Heart Hold Fast

Od HowToExplain

209K 7.9K 4.1K

"Holding her like this felt so strange, yet so familiar all at once." Lauren Jauregui finds herself at Camila... Více

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Fourteen

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Od HowToExplain

A/N: I know that this update comes a great deal later than I anticipated, and I am sorry for it to have been such a wait. It is the longest update I have ever made by about 4000 words though, so perhaps that is some consolation?

I love writing, and knowing that there are people out there reading it, and enjoying it, is incredible. It does have to be said though, that being asked about updates can be quite stressful, especially when you're pushed for time, and you're trying to get as much done as you can anyway. Obviously, I only do this for the enjoyment of writing and creating the story for others; I'm not earning from this or anything. I hope you will be able to bear with me as I keep working to get these chapters out as and when I can.

There are a couple of songs mentioned in this chapter. I always think it adds something to listen to them when reading! I listen to music while I write and it helps me to get in the zone. Thank you, and enjoy!

Lauren and Camila's friendship over the rest of the vacation could, at best, be described as patchy. On some days, they were amicable, almost close, but on others, Lauren was as distant as ever. How quickly the other woman blew hot and cold was difficult, but Camila learnt how to make the most of the moments when things were going smoothly. On the days when Lauren would join Camila and Chris for beach walks, or swims, things were simple, yet, as easy and their relationship could be on one day, it was never guaranteed to continue on the next.

However, even Chris found himself becoming busy at some points in the holiday. Paperwork and client queries seemed to flood in endlessly from JMA, and the laid back Jauregui brother definitely showed signs of stress in some moments. After a couple of weeks at the Lodge, the initial thrill of vacation had worn off, and Mike and Alejandro had begun to become more and more engrossed in business, which inevitably generated more work for Lauren and Chris too.

"I don't know what I'm going to do with you lot," Clara said despairingly, looking around the table one morning, "It's our last full day here all together before you kids go home, and I thought we could enjoy brunch, all seven of us,"

Clara's surrounding company could not, in any way, be described as present: Lauren had a laptop balanced on her knees, Mike was on his phone, and Alejandro was trawling through the stocks figures in the morning newspaper. Chris was nowhere to be seen.

"Lauren! Where's your brother?"

She looked up briefly from the spreadsheet on her computer screen, glanced at Chris's empty seat, and shrugged, before returning her attention to her laptop.

"Maybe he's in his room?" Camila suggested, patting Clara gently on the arm in an attempt to calm her.

The sound of a mobile phone ringing recaptured their attention, and Mike stood quickly from the other end of the table..

"I've got to take this, I'm sorry," he apologised to his wife, hurrying out of the room. On his way out, he ducked out aside to let Chris through into the dining room. The Jauregui son had a tablet tucked under his arm, which his mother promptly snatched from his grip.

"No devices at the table!" she announced, holding Chris's tablet out of his reach.

"But Lauren's got her laptop!" he argued.

"I know, and she's going to hand it over to me right this second,"

"I'm really not," Lauren shook her head, but she had underestimated her mother's determination, and suddenly felt the whole device slip from her lap as it was wrenched away by Clara.

"This holiday was supposed to get us all away from work!" Clara exclaimed, and Sinu nodded in agreement.

"And it's almost over," Lauren pointed out, "We've all got a serious backlog of stuff to handle after being out of the loop for this amount of time,"

"I'm sure one more day won't kill you," Sinu said seriously, "Clara's right. Lauren, you and Mila are flying back to New York tomorrow afternoon, and Chris is going back to Miami, and who knows when we'll all be back together again,"

"It's such a shame that Sofi is arriving just before we leave," Camila added, "I wanted to see her properly,"

"I know, mija. But, she'll arrive here this afternoon, maybe early evening," Alejandro said from behind his newspaper, "I'll drive up to Miami to collect her from your aunt after school finishes today,"

"We should do something big to surprise her!" Camila beamed excitedly.

"That's a nice idea," Chris mused, "Anything in mind?"

"She's always loved seeing the big beach bonfire," recalled Camila, "But she was too young to stay up and see it properly. How about we do that? That would make the perfect sendoff for us and the ideal welcome for her,"

"Your sister will love that," Alejandro told Camila warmly, "That sounds wonderful,"

"That's settled then!" Clara clapped her hands, "Beach bonfire tonight it is!"

Brunch proceeded with excitable chatter about plans for the bonfire, and reminiscing on past stories. The idea had put everybody into a cheerful mood, and created some distraction from the corporate stuff that had been dragging everybody down. Just as they were packing away the plates and bowls, Chris let out an audible groan as he checked his mobile.

"Chris, what did your mother say about devices at the table?" Lauren joked, poking him in the ribs.

"I've just gotten an email from our chief of accounts in Miami," Chris grumbled, "There's been some screw up over the budget for one of our latest projects, and so our figures are all in disarray. I need to go and fix this, I'm sorry,"

"I thought you were going to come with us to buy food and drinks for the barbecue and bonfire tonight," Camila said disappointedly.

"I want to," he sighed, "But I really need to fix this, or it's going to mess up the profit margins for this quarter, and piss off the client no end. I promise to have it sorted by this evening, though,"

"You and Lauren can manage just fine on your own, Mila," Sinu smiled at her daughter.

"Yeah," Camila managed to return the smile, but inwardly found herself hoping that Lauren was in a good enough mood to prevent the trip from being a wholly awkward affair. When she turned to meet Lauren's gaze, in hope to find some agreement there, she found that the other woman had already vacated the room, and left her.

