Descendants of The Sun: The S...

By ApplePie0097

128K 2.5K 877

The love story between a soldier and a doctor reaches new heights, as their bond strenghtens to a point where... More

Chapter One-Part One
Chapter One-Part Two
Chapter One-Part Three
Chapter One-Part Four
Chapter Two-Part One
Chapter Two-Part Two
Chapter Two-Part Three
Chapter Two-Part Four
Chapter Two-Part Five
Chapter Three-Part One
Chapter Three-Part Two
Chapter Three-Part Three
Chapter Three-Part Four
Chapter Three-Part Five
Chapter Three-Part Six
Chapter Four-Part One
Chapter Four-Part Two
Chapter Four-Part Three
Chapter Four-Part Four
Chapter Five-Part One
Chapter Five-Part Two
Chapter Five-Part Three
Chapter Five-Part Four
Chapter Six-Part One
Chapter Six-Part Two
Chapter Six-Part Three
Chapter Six-Part Four
Chapter Seven-Part One
Chapter Seven-Part Two
Chapter Seven-Part Three
Chapter Seven-Part Four
Chapter Seven-Part Five
Chapter Seven-Part Six
Chapter Eight-Part One
Chapter Eight-Part Two
Chapter Eight-Part Three
Chapter Eight-Part Four
Chapter Eight-Part Five
Chapter Nine-Part One
Chapter Nine-Part Two
Chapter Nine-Part Three
Chapter Nine-Part Four
Chapter Nine-Part Five
Chapter Ten-Part One
Chapter Ten-Part Two
Chapter Ten-Part Three
Chapter Ten-Part Four
Chapter Ten-Part Five
Chapter Ten-Part Six


3.6K 51 18
By ApplePie0097

"Marriage is not a noun, it's a verb. It isn't something you get. It's something you do. It's the way you love your partner every day."

(Barbara De Angelis)

   Everyone was elated about the news of Dae Young and Myeong Joo's marriage. Those from the hospital, and even the soldiers back at base, could not stop being happy for the couple. Dae Young and Myeong Joo found themselves struggling to handle wave after wave of congratulatory remarks as well as well-wishes from their own colleagues, but they took it with an open heart.

   Myeong Joo's father had given his consent as well.

   While Dae Young and Myeong Joo celebrated, Si Jin could only look on in envy. He was proud of them, no doubt, but deep inside, he felt that he should have done the same. All the while, Dae Young had been hesitating to act, and Si Jin was still unsure about his future. After the lost of Hong Guan, Si Jin was kind of shattered. It changed him a little; he was more concerned now. He had lost two great people he had ever known in his life, and their deaths remained as a silent reminder of how unpredictable life could be. Dae Young finally broke the deadlock by proposing to Myeong Joo, that's a good thing. However, Si Jin began to have doubts about the life he wanted to have.

   It's not that Si Jin wanted to avoid responsibility. It's just that he didn't want Mo Yeon to get hurt inside out if anything happened to himself. Of course, it's unavoidable, but the silence inside the heart could kill a person softly without knowing it. He began to wonder whether it was a mistake to propose to her that early, when she was mortally wounded and in the brink of death. She might have agreed, but at that time, she was not in a mindful state. She could have said anything else without knowing what topic she was referring to, and it could be dangerous if those words were mere empty promises made to ease the pain in the heart. Although she said that she was willing to be a part of his life, he worried about her well-being.

   Will they have a happy life? Will they have a peaceful life? Will they find the peace in their hearts if they ever become one? What are the risks? Will those risks hurt more and bring more suffering, causing endless pain and sorrow?

   Can they accept their fate, and live with it? Was their relationship a blessing, or a curse? Did they really meant for each other, or they were just acquaintances put together to heal each other's wounds?
Was their love honest, or was it just dependency?

   There were a lot of questions playing in his mind, and the list went on and on, seeking answers. Unfortunately, he couldn't find each and everyone of those questions an answer he was satisfied with. It was so difficult to clear his mind off that issue that it began to disturb his work. In his office, he couldn't stop staring at the ring he had bought a few weeks back. The silvery object was just as simple in design like the one Dae Young had, except that this one had nothing engraved on it. It wasn't fancy–unlike the ones the royalties around the world could get, but it wasn't all that ugly too. To him, it was just nice.

   He wanted to put it on her badly, but his doubts were pushing him back.

   Maybe, there's one person he could refer to.

   Baek Joong Shin.

   He's a soldier, and he's married. For sure, he too felt the same thing before he made that life-changing decision. Perhaps, he might have some advice for Si Jin to follow.

   Si Jin placed the ring back into a small purple box and out it aside. He took out his mobile and began dialling the number.


dal.komm coffee
The same night
   "So, you called me to asked for my advice?" Joong Shin sipped his cappuccino a little, never losing sight of the man in distraught sitting in front of him. He placed the cup on the saucer. "Strange. I thought you're a man who always have things figured out beforehand."

   "Perhaps, not this one." Si Jin stirred his drink softly, watching the brown liquid swirl in a circular clockwise motion. "I really don't know what to do. Tell me, did I make the wrong move? I mean, I proposed to her when she was almost dying. You've heard it before right–how our minds lose out when we're on the brink of death?"

   "She remembers the proposal, though. It shows that she was still alert." Joong Shin replied.

   "Oh, right."

   Joong Shin observed the Major a little bit more, taking note of every detail of his facial expression with his eagle eyes. It didn't take long for him to conclude that Si Jin was still worried. Joong Shin realised that his advice would not fulfill the answers So Jin wanted so badly, but he hoped that it would work by some degree. If it didn't, then, he had no idea what to do. Arching backwards in his seat with his arms crossed, he went on. "Seriously, do you love her?"

   Si Jin bulged his eyes upon hearing that. The question was unexpected. "Ne, I love her." He admitted with a serious tone.

   "Then, don't doubt that feeling." Joong Shin adviced. "You see, I was like you before I made that choice. Do you know what made me confident about my choice?"

   Si Jin stayed silent for a while before finally shaking his head.

   Joong Shin arched forward again, his elbows resting on the table. "Just one word–acceptance." He spoke with a level of determination, his left index finger pointing at Si Jin. "The thing is, just accept the thing they are. You can't expect things to be what you wish they will be, so just go with the flow. Let the situation float around you. If you delve deep into a problem too much, it will hold you back forever because you can't accept it with an open heart and you want the situation to be what you want it to be."

   Si Jin stayed silent as he listened on.

