The Hunters (First Draft)

By Chapel

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Marius is an evil assassin working for the Dark Legion during the time before recorded history little does he... More

Chapter 1: The Assassin & The Curse
Chapter 2: A New Begining
Chapter 3: Days of Decisions
Chapter 4:.... And so it begins
Chapter 5: A Night on the town
Chapter 6: Assassin's Trap
Chapter 7: Duel: Marius vs. Lamora
Chapter 9: Myths and Legends
Chapter 10: A Forgotten Enemy
Chapter 11: The Lira
Chapter 12: The Mountain, the Forest, & the Shadows
Chapter 13: The Strength of Darkness
Chapter 14: The Nightmare Set Forth
Chapter 15: A Prolonged Awakening
Chapter 16: Plans and Revelations
Chapter 17: Duel Kai'shin vs Marius
Chapter 18: The Seal of Truth and Deception
Chapter 19: Early Warning
Chapter 20: Duel: Reaver vs. Lamora
Chapter 21: The Seal of Love and Hate
Chapter 22: Trust
Chapter 23: New Alliance
Chapter 24: Blood feud
Chapter 25: An Unexpected Meeting
Chapter 26: Battle for the Gate of Psy
Chapter 27: Duel: Marius vs. Gorgamesh; The Immovable Object
Chapter 28: Psy
Chapter 29: Snake Eater
Chapter 30: Darkness
Chapter 31: Unwavering Commitment
Chapter 32 : The Seal of Wisdom and Ignorance
Chapter 33 The Compromise of Resentment For The Goal
Chapter 34 the Nature of Things

Chapter 8: Reaver

77 2 0
By Chapel

The Hunters

Chapter 8: Reaver

Marius arose from his rest. After his battle with Lamora, Marius found a small cave to rest where his wounds could heal. Marius looked towards the fortress of the Dark Legion. His choice was made. He walked slowly then charged forward and began flying towards the fortress. His wings spread wide as he neared it.

"They're ready for me." he said, noticing the hundreds of archers awaiting his approach.

They stood on a wall that separated the lower section of the fortress from the upper. One of the soldiers saw him coming and alerted the rest of the soldiers. As the archers drew back their arrows, Marius prepared himself to fight the fortress guards. Marius flew right at them, bringing his wings inward to increase his speed. He flew straight over the wall to his right, engulfing it in flames as he passed. As he came around for another pass, he laughed as the arrows broke into pieces against his armored skin. He attacked again, this time using his body to knock the guards off the wall or driving his claws through them.

"Is this the best defense you can give?" roared Marius as he sent a ball of flame into a nearby guard tower, "You are pathetic," he continued, "I shall bow to no one, not you, not the Guilds of Order, NO ONE!" Marius roared.

Marius flew towards the doorway that led into the main hallway. He was met by several guards brandishing long swords and spears. Without a word he charged the guards. Flying into the group he stopped and picked up one of the guards by the neck and threw him into the wall of a nearby barracks. He smashed his tail into two more, sending them into nearby buildings as well. He stared at the remaining three guards as they began to circle him. Marius waited until they were in position. Once the first guard was behind him he made his move. Wrapping his tail around the guard’s neck he ripped through the others with his claws then, snapped the last guard’s neck with his tail.

"It’s time to collect on some old debts." said Marius to himself. He walked into the main hallway towards the throne room, as he entered the throne room his tail twitched back and forth with excitement.

"Welcome home Marius," said Lorvok with a smile, "we weren't expecting you back so soon. Your new room is in the officers’ quarters just above..."

"Shut up Lorvok," interrupted Marius, "I'm not here to join you I'm here to take my revenge for what you've done to me!" he yelled. Marius was tired of waiting. He leaned forward, sending a stream of flame at Lorvok.

As the flame neared, it dispersed, as if it had hit a wall. At that moment the strange man in black and Selvak walked out from behind the throne.

"Your revenge won't be taken so easily," said Lorvok, "I have a surprise for you."

Marius stared at Lorvok with intense anger, he should have known this wouldn’t be so simple nor would it be an average fight. He was curious as to what surprise Lorvok had. Marius sensed something coming at him from his left, he turned in time to block his attacker. Once Marius got his bearings he looked at the attacker and was amazed, thrilled, and horrified at the same time. Standing in front of Marius was another hunter, this one was different than Marius, its skin was a light blue and its eyes were a milky gray. Its tail was as long as his and its snout was a little shorter. Marius pulled the other hunter’s fist past him and upper-cut the hunter in the lower jaw.

"You think that's going to stop him!?" yelled Lorvok as he watched with enjoyment, "Did you really think that you were the only one we had? We have several Hunters at our disposal; you're just one of them! I suppose that it wouldn’t be too prudent to tell you that your race isn’t completely extinct; a more accurate phrase would be an extremely rare existence. Oh and by the way, you can call him Reaver, not that it will matter much seeing as you will soon be dead!"

Reaver stopped for a moment and glared at Lorvok, then, he turned back to Marius and with a grin said, “Your skill as a fighter is unquestionable. However, unfortunately for you, young whelp, I am far superior in all aspects of fighting.”

Marius strafed to the left as Reaver charged at him. Marius threw his tail forward expecting it to smash into Reaver, but instead Reaver caught his tail and slung him into the throne room wall. Marius got back up in a dazed state. He looked back up towards Reaver and was hit by a fireball sending him back into the wall again. Reaver charged again gliding over to Marius and with a powerful punch sent him flying into the ceiling of the throne room. Reaver flew up to Marius and smashed him through the ceiling with his tail. Marius felt his body go numb from the last impact as Reaver flew up and into Marius pushing him through the ceiling, and sent Marius barreling into the forest with a fireball. Reaver landed in front of Lorvok and the two wizards.

"Guards!" yelled Lorvok.

A guard entered the damaged throne room. "Yes sire." said the guard.

"I want a scouting party to find Marius' dead body and to bring his head to me! Understand?" ordered Lorvok.

"Of course sire." said the guard, who then walked out.

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