The Jeweled Spider (RWBY - Sp...

By NiceGameEh

178K 1.8K 2.5K

What happens when team RWBY of Beacon Academy is sent to deal with Roman Torchwic and finds it already taken... More

A/N Start of Something New
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
A New Job
Two Sides, Same Coin Part 1
Two Sides, Same Coin Part 2
Two Sides, Same Coin Part 3 (Venom Arc Finale)
Final Notice - Voting
Awkward Explanations
A/N Decisions
The Black Cat
Family Problems
Sorry A/N Note
Greed and Pride
Wrath and Vain
The Doctor
The Demonstration Disaster
Doc Ock
A Fight With An Octopus
The Goblin
The Vytal Tournament
A Hero Falls
Happy Halloween!

1K Read Special!

6.2K 81 157
By NiceGameEh


Hey guys! So we got to just over 1k reads! Didn't think it would come this soon, I just started after all. I realize I'm a little late to the punch but I've been busy with all sorts of things and I'm going camping soon. So this will be a follow up to last episode and will be cannon. Just because it's a special doesn't mean I'm doing some crazy non cannon one shot. It will be where Spider-Man's and Black Cat's/Y/N's and Blake's relationship starts to go somewhere. Enjoy!


It had been a week since Adam died, I was still getting used to the symbiote in me. It hadn't made any attempts to take over or make me tremendously homicidal, but I could still feel the power it gave me, even without the suit on.

I was walking out of the cafeteria at Beacon and heading to Professor Port's Class after having breakfast. On my way there, I bumped into Blake.

Blake: Oh, hey Y/N. What's up.

Y/N: Just going to class. Not like I'll learn much though, Port just seems to ramble about how 'great' he was in his youth.

Blake: Hehe, yeah, he doesn't seem all that interested in teaching us about Grimm... Hey, are... are you doing anything after school today?

Y/N: Not really, I was thinking about heading into Vale and checking out a weapon... shop... Oh shit.

Blake: Huh? What is it?

Y/N: I'm gonna die... Glynda's gonna kill me. I still need to make my weapon! I completely forgot!

Blake: I remember, you said you didn't have one when you got here.

Y/N: I hate to ask, but could you come with me? I could use some help picking out the parts.

Blake: Uh, s-sure. I-I'll just have to see if my team can manage without me for the night.

Y/N: Awesome! I'll meet you in the courtyard after school. Message me if you cant make it.

She nodded and we walked into Port's class. We took our seats and the rest of team RWBY walked in, just barely making it in time as usual. We sat through the lesson and, as expected, he just bragged about his youth. After that, we all headed to Professor Goodwitch's class. When we got there my chest tightened and it got hard to breath. Ms. Goodwitch was giving me a death glare as I walked in and I knew it was because she knew I still had no weapon.

Goodwitch: Ok, to start off today, I would like Y/N and team CRDL to face off. If you would please go get your gear and return to the ring.

I left and saw team CRDL all smirking. I knew they though I would have no chance, but they don't know me or anything about how I fight. I also had one ace up my sleeve, the symbiote. I could change into it and give it a different appearance with the training I went through. I put on my cloak over my armor and headed into the ring. (Below but no gun)

I had to destroy the other armor to convince team RWBY it was the armor that made me so hostile before when I almost killed Cardin. But the new armor I had made was super light weight and much more durable. I only added the cloak because it looked badass, but I improved it by giving it a layer of Kevlar for a light shielding that was easy to get to in battle. I stood across the arena from CRDL and Cardin spoke up.

Cardin: You'll pay for what happened last time punk.

Y/N: Hope you can take me. I've been needing a challenge.

We got into position and Goodwitch counted us down. When she got to zero, I sprinted to the edge of the area and took Dove and Sky with me while Russel and Cardin stayed back. I expected Sky to give me some pressure and he didn't disappoint. He rushed me with a flurry of swipes and stabs from his halberd, giving no room for error, all the while, Dove tried to flank. I waited until the perfect moment and lined the two up just right for me to jump and watch as they struck each other with all their force.

Cardin and Russel seemed annoyed by this and both rushed me. Their attacks were fast, but telegraphed to the point where anyone could see them coming and dodge, even without a spider sense. I expected Russel to cower away after a while but he kept going, as did Cardin. I was getting bored as they hadn't hit me once, but I couldn't hit them and end it without using the symbiote.

