3 mosqueteras

By aquarius027

34.7K 1.1K 449

"Well well well, look what we have here if it isn't the three musketeers." Sneered Luke "It's mosqueteras as... More

Step right up
Run in with the boys
Maybe I did, maybe I didn't
Violence is the answer
What would Kevin do?
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Such a disgrace
Stake out
Explain yourselves!
Shrimp costume
There's a cop outside!
A kiss?
Prank wars
Prank gone wrong
Meeting grandma
Pink hair dye pt. 1
Pink hair dye pt. 2
Halloween party
Paint job
Water ballons
The room
Just trying to help
Dark Knights
Pirates and ghosts
Chrismas dinner
My fault
Count on me
Dinner party
Old friends
Buy some tacos!!
Fan boys
Cat's out of the bag
Well this is unexpected
Some cousin you are
You're going to race?!
The race
You're my family

Luke's past

615 18 10
By aquarius027

Thiea's P.O.V

Ok, before we began I would like to apologize for disappearing and not updating like I usually do. A lot has happened in the last few weeks, some were personal problems and the others were school. I am about to enter my junior year and it's gonna get crazy busy. So again I would like to apologize for not updating and I also wanted to make this chapter really special. My best friend lost her aunt do to cancer a few years ago.

"Oh boyfriend!!!" I sing as I step inside his house.

Ezra called me earlier saying that today Luke was gonna need me. I tried calling, but he never answered and when I called the guys they said that it was something personal that I need to talk with him.

So here I am, looking for him and opening door that I shouldn't, but I'm on a mission and that is to find my boyfriend.

"Boyfriend?" I ask as I peek my head in the kitchen. It's all empty.

I go upstairs and look in his bedroom. "Boyfriend?" Nope, still not there. I just sigh and was about to call Eran or Ezra to help, when I hear a piano playing downstairs.

I walk down and I follow the music to a white door, that looked like a closet door to me when I had first seen it. I open it slowly and I'm greeted by a huge room with 3 big windows and a grand sleek black piano and Luke playing it.

I am mesmerized by his playing, that I just lean by the door way and watch him play 2 more songs.

"That was incredible boyfriend." I tell him and I see him jump in his seat and quickly turn to me with his hand over his chest.

"Jesus Christ! Woman! You gave me a heart attack!" He glares

Now I glare and I go marching to him and smack him on the head.

"Ow! What was that for?" He pouts and rubs his head as I sit next to him.

"What have I said about putting the lords name in vain?" I scold.

He pouts even more and looks down. "To not do it."

****(Luke's P.O.V finally!!!)****

She really did scare the crap out of me, I wasn't expecting anyone to be at the house. Usually around this time of the year, I try to spend it alone. Today is my...my-uh my mom's death anniversary.

"Good lad." Smiled Thiea.

I just nod not knowing what to say. "I-uh, I've been practicing something." I stutter as I look down at the white and black keys.

"Really? What is it?" She asks and I turn to look at her. Her eyes light up with delight.

Ahhh, those eyes, that was the first thing I noticed when I ran into her. She has the most gorgeous dark blue eyes, that I can get lost in forever.

I hear her clear her throats and I see her blush. I shake my head and smirk at her, it's times like this when I enjoy knowing I made her blush.

"Well I have to play the song."

"Well, come on play!" She ushers like a kid excited.

I just laugh and start pressing the keys. I start playing her favorite song from 'Beauty and the Beast' the new version. She made my siblings and I go with her when it was out in theaters.

As I started playing I heard her humming along. Gosh she has an amazing voice, just like my mom. My mom 😔

I miss a key and I stop playing, oh my gosh I can't believe I forgot about my mom! I feel my left hand being lifted and placed on the right key I was supposed to hit.

"Luke, are you ok?" She whispered

I just stare at our hands frozen. My mom would do this for me when she was teaching me. I can't help stop the sob that escapes my throat. I throw my arms arms Thiea and start crying.

I feel her tense for a little bit and then relaxes and wraps her arms around me and runs one of her hands through my hair.

****(flashback Luke 7 years old)***

Oh man! I messed up again! I can never be as good as my mommy! I just huff out annoyed and cross my arms until I feel soft hands untangle my small arms and move my hand to the right direction.

"Luke darling why are you mad? It was just the last key you missed." Said a soft voice.

I feel tears collecting in my eyes. "Because, because I can never be as good as you." I pout.

I hear her chuckle softly and she sits next to me on the piano and lifts me up so I'm sitting on her lap. "Luke honey, you are absolutely wonderful at the piano, especially for a boy your age." She winks and she boops my nose.