"You're sure you can't at least make the shopping trip?" Camila asked Chris as a last-ditch attempt.

"Sorry, Mila," he grimaced, "You know I would if I could,"

"It's cool," she waved it off, "Good luck with your... thing,"


She hurried upstairs, and finished doing her makeup, and then plaited her loose hair into two French braids that snaked down along the sides of her head. It was a hot Florida day already, and she wanted her hair out of her face. This hairstyle was one she had not used in a few years, and she felt a little nostalgic looking in the mirror, as if her teenage self was staring hesitantly back at her.

Once her teeth were brushed, she decided to pack up a few of her belongings, to make the final packing job tomorrow easier. It was sad, having to remove herself from that peaceful place, knowing that tomorrow night, she would be back in the thick of it, in New York.

Ruben and she had messaged one another frequently, and facetimed on some evenings. It was nice to see him, all boyish grins and tufty hair, but also strange. Her husband of the present always seemed incongruous in a house of the past.

Soon, her wardrobe was emptied, and folded neatly into her suitcase. Naturally, Camila was not the tidiest of people, but the need to have something to occupy herself had driven her to relish even the most boring of tasks. The apartment in New York was virtually always spotless, because she rarely had anything else to do. Ironically, having a messier, less orderly apartment would have helped her to feel more at home in it.

Realising she was out of chores to do, she padded across the hall, and knocked on Lauren's door.

"Come in,"

Even in her bedroom, in her parent's holiday house, Lauren still managed to treat her personal space as an office.

"Hi, Lauren," Camila raised a hand and gave a wave, before feeling silly, and dropping her arm down to her side.

Lauren was absorbed in the figures on her computer screen, and did not immediately turn around.

"How can I help?" she murmured, still not looking in Camila's direction.

"I thought we could go out and get the bonfire supplies now?"

The swivel chair Lauren was sat on rotated, and the green eyes of a businesswoman surveyed Camila. It was the type of cool, calculating stare that rather made Camila feel that Lauren somehow had the ability to see right through her, and she shifted on the spot nervously. The intensity and depth of the stare caught her off guard.

"Sure," Lauren said at last, "Yeah, we can do that,"

"Cool," Camila breathed a sigh of relief.

The older woman closed her laptop, and headed towards the door. As she stepped into the corridor, she paused and turned to Camila.

"Actually, I've just had a thought," she said suddenly, "I won't be two seconds,"

Unsure of what to do, Camila just followed her down the hall, as Lauren knocked gently on Chris's bedroom door and stepped inside. Her younger brother was on the telephone, and he held up a finger to warn Lauren to be quiet.

"What do you want?" he mouthed silently to his sister.

Lauren pointed at him, and then mimed a steering wheel. Camila had no idea what she was trying to symbolise, but Chris seemed to pick it up at once, because he rolled his eyes with a wry smile. In an attempt to win him over, Lauren clasped her hands together in mock prayer, and gave him a pleading look.

"Fine," Chris whispered at her, "Just... don't crash her or anything,"

He reached into the pocket of his jeans, and flung a pair of car keys in Lauren's direction. She caught them deftly, and thanked him, before closing the door behind her and Camila.

"Sorry about that," she said to Camila, "Chris just got a new car - the one he drove me down from the airport in - and I haven't got to take it for a spin yet, and I've literally been dying to,"

"Is that the Audi?" Camila wondered aloud, as they walked down the stairs side by side.

"Yes! The R8 Spyder," Lauren sounded surprised that Camila had taken note, "Well remembered!"

"Seeing as I'm in the presence of a total petrol-head, I thought I should try and make an effort," Camila laughed.

"It is a thing of beauty though," said Lauren, as they opened the front door and stepped out into the Lodge parking area, "He had it custom made. It's got a V10 engine. Seeing as it's just you and I heading out today, we may as well give it a spin. It's only a two seater, so we wouldn't have been able to otherwise,"

"Are you sure you had nothing to do Chris's accounting issue?" Camila smirked mischievously, as they approached the car, with its metallic red body glittering in the morning sun, "This all seems to have come about by design,"

"Hush," Lauren pressed a finger to her lips, "There's absolutely no foul play involved,"

The car bleeped as Lauren unlocked it, and swung the passenger door open for Camila, who slipped inside, and settled into the immaculate leather seat. In front of her lay the dashboard of a racing car, or potentially even a spaceship; the detailing of the interior was sleek, and stylish.

Lauren climbed in beside her, and the engine roared into life as she took the wheel. It was a throaty growl, and the other woman's eyes lit up at the sound. The car pulled away effortlessly, and Lauren hummed in approval as they left the Lodge driveway, and got out onto open road.

Unfortunately, the route to the supermarket where they intended to buy the supplies for the evening was not a road that allowed Lauren to open up the throttle as Camila could see she wanted to. When they parked outside the shop, Lauren turned to Camila as she cut the engine.

"I might take a detour home, unless you're keen to get back quickly? It's probably another twenty minutes longer on top of the original journey, but it's a more scenic route, and I can really let her rip,"

"That's fine with me," Camila assured her, "I'm in no rush to get back,"

Lauren flashed her a winning smile, and jumped out of the car, with a new bounce in her step. Her enthusiasm for the vehicle was endearing, even if Camila could not quite understand it.

They went into the supermarket, and agreed that Lauren could focus on the beverage side of affairs, while Camila did the food. Deciding to just stick with the classic beef burgers, sausages, and chicken wings, she then found Lauren in the alcohol aisle, selecting a wide variety of beers and wine.