Y/N: *While dodging* Guess I got sloppy.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes while still dodging and opened them again. I roared and shot the two back, the whole class starting to get concerned. I did this once before and it ended with Cardin in the hospital for a bit, so everyone was a little paranoid about the monster traits I gave off. 

Venom: We'll have to deal with you quickly. 

I smirked under my helmet, which was now a dark purple with black and white accents. I decided to mess with them at bit, so I let out an inhumane roar. As funny as it was to see Cardin cowering in fear at the all too familiar sight, I realized it might draw unwanted attention from the others. As in the kind where the teacher gets up and prepares to stop the fight at the drop of a hat.

I put up my hand and turn to Ms. Goodwitch.

Venom: We have control, No one will die today professor. But he'll feel thisss in the morning!

I added some death and hiss in my voice at the end to scare Cardin as I walked up to him. I raised my hand and formed a fist punching towards Dove, knocking him out instantly. I then looked at Cardin and sent a punch towards him.

Venom: Have fun straitening your nose Winchester! 

My fist made contact and he was shot into the ground unconscious. I returned my suit to normal as Ms. Goodwitch stuttered, addressing me as the winner. I was about to leave before I was surrounded by team RWBY and Ms. Goodwitch.

Yang: What the hell Y/N!? I thought you got rid of that armor thing!

Weiss: Yeah! Why did you do the same with this one!?

Goodwitch: You put team CRDL's lives in danger! How could you not learn from last time you used that feature!?

Ruby and Blake just looked at me with sadness and confusion as I decided to make something up about the symbiote.

Y/N: W-well, you see... I recreated the function in this armor as a separate piece. I'm in complete control, you all heard me say no one would die, and look! They're all in the red! No lower no higher. So I roared and hissed, big deal. It's called intimidation, scare your opponent. My goal was to get them to concede, but he's too stubborn.

Ruby: But what if you lose control!? What happens then!? Are you going to 'intimidate' us too!?

I felt my eye twitch.

Blake: She's right, what if something goes wrong? What then?

I felt my fist tighten.

Goodwitch: I wont have you using that sort of animal behavior in this school!

I snapped.

Y/N: Well sorry for being a freak! It wasn't my choice! You think I wanted this!?

They all flinched and looked at me with looks that told me they had questions. I realized that I had told them about the symbiote, but not in a way that would give it away immediately. Before they could ask me anything else.

Blake's POV

We all watched as Y/N left. I could tell that we were confused, but I didn't know what to do, so I just stood there with the others.

Goodwitch: C-class is now dismissed.

Timeskip - Beacon Roof

Once classes were out, me and the rest of the team all went around looking for Y/N. After his outburst in class, we were all worried about him. Ruby went into Emerald Forest, Yang went into town and Weiss is looking around the school grounds while I checked the roof. I was thinking over what he said before he left.

Blake: What did he mean freak? 

Suddenly I heard something behind me. I turned around and froze, a purple and white figure perched on the edge of the roof behind me.

Venom: You're looking for someone?

Blake: V-Venom!? Y-yeah, I'm looking for a friend.

Venom: The boy? 

Blake: His name is Y/N. And I don't know where he went...

Venom: He has left, gone into the city. We talked to him. He is in pain, and seeks someone who can help, an old man by the name of Stan. You will find him there, or not find him at all.

Blake: What!? Where is this, Stan!? 

Venom: A small obscure comic shop in downtown Vale. You must find him. When you do, help him.

Blake: Why do you know this? How do you know Y/N?

Venom: The boy takes photos of us for your news. We know him as a friend and we saved him from a mugging not long ago.

A mugging? Y/N didn't mention that, how much is he hiding? Before I could ask Venom anything else, he jumped off the roof and started to swing into Vale. I decided to take his advice and head into town to find this comic stand he mentioned. 

Timeskip - Comic Stand

After lots of searching, I finally found the comic place Y/N was supposed to be visiting. I walked in and saw that no one was inside, except for the old man at the counter.

Old Man: Hey, welcome! How can I help you?

Blake: Uh, I'm looking for someone. 