"But...but I wanna be as good like you!" I whine. "I wanna be a great pianist like you mommy!"

"And you will!" She laughs lightly. "Mon chaton (my kitty) look at me." She says as she lifts my chin to look at her bright green eyes. "One day you'll grow up to be the greatest pianist there ever lived." She smiles warmly.

"You think so?"

"Oh I know so, now let's go bake some cookies and continue on your French, deal?" She negotiates.

"Deal!" I chirp and nod my head.

****(Luke 10 years old)****
"I can't lose you!" Shouted my father.

I clench my eyes tightly and lean closer on the door way and listen to my parents fighting again.

"And I want this baby! Robert darling, this child will be a great thing for us." Sighs my mother tiredly.

"But...your cancer! You're on stage 2 now! Do you know how high the risks are?!" He angrily shouts and paces the living room.

"I know the consequences, but I'm not about to give up this baby that was made out of pure love, just like our baby boy Luke."

My dad stops pacing and looks at my mother with a stern look, but you can see it crumbling away. My mother has always been his weakness.

"Why can't I ever say no to you?" He sighs as he slowly walks over to her and hugs her to him tightly.

"I love you so so so much Iris, I can't imagine a life without you in it." He whispers.

"And I love you so much soul mate, but if the day comes and I'm not here-"

She was cut off by my father. "Don't say that!"

She ignores him and continues on. "When I'm not here, I need you to take care of Luke and this baby. Please promise me!" She pleads desperately.

My dad opens and closes his mouth before he finally sighs and looks into her eyes. "I promise, my love." I see him hug her again and a tear rolling down his cheek.

I quickly get up from the stair I was sitting on and quickly run up the stairs and rush to my wiping my tears. I hate this! My mom and dad try to act like nothing is happening! Like I don't know that she has cancer!

I slam the door shut and throw myself on the bed and cry myself to sleep.

****( few months later)****

We've been waiting outside in the lobby to hear any news. And by we I mean Aiden and I are waiting for my dad to come get us. I found out that I'm gonna be a big brother to twins!

I feel really nervous, I hope I can be a good big brother. My mom thinks I can, but I'm pretty sure that's debatable.

"Luke! Aiden!" I hear my father shout and I snap my head to the right and see him with what doctors wear, when in surgery. "Quickly come!"

We get up from the couches and run down the hallway and into the door where my mother and siblings are. I see her smiling at the two bundles in her arms. One in a pink blanket and the other one in blue.

She looks up at me and smiles brightly. "Luke, Aiden, come meet Eran and Ezra." She whispers softly.

My dad goes around on her other side and me and Aiden get closer and look at the babies.

"Why are they pink?" Asks Aiden

My mom and dad just laugh.

"Yea, and squishy looking?" I ask

"You two were like that when you guys were born." Chuckles my dad.

Aiden gasps in horror. "What!? But my mom says I was a handsome baby!"

"She lied, and she still does." I smirk at him.

"You wanna fight O'Conner?!"

I was about to respond to his request when we hear fussy noises coming from the blankets. We both stop and look at them, they open their eyes and close them again.

"Would you guys like to hold them?" Asks my mom.

I start backing up"uh...I don't know mom." I gulp. "I feel like I'll drop them."

"Nonsense!" She laughs. "Even Aiden is a natural, and he's a klutz."

"Hey! Not cool Mrs. O not cool." He pouts as he carries my brother .

I hesitantly go and grab Ezra in my arms. I feel her squirming in my arms before she settles down. "Ahh!! It's moving! Mom!" I shout in panic.

"It's a she and she just wants to smuggle in her big brothers arms." Laughs my dad and he records everything.

"Dad! Stop recording and help!" I panic.

"Luke honey, don't worry. You are doing great, way better than your father when you were born." Says my mom

I look at her puzzled. "He almost dropped you when you were only 5 minutes old." She shrugs.

I look at my father horrified and i hear Aiden snickering in the back.

"Hey! I thought we said we wouldn't never tell him!" Pouts my dad.

My mom just laughs and shakes her head.

****(1 year later Luke 12 years old)****

I can't! I burst into tears as I see my mother in her bed looking pale and very weak. She lost her hair do to chemotherapy a few months ago, but she's still beautiful as always. Her green eyes a still bright and full of happiness.

"Luke, baby why are you crying? My mother whispered Horsley.

"Yo-you're leaving me m-m-mommy." I hiccup trying to stay strong for her.

"Oh my baby come here." She says as she opens her arms for me.

I run into her arms and snuggle my head in her neck and sob. "Please don't leave." I croak.