"You know more about what everybody will want in this department than I will," Camila observed with a chuckle.

"Still not a beer drinker?" Lauren asked her.

"Not really. Ruben likes it, but I just can't get accustomed to the taste,"

"Fair enough," shrugged Lauren, slinging a few more bottles into the trolley, "I guess it can be an acquired taste,"

"Ready to pay?" Camila checked.

"Think so,"

They proceeded to the checkout, scanned everything through, and bagged it all up. Lauren scanned her card, and they left in the direction of the car. Lauren popped the boot, and they packed it all in.

"Make sure all the bottles are secure," Lauren told Camila, "I'm planning on putting my foot down, and Chris will actually kill me if I soak the trunk of his Audi in beer,"

When they were happy it was safe to go, Lauren leapt back into the driver's seat, and they took off. Lauren easily found the route she was looking for, and the road began to dip towards the sea. As she had predicted, it was wide and open, and practically void of any other vehicles.

As they slowed briefly, Lauren pressed the button that lowered the soft top roof, so that Camila felt the kiss of the sun warming the back of her neck. Then, with a soft flick of the paddle gears, the car gave a fearsome snarl and shot forward.

They were practically flying along the headland, with the ocean rearing up and pounding against the cliffs beneath them. Lauren controlled the car effortlessly, and Camila felt as though they had become a part of the wind, blending seamlessly into the extraordinary landscape surrounding them. Her hair may have been secured in plaits, but Lauren's wild locks were billowing around her face and out behind her. Every inch of her had come alive, and she had become one with the powerful machine under her control.

They continued to race down the road, that twisted and rolled with the headland, and the car gripped the tarmac, and ate up the miles greedily. Camila found herself staring dreamily out at the ocean that flashed and shimmered as they drove by. How incredibly simple this pleasure was; she began to appreciate Lauren and Chris's love of cars with a little more understanding.

Up ahead, there was a bend in the road, and a space to pull over. Lauren slowed the Audi, and edged into the lay-by.

"We're stopping?"

"It's a good view. We might as well, while we're here,"

Camila followed the other woman out to the crash barrier, that curved around the side of the lay-by, to protect cars from falling into the depths below. At the base of the cliffs, water foamed up and churned, and birds dived down to swoop through the spray. On either side, the road stretched out, like a pewter ribbon, embellishing the end of the land.

"It's beautiful,"

"Yeah," Lauren leant back against the hood of the car, "It is. Just stay there a second,"

She pulled her phone out of her pocket, and opened the camera.

"What are you doing?"

"Just stay still and look back out to the horizon," the other woman instructed her, "You look good. Let me take the picture,"

Camila relented and resumed her initial stance. Lauren clicked a few times, before stowing her phone back into her jeans, satisfied that she had captured what she wanted.

"I didn't realise you were the photography sort," Camila teased lightly.

"I'm not," Lauren replied gruffly, "Shall we get going?"

"If you want," Camila nodded, walking back towards her.

Driving at such speed had left Lauren's hair unusually tangled, even by her standards. Without thinking, Camila reached out to comb her finger through some of the locks, in an attempt to tame them. Lauren stiffened at the touch, but then relaxed.

"I should've followed your lead and gone for plaits," she smiled ruefully.

"Nah, you pull off the tousled look,"

"If you say so," she shook her head doubtfully, "You know, I had to do a double take this morning when you came into my room with those plaits in,"

"Hm. I thought you gave me a strange look," Camila bit her lip, trying not to grin.

"It was like fifteen year old Camz had just wandered into my bedroom again. I didn't believe my eyes,"

"I don't look fifteen years old, do I?" Camila groaned self-consciously.

"No! No, that's not what I meant," Lauren corrected herself quickly, "I just mean... you looked... like you did... a long time ago,"

"Well, surely not that long ago,"

"Yeah?" Lauren blinked, and stared down at her feet, "I don't know. It feels like a lifetime ago to me,"

Camila didn't quite know what to say. It appeared that Lauren was having a personal moment, and she decided to respect it with silence, rather than intrude any further than might be welcomed by the notoriously private woman. A couple of minutes passed, with Lauren staying in quiet reflection, before she raised her head, and gestured at the road ahead.

"Let's go,"

As they retook their seats in the vehicle, Camila gently laid her palm on the hand that rested on the gear stick.

"I'm touched that you remembered the plaits, Lo," the younger woman confessed.

"There's not a part of you that I could forget," Lauren replied, voice sounding a little strained. The focus of her eyes was on the dashboard and the wing-mirrors, rather than making eye contact, "You were a huge part of my life, Camz. You were my best friend,"

They drove back to the Lodge at a slightly more measured pace, not a sentence being exchanged between them. Camila barely even realised when they entered the driveway and stopped outside the house, as she had been so lost in thought. Wordlessly, they took the bags from the trunk, and took it into the kitchen, and stacked everything away into the refrigerator and cupboards.

"Successful trip?" Clara bustled into the kitchen.

Before Camila could reply, Lauren interjected, "I'm going out on the quad bike to collect driftwood and logs for the fire,", and then disappeared from sight.

"Er..." Camila watched the other woman ditch Chris's keys for the Audi on the side, and hurry away, "Yeah. I think we got everything,"

"Lovely. Well done! You and Lauren make a good team,"

"Guess we do," Camila nodded distractedly.

"You must be excited about seeing Sofi today," Clara continued cheerfully.