   "You love her, but you're scared that thing won't go exactly as planned. You know what, that's what I face everyday." Joong Shin lifted his cappuccino for another sip. His expression gloomed slightly, probably reminiscing all the troubles he had been through together with his wife. "Every single day, I had to say goodbye to my wife each time I got to work, and it was worse when it comes to missions. I'm sure you've faced the same thing too." The conversation paused for a moment as the two men took a sip from their drinks. "We are soldiers, and that's what we do–dangerous work. Whenever I do my job, I had to consider every aspect–my family, my comrades, and everyone I know. Every single thing we do is just for one purpose–to keep them safe. I want to keep my wife safe from harm, but I can't do that if I didn't sacrifice something."

   "Including the trip to Uruk?"

   "Ani, that's an order. I had to follow that. The thing is, this is how we work, and the nature of our work has never changed overtime. We will face dangers, even in our own backyard. You can't fight it, you have to accept it. There's no way you can run away from your problems forever." Joong Shin showed Si Jin the ring he was wearing. "I've been wearing this to everywhere I go, and I'm not letting it go. It reminds me that I have a family to take care of." Joong Shin spoke. "So, my advice for you is–accept it, embrace it, and then use it to your advantage. Don't leave your love hanging in a thread. Who says soldiers can't be happy? All you have to do, is to believe in yourself, believe in your love, and believe in your relationship. That, is my secret to happiness."

   The last few words got Si Jin smiling in the end. Indeed, Joong Shin was someone special. A married man and a dedicated soldier, he was a perfect role model for Si Jin. There's so much to learn from him and Si Jin wished that he could spend more time together. "So, that's how you maintain a healthy relationship." The Major muttered. "Gomapta. I don't know what I can do if I hadn't met you."

   "Yah, we're comrades, right? We leave no man behind."

   "Dangyeonhaji!" Si Jin lifted his cup for a toast. Joong Shin gladly accepted the gesture and the two cheered. "I'll make sure to pay you a visit one day."

   "Come together with your wife! Then, it'll be way much fun! My wife loves company!"

   "Ne, I will." Si Jin and Joong Shin chuckled.

   And the two colleagues enjoyed their time together, sharing personal thoughts and laughed at each other's jokes.

   At least right now, Si Jin knew what to do next.


A few days later
   Si Jin and Mo Yeon enjoyed their time together in her house, replaying their favourite war movie. Armed with only their canned beers while sharing a pack of chips, the two watched the movie in total darkness and in silence. The last time they watched the movie, they fell asleep on the hospital bed halfway through. This time, they really wanted to see it till the end.

   The war movie they had been trying to watch unsuccessfully was a military-romance film involving a South Korean soldier and a normal village girl during the onset of the Korean War. In the film, the main character was forcefully conscripted into the army, separating the two lovebugs in an awful way. The man struggled through every battle against the invading North Koreans until the moment the UN coalition force commanded by the United States relieved the South Koreans some pressure. The soldier was briefly reunited with his liver before being deployed to the front into North Korean soil. However, the entry of Chinese volunteer forces changed the face of war, driving the allied coalition back to their former frontlines. In the film's climax, the soldier went rogue, running back to the village to rescue his lover from the purging Communist forces that were hungry for revenge. He was unlucky however, and the liver was forced to witness in horror as the soldier got shot in the chest by a North Korean sniper.

   It was a sad ending for such a beautifully-crafted film, and it broke Mo Yeon's heart. At one point, she nearly cried, but she managed to hold back tears. Apparently, the film they liked very much had a sad end to it, and not a happy one they thought it would be.

   Well, at least they knew how it ended already.

   Lights were switched back on, the mess on the sofa and the coffee table cleaned up, and the couple were back on the dining table drinking the rest of the beer off the cans. Mo Yeon was no longer sad now, but it did had a strong message to it. "Ah, I hate how the movie ended! The man should have lived! I mean, he was so close!" She fretted about the final scene where the soldier was about to reach his liver before getting shot at, gulping a small amount into her system before slamming the can softly into the table as Si Jin looked on with amusement. "If I had known how the movie ended, I wouldn't have watched it already!"

   Si Jin could only giggle at Mo Yeon's pouty face. She looked so cute in that expression that Si Jin could not hold himself any longer. He arched forward, pressing his two left fingers on the right side of her pouty face, pulling it softly and playfully as Mo Yeon glared with hesitation. "Aigoo, you're so cute when you're angry!" He continued to pull it playfully until Mo Yeon smacked his fingers away.


   Si Jin didn't stop though. He aimed for her nose next, and then played with it to his enjoyment, and to Mo Yeon's disgust.

   "Yah, geumanhae!" This time, Mo Yeon was agitated now, brows knitted into a scowl. However I it only made Si Jin laugh even more, especially when her cute expression reminded him of the one she showed him when he blocked her view back at Uruk. Those men she called doves might not be here right now but she was doing one as if the scenario was still in existence. "Mwohaneungoya?"

   "I'm enjoying the look on your face." Si Jin responded cooly. "By the way, you look absolutely beautiful and cute when you're angry." Si Jin praised her well, trying to pull her heartstrings with his affectionate, soft and manly tone. "It makes me want to play with you more."

   Mo Yeon didn't know whether it was the beer or it was simply Si Kind character that made him praise that way. It was a playful praise, she knew, but it had a quick effect on her soul. She tried to hold back the blush, but she failed miserably and in the end, she allowed herself to chuckle at his adorable line, grinning widely and thus showing off her most wonderful smile. "Well, you have to treat me better then, because I bet you'll have to double your efforts if you ever make me very angry in the future." She warned playfully, her finger pointing at his face.

   "What if I don't?" Si Jin purposely placed himself forward even more until his nose nearly touched her printing finger. "I like making you angry, because only then, I have the advantage." He spoke in his most passionate voice, his tone so low and relaxed and infectious that it almost melted Mo Yeon's heart. "And I'm honest–you look pretty right now."

   Gosh, his sweet words began to make her heart beat fast, her lungs beating erratically as her breath laboured. His words had so much power that she eventually succumbed to it freely. Luckily, it wasn't at a kind of level where her hormones could no longer control itself. She couldn't help but blush even more, her cheeks turning as red as a tomato. "You sweet-mouthed man! I think you're drunk!" She remarked as she tried to look away from his powerful gaze, which was making her shy.

   "I'm not drunk." Si Jin replied. He wrapped his hands around her right hand where her finger was pointing at him, slightly surprising Mo Yeon as her eye darted to their intertwined fingers. Si Jin's smile faded slightly, his eyes no longer containing that sultry look but relaxed with a rather concerned one. She could tell straight away that he too was somewhat affected by the scene. "And I say all these because I love you. Every praise I say to you is important to myself. I want to see your beautiful face everyday, cherish you and protect you like I promised. You are my everything, my heart and soul. I don't want to end up like that guy, chasing after lost dreams." He expressed sincerely.