"Hey, no matter where you go, what you do I will always be there right here." She says as she point at my heart.

"B-but it won't ever be that same!" I cry louder. "I won't be able to talk to you! Laugh with you! B-bake with you! Why mommy?! Why do you have to leave?" I clutch onto her tighter.

I her her sniff a little. "Honey look at me." She pulls back and little and lifts my chin. "You can always talk to me whenever you need me ok?" She asks as her eyes water.


"No buts, those are for sitting." She laughs as she boops my nose. "Yes, I may not be able to answer you back, but I'll be there watching over you, and your brother and sister and especially your father." She laughs. "Last time we left him alone he locked himself in the bathroom eating the babies food."

I can't help but laugh with her. "There's that wonderful laugh I love." She smiles warmly. "Luke, I'm going to need you to be strong ok?" She pleads.

I just nod my head as the tears keep streaming down my cheeks.

"You are the man of the house now, ok? Take good care of your father and siblings for me k? " she says seriously.

"What? But why will my dad need to be looked after?" I ask clearly confused.

"Because, you are a smart boy and I trust you more than your dad in the kitchen." She says as she tickles me like she use to when I was a little kid. "I love you so much mon chaton." She whispered.

"And I love you too mommy." I say as I hug her tightly again.

"Never forget, I will forever love you my little miracle." She whispers and hugs me tighter to her.

****(age 13)****

I can't believe it, she's gone, like really gone. I'm carrying Ezra in my arms while Aiden is helping me with Eran.

My father can't help me right now, he's- he's taking this really bad. He hasn't been able to stop crying since my mom passed away. She only needed 2 more months for the twin's second birthday.

I just stare with a blank expression at the coffin in the cold ground covered in flowers. I slowly walk to the hole and throw slowly let go of the white rose. My mothers favorite.

I feel a hand come over my shoulder and I slowly look to my left and see Zayn. I met him this year when school started and I'm surprised his foster parents let him come.

"Here, I can hold the baby for you." He says as he take Ezra from me.

"If it's of any consolation, you can cry, I won't judge you. I cried when my parents died." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Yea, don't worry, we'll be here for you from now on. Right Zayn?" Asks Aiden as he carries a sleeping Eran.

I just look at my father and back at my mom. I close my eyes and concentrate really hard to see if I can feel her presence anywhere.

****( age 14, family night)****

Today marks her first year and it was always a tradition to have family night once a month on a Friday. We didn't do family night for a year and my dad decided that today would be the day.

We are all in the kitchen watching paranormal activity while my dad tries to make a pizza. My mom would usually cook all the time and I would help, but ever sense she left I stopped cooking.

That's why we had the help, help us with cooking basically.

"Ah shit the pizza!" Curses my dad while making a funny accent.

My dad comes back with a brunt pizza and looks depressed. "Uh...bon appétit." He says unsure.

Aiden starts laughing and then Zayn joins and I too laugh at my dads horrible pizza. He glares at us for a few before he joins us. Heck even the twins are laughing yet they don't know why.

Our laughter slowly dies and then it suddenly hits us. It's been a year since my mom left and a year since we all sat together and laughed.

"Your mother- uhh...she would uh...be really proud of you boys. All of you." Says my dad as he looks at the 3 of us. Even tho I share no blood with Zayn and Aiden, my mom considered them her sons too.

I smile weakly. "Thanks dad."

****( present)****

I was able to control my sobs and I just sniff and lift my head and give Thiea a sheepish smile. "Uhh- sorry I got tears on your shirt and saw me cry." I blush

She looks at me with a soft smile. "Hey it's ok that's what girlfriends are for right?" She winks at me. "Besides, I actually find it attractive when a guy isn't afraid to show his emotions."

"Now, why were you crying? Why did they say you needed me today?" She hesitantly asks.

I take a deep breath and look at her straight in the eyes. "My mother died of breast cancer on the 17th of January." I sigh. "Which is today."

I see her tense and sit up straight. "Oh Luke, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean- I uh-I didn't know." She looks down.

"Hey it's ok," I shrug "you didn't know"

We sit in silence before she takes my hand and leads me to a brown couch in the piano room. "Here lay down." She says as soon as she sits and places my head on her lap.

She starts running her hand through my hair. If I were a cat I would have purred. "Tell me more about her." She says softly.

"Well....what do you want to know?" I hesitantly ask.

I feel her shrug. "I don't know, what do you want me to know about her, she must have a wonderful woman to have raised a man like you."