"Yes! I am," Camila perked up instantly at the mention of her little sister, "It's so weird not just living around the corner from her,"

"I remember that when Lauren moved to New York," Clara said conversationally, "She missed Chris and Taylor a huge amount. Speaking of, she's really excited about seeing little Sofi too,"

"I'm glad! It must have been what? Four years since Sofi last saw Lauren?" realised Camila.

"Something like that," Clara shook her head in wonder, "I can't believe how long it's been. All the kids started flying the nest and we lost track of time,"

"Sofi still thinks Lauren is so damn cool," Camila grinned, "I swear she would prefer to have Lauren as a big sister than me, even though she hasn't seen her for ages,"

"Lauren can make quite an impression, it has to be said," Clara chuckled.

"Yeah... you're not wrong,"

"And what about Ruben? How do he and Sofi get along?"

"Pretty well, actually," Camila smiled, "I think Sofi finds the concept of me being married a bit odd, because she's only young, you know? But he's great with her - he's still a child at heart,"

"That's lovely," Clara beamed, "I love men who are great with kids. And that will be perfect for the future too,"

Camila blushed violently when she realised Clara was referring to the idea of her having children, and she clapped her hands over her scarlet cheeks.

"I hadn't thought much about that but... I suppose so... yes," she laughed nervously.

"Well, that's all ahead of you," Clara patted her on the back, "Such exciting times,"

Lauren's mother left the kitchen, and Camila found herself stood at the kitchen window, gazing out over the sand dunes, to the sandy beach below. The water was retreating down the beach, indicating that it would be exactly low tide as the sun started to set, and their bonfire was lit.

There was the distant hum of an motor, and Lauren appeared on the quad bike, racing across the beach, with a stack of wood piled up on the back. She unloaded it into a heap on the sand, and then took off, soaring back off to collect more fuel. Camila stood watching her come and go, finding the methodical process almost hypnotic. Lauren was totally absorbed in the task, and Camila jumped suddenly when the woman glanced over at the window, and gave her a shy wave.

Camila returned it, and Lauren gave a smile, before leaping back on the quad and racing out of view once again. Self conscious after being caught staring, Camila shuffled off to sit in the lounge and read her book. As she sat there, amber light began to seep into the airy room, as the sun outside began to slowly climb down towards the horizon. By the time she had finished her novel, dusk was just settling.

There was a tap on the lounge door, and Chris padded inside.

"Hey, Mila,"

"Hi, Chris. Everything sorted?"

"Yes, finally," he confirmed happily, "Dad and I solved it all,"

"Well done," she congratulated him with a hug, "So, you're ready for the fire tonight?"

"Of course," he clapped his hands, "So ready! Did you and Lauren get everything from the supermarket?"

"Yep!" she told him, "I love your car, by the way,"

Chris mocked a swoon, and put a hand to his chest.

"She's a beauty, isn't she?" he fanned himself over-dramatically, "I'm not one for total extravagance, but my word, when I saw that car, I couldn't resist,"

"Money well spent, I'd say,"

"I like to think so," he reflected, "Did Lauren like it too?"

"She thought it was okay," Camila hummed.

"What?" Chris's face fell.

"I'm joking! She adored it. You might want to keep those keys hidden away, I wouldn't be surprised if she wanted to... take it off your hands,"

"Ah, okay," he laughed, "I thought you were being serious then! Don't tell Lauren but..." he lowered his voice, as if engaging her in a conspiracy, "... her opinion on my cars... or anything really... matters quite a lot,"

"I get that," Camila nodded in understanding, "Sofi's opinion matters hugely to me too. It's only natural that we want to impress our siblings,"

"On that note," Chris added, "What time is Sofi arriving?"

"Probably in an hour or so," Camila estimated, "Papi left to go and pick her up a little while ago,"

"Cool," he grinned, "Can't wait to see her,"

"She can't wait to see you either,"

He beamed proudly. The two stepped outside onto the veranda, where their parents, minus Alejandro, were already sat, sipping away at their drinks. They were watching Lauren arranging the firewood into a huge stack out on the beach.

"I think it's almost ready to go," Mike nodded towards his daughter, "Why don't you kids head down to light it with Lauren?"

They began to head down to the place where Lauren was waiting for them. There was a warm breeze ghosting across the sand, and impulsively, Camila pulled out the hair ties holding her plaits in the place, and threaded her fingers through her hair. She enjoyed the sensation of the zephyr tugging at the loose strands, after having them restricted in the tight braids all day.

When they reached the woodpile, Lauren held out a jerry can towards Chris.

"Care to do honours?"

He took the container, and threw a few splashes of fuel over the firewood. The slick, oily substance shimmered as it soaked across the woodpile, and Camila felt the stench of petrol invading her nostrils. Beside her, she heard the striking of a match, and the hiss as the head caught light.

"Stand back," Lauren murmured.

Chris and Camila backed away, as Lauren carefully threw the match forward into the petrol-laced stack. As it landed, there was a whooshing sound, and blue flames erupted from the point of impact, before turning a fiery red, that matched the sunset smouldering on the horizon. Tongues of flame licked up around the huge woodpile, and engulfed the dry wood, leaving the timbers glowing. Even standing at a distance, Camila could feel the immense heat on her face.

Up by the house, the adults applauded them. The beautiful fire flickered and grew, casting long, shifting shadows out over the sand, mirroring the effect on the setting sun behind them. Above, the skies were turning pink, and orange, with the tips of the clouds being burnt crimson by the evening light.

"Lauren! Beer?" Chris asked, turning to his sister.