Old Man: Well, what's their name? I know everyone who comes in here.

Blake: A guy named Y/N. 

Old Man: Oh yes! Y/N's a regular here, always stopping by to chat with old Stan.

Blake: Is he here?

Stan: Yes, he's just in the back room. 

I thank Stan and go into the back room. It was a lot bigger than I thought, but I noticed a loud noise around the corner. The crashing sound was accompanied by a familiar voice cursing. I rushed around the corner and found Y/N on the ground, a box of comics had fallen on him and he was pushing them off and putting them back. I took another step and he tensed up, turning around to face me. 

Y/N: B-Blake? What are you doing here?

Blake: What do you mean!? I've been looking all over town for you! So have everyone else! What happened earlier!?

Y/N: ...

Blake: Y/N... let me help you. What's wrong?

Y/N: I... I can't say. 

Blake: Trust me.

Y/N mumbled something and I could barely make out a few words. Something about coming from and... a cat?

Blake: Cat?

Y/N: W-what!? N-no, I didn't say... how did you-

Blake: Faunus hearing, remember? Now what about a cat?

Y/N: N-nothing...

Blake: I'll keep bugging you, what did you say?

Y/N: Fine! I said 'That's rich coming from the Black Cat!'

I froze. How... how could he have know. I had only been the Black Cat for a little while and the only one who knew I was the Black Cat was... Spider-Man. No way... it couldn't be.

Blake: Y-Y/N, are you... Spider-Man?

Y/N: W-what!? I-I... *sigh* I am.

I stood there, my jaw hanging open. I couldn't believe it, Y/N... Spider-Man.

Blake: So when you had that outburst... you were talking about the symbiote?

Y/N: No... I was talking about my powers. I don't really have a bunch of semblances, I haven't even tapped into my actual semblance. The whole multiple semblance thing was just a cover.

Blake: So then you thought because of your powers, that you were a freak?

Y/N: Yes... and you guys didn't exactly help by pissing me off.

Blake: I-I'm sorry... I didn't think...

There was an awkward silence between us before I started to walk away. Before I could get around the corner, Y/N shot a web at my waist and pulled me back, holding me as I put my hands on his shoulders and looked in his eyes. I felt my face heat up as we stared into eachothers eyes. After what seemed like hours, Y/N began to pull me closer. I closed my eyes and leaned forward and then...

Stan: Hey you two! What's taking so-

We both stared at Stan, our faces red from embarrassment until we realized we were inches away from each other. We quickly separated and looked away slightly from each other.

Stan: Sorry for interrupting, but someone's here for you. A few girls.

Blake: M-must be the others.

Y/N: Y-yeah, probably met with Venom too.

Blake: Wait, that wasn't you!?

Y/N: No, it was a piece of Venom. I sent him out to make sure you guys were ok after I ran off.

Third Person POV

Blake and Y/N walked out of the back room to meet with Ruby, Weiss and Yang. When they got out, Weiss started to yell at Y/N for running off without saying anything.

Weiss: Do you have any idea how long we were looking for you!? I must have checked every room in the school!

Yang: I checked every bar in town trying to find you! I destroyed a few too and now I've got a bunch if people looking to get me!

Y/N: What made you think I would go to a bar? I'm 17 and not like you, miss 'I drink even though I'm too young'.

Yang: Hey!

Ruby: I had to fight and run from what felt like a few hundred Grimm! And you were here in a comic store!?

Y/N: Hehe, nice to know you care. How'd you guys find me?

Weiss: Of course! What were you thinking, sending that monster to find us! And why so vague!?

Y/N: Heh, I didn't send him, he must have just seen me and knew something was wrong.

This was of course a lie, but only Y/N and Blake knew that. They all went back to Beacon and by the time they got there, it was night time and they needed to head to their dorms and get some sleep. It was a Friday night so they had tomorrow off, a day that Y/N and Blake would be using to go out on a date- I mean get parts for his weapon so Goodwitch doesn't kill him.


Hey guys! So that was the 1k read special! Staring the ever great, never dying, Stan Lee! And of course, he would be the cock block. Don't worry though! They'll hook up soon... very soon. *Forshadowing intensifies* Anyways, I'll be back with this story on Monday when I'm back from camping. Signing off!

- Iain

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