I sigh and close my eyes. "She was....humm...well she was kind, funny, generous, unbelieving beautiful, and sarcastic." I laugh as I remember the many times my father would burn his tongue on hot food and she would say. 'Careful it's hot'

I feel Thiea hum and she continues to rake her fingers in my hair. "And most of all, she loved us so much." I sigh "she...uh...she was forgiving."

"What do you mean by that?" Asks Thiea

"My grandparents, my moms parents are strict old rich geezers, who never liked my dad. When she told them that she married him, they practically disowned her and kicked her out." I sigh sadly.

I feel her stop. "Wh-what? How could they do that?! That's just! UGH!!!!!" She huffs angrily

"Thankfully my dads parents took them in and helped them until they could do it on their own. But, back to the forgiving, when they found out about my mom's cancer they felt horrible and they came down a few months before my mom passed away. I got to finally meet them and so did the twins. Sadly, that was the only time I got to meet them because they died the following year too."

I hear sigh. "Oh Luke, my Lukey pokey."

I scowl at that nickname and sit up. "Never call me that again."

She looks at me amused. "And why not?"

"Because " I shudder. "Brittany would call me that, worse two weeks of my life."

Thiea burst out laughing. "I'm still angry at you for dating her, but by you being traumatized by her, I guess that makes a good punishment."

I just pout at her. "You're not fair."

"Hey, you were the one who wanted to do that. I never asked you to fake date Brittany, now did I?" She puts her hands in mock surrender.

"You know why I did it." I say bored.

"Well sucks to suck then." She giggled.

I just stare at her bored before I get a great idea.

"Eh-why are you looking at me like that?" She asks warily

I lunge for her and start tickling her.

"S-stop, p-p-please" she laughs. "Ahh, h-help."

"I won't stop until you say Luke is the most amazing and sexiest being alive." I tease.

"Rip me." She laughs.

I tickle her even more, before I hear the door slam shut.

"Younger siblings walking in, please be wearing clothes." Shouts Eran as he covers his eyes with his hand.

I stop ticking Thiea and she breathing hard. "Boy you are lucky he showed up, because I was about to kick you."

I roll my eyes at her and help her stand. "Eran you can uncover your eyes. We are both wearing our clothing."

"Thiea you're here!" Shouts my sister as she runs and hugs her.

"Hell yea, it's not a party until I walk in." She laughs.

I just laugh at the two most important girls in my life. I am so thankful for meeting Thiea.

"Now since I know both of you are tired from school, how about some....ICE CREAM!!" She shouts and jumps up and down.

"Isn't it bad to eat ice cream before eating dinner?" Asks Eran

"Pssh, never." Scoffs Thiea "so, on wards we go!!" She shouts as she starts marching out the door.

I see my siblings shrug their shoulders and follow pursuit. Eh, if you can't beat them, join them.


So we just bought the kids Ice cream and we are at the park. Luckily the snow has melted, but it's gonna snow soon again.

"Thiea check this out!" Shouts Ezra excitedly as soon as she get on the monkey bars and does a flip.

"EZRA GET OFF BEFORE YOU BREAK A BONE!" I shout as I stand up and accidentally drop my ice cream cone.

"MY ICE CREAM!!!!!" I wail

"Poor lukey pokey" sighs Thiea as she pats my back. "By the way, that was an awesome stunt dude!" She praises.

"No it wasn't! She could have hurt herself and my ice cream just died!" I shout as I motion to my broken cone and melting vanilla ice cream.

She just sighs and rolls her eyes at me. "Here you big baby." She hands me her cone.

"Wait what? You sharing your food?" Thiea never shares her food. "Wait a minute! Who are you and what have you done to my Thiea?!"

She just glares at me. "Boi, I will bitch slap you right here, right now." She threatens.

"Hhaha." I chuckle nervously "thank you."

She was about to say something before she sees someone. "Block-ay! Is that you?!" She asks excited.

Block-at? Why does that sound familiar?🤔 wait is that the boy from the other night?! I don't like him, he's part of Zac's gang.

I just glare at him as he hugs MY girlfriend. Once she steps back I pull her towards me and wrap my free arm around her waist.

I see her shaking her head and giggling a little, that causes a small smile appear on me.

"Hey T, how goes it?" Asks Blake

"Good, just hanging out with my boyfriend and his siblings. And you?" I feel happy when she says I'm her boyfriend, I never thought I could ever survive this long😅.

"I left the gang like you said." He shrugs his shoulders.

Left the gang? Bullshit, no one just leaves scot-free.

"Really that's great!!!" exclaims Thiea.

"What did you do?" I mutter

The kid snaps his head towards my direction. "What?"

"What did you do to leave?" I glare at him. "I mean Zac just doesn't let people go without doing something."