"Why not?" she grinned good-naturedly, "To celebrate our last night,"

"Camila? Same for you?"

"Not a beer drinker, Chris," Lauren chuckled, "In fact, don't worry about the drinks, I'll go up there and sort them out myself. Champagne, Camz? I think Dad's just opened a bottle,"

"Thank you," Camila smiled at her, "Sounds perfect,"

Lauren left, strolling back up to the house. Once she was out of earshot, Chris turned to Camila.

"Well, it looks like you and Lauren have certainly made progress," he remarked.

"How do you mean?"

"Talking properly, spending time together, you know? She's come out of her shell over the past week or so,"

"I can hardly take credit for that," Camila shook her head.

"I don't know," he shrugged, "I reckon you've got more to do with it than you realise,"

Returning with drinks, Lauren distributed them around, and the three of them collapsed down onto base of the sand dunes. The curve down from the sandy banks provided the perfect slope on which to lie. Along with the drinks, Lauren had also brought down a speaker, and she plugged her phone into it, and switched her music to shuffle. First up to play was Heart Out by the 1975. Chris leapt to his feet at once and, using his beer bottle as a makeshift microphone, began to give his own performance of the song, while Lauren and Camila cheered him on.

It's just you and I, tonight,
Why don't you figure my heart out?

The lyrics were ringing out loud and clear, and as Camila felt the champagne start to race to her head, she closed her eyes and let it surround her. It was growing darker by the minute, with the final throws of the sun leaving a glimmering crimson path on the swell, that led out to the point where the last of the light was fading, and being swallowed up.


Opening her eyes lazily, Camila turned her head to the source of the noise, and saw a small figure sprinting over to her. Before she had even realised who it was, Sofi hurled herself onto her sister, squealing excitably.

"Sofi! Oh my gosh!"

She tightly hugged the form of her sister, which, even in the few months she had been away, had gotten taller. The thought that she might be missing seeing her little Sofi growing up gripped her suddenly, but she shook it away, and focused on cuddling the girl close to her.

"How have you been?"

"I've been good," Sofi exclaimed, "I miss you though,"

"I miss you too. So, so much,"

"What's New York like?"

"It's... busy," Camila admitted, "But there's loads of amazing shops. You have to come up to stay with me and Ruben and we can take you shopping, yeah?"

"Yeah!" Sofi nodded enthusiastically, "And we have to go to Central Park, and look at the bridges, and..."

"We'll do it all, I promise. Just convince Mami that I'm responsible enough to take care of her baby, okay?"

"You're her baby too," Sofi poked her in the ribs, "She worries about you,"

"Well, she ought not to. I'm well looked after, and obviously very mature and sensible,"

"Sure," Sofi smirked, rolling off her sister, and lying on the sand beside her, "Anyway, is there any food yet? I'm actually starving,"

"I think Uncle Mike and Aunty Clara are sorting the barbecue out as we speak," replied Camila, "Don't worry, they won't let you waste away,"

"Indeed they won't," Chris spoke from behind them, "In fact, I think the food is almost done, so the real question is: where's my hug?"

Sofi launched herself forward into him, and he easily scooped her up and spun her around, until he had made himself so dizzy that he could no longer stand, and they both collapsed over onto the ground. Camila could just hear the two of them in fits of hysterical giggling, as they began to flick sand at one another.

"Get him, Sofi!"

Camila heard the cheer, and turned to see Lauren creasing over with laughter at the sight of them play-fighting. Sofi too heard the sound, and her head whipped around to see the eldest Jauregui daughter. She abandoned the fight at once, and scrambled over the sand to throw herself onto Lauren, who caught her quickly.

"Hey," Lauren ruffled her hair with a grin, "You know, I almost didn't recognise you for a second then, Sof. You're looking so grown up,"

"Oh, shut up," Sofi smacked Lauren lightly on the arm, "You sound like my aunt... or my grandmother,"

"Can't I at least comment on the fact that I haven't seen you in literal years?"

"Eurgh, I'm not a little child, Lauren," Sofi whined.

"Yes, you are," Camila darted over to her frustrated sister, and began to tickle her mercilessly, "My lil baby sister,"

"Lauren! Save me!" Sofi shrieked, trying to escape Camila's clutches.

Lauren attempted to pull Camila away, wrapping her arms around her waist, and then starting to tickle her too. Both the Cabello sisters were squirming and squealing, and Chris soon ran over to join the party. They fought until everybody was completely out of breath, and lying flat out on the ground.

"Nobody touch me," Sofi panted, "I swear, I'll pee myself if anybody tickles me one more time,"

"Have you lot quite finished down there?" came the deep voice of Alejandro, and the siblings sat up from where they were slumped.

"We've called a truce," Chris replied, wiping his forehead.

"Excellent. I'm sure you'll all be ready for dinner then, after all that exercise. The barbecue is ready,"

The four of them hurtled up the sand dunes, to the where the barbecue was sat out on the veranda. All the sausages and burgers and other delicacies were spitting and steaming above the hot coals, and giving off the most mouth-watering smell. Mike was serving out portions onto plates, and everybody took their helpings and seated themselves around the table.

With such an enormous quantity of firewood, the bonfire carried on burning brightly on the beach below them. Sat up by the house, under the outside lamps and candles, as night took hold fully, Camila was certain that there could be no better place to enjoy a dinner. The barbecue stayed hot, and the embers continued t give off enough heat to keep cooking, so they all ate their fill, and the drink kept flowing too.