   Now, that's honest.

   "Oh, before I forget, there's a military ball coming up next week at Grand Hyatt Seoul. I....wish that you can be there with me." Si Jin said with a smile, his thumb rubbing her hand tenderly.

   "What's a military ball?" She asked curiously. Never in her life had she heard about such event. She didn't even know it existed. The word 'ball' gave some clues though–a high-class event. "Does it have something to do with people of status?"

   Her questions got him chuckling. She's still so innocent after so long, and that's the reason why she's cute. "Aniyo. A military ball is like a prom, military style. It's more of a get-together event where we gather altogether and celebrate the night. We get to bring ladies in the event too. Girlfriends, wives, you name it, they'll be there. Soldiers of all branches of the military will be joining this one." He explained, pausing a moment to drink his beer.

   "So, you'll be wearing your uniform?"

   "That's a formal attire, and it's a formal event, so yes, I'm wearing it." He sensed something amiss. "You're not telling me that you're going because I wear that uniform, aren't you?" He pointed at her.

   "What if the answer is yes?"

   Si Jin scoffed upon hearing that answer, slouching back a bit in 'disappointment'. He couldn't believe that she was so straight, and so downright honest. A part of him told him that she was just playing though. "Aish, jinjja. In that case, I won't go."

   "That's great!" She teased with a naughty smirk.

   "Aigoo, why did I have a woman like you?"

   Mo Yeon began to chuckle at his 'angry' demeanour, which agitated him. Even when he gave her a stare, she was unfazed by it, and went on chuckling as if she saw something really funny. "Geumanhae!" He demanded, but Mo Yeon showed him a tongue playfully. When she saw him getting up slowly, she stood up to get away from the man who had the intention of catching her, but not before mocking him by repeating the word he said not long ago. She dashed into her room just as Si Jin began to give chase.

   Unfortunately, Si Jin was faster. He got her hand and then pinned her to the wall just before Mo Yeon could open the door. Mo Yeon was enjoying the moment right now, chuckling nonstop like a hysterical maniac. It was at that time when Si Jin began chuckling as well, playing with her left cheek before she smacked his hand softly. He didn't care though, and then proceeded in tickling her by the waist–a perfect assault he favoured so much against a mischievous woman like her.

   The laughter and all the enjoyment paused abruptly when Si Jin suddenly cupped her face, her eyes meeting his. That's when she realised how close they were, their bodies almost touching. She could feel her hormones running wild now, and she knew that he was having the same problem too. The thing was that they were too close to break away now. The way their warm breaths touched their skin, the sound of their heartbeats, and the feeling of his hands on her face was making her blush and eager for more...intensity. she couldn't ignore it anymore. The fire was burning in her body right now that she felt the need to be cherished, to feel appreciated by the man she loves so much. There's passion in his eyes, she could feel it. Those manly gaze was breaking her walls further, imploring her to surrender to his charms.

   "You're still playing?" He said it smoothly.

   "Ne. What can you do about it?"


   He crashed his lips onto hers, and the couple kissed passionately. Oh, the taste of his lips, so tantalising and sweet that it tasted like honey. He tested and turned, and so did she, going with the rhythm. She didn't know whether it was her mind or the taste of beer that made her surrender to his kisses, but she didn't care anymore. She had gone way too far for that and there's no going back now. She would surrender to him wholeheartedly. The kiss was so intense and filled with passion that when they finally stopped, they were gasping for air. She was blushing all over now, slightly embarrassed by the act but enjoying deep inside.

   The next thing she knew was that she was carried bridal style into her room, and their night of making love began once again.

   In the end, the exhausted couple laid next to each other, clothless and bare. She rested on his chest, listening to his heartbeat that was slowly coaxing her to sleep.

   "So, I take that as a yes? You're going with me?" Si Jin asked in a whispering tone, playing with a loose strand of her hair and twirling it carefully around his left index finger. "It means so much to me, you know."

   "I've given you my answer." Mo Yeon stared at him with a smile. "From the kiss."

   Si Jin simply smiled.

   "By the way, when are we announcing our relationship? I mean, it's been more than a month since we've got back from Uruk."

   "I plan to do it my own way, and that, you cannot know." Si Jin replied while touching her nose playfully. "You'll find out soon."

   And it will be the most perfect plan of the year.


707th Special Mission Battalion Garrison, Seongnam
   "The last time so went for such an event was two years ago, and it was boring." Myeong Joo took a bite of the meat from her food. Then, she swallowed a small amount of water from her glass. "It's all about speeches, speeches and more speeches. Then, there's dancing, dinner, and that's it."

   Dae Young kind of disagreed with her. He had some good memories back in the day. "You missed the fun, Myeong Joo-ah. You know, there's one officer from the Air Force who was also present in the ball, and I can say, she's quite good-looking. Harry Potter got a fling for her that night, so we decided to help him a bit." Dae Young smirked mischievously at the young Staff Sergeant, who was seating two seats away from the Team Leader and was obviously embarrassed that he couldn't stop chuckling. Poor Cheol Ho had to endure such embarrassing stories all over again.

   "Jinjja? What happened?" Myeong Joo asked with interest, eyes all focused on Dae Young and her expression eager and anticipating. She was like a cute girl waiting anxiously for her birthday present.

   "Who would ever knew that Harry Potter here will get her in the end?" Si Jin replied instead. "Ah, bless the Gods, the wind and the Heavens, Harry Potter finally found his true love." Si Jin suddenly went melancholic, teasing Cheol Ho playfully as the rest of the table chuckled and cheered.

   The men of Alpha Team, Myeong Joo and Si Jin were sitting together at the canteen, enjoying their lunch. It had been way too long since they last sat together like this, and the moment right now was bringing back memories. They sat at the end of the corner, chit-chatting and laughing in such a volume that the entire canteen could hear them talking. Although it was forbidden to talk in such loud volumes in the canteen for it showed lack in discipline, as long as Si Jin's the highest ranking officer in the area right now, he could do whatever he wanted. Of courses the rest of the soldiers could not speak a volume louder than them, or Si Jin would reprimand them and punish them with latrine duty.

   The benefits of being a superior officer.

   The laughter died down some few seconds later when they realised that they were somewhat too loud. They chuckled at each others demeanour, behaving like school kids all over again. Needless to say, their youthful characteristics inherited since their high school years had not gone away totally just yet. Cheol Ho managed to overcome his embarrassment and began chuckling along too, blushing at the same time. "Jungwinim, Soryeongnim, yedera, gomapsumnida." Cheol Ho expressed with a slight bow. "If it wasn't for your playful tricks, I wouldn't have known her until today. I owe you my life." He bowed again.