Blake glares at me and I feel Thiea turn slightly to the right and she places her left hand on my chest.

"Luke, please stop." She warns.

"Look dude, I don't owe you any explanations." He growls as he tries to get in my face.

Ha, nice try kid I over tower you. I start leaning down on the child, before I hear Ezra yelling again.

"Hey guys check this!" We all snap our heads towards her and see she doing a handstand on the freaking monkey bars. Then she does a backwards flip and lands perfectly.

"Ezra!" I panic

I hear her laughing like a madwoman. "I'm totally fine big brother." She looks at us and sees Blake star struck and he's doing the same.

"W-who are you?" He awes

"The name is Ezra, and you?" She asks as she walks closer and shakes his hand.

"I'm uh...my name is- what's my name?" He says confused and I see him blushing.

I hear Thiea giggling and she answers for him. "His name is Blake."

I just scowl at this interaction. "Ezra, stop touching him!" I warn as I step away from Thiea and grab my little sister. "We don't know where he's been." I glare as I push her behind me.

"Hey! I'm clean you bast-" Blake was cut off by Thiea

"Wow, ok boys we get it you're both pretty. Now, Blake this is Ezra, Ezra this is Blake an old friend of mine."

"Nice to meet you." She says politely from behind me.

"Come on children we are leaving." I growl and glare at Blake.

"Wait! No! I uhh...I mean." Blake blushes

"Wow, what's going on here?" Asks a confused Eran.

Thiea smirks. "Ezra found her zing." She winks.

It takes me a moment to process what she said. Oh no! Oh nooo! Zing as in from hotel Transylvania. Mavis and Johnny were each other's zing.

"Hell no!" I shout.

"Hey! I'm 12 years old I can-" I interrupt her

"Exactly 12! And he's 16! He's in freaking high school and you're in middle school!" I huff angrily.

"Luke I can decide who my friends are thank you very much!" She shouts back.

"He doesn't want to be your friend! He's just a pedophile!" I try to reason.

"Hey! Watch your mouth Luke!" Sneered Blake.

"Ok! Everyone shut the fuck up before I  tell bad dad jokes!" She threatens

We all gasp. "You wouldn't dare." I glare.

"Try me bitch." She smirks.

I sigh defeated. "Fine"

"Ok, now Blake if you ever need anything you know where my old house is and don't worry I will arrange a play date for you and Ezra." She teases.

"Hey I'm not a kid anymore." He blushes.

"Oh really?" Thiea cocks her hip to the side."let me call your momma then."

"Nooooo! Please don't!" He begs

She just laughs. "Relax kiddo, I won't."

"Hey! Hello big brother over here!" I motion with my hands. "Yea, I don't want him anywhere near Ezra."

"Luke, you do release we won't be little kids for long do you?" Asks Eran.

"Who's side are you on?! You're her big brother by 5 minutes!"

"Aye! You act like Blake will hurt her!" Shouts Thiea "

"He was in Zac's gang! How can I not?!" I shout and throw my hands in the air.

"Luke! I've known Blake since he was a little kid! And I also use to be part of Zac's gang!"

I was about to shout before I froze. She use to be in Zac's gang? What? How come she never told me?

"What?" I whisper

She looks down in shame. "I use to be part of that gang, and I-I-uhh knew Zac."

"Why did you never tell me?" I ask calmly, trying so hard not to get mad.

"I was going to tell you." She says sheepishly

"And what's stopping you!"

"Hey! Don't yell at me! And I was waiting to tell you and the guys together!" She shouts frustrated.

"Fine! Then let's call them right now! And get this over with!" I yell as I take my phone out.

"Uhhh....like right now?" She hesitantly ask as the children keep looking between us.

"Yes now, why? Is something going on today?" I ask curious.

"My uhhh...grandmother needs me to go over to the house at 9 today so......"

I look at my watch and see it's 4:57. "We got plenty of time." I cross my arms.

"No not really, the story I'm about to you is very long and I need way more time. Tomorrow." She sighs and shakes her head.


"Yes, tomorrow you and the guys shall now my secret." She says determined

I nod my head. "Ok, fine tomorrow it is then"

She smiles brightly at me and runs and hugs me tightly. "Thanks Lukey pokey."

I groan and warp my arms around her. "Yea, yea."

Tomorrow I shall find out how and why Thiea knows Zac.

Again!!! I am so so sorry for not updating in a very long time 😬. I really wanted to make this a good chapter, because it's Luke's POV and we finally get to know what happened to his mom.
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter 🙏

Till next time peace ✌️

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