Soon, they were all collapsed back in their seats, arms slung over their stomachs; stuffed full, but content. Conversation flowed as easily as the drink, and with most of them being comfortably tipsy, there was a deeply relaxed and laid-back atmosphere.

"That was delicious," Sinu murmured appreciatively.

"I'm so full, I don't think I can move," Sofi groaned, theatrically clutching her belly.

"I'm going to go and get more wood for the fire," Chris said to her, "Do you want to come with me?"

"Do I have to walk?" she asked him.

"Only to the quad bike. Then you can just sit there,"

"Deal," she gave him a high five, and they traipsed off to where the quad was parked, and motored off.

"Fancy going back to the fire?" Lauren turned to Camila, who was slumped in her chair, lazy swirling her finger around the lip of her glass.

"Hm," Camila gave a noncommittal hum.

"You might find some night air sobers you up a little," Lauren whispered mischievously to her, warm breath tickling her ear.

"Lauren Jauregui, are you suggesting that I'm drunk?" came the affronted response.

"Not at all," Lauren smiled, "But I fancy a wander, and I'd like somebody to accompany me,"

"And that's got to be me?"

"In an ideal world,"

"Well, if you insist," Camila shrugged, getting to her feet and flouncing away into the darkness, with her glass held aloft, "Aren't you coming then?"

"Yeah, yeah," chuckled the older woman, "I'm on my way,"

They left the little haven outside the house; a warm bubble of glowing lamplight, and began to walk along the top of the beach. Grass that sprouted from the sand dunes tickled their bare feet and legs, and a cooler breeze picked up when they left the shelter of the building. With the sun retreated, above, the stars had become visible. At such an isolated spot, there was very little light pollution, and a speckled, inky canvas stretched out on the endless expanse above.

With the slight wind, the waves began to rear up a little, and the tips of their rolling forms were drenched in pearly moonlight. When out of earshot of those still sat at the house, only the rhythmic splashing of the ocean on the shore was audible.

"I keep thinking that, tomorrow, I'll be in New York, and this will all be here and... I won't be there to experience it," Camila mumbled.

"Are you unhappy there?" Lauren asked her.

"No," Camila shook her head, before faltering, "I mean... it's not what I'm used to. I like it, don't get me wrong, and Ruben and I have been settling in, but... it's a change, you know what I mean? I'm still getting my bearings,"

"I'm sorry that I haven't been there," said Lauren quietly.

Camila was silent for a while. She had wanted to hear that apology after making so many efforts to reach out to Lauren, and being cast aside so consistently by her.

"Thank you," she said at last, "I've really needed somebody over these past few weeks, and I hoped that person would be you but, it seemed you didn't want that,"

"I got nervous," Lauren confessed, "I screwed up, and I know that,"

"Do I make you nervous, Lauren?" Camila inclined her head to look at the other woman.

"I... what? No," came the stiff reply, before her resolve sagged, "... maybe,"


"I don't know, Camz," she admitted, "I guess, it's like... in New York, I'm in charge of JMA, and I've got control, and everybody knows me as that... but you. You remember me as a kid, before I'd made something of myself, and before I'd figured out who I was, and what I wanted... and, yeah... that intimidates me,"

"Well, it shouldn't," Camila responded, laying a hand on her shoulder, "I'm your friend. You're mine. You're allowed to let your guard down around me. I'm not a client, you know. You don't have to keep up a tough front for me,"

"I know that really," Lauren acknowledged with a smile.

"Is that why I still haven't heard anything from JMA about the Ally Brooke thing? I presume you're in charge of that,"

"I've been avoiding contacting you about it, yes, and I'm sorry. The second I get back to my office, you'll have an email from me going to your inbox, I promise,"

The house looked like a beacon, shining out a fair distance away from where they were stood. It was still warm, even with the arrival of night, and Camila glanced down at the glittering mass of water lapping at the beach.

"Come on," she gestured downwards, "I want a paddle,"

They reached the shoreline, walking down the incline from the sand dunes onto the flatter beach. The sand was still damp from high tide earlier, and parallel pairs of damp footprints were left leading down to the sea. When the first rush of water streamed around their ankles, it was cool, but could not be described as cold. With the baking Florida sun, even the enormous body of water could be kept warm.

Lauren kept wading deeper, until the waves were breaking around her knees. Camila was getting ready to join her, when the sound of a racing quad bike filled her ears, and a great splash of water broke over her. Chris and Sofi gave a roar of laughter as she stood there, frozen, and dripping wet.

"Shit!" she yelled, "Chris!"

"Camila, language!" he wagged a finger jokingly, "We have young ears present,"

"I know all the swear words anyway," Sofi told him confidently.

"Ah," he nodded seriously, "They're finally teaching you useful stuff at school then?"

"I'll teach you something useful!" Camila shouted, running over to the quad and hauling him out of his seat, "Swimming lessons,"

With a mixture of a rugby tackle and a bear hug, she pulled him into the waves. The water was only around a foot deep where they fell, but it was enough to soak them head to toe. They broke the surface, spluttering and coughing. Not wanting to be left out, Sofi gave a running jump into the shallows, and landed with a cannonball-style splash beside them.

"Come on then, you lot," Lauren shook her head, grinning, "I'll race you back to the house,"

"That's not fair, you're all bigger than me!" Sofi pointed out.

"Take the quad," Chris suggested.

"Chris, my mum will kill me if she uses that thing alone!" Camila hissed.

"Fine," he held up his hands, "But we can't just leave it there, so I'll drive her back with it, okay?"

"Guess it's just you and me racing then, Camz," Lauren said, watching Chris head back to the quad bike, his drenched shirt clinging to him.