   "Eyh, why are you doing it so dramatically? We did it because we cared about you." Woon Geun replied, patting Cheol Ho's back in a friendly manner. "If we didn't, for sure you'll still stay single right now."

   "Uwah, you guys had so much fun.." Myeong Joo muttered in envy, her left hand resting below her chin. "How could I miss out something so interesting?"

   "You were busy doing public relations with Jungjangnim that night." Dae Young replied straight away. Then, he realised someone was missing. "Come to think of it, has anyone seen Yeung Joon?"

   All of a sudden, a soldier came running towards their table with a tired face. He came to a screeching halt in front of them, the Corporal saluting them before dropping his hand back to his side. The crew looked on as the soldier struggled to speak between gasps, a perfect evidence of all the exertion he had done just to relay a simple yet urgent message. "Seo Jungwi, Yoo Soryeong, Jungjangnim wants to see you now." He managed to get those words out in the end.

   "Us?" Si Jin asked as he pointed to himself and Dae Young, in which the Corporal nodded in agreement. "Waeyo?"

   "Mollayo, Soryeongnim. All I know is that you both are ordered there now. He said there's something urgent to discuss."

   Both Dae Young and Si Jin, eyes facing each other, began to feel that something was amiss, and it couldn't be good.


   Yeung Joon quickened his steps as he rushed towards the Lieutenant General's office, his heart pumping with anxiety for ahead for him. The urgent order for him to meet the Commander in an ordinary day could only mean that something was really wrong. He knew deep down that he did no mistakes, but somehow, he felt really uncomfortable for it.

   Yeung Joon made his approach with a mind filled with questions and no answers. He didn't know what was going on. Something required his attention and he hoped that it was something important. If he had been called to the office for no apparent reason, then he was just wasting his time and energy. He wasn't late, but everytime he glanced at his watch while he walked, he felt the urgent need to quicken his steps. The road to the office might not be far, but the walk was like a thousand-mile journey with no end in sight. He passed by soldiers of various ranks, ignoring their faces when they saw someone walking in such a rushed manner.

   Eventually, he reached the office, but the one thing that made him stop was the familiar masculine voice behind the closed door of the office. In an instant, he knew what the problem was about, and he felt anger boiling up inside him as his fists balled and his exhaled all heavy. He was glaring now, like a tiger ready to pounce its prey. The prey this time, and unfortunately, was his own father.

   "I've informed my son about it but he was quite skeptical. So I decided to discuss this matter with you, Jungjangnim. Is it possible for Yeung Joon to quit?"

   "I have no say in this, unfortunately." Yeung Joon could hear Si Jin's voice behind the door. "It's up to him to decide for himself. We cannot mix personal issues with our work, sir."

   "Just answer the damn question! Can he quit?!"

   Yeung Joon had had enough. If he didn't stop his father now, his father would bring the entire base down with him. His father had some issues with the sense of authority and he never liked being challenged. When he was challenged, things could go very awful. He had seen it once; he never wanted to see it again. Throwing away the rules in his mind, Yeung Joon simply barged into the room in fury, ignoring to salute the General who was sitting on the sofa together with Si Jin and Dae Young who were standing behind the Commander with their hands behind their backs, and his father  was seemingly furious and ready for a fistfight. His father was in his darks suit again, but his blue tie was loose and the collar buttons were undone.

   His sudden entry shocked everyone in the room, earning strange glances from all of them. Yeung Joon simply didn't care about them, walking straight towards his father who seemed to have a bad hairdo today. "I've never expected you to come with such a plan, abeoji." Yeung Joon hissed at the father, who somewhat expected that kind of reaction and began to chuckle. "How lowly of you to demand something like this."

   His father stood up, unbuttoning the black suit and thus revealing his white collared shirt inside. He placed his hands on his hips, displaying an authoritative posture in front of his son and the men. As for Si Jin and Dae Young, they were about to witness just how as the relationship was between the father and son. Awkward as they felt it might be, they couldn't just leave without the General's consent though. "I'm doing this for you and you said that I'm a lowly person? Yah, Yeung Joon-ah, can't you see who's being lowly here?" He pointed to the three superior officers furiously, much to the amazement of the men. "This men are the ones you should avoid! They are lowly, undisciplined lots coming from lowly backgrounds and criminal undergrounds! They don't deserve to be your so-called commanding officer! You're way better than them!"

   "Yeah, they might be citizens of lower status than me, but at least they are better than you!" Yeung Joon fought back, defending the dignity of his commanders. "If it's not for them, our country wouldn't have the peace we have today, abeoji!"

   "I think our country's better off without them! Look at them! How could they become your commanders when you are a son of a businessman?! You're better than that!"

   "Mianhamnida, abeoji, but you are way too much!" Yeung Joon tried his best to be as polite as possible while showing the littlest anger, but he knew he wouldn't last. Every insult his father threw in at them were like piercing darts agitating the heart, and therefore, boiling his fury. He turned to the commanders. "Please forgive my abeoji. He's gone way too much today. Even I don't know why."

   The General could only nod his head.


   "Has it ever been this way? You and your father are not in good terms?"

   "It's been going on for a long time." Yeung Joon sighed heavily as he replied to Si Jin's inquiry. "I hate it, really. He's been avoiding his duties as a responsible abeoji for all these years, and now, he suddenly cares about me?" The Staff Sergeant scoffed, shaking his head. "He only cares about the seat, that's all I know. He could do anything to make sure that I inherit that seat, but I never thought that he could come this far and create a mess."

   "If you've told us earlier, we could have helped." Dae Young patted Yeung Joon's left shoulder.

   "Well, what can you do, honestly? Change my abeoji's mind? I don't think so." Yeung Joon brushed his face dejectedly. He hated every moment of it–having to deal with his father in every unexpected moments. If he could not change his father's mind, for sure Si Jin and Dae Young couldn't too. The old man was a stubborn lot, and he definitely would not listen to anybody he considered lowly and unequal. It was a strange thing how he was brought up into this world, possessing his father's genes. "I don't know what to do. Just tell me, should I quit?" He glanced at his two seniors who were sitting side-by-side.

   The sun basked their skins, and the cool marble stairs they were sitting on just outside the base's entrance had already lost its cool, giving way to the hear that became somewhat unbearable. Yeung Joon's father had already left in disappointment, but the effects were profound. It had ruined their afternoon badly, and poor Yeung Joon had to pay the hefty price for his father's mess. Si Jin and Dae Young finally got a first-hand knowledge about the troubles Yeung Joon had been going through, but it was unfortunate for them that they could not do anything about it. The problem was interpersonal, and they had no right to interfere.

