Say you won't let go....

By srinihitha

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Join in the journey of love, where two soul's meet in an unpredictable situation and fall's in love with each... More

A Meet With The Chathurvedi's
Was It A Coincidence??
I Will Protect You
A Span of Relief
Who is it??
Growing Feelings
An Escape
Teaming up

The Captivators And The Foodie

43 8 0
By srinihitha

Ahan smiled at the way she introduced herself. So she is the Kalya Sharma that mom was blabbering about thought Ahan. There was pride evident in her eyes when she said that she is the head of their architectural firm. She must have worked so hard to get into that position he thought. And suddenly Kalya became sad; the excitement Ahan has seen in her eyes was now replaced with worry. Ahan didn't like seeing her worried. The excitement and happiness she had even when their situations are harsh is not what one gets to see in everyone, Kalya was different.

Ahan asked Kalya what was wrong, to which Kalya broke down. Silent tears started flowing down her eyes which she was holding on from a long time. She was worried to hell whenever she thought about her parents. They were very anxious and worried when they knew about the treat Kalya had and now when they thought everything was sorted out, the unexpected has happened. She was snatched away from her parents; the thing which she was always scared off.

Kalya wiped her tears off and took a deep breath and smiled at Ahan and simply told she was worried about her parents. Ahan nodded his head in response but he knew her better. She could act that she is fine but Ahan could see through her soul. He did not disturb Kalya further he let her be as she had to fight her fears by herself. He lied down on the floor folding his hands behind his head. Kalya also lied down beside him resting her head on her hands.

Ahan was lost in thoughts and Kalya was starting at nothing in specific. She is so worried about her parents he thought. He was observing her from the time she has arrived. She looks so naïve and innocent, but she isn't. She is talented and a hard thinker. There are always thoughts running in the small brain of hers. Kalya reminded Ahan of someone he desperately wanted to forget. There was something else that Ahan could find in Kalya that pulled him towards her, though Ahan tried very hard restricting her to break the walls he has created around him. Kalya was so silently and innocently breaking the boundaries he had created after that one person had left him. Her smile, her face everything about her is creating havoc in Ahan's mind and heart. And her touch, Kalya could tame his raging anger with a simple touch.

Ahan did not let a girl near him since two years, he rarely smiled. He got himself completely immersed in business though that had been a useful for the company but Ahan had gone distant from everything that once he cared or craved for. He rarely visited his parents, but he talks with his mom every day. He made time for his mother however busy he was. Now only his mother could give him the warmth he needed after a long day. After the heart breaking tragedy he had faced Ahan had distanced himself from everyone except from his mother.

The warmth and care that Ahan could feel when he was with his mother, he could sense the same feelings when he was with Kalya. The more he spoke to her, the more he wanted to open up to her. But he couldn't let his guard down that too so soon. Ahan at that moment did not know what he was feeling for Kalya, if it was her warmth that comforted him that made him realize the need he had to have a friend who he could trust in, or it was just a mere attraction caused due the similarities that Kalya possessed with the person who was the one that broke his heart. But he knew one thing for sure. The more he thought about Kalya, the more he is falling for her.

Ahan sighed and turned towards his side to see Kalya still lost in her thoughts, he did not want to disturb her at the same time Ahan couldn't move his eyes of her. Kalya had a small frown on her face; she was putting so much stress on her brain he thought which made him smile. She was focusing on something serious not some silly stuff, but something that has importance. Ahan knew it because she was trying put pieces together; that he knew because of the actions she was making with her hands. She was so cute moving her hands like a child, frowning when she went wrong. And whenever she hit the right point a small smile played on her lips. Ahan also smiled looking at Kalya smiling.

Ahan was smiling like he had lost his sanity looking at Kalya and when he realized his state he stopped smiling and made a hard face. He made a mental note to stay away from her; this is not what he wanted. He was bound to one girl and she has left him. And now there is no place for anyone. Though Ahan was not sure of what place Kalya holds in his life, if was too early to give a name to their relation, yet Ahan did not want to give it a chance. He still holds on to that single person.

Kalya was about to say something when they heard the sound of the door being unlocked. It was the first that both Ahan and Kalya would be facing their captivators. Kalya gulped in fear and stood behind Ahan who was already standing facing the door. Kalya was half hiding and half peeping, she was frightened as well as anxious to know the reason that there were held captive.

They heard the creaking sound of the rusted door being opened and a man entered into the room. The man was about twenty five years old, tall and muscular. He created an aura of don't mess with me. A soon as he entered the room, the door was locked again. Seeing the man Kalya held Ahan's arms tightly. The man came forward and handed Ahan a plastic bag. Ahan looked at the bag and back at the man. Ahan instantly questioned the man who he was and why they were held captive.

He looked at both of them and said, "I am just a following the instructions I have received, I do not know any other information." Saying so he looked at Kalya who was hiding behind Ahan, on seeing him look at her Kalya tightened her grip on Ahan's arm and further hiding behind him. Ahan placed his hand over hers and glares at the man.

Ahan's glare turned into a frown when he noticed the man's eyes held no emotion. Ahan understood that the man meant no harm and so he coughed lightly to get the man's attention. Ahan asked him his name and he told that his name is Tej. He also told them that he will always be available to them. And they can call him if they need anything. Saying so Tej left from there in a hurry.

Once the door was locked, Kalya sighed breathing again still holding onto Ahan. He looked at her and gestured her to look at her hands, and when she found her clinging to him she immediately removed her hands. He smiled and opened the bag which Tej has given them. Kalya was anxiously waiting to see what is in it. Ahan peeped into the bag and said its food.

Kalya snatched the bag from him and opened the packets which contained food for both of them. She checked both the food packets and exclaimed why they had to starve a person; they could have sent food for both of us. But why did they send it only for me. Ahan was flabbergasted at her words. Ahan thought one packet was more for him and here this girl is saying she will have both of them. Ahan snatched a parcel from her and said, "This is for me."

Kalya opened her mouth to protest but Ahan stuffed her mouth with food as she opened her mouth. Kalya huffed and had her share all the while grumbling about their captivators did not know how to take care of their prisoners. Ahan silently chuckled listening to her blabbering, how in world she thought they will be taken care of when they are held prisoners thought Ahan, still smiling at her antics.

By the end of the day Ahan got to know something new about Kalya, She looked so small but ate a lot. Kalya is a great foodie he thought smiling to himself.


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What do you think, will Kalya be able to break the walls Ahan has built around himself???

You have to wait and watch....

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