, still thankful I heard him knocking on my door.

He grabs my hand and reaches it up to his warm, swollen lips to kiss it.

"Everything is going to be okay." I blurt, not even really knowing why.

He looks into my eyes.

"We're going to be okay." I add.


my bad. the wedding is next chapter, lol.

hopefully this chapter made up for it though ;) hahaha


thx for reading as always :)

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