   However, deep in their hearts, they didn't want to see him go. Yeung Joon had so much potential. He's a great soldier, a loyal member of the team, and he stood for what was right. Added with the fact that he was also in a relationship with Yoon Mi, he was closer to the two men compared to the rest of Alpha Team–an unusual yet fruitful acquaintance. Some of his problems were relatable to Si Jin and Dae Young, for they had experienced a nearly identical scenario back in their youths. As seniors, Si Jin and Dae Young felt compelled to help Yeung Joon, but they were severely limited. It didn't stop them from advising though. "I honestly didn't want you to leave." Dae Young expressed. "You're a valuable asset to the team. Choi Woon Geun Jungsa is already planning to retire from the army, and the team needs capable men to be in a top shape for combat. I really need someone like you to make the team complete."

   "While Dae Young-nim's reason is more to work, mine is more personal–I feel honoured to meet someone like you." Si Jin said with a comforting smile. "When I see you, I see my inner self, the other half of me. You helped me to see where I go wrong, and you've made sure that I'm making the right choice. If it wasn't for your beating you gave me back at Uruk, I would have done something stupid back then." Si Jin looked away for a moment, eyes narrowed when the rays hit his sights. "I just need you by our side, but I know that the choice is entirely yours. Whatever you decide, we'll support you."

   "That's right." Dae Young supported.

   Those comforting words of his superior officers touched his heart. That's the reason why he liked the army–he felt like he was one of them, like a family. This was totally absent in his home. After his mother died, all laughter had ceased to exist in that big bungalow he lived in, and it was replaced by the irritating giggles and chuckles of his father's second wife and the son. Love had disappeared from his life in that prison, but it rekindled back the moment he joined the armed forces. In fact, all Yeung Joon needed was just one thing–love. The army became a part of his life, and it would be a torture for himself if he chose to leave it behind and instead inherit the seat he never wanted to take.

   However, his mother's words continued to ring in his mind–no matter what, he had a father, and he was not supposed to hate him no matter what bad the father had done. His mother's words were clear that he should still respect his father. Although she gave no interest about the seat at all, those words reminded Yeung Joon to be a filial son and okay a part of being one. After all, the family survived because if his father's company, and thus, it became some sort of a duty for him to keep that heritage alive.

   Yeung Joon had a different idea. True, his family survived because if the company, but behind the success of the company, lied the brain that built it all, which was his father. So, to say that the company was the source of the family's survival and rise to fame was partially correct, and partially wrong. The company was just a part of an object that houses his father's greatest ideas. Therefore, in actual fact, the family was supported by the father, and not the company. It was a person, not a name of a company. That's the reason why Yeung Joon never wanted to inherit that seat, for it was just a seat of authority, a gift of power that would only bring so much negativity into his life. His father was a perfect example for it.

   And with that, he made up his mind.

   He never wanted to leave everything he cherished behind. This was his home, his place of solace, where he felt appreciated and accepted bit because of his background, but rather his skills and brains. This was his family–a real family. Yeung Joon finally smiled, glancing at Si Jin and Dae Young. After a long moment of silence, he had found an ultimate answer to his own problems. "I'm not going anywhere." He avowed. "I'm not leaving my family. I'm not leaving my comrades to fight alone. I want to serve, to protect, and I will do this till the very end."

   "We'll ride the waves together..." Si Jin spoke up.

   "Cruise the winds.." Dae Young continued.

   "And claim the highest peaks." Yeung Joon ended, as the three men smiled. "Because that's who we are. We leave no man behind."

   "Well said, comrade!" The three men laughed.


Day of event
   Yoon Mi had never been to a military ball before. She had no idea what it was. That's why when Yeung Joon literally invited her to go with him, she was at a lost. She was told that it would be like prom night back in their sophomore years, but the problem was that she had never been to the prom too. She was just too busy doing stuff that were rather....personal.

   She knew pretty well that she couldn't let him down though. Yeung Joon's her boyfriend after all. So, disregarding all the fears inside her head, she agreed to go with him. There's a first time for everything, so this...should be fun.

   This was the night where she could be together with him for the entire night. Her attire for the formal event–the purple dress with a V-neckline she had bought some few months ago. She didn't know why she bought it in the first place, but now, she found a new purpose for it. Maybe it was fate that she would one day wear this dress, not for herself, but for someone she loved. Today, was that day.

   Her mother thought her how to groom herself at a young age. How to be a wonderful woman, how to impress a man, how to create an impression for everyone to see. Her friend figured that the dress was sexy before, but for Yoon Mi, the dress was just nice. Along with her makeup, she looked perfect in her dress. It showed off her wonderful waistline really well, and she was somewhat proud of it. A small smile escaped from her lips when she looked at herself in the mirror. Tonight, even though it was only for one night, she would allow herself to be the princess, to be caressed by the prince.

   And he came at the right moment. Yeung Joon came knocking at the door, telling her that it was time. Letting out a whose, she grabbed her purse and walked towards the door.

   When she opened the door, she was instantly awestruck by what she saw, and so did he. Yeung Joon was in his formal uniform, donning a black beret. He was dashingly handsome, like a prince from fairy tale stories. It was just so surreal. She had never seen him in that uniform before and she began to wonder whether he was the right guy. She skipped a beat, her lungs fading out that she felt her knees getting weak at such a wonderful sight. She was lucky though that her mind still worked. "A.. Annyeong." She expressed with a slight blush, still working on believing.

   She could tell that Yeung Joon was kind of mesmerised too. She had transformed, she knew, into someone different, and it was a total opposite of the normal, everyday doctor he knew. She might not know what's playing inside his head but she could see that he too was struggling with something. Probably, he's nervous, but so did she. He let out a small smile in the end, composing himself. "You look wonderful." He praised.

   "Gomawoyo." She replied with a blushing face.

   "So, will you take my hand?" Yeung Joon offered his arm to her.

   Yoon Mi smiled as she accepted his arm.


Grand Hyatt Seoul
Itaewon-dong, Seoul
   Dae Young could not help but feel mesmerised by the way Myeong Joo dressed that night. She had transformed into someone else under that pink dress of hers, the form-fitting clothing showing off the curves just right. He didn't know how she got that kind of strapless dress, but it didn't matter. As long as it fitted her well, it was all good. She was not like the feisty First Lieutenant on the field, and one could mistaken her for somebody belonging to a high-class society.