"Suppose so. But we both know who is going to win,"

"Yeah?" Lauren raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah," Camila nodded, "Me!"

She gave Lauren a shove, pushing her over into the waves, before taking off. Her intended stroke was front crawl, but in the shallower water, she instead opted for half running, with her arms flailing. Even with Camila's attempt at sabotage, Lauren managed to catch the other woman quickly, with longer, stronger strokes. Once she had pulled past Camila, Camila stopped, and surrendered.

"I think we can call it your win," she conceded with an eye roll, "Can we just swim normally?"


They paddled out into deeper water, and began to swim at a far more luxurious pace. It was nothing short of ethereal; cutting smoothly through the jet black water, with milky light from the moon filtering down onto the tide. With Lauren's dark hair and pale skin, she seemed to be the point where the white orb above and the deep ocean below met and harmonised; becoming almost synonymous with heaven and earth simultaneously for a fraction of a moment.

Lauren did not question the prolonged stare she was receiving from Camila. They had both had a fair amount to drink, and reading into any of Camila's actions this evening would be both pointless and heart-rending. Being here at the Lodge was like being in another world, where most day to day stress melted away, and reality did not quite seem to exist as persistently as it did back at home.

Here, she reflected, she must remember that the present is not a lucid dream. She could not inflict injuries upon herself, and expect to stir awake with the scars vanished. When she returned to New York, her heart would ache the same, and torturing herself with wishful thoughts and speculation in the here and now would only make things harder later on.

They swam back to dry land, and walked up to the bonfire. After the cool sea swim, the fiery heat from the flames was a relief. Sofi and Chris were playing soccer a little way off, and Lauren sat down on a picnic blanket that that they had laid down on the sand. Pulling off her wet shirt, she began to wring the water out of it.

"Camz, you're shivering," she said, looking up from where she was sat.

"I'm fine, just a little chilly,"

"Famous last words," Lauren chuckled.

"It's not that bad," Camila protested.

"Stay here, I'll be back in a minute,"

Camila flopped down onto the rug, while Lauren stood, and sprinted off up to the house. From where Camila was sat, she could she the lights switch on in the house, tracking the other woman's progress through the building. They then began to turn off, as Lauren found what she wanted, and returned to the campfire.

"Here," she held one of her sweaters up, "I didn't want to rifle through your suitcase, so you can borrow my jumper instead,"

"Are you sure? I'll get it all damp and smelling of the sea,"

"I couldn't care less,"

Lauren stretched out a hand, and helped Camila to her feet. Hands gently traced around her waist to find the hem of her t-shirt, and she started to lift it up, exposing her lower back.

"Wait... what are you doing?" Camila stammered.

"You can leave it on if you want," Lauren said, "But it's saturated, and I think it would be much nicer to just have a soft, dry jumper on, without that cold shirt on as well,"

Relenting, Camila held her arms up in consent, and Lauren pulled the t-shirt up and over her head. When the night air hit her skin directly, she gave a shudder, and Lauren wrapped her arms about her shaking form, and rubbed her shoulders, hoping that the friction would generate some warmth. When the shivering had subsided somewhat, Lauren reached over to grab her sweater, and helped Camila to put it on.


"So much," Camila nodded with a smile, burying her hands in the front pocket. With Lauren being a bit taller than her, the jumper was slightly over-sized, and the sleeves came down over her hands.

They sat side by side next to the fire, and already, Camila could feel the foots of her hair drying out with the heat the flames were kicking out. It was quiet, except from the crackling of the oxygen escaping from the burning wood, and the distant chatter of Sofi, Chris, and the other adults.

"Chris is so good with Sofi," Camila observed.

"He is," Lauren nodded, "And I know Taylor really wanted to see you and Sofi too,"

"How is Taylor?"

"She's good. Busy with her university studies, but enjoying herself, I think,"

"You and Chris didn't go to uni, did you?"

"I decided that I wanted to get my business education through experience," Lauren explained, "I was eager to get going and start working for Dad, and it meant I could get ahead in my profession quicker than I would have done had I been to uni. But, it doesn't mean that I won't go back in the future, and get a degree in business, or economics, or marketing, or something, later on. It's still something that interests me, even if it's not a route I took back then,"

"That's cool," Camila smiled, "Honestly, I wish looking back now I'd kept up my studies and gone to university or done something,"

"You do?"

"Yeah. I feel a bit trapped now. Ruben is enjoying the corporate lifestyle and doing well in that, but I can't really contribute,"

"You could work for your parents at Cabello Industries?" suggested Lauren.

"We both know that I've no aptitude for business. If I'd been to university, I would have studied English Literature, or Music,"


"Yeah. I would've enjoyed that,"

"And you would have been amazing at it. But you don't need a degree to compose music, or write novels. Besides, if you're that serious about wanting to do it, you could always enroll for classes at a college and go to lectures,"

"That's true. The thought hadn't really occured to me,"

"Well, you're in your early twenties, living in one of the greatest cities on earth. The world is your oyster, Camz. You can do whatever you decide to turn your hand to,"

"Haven't I done it in the wrong order though?" Camila sighed.

"Wrong order?"

"Aren't you supposed to figure out who you are and what you're good at, and then settle down?"

"Look," Lauren said seriously, turning to fix her eyes on Camila's, "If he loves you and respects you, which I have no doubt he does, he will be behind you every step of the way. Both of you are very young, and he's still finding his feet too - you've just moved cities, for heaven's sake - so, I wouldn't worry about feeling like you haven't found yourself yet. Everybody is still on that journey, to some extent, okay?"