   Myeong Joo had to stick close to her father once again, which explained the reason why they had to come separately instead of him accompanying her to the ball. Public relations duty was a part of her duty as a General's daughter, making new friends within the inner circle and maintaining old ties with the present ones. Lieutenant General Yoon looked pretty well in his attire as well, Myeong Joo holding his right arm like how a daughter should do–formally and with politeness. Together with her father, they greeted men–high-ranking officers from different branches of the military as well as other important guests. Even the CEO of S&T Motiv–the nation's firearms and automotive manufacturer, was also present for the event.

   It was a bad thing that Dae Young couldn't be with her right now. She still had so much public relations to do, thus leaving him alone together with his comrades whom each had their girlfriends or wives tagged along with them. He felt lonely a little, but he kept it down to a minimum by conversing with his fellow comrades as well as catching up with some of his friends. Each and every branch of the military had their very own specific dress uniforms, varying in colour to signify their units–the green representing the ground forces, blue representing the air wing, while white representing the naval force. The Marine Corps also had their blue uniforms, but with a darker hue and naval shoulder patches along with red tags. It was quite a display of colours in a large area, and the presence of ladies in the event made the colours diversify.

   The American allies were there too, the soldiers donning their own uniforms. When compared, the Americans and the Koreans had nearly identical uniforms. The only thing that could differentiate them clearly was the colour of their skin and the language both parties spoke. Dae Young saw the commander of the United States Force Korea, arriving along with several special guests and was in an active conversation with some of the commanders.

   He was holding a glass of wine in hand while he was conversing with a female officer from the navy when he saw Yeung Joon and Yoon Mi coming in. The moment he saw the young couple, he could not help but smile at the perfectly-matched couple as he walked towards them. Yeung Joon looked so perfect in his uniform, while Yoon Mi was a beauty in her purple dress. The couple took notice of Dae Young approaching them. "Jungsanim, Jung-sonsaeng, glad that you're here." Dae Young greeted them politely and formally. "You look wonderful today, Jung-sonsaeng." He reached out for a handshake.

   "Kamsahamnida." Yoon Mi replied the gesture with a nervous smile. "I'm honoured to be here today. Congratulations for your engagement. Just one question, is everyone so formal?"

   "Kamsahamnida. This is a formal event, and we have some etiquettes to follow. That's why we're more formal than usual. Mianhamnida, if it causes you great discomfort." Dae Young bowed slightly in apology.

   "A..aniyo! I'm not uncomfortable! It's just that I'm not used to this!" Yoon Mi explained, waving her hands.

   "What Jungwinim's trying to say is that you can still enjoy yourself here. Geokjeonghajima." Yeung Joon said with a smirk, comforting Yoon Mi a little as she let out a sigh of relief much to his amusement. He intertwined his fingers with hers, holding her tight. "I'm here, right?"

   "Jungsanim's right, Jung-sonsaeng. Just feel free." Dae Young reiterated with a polite smile. "This is your first time, so this will take a while to get used to. In fact, a military ball is not as bad as you think."

   Yoon Mi could only nod her head blushingly while Yeung Joon simply smiled. "Where's Yoon Jungwi?" Yeung Joon asked, wondering why Dae Young was alone when he was supposed to be with her.

   "She's with Jungjangnim."

   Dae Young allowed the couple to find their seats, just as Gwang Nam came walking to him with a weird smile. Yeung Joon saw that and the couple paused as the marksman spoke to Dae Young with a tone of amazement mixed with awe. He was apparently awestruck by something, hands on his hips and somehow panting for air.

   "You won't believe what I saw." Gwang Nam exclaimed proudly. "I think you're about to be dumbstruck."

   "What's going on?" Yeung Joon asked curiously.

   "Well, look at the entrance." He pointed to the direction behind Dae Young, the entrance where honour guards lining both sides of the door stood in attention. Dae Young, Yeung Joon and Yoon Mi glanced to the direction Gwang Nam was directing to, and saw something that immediately caught their attention.

   The next person to enter was none other than Major Yoo Si Jin, and accompanied together with his ever-beautiful fiancée, Kang Mo Yeon. Si Jin was in his uniform and black beret, while Mo Yeon was in an off-shoulder white dress, the silky material moving smoothly along with her movements. She had a pair of earrings on, and the makeup was all at the right places, making her a total beauty in and out. Her hair was tied in a ponytail, and she donned the necklace Si Jin had given her some time ago. Talk about a perfect match. This couple definitely nailed it the first thing they entered that hall. Right now, everyone's eyes were focused on the couple, as if they were seeing a prince and a princess walking into the hall in style. There were some shocked expressions and sighs from some of the soldiers, and whispers began to circulate.

   In an instant, Mo Yeon became the centre of attention, and she was embarrassed about it. She just couldn't stop blushing hard everytime she heard a few voices stating how beautiful she was and how close she was to Si Jin. Si Jin enjoyed the moment pretty well.

   Myeong Joo, who was watching at a distance, could not help herself. She excused herself, and approached the couple. "Omo, is that you, sunbaenim?" She exclaimed as she hugged the senior. "I barely recognised you in that dress! You look....beautiful!"

   "Gomawoyo. It's all thanks to Si Jin." She playfully nudged Si Jin's shoulder, sending him giggling. "He's been very 'meticulous' about what I need to wear." She winked an eyebrow at him. "You look beautiful yourself! You don't look like a soldier at all!"  She praised Myeong Joo just as Dae Young came around her.

   "I have a few sets myself." Noticing Dae Young to her right, she quickly wrapped her arms around his surprising him a little as Si Jin and Mo Yeon looked on amusingly. "Besides, I can't always dress up in that uniform all the time. I need to show him that I'm still a lady after all." She glanced at him. "Right, jagiya?"

   "You are still a woman in my eyes, Myeong Joo-ah. Nothing can change that." Dae Young replied cooly and with pride, his words causing Myeong Joo to blush. Si Jin, Yeung Joon, Mo Yeon and Yoon Mi couldn't hold their amazement at how cute the couple were tonight.

   The hall was decorated with military colours, with large flags of each branch hanging on both ends of the walls. Centre stage was a large banner with cursive fonts, stating the event, time and place as well as special guests. The Taeguk, the red-coloured Republic of Korea Armed Forces flag and the American flag were displayed on a projector and shown on a white screen. The hall was already quite crowded with soldiers in uniforms, but it was still spacious enough to move around. The three couples found their seats and sat comfortably. It was at that exact moment when Si Jin saw familiar faces coming in. At first he saw Joong Shin, and then Kang Soo Hying, and finally, and unexpected guest–Jordan. The moment Si Jin saw Jordan, Si Jin's expression changed. Mo Yeon saw that change of expression on his face and turned to the direction he was facing. The moment she saw Jordan, she too felt weird. "Isn't that the American?" She asked, eyes focused back on Si Jin.

   "I think so." Si Jin rose from his seat. "Wait here. I'm going to find out."

   Si Jin walked towards Jordan, who was oblivious of his presence. Wading through the crowd, he caught up with Jordan before he took a seat along with his American counterparts, tapping the man's shoulder softly.

   Jordan turned around, somewhat not surprised with Si Jin's presence. In fact, Jordan actually gave a polite smile. "Major Yoo." The Captain began in English. "It's an honour." He reached out for a handshake.

   Si Jin shook his hand in return. "The honour's mine. What are you doing here?" He replied in English as well.

   The question got him sighing, causing Si Jin to feel alarmed. He hoped that whatever that had happened had nothing to do with Jordans sudden presence in the country. That was until he heard Jordans reply. "There are changes in Uruk. The Prime Minister is calling for a total ceasefire."

   Right. The war in Uruk. So Jin had nearly forgotten about it.

   "With that happening, it became apparent that the US's involvement had become rather insignificant, since we can't get the Prime Minister to side on us, added with he fact that you interfered with one of our operations." Jordan gave Si Jin a slight glare.

   "Well, sorry about that. It had to be done."

   "Don't have to be sorry for that, Major." Jordan brushed it off with a whiff of a hand. "So, to honour our services, the Delta Force is deployed to Korea for some rest. This explains why I'm here today."

   Si Jin lowered his head. He didn't know why he felt quite guilty about it, having to see Jordan again in this country. Even though he had done nothing wrong, somehow, he felt that the interference that night had effectively caused the Americans their vital opportunity. No doubt that he didn't like how the Americans operate, but he never liked to interfere on somebody else's business. Jordan gave him a soft tap on a shoulder, Si Jin looking up to meet his rather friendly gaze.

   "You are a good man, Major. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't realise what we've been doing wrong all these while." He smirked. "At least we can keep up on thing now that I'm here. I think I still owe you some drinks, as I recall."

   Si Jin, comforted by Jordans words, smirked back. "Yeah, you do. Well, enjoy the event, Captain. I have to catch up with my fiancée."

   "Okay then, I–wait, what?! You're engaged?! Woah, congratulations!"

   "Keep it down! She didn't know what's coming!" Si Jin whispered to Jordan's ear with a mischievous smirk on his face.

   "Still with your old tricks, aren't you?" Jordan chuckled just as Si Jin was about to walk away. "When can you ever grow up?"

   "I've already grown up!" Si Jin replied. "It's just that my mind haven't!" Si Jin chuckled back as he toured back to the table, leaving the American smiling widely as he shook his head. Si Jin got back to his seat, his smile still plastered on his face when Mo Yeon noticed it. Sensing the curious stare from her, Si Jin cleared his throat and leaned closer to her. "He's transferred here with his unit. No big deal." He spoke in Hangul.

   "No wonder you're smiling." Mo Yeon grinned.

   The event started off with the playing of the national anthem, before continuing with the beating of drums performed by a joint military band involving the army, navy and the air force. Then came the speeches from military commanders and special guests, including the commander of USFK. Mo Yeon came to know that this was the biggest gathering they had ever done, where all military branches including American forces were invited to make this event a great success. Mo Yeon felt honoured to be here, despite feeling rather off. Nevertheless, she tried her best to blend in quickly. She found out later on that it wasn't so difficult when dinner was served. The sight of food got her stomach grumbling, demanding to be filled immediately. She almost lost herself in her hunger when she realised that she was being a little bit rude to the tradition. Slowly, she pulled away from her food, sat upright and gave an apologetic smile to Si Jin, who was glaring at her playfully.

   "I thought I told you specifically not to lose yourself." He scolded lightly.

   "Mianhae. I'm just hungry."

   Dinner was appetising and the event went on smoothly. Songs were sang, most of them patriotic, by talented soldiers on stage, living up the atmosphere with their melodies. The band did some of their best rolls they could perform, wowing the crowd with their splendid performance. A few videos were shown to promote the military. As Mo Yeon watched, she couldn't help but feel rather blessed to have such gallant men defending the nation. These band of brothers had sacrificed two years of their youth just to answer the nation's call to battle, and many had left their mark on the society. It was a shame that the military was always a subject of scorn to the society, despite their efforts. Once, she felt that a mandatory national service was unnecessary, since Korea was not going to war with anyone except their neighbour up north. Si Jin changed all of that, and right now, she had a different mindset about soldiers.

   To her, those men also had families, girlfriends and wives. Yet, they upheld their duty to the best of their abilities, united in doctrine and bonded by a bond so close that it was unbreakable. She felt proud to be a part of it, the close bond between men. In the event, she observed how close each and every servicemen and servicewomen were, as if they were a family despite originating from different backgrounds and status, as well as the branch their served in. In the end of the day, it was not the medal they fought for, or the number of enemies they've killed on the battlefield, but the call of duty. If anything were to happen to the country, as long as the battle cry was sounded, they would rise up and defeat their opponents to the last drop of blood.

   The most memorable, and heartbreaking part, was a display of a fifteen-minute video made to honour the men who had fallen in the line of duty. Altogether, there were eleven servicemen who had lost their lives in the age of modern warfare, each of them lost due to different circumstances and scenarios and most of them were on overseas missions. Much attention was paid to Staff Sergeant Yoon Jang Ho, a Staff Sergeant from the 100th Construction Engineer Unit and was part of the International Security Assistance Force which was stationed in Afghanistan. Mo Yeon had heard about him before, but she didn't know the cause of death. The fact that he was killed in a suicide bomb attack in a military base in Bagram, Afghanistan in 2007 got her heart aching.

   The mood was uplifted once again when a naval officer came on stage and showed off his comedic skills, bringing laughter to the crowd with his funny anthics. Si Jin and Dae Young could not stop laughing their hearts out when a video of them being pranked was displayed, Mo Yeon and Myeong Joo also unable to hold their hearts any longer.

   Then came the most anticipated part of the event–the dance.

   This was the moment where every man wanted to be a part in, to show their skills to their lady and to show the world how much they loved them. A number of them together with their partners got to the dance floor and started dancing once the slow-paced music began to play, bringing the air of romance into the hall. Myeong Joo and Dae Young got off to dance, and so did Yeung Joon and Yoon Mi. Neither anyone of them actually knew how to dance. They just wanted to join the fun while it lasted.