"Even you?"

"Yeah," Lauren said, "Even me,"

There were a few beer bottles sat around that Chris had brought down from the house, and Lauren leant over to break one open, and switch her speaker back on. G-Eazy's Tumblr Girls came onto shuffle first, with the words and the bass line standing the hairs on Camila's back on end.

"I love this song," Camila groaned dramatically, resting her head on Lauren's shoulder.

She said she can't feel her face,
Right now I can't feel my heart,
For your feelings there's no place,
But you knew that from the start,
You and I we're made of glass, we'd never last.

"Me too," Lauren responded, taking a swig of her drink.

"Can I try some?" Camila asked, gesturing at the bottle.

"Camz, you don't like beer,"

"Maybe I'll learn to like it,"

Lauren lifted the bottle to Camila's lips, and tipped it forward. Some drops of the alcohol missed Camila's mouth and trickled down her chin.

"How's that?"

"It's... bitter. Not good,"

And it's tough for me to shelf it,
It's you I see myself with,
We shouldn't chill, but we do it still,
Gotta play the hand if you dealt it,

"Still think you can learn to love it?"

"I'll keep trying... for you. I remember when you first made me try alcohol,"

"You do?"

"It was at some business gathering that our parents were at, and you managed to sneak a bottle of hard cider or something away from the refreshments table, and we sat upstairs in one the corridors in the venue and drank it,"

"Do you know, that does ring a vague bell," Lauren grinned, "We lived such rebellious childhoods,"

"We certainly did,"

The song switched, and for a moment, it was so quiet, that Lauren could not identify it. And then, she recognised it all at once.

"I remember when you first played me this song," Camila said softly, "It was your favourite from the album,"

"It still is," Lauren told her.

The 1975's Fallingforyou was echoing out over the sand; it's soothing sound becoming part of the very atmosphere, reaching out into the nighttime darkness. Lauren found that her eyes began to sting, and she automatically blamed it on the smoke curling up from the fire.

I'm caught on your coat again,
You said, "Oh no, it's fine"
I read between the lines and touched your leg again,
I'll take it one day at a time,
Soon you will be mine, oh, but I want you now,
When the smoke is in your eyes,you look so alive,
Do you fancy sitting down with me? Maybe,
'Cos you're all I need,

"Fancy a dance?"

Camila glanced over at Lauren, who was all wide eyes and genuine emotion.

"I'm drunk and unsteady," warned Camila.

"I don't mind, I'm just asking for one song. You were drunk and unsteady last time we danced, and we still made a pretty good go of that,"

"At least I was dressed for dancing then,"

"It doesn't matter about what you're wearing," Lauren replied, looking down at her own state of undress, "It's about music and people you care about. Being close to people through the words and the song,"

"Maybe you're the one who should be taking English Literature at university," Camila remarked lightly, getting to her feet, and offering Lauren her hand. The other woman gently took it.

They assumed a casual slow dance position, with Camila resting her head on Lauren's bare shoulder, and Lauren tucking her hands into the front pocket of the sweater Camila was wearing. It was a position that was extremely comforting for them both.

For one of the first times, Lauren was not focused on what could have been. With the warmth of the fire on her back, and the soft, Camila-shaped bundle cuddled into her front, she was just happy to have her oldest friend back. Somebody who she could talk to, and who, in those brown eyes and open, unaffected smile, she could see understanding.

According to your heart,
My place is not deliberate,
Feeling of your arms,
I don't want to be your friend,
I want to kiss your neck,

The song sang a different truth, and Lauren knew, deep down, that in a few days time, when she was inevitably lying awake, thinking back to this moment, she would be mourning a lover, not a friend. But right in this second, she had found the person who had grown up beside her, and the only person she would happily share this second with.

I think I'm falling, I'm falling for you,
On this night, and in this light,
I think I'm falling, I'm falling for you,
And maybe you, change your mind,

It ended, and Lauren turned off her speaker, leaving the night time strangely quiet and empty. Chris and Sofi had gone inside, as it appeared, had the adults. Looking around, Lauren found a couple of buckets that she had taken across with the firewood, and she and Camila filled them with sea water, and kept dousing the flames until all was quenched.

"The tide's coming in and that will sort any embers out,"

With the bonfire, there was a sudden lack of heat, and Camila gave another shiver.

"Let's go inside," said Lauren, "We've got a flight to catch tomorrow,"

They went in, with Lauren's arm draped loosely around Camila's shoulders. The adults were all sat in the lounge together, and Lauren poked her head inside to inform them that they were going to bed. On the stairs, Camila found that a mixture of fatigue and slight tipsiness made ascending them more of a challenge, and it was only with Lauren's steady and firm hand on her back that she managed to get to the top without an accident.

At her door, Lauren made to leave, but Camila caught her sleeve.

"I need to give you your sweater back,"

"Keep it," Lauren waved the concern away easily, "It looks better on you than it does on me,"

"Okay. Thank you," Camila accepted, "Do you... do you want to come in for a bit?"

Lauren looked over into the room, eyes raking over the bed and the packed suitcase.

"I might just go straight to bed, actually," she said softly, "Thank you, though,"

"No worries. For the record, the offer stands,"

"I'll bear that in mind,"

There was a pause, and the darting eyes and shifting feet indicated them silently daring one another to make the first move. Eventually, it was Lauren who bowed her head, and backed away, disappearing into her own room, with the door closing shut behind her.

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