   Seeing how close her friends were to their partners made her envious. She wished that she could do that. The problem was that she was shy, and she had only a little training in dancing in her sophomore years. She was so engrossed with her studies that she gave up dancing in the end, and now, she regretted missing it out. If only she had wholeheartedly practiced those melodious moves, she could have shown off her dance in front of everyone and make the crowd pay attention to her. Still, she knew that she couldn't do that. She's not a show-off.

   She didn't realise that Si Jin had reached out a hand to her in a gentlemanly way, and when she did, she was surprised. "Let's join the fun." He invited with a gracious smile.

   "But...I can't really dance well."

   "Not every soldier is a dancer." Si Jin coaxed. "Come on, you only live once."

   Si Jin was right. Not everyone is a dancer. Throwing her doubts away, she accepted the hand, and together, they got to the dance floor. As if on cue, the music changed into a slow waltz the moment he out pressure on her waist and began guiding her around the floor with relative ease. Mo Yeon couldn't hide her surprise.

   "Didn't picture you as a dancer." She praised, finding her training kicking in as she slowly got to the tempo. "Where do you learn how to dance?"

   "Back in the academy, we have dance classes. I wasn't interested at first, and I wondered why there would be such a thing in the barracks, especially when the class is more to the feminine side. I passed by the class one day and I heard them playing 'Swan Lake'. That's how I began to take dancing classes in secret, because the music was good."

   "That explains why you're good." Right after she praised, Si Jin suddenly twirled her in a complicated spin, in which she managed to respond efficiently without losing her balance. She ended up being pulled close to his chest, causing her to gasp loudly as one of her hands touched his chest. She looked at his beautiful round eyes. "How did you do that?"

   "I think I should ask you that question." Si Jin deflected. "You dance well too."

   "I took classes, but I quit because I'm too busy with–"

   "Your studies." Si Jin ended the line for her.

   "You can say that."

   "Well, you can dance whenever you want now." Si Jin took the hand that was on his chest, intertwining his white gloved fingers with hers slowly and tenderly as she watched. Si Jin slowly parted, hand still holding hers to about an inch where he stopped, and all of the sudden, he crouched in front of her. His actions caught her completely off-guard, and all of the sudden the crowd began gazing at them. No sooner when they saw what was happening, they began to gasp as the hall suddenly became silent, the orchestra ceased to play as well.

   The stage lights focused on the two of them, encompassing the couple inside its lights.

   She realised what his plan was all about now.

   "Kang Mo Yeon." He began. "I know that I've done this already, but this time, I want to do it again. I've proposed to you under dangerous circumstances, and you gladly accepted it, but I want to be assured that you–no, we, are willing by open heart."

   "Si Jin.."

   "When I proposed to you, you're on the line. You almost died, and that's the scariest part of my life. The thought of me losing you scares me more than bullets hitting my body." He revealed openly. "And all the while, I've been trying to convince myself that we are meant to be one, and that you'll finally be my wife. However, after losing two of my comrades in one tragic day, I began to realise that I've been fooling myself. I thought that once we're together for eternity, we'll be free from harm whatsoever, but Sun Yang proved me wrong. No matter how close we are, there will be a day where we will have to say goodbye to each other. For all we know, tomorrow might be the end of me, and possibly you too. I hate to say this, but we cannot predict our future."

   Mo Yeon listened in silence, her eyes began to water and her heart began to beat nervously.

   "I worried whether I'm actually good enough for you. I wondered whether so can be with you all the time, to care for you, to be your shoulder to cry on in your darkest days. I wonder whether we can have the life we always wanted to be. When I shielded you from bullets, I thought that I'm going to die, and once again, I'll hurt you and leave you in your deepest sorrows. I am the worst man in the world, I admit."

   Tears began to flow from her eyes when he said that. That ached his heart, but he knew it was necessary.

   "However, I really love you. That is certain. No matter how much troubles we've been through, I still love you. So..." He took out a purple box, opening it in front of her, "...I wish that you can marry me, for real."

   The crowd began to whisper in surprise. Mo Yeon couldn't hold her tears at all, letting it fall off her eyes freely as she wiped it away. She loved him this man the moment they first met at the hospital. Despite all the dangers they had been through together, their love grew stronger each and every day to a point where it became totally unbreakable. She loved him, and would always do until the day she died. Slowly, she began to smile.

   "I know you can't guarantee that you'll come back safe, and I know that we might not be able to have the kind of family we wanted, but it's alright. I love you, Yoo Si Jin. God knows I do. Just promise me one thing–buy me souvenirs whenever you go out on a mission, will you?

   Si Jin chuckled. "Ne, I will. So, your answer is..."

   "I do."

   Upon saying that, the crowd gave a big round of applause. Dae Young, Myeong Joo, Yeung Joon and Yoon Mi could not believe that it happened, and they could not help but smile at the couple, each of them hugging their partners tight.

   Si Jin took out the ring, and then wore it on her ring finger as she smiled with grace. With that, they were now one, bonded heart and soul by love that will burn inside their hearts for eternity.

   "All servicemen, attention!" Colonel Park Byeong Soo's voice echoed at the background, causing everyone to focus on the man on the stage. The soldiers stood in attention. "Yoo Si Jin Soryeong has made us proud to be a soldier of the great Republic of Korea! All, salute to Yoo Si Jin Soryeong!" He snapped a salute. "Dangyeol!"

   "Dangyeol!" All the men and women saluted to the couple before breaking into a loud cheer. Si Jin and Mo Yeon blushed.

   "Shall we make this official now?" Si Jin whispered to her ear. Mo Yeon was so embarrassed that she had to close her eyes. Her cheeks were as red as a tomato.

   "How will you do that?" She managed to ask.

   "Like this–"

   Si Jin took her chin between his thumb and forefinger leaning in before kissing her by the lips. Mo Yeon felt her eyes opened wide in shock, but the feeling of joy filled her heart instantly. She remembered those taste of the lips pretty well, and she knew how to savour it. She tilted her head and kissed him back, letting him know that she would always be by his side, forever.

Descendants of The Sun: The Second Chapter

The End

Korean military ranks
Jungjang=Lieutenant General
Jungwi=First Lieutenant
Jungsa=Staff Sergeant

Romanised Korean Words & Expressions
Ne: Yes
Ani: No
Gomapta/ Gomawoyo: Thank you
Yah: Hey
Dangyeonhaji: Of course
Geumanhae: Stop it
Mwohaneungoya: What are you doing
Jinjja: Really
Uwah: Wow
Molla: I don't know
Abeoji: Father
Mianhae/ Mianhamnida: I'm sorry
Kamsahamnida: Also means Thank you
Geokjeonghajima: Don't worry
Sonsaeng: Mr/ Mrs/ Miss
Dangyeol: Salute
Yedera: Everyone
Omo: Oh my God

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